IRC log for #asterisk on 20210205

00:30.40*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@
00:34.14Kobazendpoint_identifier_order is not per endpoint
00:34.15Kobazwhich makes sense
00:49.57Kobazokay so...  endpoint_identifier_order                  : username,ip,anonymous
00:50.36Kobazand then pjsip stops checking once it hits an ip
00:50.37Kobazwhich seems wrong
00:54.18KobazIn theory this should be straight-forward... to check users first and then ips
00:55.51*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
00:56.58KobazYeah basically... the same thing i'm running into. the identifier is quite limited
00:57.15SamotKobaz: Sorry, there is a per endpoint option.
00:57.32KobazSamot: are the docs wrong?
00:57.49SamotNo, I was.
00:58.02SamotYes, there is a global setting for that and yes there is a per endpoint setting for it.
00:58.53Kobaz....One of the identifiers is "auth_username" which
00:59.42Kobazthat's just talking about the identifiers though?
00:59.50Kobaznot an option to endpoint_identifier_order?
00:59.57Kobazor is it
01:00.02Kobaztrys something
01:02.17Kobazasterisk still sending a 404 not found
01:02.54KobazWhat happens is... core debug, pjsip is showing that it's trying to match identifiers, which by definition is by IP
01:03.23Kobazthere's nothing in the logs saying it's trying any username auth, but maybe there's no logging for that (it could still be trying, but it doesn't look like it)
01:03.45Kobazi may have to dig and add debugging
01:04.22Kobazand ideally, it should continue searching for an identifier if it matches an ip but the rest of it fails
01:04.48SamotKobaz: What do you want to match against?
01:04.50Kobazbecause i have many, many situations where there's more than one endpoint with the same ip
01:04.59KobazI want to match against username and then fall back to ip
01:05.17Kobazso it has to match the ip AND username
01:05.46Kobazthat doesn't work
01:06.13SamotThen you need to do ip
01:06.19SamotAnd use the match_header option
01:06.33Kobazmatching by ip is not an option
01:06.44Kobazit needs to register to a username, like it can in chan_sip
01:06.48SamotIP makes the identity happen.
01:06.56SamotI just said username,ip
01:06.59SamotYou said that doesn't work
01:07.00*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
01:07.03KobazI don't have an identity yet... it's not registered
01:07.07KobazRight, it doesn't work
01:07.14SamotSo it doesn't work why?
01:07.18SamotIt's not matching a username?
01:07.27KobazDevice at is registering to the endpoint called 'foo'
01:07.40KobazWell it just so happens that is also an identity for something entirely different
01:07.47Kobazan endpoint called 'bar'
01:07.59SamotSo which endpoint should this device use?
01:08.12SamotKobaz: I have thousands of users coming from Kamailio.
01:08.14Samot1 IP
01:08.18Kobazif there's a registration from to endpoint 'foo' and it matches the password, it should use 'foo'
01:08.21SamotI use the username to auth against.
01:08.33KobazOkay, are there other options that need to be turned on?
01:08.42Kobazother than username,ip?
01:08.55SamotI have the order username,ip
01:08.55KobazOkay, then it's not working
01:09.05SamotAll the requests come from the same IP
01:09.09Samotthousands of users
01:09.14SamotAll matching is against the username
01:09.25SamotSo show what you have.
01:09.27KobazDo you also have a 'static' endpoint also pointing to the same username
01:09.38SamotWhat do you mean a static endpoint?
01:09.46KobazI have accepts_registrations endpoints... AND  an endpoint with hosts=
01:09.48SamotI have static contacts in AORs for sending requests
01:10.01Kobazremote_hosts=, sorry
01:10.03SamotThere is no host= setting in PJSIP
01:10.23Kobazwhat is happening here, is the matching is stopping at the endpoint that has remote_hosts=
01:10.26SamotSEnding requests to a contact is done via AORs.
01:10.37KobazI don't have an AOR yet, the device cannot register
01:11.01KobazI don't have a contact... the device cannot register... i don't have an identify... the device.... you see where this is going
01:11.01filethe From username based identifier is littered with log messages, and if you changed the identifier order a restart has to occur for it to apply
01:11.01SamotNo AOR, no registration
01:11.18SamotYou need to create an endpoint
01:11.22SamotYou need to create an AOR
01:11.32SamotYou need an AOR section
01:11.35Kobazregistration creates the AOR on successful registration
01:11.35SamotFor the endpoint to use
01:11.44SamotYou need an AOR section
01:11.53SamotIt will create a CONTACT upon registration
01:12.04SamotThe endpoint has an aors= setting
01:12.12SamotThat needs to point to the AOR section that you create
01:12.26SamotThat tells it how many contacts can be registered
01:12.35SamotIf it should remove existing contacts
01:12.41SamotWhat the qualifier is
01:12.45SamotWhat mailboxes to subscriber to
01:12.46KobazRight, contacts.  I'm thinking of contacts
01:12.52SamotYes, you are.
