IRC log for #asterisk on 20210203

00:51.31*** join/#asterisk cp- (
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08:43.18*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
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09:58.15*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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12:42.42*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
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13:05.05*** join/#asterisk sh_smith (
13:28.04MarkS-dialplan is still in extensions.conf for most sections (few more dynamic parts are in realtime mysql database for now). However I get a warning ([Feb  3 14:22:42] WARNING[5073]: res_pjsip_registrar.c:1080 find_registrar_aor: AOR '' not found for endpoint 'portech02-trunk01') and I cannot explain why I get it. It is a trunk (authentication based on ip, mainly used for outgoing calls). Config can
13:28.10MarkS-be found on . Can someone point me where to look to solve this?
13:34.23SamotAnd you don't have anything in the actual pjsip.conf for this?
13:35.52MarkS-I have a transport in pjsip.conf
13:36.15MarkS-[transport-udp]         type = transport         protocol = udp         bind =        allow_reload=true
13:36.29MarkS-that is it (but on multiple lines)
13:36.43MarkS-so only 5 lines in pjsip.conf
14:05.32fileit's trying to register to you presumably
14:11.23*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn (
14:11.30MarkS-ah that wasn't clear from the error for me. Let's make that possible then. thank you!
14:14.38Samotres_pjsip_registrar.c:1080 find_registrar_aor << that was the giveaway
14:15.05fileregistrar = what accepts REGISTER requests
14:23.02*** join/#asterisk life_of_e (
15:05.20*** join/#asterisk kharwell (uid358942@gateway/web/
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15:15.21*** join/#asterisk waldo323 (
15:22.08*** join/#asterisk aoeui (~aoeui@unaffiliated/aoeui)
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16:20.43*** join/#asterisk gtjoseph (~gtjoseph@unaffiliated/gtj)
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16:21.38*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
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16:35.38*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (~ewieling@
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16:40.34igcewielingHas ckb settled down a bit?
16:44.21seanbrighthe said he'll wait to ask more questions until you came back
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17:32.23igcewielingEventually, they lose the bright eyed optimistic outlook and realize Asterisk sucks just as much as every other piece of software out there and all that cool stuff they want to do is HARD.
17:32.46filelife is hard
17:33.28igcewielingThat is why the Dutch invented cookies.
17:38.25SamotSucks just as much? I would say that is being a bit harsh.
17:50.39igcewielingSamot: Asterisk might suck less than all other software.   8-|
17:52.42SamotWell what I have found is that most who make statements like that are shifting blame.
17:58.12igcewielingMaybe I'm just bitchy today because thunderbird is crashing and I need to use the web interface to Gmail.   The delete key doesn't even work.
17:58.38SamotWow. Thunderbird
17:59.14igcewielingIt seems to work better than Claws Mail.   What non-web e-mail client do you use?
18:00.33igcewielingAh.  We moved away from Outlook to gmail a few years ago.   We had constant problem with it, but that was the admin fault.
18:01.17*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
18:01.29SamotWell gmail is a service, which can be used with Outlook.
18:01.39SamotJust like it can be used with Thunderbird.
18:10.47igcewielingFor me, that doesn't help as I don't run Windows.
18:11.51SamotWhat do you run?
18:16.46igcewielingWe have a Windows 7 VM to user when I must use Windows for something.
18:16.53*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
18:17.50igcewielingOnce we moved to "cloud" email (gmail) and a "cloud" version of our billing system,  There isn't much left which requires windows.    Eveyone else uses Windows, of course.
18:18.57*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
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19:58.57*** join/#asterisk rwb (~Thunderbi@
20:05.06seanbrighti use thunderbird
20:05.12seanbrightits great
20:05.47seanbrightbut even though 2021 is the year for linux on the desktop, i am still running windows 10
20:12.38sibiria2021, yes... THIS year will be it
20:12.58SamotYeah but for which one?
20:19.23SamotOne of the problems with Linux based PCs is the PC part.
20:20.09SamotThere's not a lot of options for getting an Acer or HP with a Linux OS
20:20.31igcewieling*shrug* I don't care if anyone else uses Linux.
20:20.47SamotI mean generally if you see a brand PC/laptop with Linux it is because someone installed it after market.
20:27.57*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
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21:07.51ChainsawSamot: Dell will ship you pre-installed Ubuntu.
21:08.00ChainsawSamot: That's a fairly mainstream supplier.
21:09.14SamotI didn't say it wasn't possible.
21:09.28SamotI said there weren't a lot of options.
22:05.50*** join/#asterisk rpifan_ (
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22:31.50*** join/#asterisk cloud9 (
22:34.41cloud9hey everyone, running into an interesting question. I'm looking at implementing follow me. Obviously this can be accomplished in the dialplan by entering 2 different endpoints/extensions in the dial string.. But is it possible to have 2 SIP endpoints share a username? So for example, my desk phone and Soft Phone uses the same username/password. Then when I dial that extension, it rings both
22:34.42cloud9those phones?
22:36.04cloud9I obviously just tested with 2 hard phones using the same username and password. Then calling the extension. Looks as though the most recently registered phone gets the call
22:39.25SamotChan_PJSIP supports this.
22:39.47SamotChan_SIP only supports one contact per peer.
22:41.07cloud9aaah ok. I thought I read that recently. I'm still using Chan_SIP as I'm more familiar with it. Time to expand the horizon.
22:41.11cloud9Thanks Samot
22:41.40SamotYeah, Chan_SIP is on its way out over the next few years I'm pretty sure.
22:42.45cloud9I've got all the Asterisk Realtime working and SIP registrations working via MySQL. Does switching to PJSIP still work in the same way, just some different tables required probably?
22:44.12SamotOh it is going to require different tables and changes.
22:44.33cloud9got it. well thanks for pointing me in the right direction. appreciated
22:48.08*** join/#asterisk pihahiroth (
23:08.23*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
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23:41.17*** join/#asterisk grummund (~unknown@unaffiliated/grummund)
23:54.38*** join/#asterisk jayjo (jayjo@gateway/vpn/privateinternetaccess/jayjo)

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