IRC log for #asterisk on 20210125

00:03.03*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
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01:20.00*** join/#asterisk thansen (~thansen@
01:44.35*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
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04:43.28vader-hows it going guys and girls
04:45.57vader-Had a quick question, is there  a good place to sell an Xorcom XR0004  - USB Asterisk Channel bank?
04:45.58vader-8 FXS + 8 FXO Ports
04:52.55*** join/#asterisk akp55 (
05:08.51drmessanovader-: Yard sale, maybe
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05:14.28drmessanoLatest user manual is 2009
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05:27.00vader-ya i think i bought it for a client in 2012, ant iwas like $1100
05:27.04vader-and it
05:27.23vader-pulled it a few years ago and it's been shelved
05:46.18igcewielingadmits to being unable to throw away a a chassis full of
05:59.06*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
06:07.37*** join/#asterisk Ner0Zer0 (~Ner0Zer0@
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09:59.17grummund_Is there a standard way to set the incoming callerid "name" based on a lookup of the number?
10:00.28grummund_or, how could it be done?
11:02.37*** join/#asterisk Ner0Zer0 (~Ner0Zer0@
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17:08.46qakhanHi all, which takes priority.  queue.conf vs app queue timeout ?
17:09.18qakhani need to move call from Q1 to Q2 after 15 seconds
17:15.39seanbrighti would assume that anything passed to a dialplan application that could override what was in that application's configuration file, would override what was in the configuration file.
17:16.12seanbrightmore succintly: app queue timeout would take priority
18:09.43qakhanis it possible that we play a sound file to agent before Q connect a call to that agent?
18:27.41*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (
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19:30.27iliusIs this still the case with direct-media SRTP?
19:31.26*** join/#asterisk waldo323 (
19:31.37iliusThank you file.  Okay, I guess I'll have to make my main server deal with audio streams.  Ha.  :D
19:40.26igcewielingWith so much NAT, direct media often isn't an option anyway.
19:44.32iliusYeah.  When I can, I like to offload the audio to different "media-only" servers to make sure audio is never dropped.
19:56.42*** join/#asterisk mbecroft (
20:01.43KobazI have something fun for you guys
20:03.11KobazRecieve New Call (PJSIP)..  Answer(), Playback(tt-monkeys), MusicOnHold .... no audio recieved at all, at any time on endpoint.  Answer(), Wait(1), Playback(tt-monkeys), MusicOnHold... audio received right away
20:03.18KobazI'll paste up some logs in a few
20:03.44KobazAsterisk 16.15.0
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20:07.09*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
20:08.07Kobazwithout going into the nitty gritty just yet:
20:08.53KobazThe main difference between the one that works and one that doesn't, is:  > 0x7f64700f1ac0 -- Strict RTP switching to RTP target address XX.YY.44.103:4032 as source
20:09.03KobazSorry, redid the paste:
20:09.25KobazThere is no RTP switching when the audio is played right away
20:15.17SamotWhy are those two executing differently?
20:17.01KobazI have no idea
20:17.15SamotWell the Wait() executes at different priorities
20:17.20SamotAnd in different orders.
20:17.27KobazRight, I'm changing the flow between runs
20:17.46KobazThe one with the pre Wait(1) works. and where I don't Wait(1), there's no audio
20:18.01KobazWait(1) always works.   Answer() Playback() in this case, never works
20:18.27igcewielingwhat happens when you put Wait before the answer?
20:18.32Kobazgood question
20:19.08KobazThat works too
20:19.37KobazAlso Background/Playback both fail in the  same way
20:19.52Kobaznow.. RTP according to asterisk *is* going out in both scenarios
20:20.07KobazSent RTP packet to      XX.YY.44.103:4046 (type 00, seq 010530, ts 232625, len 000170)
20:20.10igcewielingif wait before the answer works, perhaps it is a call setup issue, not a media issue?
20:20.14Kobazlots of those... in both cases
20:20.34KobazIt does sound like call setup
20:20.35SamotA wait() after answer works
20:20.45SamotIt's the wait() after Background
20:20.57KobazWait(1) after Background makes no difference
20:21.13KobazAddiing a Wait(1) before Answer() or after Answer() makes media always 'flow'
20:21.17SamotIn two examples you provide
20:21.25SamotNon-working has wait after background
20:21.31SamotThe working has wait after answer
20:21.56SamotAnd if you set teh wait before answer
20:21.59SamotIt waits that long
20:22.02KobazRight, and also works
20:22.06SamotJust like it would after the answer
20:22.09SamotBut before background
20:22.15SamotSo again, could be a signaling issue
20:22.22SamotHave you looked at that?