01:12.52KobazI'm using the wizard to make the endpoint
01:12.57SamotSo you need an AOR
01:13.06Kobazyes, I have an aor
01:13.17SamotAnd you need to make an identity section
01:13.28SamotThose three things are required for using ip / header matching
01:13.38SamotAnd doing registration
01:13.54SamotOh and the auth section
01:13.57SamotSorry, 4 things
01:13.58Kobazright all that's done
01:14.02SamotYou need an inbound auth section
01:14.06Kobazby the wizard
01:14.08SamotEndpoint, AOR, Auth
01:14.08KobazI have all that
01:14.18SamotPlus the Identity if you want to limit by IP/header
01:14.28KobazOkay let me do an experiment
01:14.32fileKobaz: did you restart Asterisk after changing the identifier order?
01:14.48Kobazfile: yes, but i also noticed if you have allow restart, you don't need to restart as well
01:15.07Kobazlet me do an experiment real quick
01:15.07SamotDoing allow_reload=yes in the transports can be bad.
01:15.21filethat has nothing to do with identifier ordering.
01:15.33SamotAlso that
01:15.35KobazEveryone says that, but i've never run into a situation where it broke something, maybe i'm special
01:15.43KobazAnyway, let me do my experiment
01:15.49fileyou're not special, it's a race condition as to whether it will or not
01:16.52Kobazit works
01:17.02Kobazif i remove my 'bar' endpoint that has an identify for
01:17.05Kobazi can register the endpoint
01:17.27Kobazbecause the device is also coming from, that's trying to link up to an endpoint that accepts_registration
01:17.47Kobazthis is what my theory was... the matching stops when it hits the ip in identify, even though the auth doesn't match at all
01:18.51Kobazit's a limitation in the matching
01:19.02KobazNow it's matching on username
01:19.04KobazBefore it wasn't
01:19.39KobazSo this is why the option doesn't work    (endpoint_identifier_order                  : username,ip)
01:19.44Kobazfor my use case
01:21.26KobazSo... correct me if I'm wrong.  But I think the solution here is... when finding a matching identify, and we have failed auth... continue to match until it finds something, including usernames
01:21.39fileyou didn't have failed auth
01:21.51fileyou had a REGISTER attempt that was rejected
01:22.29Kobazwell, i suppose fail auth is not entirely correct.  It just... found something that kind of matched.. checked it further and then gave up, not found
01:23.07Kobazit matched the ip, but nothing else it.. halt matching
01:23.30fileI can not reproduce your issue
01:23.52fileI leave it at the default, it matches by IP first
01:24.01fileI set "endpoint_identifier_order=username,ip,anonymous" in the global section, restart Asterisk, it matches based on username
01:24.49Kobazhmm okay
01:25.09Kobazi've done so many restarts and config changes, let me start over... clean restart and "endpoint_identifier_order=username,ip,anonymous
01:26.13Kobazit does work
01:26.13SamotKobaz: Your endpoints don't need outbound_auth
01:26.24KobazSamot: yeah, that's from my config generator, that's on the list
01:26.39Kobazfile: thanks for checking my sanity
01:26.49Kobazit was confusing because... pjsip show settings: endpoint_identifier_order                  : username,ip
01:27.02Kobazand it wasn't working... so that time there must not have been a full restart
01:28.02KobazOkay so... I think in the future, it would be great if you did have ip,username,anonymous... and there WAS an ip match, and it's not 'fully matched'... it should continue on to the usernames, instead of giving a 404
01:28.58SamotWhat do you mean fully matched?
01:29.12KobazWhatever conditions would cause a 404 to be thrown
01:29.13SamotIt's not a match this and that type thing.
01:29.56KobazLike... I have this other endpoint 'bar', that has remote_hosts=
01:30.11Kobazand my device is trying to register from to the endpoint 'foo'
01:30.20Kobazfoo has accepts_registrations
01:30.22Kobazbut bar does not
01:30.43Kobazso bar, with the Contact already staticly set... is matched due to
01:31.01Kobazthat's what i mean by 'fully matched'
01:31.22Kobazwhatever the rule is that's saying, no-go... it should not completely bail matching because it hit the first matching ip address rule
01:31.48*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn (
01:32.14SamotSo it matched against bar.
