IRC log for #asterisk on 20210208

00:12.19*** join/#asterisk TulaZula (TulaZula@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/tulazula)
00:15.14*** join/#asterisk aoeui (~aoeui@unaffiliated/aoeui)
00:27.04*** join/#asterisk CaptainShell (
01:21.22*** join/#asterisk ghoti (
02:54.51*** join/#asterisk tsal_ (
03:34.50*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
03:42.40*** join/#asterisk electronic_eel (~quassel@
05:07.35*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
06:26.35*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
07:47.36*** join/#asterisk akp55 (
08:08.08*** join/#asterisk dupondje (
08:40.32*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
09:25.19*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
09:59.06*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
10:36.03*** join/#asterisk sekil (
10:52.13*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
11:10.49*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
12:05.48*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
12:06.20*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
12:26.02*** join/#asterisk Ner0Zer0 (~Ner0Zer0@
13:27.55*** join/#asterisk csavinovich_ (sid296765@gateway/web/
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13:29.52*** join/#asterisk gregs (sid160074@gateway/web/
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13:31.48*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (X-Rob@gateway/web/
13:49.37*** join/#asterisk idtentee (sid101023@gateway/web/
13:59.10*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
14:09.39*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn (
14:21.11*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
14:22.02*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:1748:fad4:7260:31e8:72ce:9e35:dab8)
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15:14.17*** mode/#asterisk [+o kharwell] by ChanServ
15:34.27*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
16:12.42*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
16:15.04igcewieling"According to the Verizon portal, FTTI is not available on the 1st floor, it is only available in the Basement and 2nd floor."
16:30.06SamotMy take is either A) Those are the two spots you can draw from or B) No one on the first floor has service so nothing is built out there.
17:20.46igcewielingFYI, Google TTS supports generating SLN16 audio with a WAV/RIFF header.   If the file extension is .wav, Asterisk complain about an unsupported bitrate.   If the file extension is .sln16 there is a little blip at the beginning of audio playback.     It would be nice if Asterisk detected the 44 byte wav header and remove it when playing back.
17:21.24igcewielingCurrently I remove the extra bytes with the script I use to download the audio before saving the data.
18:01.44*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
18:25.35*** join/#asterisk gregs (sid160074@gateway/web/
18:45.36*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
19:35.50*** join/#asterisk forgotmynick (uid24625@gateway/web/
19:52.27*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
20:04.07*** join/#asterisk ghenry (~ghenry@openldap/ghenry)
20:04.20ghenryAnyone in the UK looking for a change? I have an opening at SureVoIP -
20:13.22*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
20:28.29*** join/#asterisk ilius (
21:24.29*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
21:45.27*** join/#asterisk akp55 (
22:23.57*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
22:52.10*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
23:01.49*** join/#asterisk elguero (
23:04.11*** join/#asterisk csavinovich_ (sid296765@gateway/web/
23:06.13*** join/#asterisk pppingme (~pppingme@unaffiliated/pppingme)
23:07.16*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
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23:10.19*** join/#asterisk hfb (~hfb@
23:15.54*** join/#asterisk catphish (~charlie@unaffiliated/catphish)
23:17.46catphishi have another question around asterisk/kamailio setups: if one uses kamailio as a proxy between UAs and aserisk, and doing registrations, how does one usually identify which UA is sending an INVITE once it reaches asterisk? would kamilio rewrite something, or add a header when doing auth?
23:19.43*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
23:37.05SamotAll I do is just rewrite the domain:port part.
23:38.23SamotINVITE comes in, I do all my checks and at the end the $du is updated to route to the active PBX.
23:38.43SamotAnd I rewrite the ruri as well.
23:40.09Samotcatphish: For the most part, just like Asterisk, Kamailio is a blank slate. It does what it is told to do.
23:40.29*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
23:41.24catphishSamot: i think what i'm probably interested in is the from address (ie callerid), so furi and possibly friends like PAID
23:41.51SamotOK so you just do something like:
23:41.56catphishas a simple example, i'd like a UA to be able to dial a number to retrieve voicemail without authentication
23:42.10catphishso asterisk needs to know reliably which authenticated user is dialing
23:42.13Samot$fu = $_s($var(username)@$var(domain):$var(port));
23:42.20SamotI do that too.
23:42.44SamotWell there's more to that just the user
23:42.51catphishthanks, that looks a lot like i was expecting <3
23:43.04SamotThe INVITE will be authed by Asterisk, but you need to deal with the rest in dialplan.
23:43.18catphishauth'd in what way?
23:43.31catphishi was expecting asterisk not to authenticate anything
23:43.41SamotWell it needs to associate to an endpoint.
23:43.52SamotBe it by user/domain, IP or another header.
23:44.33SamotSo on Asterisk I have an endpoint called [yxzendpoint]
23:44.37catphishinteresting, i was mistakenly under the impressing it would always associate with a "kamailio" endpoint rather than being able to match per-user
23:44.46SamotIf I auth by user/domain, I need the from user to be xyzendpoint
23:45.05SamotWell if you want to do things over a standard endpoint you can.
23:45.25catphishi'm not sure which i want yet, but good to know it's possible both ways
23:45.46SamotI do it per user/endpoint because I can then add/control things in asterisk based on the endpoint.
23:45.50catphishit might be useful to have kamailio set the from header according to its password auth check, then have asterisk trust that
23:46.03catphishyeah, that may be much better
23:46.21catphishi'll look more closely at pjsip's matching options

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