01:32.30SamotBar doesn't have inbound_auth or a registration section set.
01:32.41Kobazso then the matching is done
01:32.42SamotBar doesn't accept registrations. What's the problem?
01:32.50SamotBecause it matched on IP
01:33.09KobazWouldn't it be useful... to say okay, it matched the ip there, but it's not a 'solid match'
01:33.26Kobazkeep going until you either 1) exhaust the list, or 2) find a better match
01:33.27SamotSo you want to match on IP AND do auth
01:33.38Kobazbut not for that endpoint
01:33.55SamotYou setup an identity to match this IP and associate that match to X endpoint.
01:34.09SamotThere is no other "let's keep moving because it didn't do registration"
01:34.13Kobazi'm registering... so obviously 'bar' that has no inbound_auth and no registration section, is not a good match
01:34.18SamotThat could just mean the endpoint is misconfigured.
01:34.30KobazI understand there is no 'lets keep moving'
01:34.36KobazI think that would be useful
01:34.39fileno, because better is relative and that means different packets could match differently and be a headache, it would also overly complicate the code
01:34.40SamotThere is no better match
01:34.42SamotThat IS the match
01:35.03KobazI'm not saying make it a default
01:35.26KobazBut in this case, say you primarilly want to match on ip, so go for it, and then allow for rollover matching
01:35.27fileand handlers of packets would likely need changing
01:35.34SamotWhat rollover?
01:35.44SamotWhat is a rollover matching?
01:35.48Kobazi renamed my 'better matching' to 'rollover'
01:35.54Kobazbecause yes, better is subjective
01:36.06SamotI have an Identity section, it says match on X IP
01:36.13SamotAnd use Y endpoint.
01:36.18SamotA request came from X IP, it matched.
01:36.25KobazNot exaxtly
01:36.26SamotWhere is there a need for rollover?
01:36.28KobazNot in my use cast
01:36.29SamotIt matched
01:36.47fileit did because the configuration explicitly made it match
01:36.48KobazIt came from that ip, and it's a REGISTER
01:36.49SamotYou can't have 100 of devices from the same IP use IP to match on.
01:37.04SamotThat's not what Identify is for.
01:37.20KobazBUT. there's overlap, right... some other device, on that IP, needs to match on that ip
01:37.24SamotThe fact the endpoint it matches against doesn't do registration is totally different.
01:37.32Kobazbut things that register, should register to their endpoints, not match the ip
01:37.32SamotYou can't do that
01:37.35SamotAt all
01:37.40KobazI understand you can't do that
01:37.47SamotA match on an IP is a match on an IP
01:37.57KobazI'm just getting feedback on... should I invest the time to add support for this as a general use case
01:38.12SamotIf you have 5 devices behind the same IP and 5 different endpoints, you cannot match based on IP
01:38.23KobazPlaying devils advocate here, saying there could very well be a good use for it
01:38.37fileI see it adding complexity with very little usage and just being more code to maintain personally speaking
01:38.39SamotSo it should match on TWO things.
01:38.47Kobazfile: Okay thanks
01:38.48SamotIt becomes IP AND user
01:39.24SamotYou basically want Identity to ignore the endpoint= setting
01:39.30KobazA whole complex matching system: a-la would definitely add complexity
01:40.21KobazSamot: ignore the endpoint= if there's another way to get to an endpoint
01:40.29Kobazie: one that accepts registrations
01:40.52SamotSo it needs to then search by what?
01:40.57Samotthe username?
01:41.19SamotWhy aren't you just matching on username?
01:41.29SamotWhy does it need to match on username and IP?
01:41.38Kobazbecause.... why not?
01:42.02SamotUse Kamailio.
01:42.10KobazMy use case could very well be uncommon for asterisk
01:42.22KobazI have tons of things like test trunks all coming and going to the same boxes
01:42.34SamotThat's no uncommon for Asterisk
01:42.37Kobazand it's matched by username in chan_sip
01:42.46SamotPeople, like me, just realize more is needed to make it work with Asterisk
01:42.49SamotLike Kamailio
01:42.49Kobazand then in various situations, i have other endpoints that need to register
01:43.01Kobazall from the same IP
01:43.15SamotAll my users come from Kamailio to Asterisk
01:43.17Kobazso, as of right now, username,ip seems to work
01:43.23SamotI use username to match them.
01:43.27SamotEasy peasy
01:43.30SamotNo problems.
01:43.34KobazAnd cheezy
01:43.43SamotI could also use match_header
01:43.46Kobazand lemon squeezy
01:43.48SamotAnd send a custom header from Kamailio
01:43.59KobazI'll play with that
01:44.09KobazCustom header sounds quite useful
01:44.16*** join/#asterisk jayjo (jayjo@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/jayjo)
01:44.30KobazBut anyway, still really getting into the nitty gritty of pj
01:44.44KobazThe usual when getting into something new
01:44.54SamotOr have you even looked at the ACLs in PJSIP?
01:44.56Kobaz(If only this was chan_sip, this would be so much easier)
01:44.58Kobaznot yet
01:45.40Kobazdoes that affect matching? or would it just deny the session
01:50.20KobazBut seriously... I am really liking the increased flexability of pj... especially multiple contacts/ips per endpoints, and better dns resolution
01:50.39KobazAnd I can look forward to not getting endpoints ips 'stuck' like in chan_sip
01:51.06Kobazwhere it's cached somewhere and refuses to change even though host= has changed in the config.... you have to remove the peer, reload, and put it back... and then the ip updates
01:55.19Kobazone thing i miss from chan_sip that pj needs, is 'sip show peers like'
01:56.05Samotpjsip show endpoints/contacts/aors/identities
01:56.21Kobazand where's the 'like' option
01:56.29KobazThat'll go on my todo list
01:56.35Samotpjsip show endpoints like
01:56.51Samotpjsip show contacts like
01:56.56Kobazholy crap
01:57.01Kobazit's not in the help/tab completion
01:57.23SamotUsage: pjsip show contacts [ like <pattern> ]
01:57.24Kobazokay then, well... nice
01:57.39Kobazpjsip show contacts <tab> .... nothing
01:57.43Kobazmaybe my help is messed up
01:58.20Kobazoh man that makes life so much easier, yay
01:59.45Kobazi found it in core show help pjsip show contacts, etc
01:59.54Kobazi don't normally use that since all the help is in the tab completion
02:01.10Kobazlike, if you type 'core show <tab>'... it's all there
02:01.26Kobazand then 'core show channel' it'll give you help if you hit enter
02:01.36Kobazdo you get tab completion for pjsip show contacts li.<tab>
02:06.14SamotYou should report a bug
02:12.00Kobaznow i gotta figure out why rtp suddenly stops, but... that's for another night
02:13.22Kobazoh, i think i know... i switched to vpn, need more localnets... okay cool
02:19.47igcewielingStarting Feb 8th Verizon will start sending stir/shaken headers on SIP TF handoff to their customer.
02:21.34igcewielingand that is the entire useful content of their notification    We never send out calls "from a toll free" on that service, so we don't have to actually do anything.
02:22.31igcewielingI'm looking into switching away from the service.   We don't have all that many numbers and VZ wants us to take a 3 day training course SO WE CAN CHANGE THE IP THE SERVICE CONNECTS TO.
02:23.14igcewielingI'd be more impressed if they sent CallerID name info.
02:26.31igcewielingAnyone around Neutral Tandem / Inteliquent ?
02:26.50KobazI just started working with Inteliquent
02:26.56igcewielingAnyone around using Neutral Tandem / Inteliquent ?
02:27.22KobazWe're not onboarded yet... soooo.  Not sure if that's helpful, heh
02:27.23SamotI used to use Inteliquent
02:27.36igcewielingSamot: how long ago?
02:27.44SamotI was not impressed
02:27.50SamotLast couple years
02:27.52KobazWhat were the issues?
02:27.59igcewielingmore then 3 years ago?
02:28.16igcewielingWhat were you not impressed with?
02:28.27igcewielingThey would have to be pretty bad to be worse the VZ
02:28.34SamotThey bought Broadvox
02:28.44igcewielingAh, is that the part you dealt with?
02:28.50SamotWell Onvoy
02:28.59igcewielingthey also own Onvoy which bought Vitelity.
02:29.16SamotEnvoy bought Broadvox. It degraded
02:29.32KobazSamot: did you have termination issues? or what
02:29.36Kobaztech support was slow?
02:29.52SamotThen Inteliquent bought onvoy and it went downhill
02:30.00SamotEverything was
02:30.01igcewielingKobaz: what part if Intellequent are you dealing with?
02:30.29Kobazsip ld-term/orig
02:30.35SamotService was fine as long as you didnt need support
02:30.48KobazAre you being intentionally vague?
02:30.50igcewieling"Verizon SIP" for me is the former MCI Communications SIP service.
02:31.05SamotPlus both those companies are spam whores
02:31.12igcewielingKobaz: I'd be interested in hearing about your experiences.
02:31.16KobazDo have an example?  Like... Called support and waited on hold for 6 hours?
02:31.36SamotLike taking days to respond
02:31.38Kobazigcewieling: yeah sure, i'll keep that in mind when we get test trunks
02:31.46KobazPeerless has been like that
02:31.52igcewielingKobaz: if you are not dealing with the Broadvox part of the company, you are not dealing with the same people as Samot.
02:32.05KobazWe need a new trunk... oh just email support... why don't you have a portal where i can add my own trunk ips?
02:32.08SamotThat would be that side
02:32.59KobazAnd then they have to do a test window to bring up a new trunk ip.  I can do my own testing, thank you
02:33.02SamotBoth NT and Inteliquent have high volume's of spam calls
02:33.40igcewielingI'm interested in the "Neutral Tandem, Inc. provides voice, Internet protocol (IP) transit, and Ethernet telecommunications services primarily on a wholesale basis." part.
02:33.51igcewielingnot the "cloud voice solutions" part.  lol
02:34.04igcewielingSamot: that is good to know.
02:34.10SamotSo are the outbound campaign people
02:34.16igcewielingI dislike rewarding evilness.
02:34.43SamotPeople report a lot of their whiolesalers
02:34.59SamotNT moreso
02:35.23SamotBecause they will collocate with them
02:35.27Kobazokay, one last pj question and then i need to sleep..  other than force_rport/rewrite_contact/rtp_symmetric   and seting proper local_net... why would rtp still be going out to an internal ip
02:35.32SamotSince NT has DCs
02:35.36igcewielingbut,., but,, but they are supposed to offer g722 on their interconnects, and some of their customers accept it!
02:35.46igcewielingI'm mostly joking about that part.
02:36.15Kobaz[Feb  4 21:27:58] [1612492076.8] Sent RTP packet to (type 00, seq 022764, ts 002720, len 000160).... so not cool
02:36.32igcewielingI've even seen reports of people getting end-to-end on Intellequent <-> t-mobile calls.    Not a reason to switch, but it sure would be nice if true.
02:36.32Kobaz192.168.50.0/24 or anything like it is NOT in local_net
02:37.04Kobazand i've done full restarts, etc
02:37.17SamotIs it remote?
02:37.31Kobazthe endpoint contact is on the wan. yup it's remote
02:37.46SamotBehind NAT
02:38.06SamotSo that's a problem on that end
02:38.08Kobazwith force_rport and symmetric sip
02:38.24Kobazsorry, sleeping... sym-rtp
02:38.40Kobazthis is on a B2BUA call
02:38.51KobazOddly enough, media works fine when talking direct to Ast... ie Playback()
02:38.55Kobazand Record()
02:39.07KobazALl the SDP looks fine
02:40.08KobazIs this that Wait(1) Answer() stuff again
02:40.10Kobazi wonder
02:41.24SamotAsterisk needs to receive RTP first
02:41.54Kobazwhich it does, for sure when doing Playback
02:44.14Kobazooooooh, it's trying a reinvite
02:44.28KobazI just noticed this
02:55.36igcewielingthat options fixes MANY problems.
02:56.21*** join/#asterisk tsal_ (
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03:18.15cloud9hey everyone, I got asterisk configured with WebRTC today. Working really well. Very cool. Am just using the sipml5 client for testing. I think between all my troubleshooting along the way I saw a thread where someone said the sipml5 library sucks and to use something else.
03:18.29cloud9do you have any suggestions on which library is best?
03:18.41cloud9sorry if that's outside the scope of this channel
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16:43.21KobazAMI ModuleCheck doesn't report Version for anything i've checked so far
16:44.58fileversion of what?
16:45.08Kobazlike chan_pjsip
16:45.20filemodules aren't versioned
16:45.39KobazNot sure why ModuleCheck returns blank Version:
16:45.58Kobazwell yeah i should have known that, but i thought maybe that was a new thing for versioning
16:47.00Kobazwait, this might be the ami wrapper sticking in Version.. hang on
16:47.20Kobaznever mind :/
16:48.15*** join/#asterisk hfb (~hfb@
16:53.39Kobazwait, tcpdump is showing it's received, wtf
16:56.29Kobazdoing more debugging, trying to figure out where this is coming from
16:57.00SamotWhere what is coming from?
16:58.44Kobazhold on, heh
17:00.31KobazI think it's just differences in AMI for asterisk-16
17:00.41KobazI need to rework something
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17:03.30igcewielingI don't have any TFs, but do TFs get as much spam/scam/telemarketing calls are normal TNs?
17:03.52KobazThat's a good question
17:04.20igcewielingVerizon is enabling STIR/SHAKEN on their inbound SIP Toll Free service, which made me wonder about that.
17:04.49igcewielingIt is really a problem, or are they just enabling it everywhere they can.
17:05.18SamotIt's going to be a requirement by the summer
17:05.24SamotSo yeah, it's going to be everywhere.
17:05.36Kobazcould be an infrastructure thing
17:05.52Kobazit might have been easier to implement STIR/SHAKEN on their TF service first
17:06.16igcewielingI've never seen Verizon do anything "because it is a good idea" or "because it would be better for customers".
17:07.05igcewielingSince Verizon bought XO, they can't even figure out what part of the company handles our troubletickets.
17:07.55SamotIt's a FCC thing.
17:08.08SamotTrump signed it into law in 2019.
17:08.16igcewielingSamot: *nod* otherwise Verizon wouldn't be doing anything at all.
17:08.24igcewielingWait, Trunk did something good? Trump. that is.
17:08.45igcewielingMist have been a mistake.
17:09.16SamotKari's Law, Ray Baum's Act Section 503, TRACED Act, STIR/SHAKEN.
17:09.26SamotAll things signed into law during his term.
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20:57.19Kobazanyone know a whitepages api
20:57.22Kobazdoesn't have to be free
21:02.18igcewielingNope, though I know of some CNAM services.
21:04.52Kobazthey used to be
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22:03.49iliusIs there a way to get the statistics in "pjsip show channelstats" through AMI?  I've been looking for a while, but I can't seem to find an answer.
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22:15.20iliusI want to get Observium or some other RRD to graph channel call quality with lost%, jitter, and rtt.  Do any of you do something like that?
22:38.52igcewielingyou can run cli commands from AMI
22:52.47avbone of my clients is complaning that some callers are getting 'probably scam' caller id :)
22:53.13avbi feel that yes, somebody already rely on the stir/shaken signatures
22:53.38avbi have a call with a stir/shaken consultant next week, lets see what he will say
22:53.54avbmaybe indeed its time to start doing signatures
22:54.34SamotThat's not how that works.
22:54.50SamotThe carriers will be the ones that sign/validate
22:55.27avbwell, it doesnt look like it. If you are a saas, you would need to sign for your clients
22:55.37SamotI don't need to with my LECs.
22:55.42SamotSince I'm already their customer.
22:55.48SamotAnd I get my DIDs from them.
22:55.53SamotI don't have to sign anything.
22:56.07avbmaybe thats my problem
22:56.15SamotAre you a LEC?
22:56.26avbi order dids from one provider and dialout via different one
22:56.27SamotOne that is peering with other LECs?
22:56.53SamotWell unless your providers are the actual LECs then I doubt you have much to do.
22:57.10SamotI have a few upstreams that are aggregates and they aren't requiring anything.
22:57.15fileeven if you were to sign, you would need to work that out with who the DIDs came from as to whether you can
22:57.41SamotATT and Verizon would be the ones doing that
22:57.45SamotWith calls between them.
22:58.19SamotNow I have had some carriers start to prefix +
22:58.23avbproblem is that didww im buying from still doesnt have nothing :)
22:58.35SamotSo if I sent a 10 digit DID it came as +NXXNXXXXX
22:58.48SamotWhich can cuase some to think it's a International number
22:59.23SamotThe fact it says "Likely Scam" is a carrier thing. Not a STIR/SHAKEN thing.
22:59.31SamotThey could be using other reputation tools.
22:59.52SamotSTIR/SHAKEN is just another tool to enhance things.
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23:01.10avbthats what Ive thought
23:01.37avbthey see that did is owned by didww which is recently far from the most legit source ...
23:01.54avbmaybe I just should port numbers somewhere out
23:02.34avbor become a LEC
23:07.13avbive been trying to study more about obtaining a LEC status, as I understand I would need to get licenses in every state the company is working in?
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