20:22.24KobazAdding a Wait(1) after Background() does not do anything different
20:22.30KobazYeah I've been looking at it
20:22.33KobazI think I'll do some text diffs
20:22.45KobazJust by eye, it looks the same, but...
20:22.54KobazIt would be telling if there were differences
20:22.59SamotSo let me get this straight
20:23.12SamotYou show an example of a non-working and a working
20:23.26SamotBoth having things execute in different priorities
20:23.38SamotAnd you wanted us to look at that
20:23.45KobazThat part should be irrelevant
20:23.49SamotWhen it was pointed out, you're now saying it doesn't matter.
20:23.53KobazIt's not a dialplan question
20:24.01SamotThen why did you show us dialplan?
20:24.03KobazThis is RTP/media related
20:24.17KobazBecause of: >>>>>  > 0x7f64700f1ac0 -- Strict RTP switching to RTP target address XX.YY.44.103:4032 as source
20:24.27KobazI just wanted to start with the high level... if that stuck out at anyone
20:24.45SamotWell the two examples also have two different ports
20:24.51Kobazthere is no 'RTP switching' occuring without Wait(1)
20:24.52Samot4032 and 4034
20:25.04KobazSure, because clients will cycle ports
20:25.32KobazI can have this client use a specific port, but it probably won't matter
20:25.52Kobazgood to rule out though
20:27.13*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
20:28.08SamotSo the client isn't getting audio but Asterisk is sending it?
20:28.29Kobazaccording to asterisk it's sending it... actually i haven't done a tcpdump
20:28.31KobazIt probably is...
20:28.54KobazI've never run into a situation where asterisk says it's sending rtp and it's not actually sending rtp
20:29.26SamotOK the client is remote
20:29.32SamotThis could be a NAT issue
20:29.55SamotThe Wait() could be what is given the NAT time to catch up.
20:30.27Kobazonce it's 'caught up
20:30.44Kobazmedia should be funtional I would think...
20:30.50SamotIt is.
20:31.03KobazNo i mean... without the early Wait()
20:31.19KobazSometime during Playback or MusicOnHold it should 'catch up'
20:31.30Kobazat least, it does with chan_sip
20:32.21KobazLike once chan_sip figures out the RTP, it does start working, in every other setup i've dealt with
20:32.30KobazYou'll get no audio until the client sends RTP and then you're golden
20:34.00KobazI'm diffing the working/notworking SIP, and it's identical except for ports, nonce, callid, the usual
20:34.03SamotWhat you're saying is, if this was a chan_sip peer it would do the same thing until the phone sent RTP itself.
20:34.06KobazI'll paste those up in a second
20:34.29SamotLike put the call on hold and take it off hold?
20:38.01KobazI can test that
20:39.35Kobaz    and
20:40.26Kobazyeah hold/unhold works (with the early Wait)
20:40.35SamotAnd without?
20:41.11*** join/#asterisk Andrew (~Andee@
20:41.18Kobazno go, without the early Wait
20:42.59Kobazso friggin weird
20:45.17Kobazand yeah, tcpdump is showing rtp going out, when the client's not processing any
20:45.45SamotWhich, in the industry, is what we call a NAT issue.
20:45.55Kobazi really would be interested to know what's the difference, why in one situatation you get 'Strict RTP switching to RTP' and sometimes not
20:46.26Kobazit could be nat, but something is happening different on the asterisk side
20:46.27SamotYour SIP debugs missed things
20:46.36SamotLike the actual ACKs to the 200 OKs.
20:46.47SamotThey looked perfectly fine leaving Asterisk.
20:46.56SamotIt was what happens after they leave Asterisk that was missing.
20:47.04fileI've seen numerous people with weird issues with the MicroSip client, assuming it is Asterisk and discounting MicroSip is not wise
20:47.12fileI'd start on the client first
20:48.33KobazAnd the ACK's are fine okay too
20:49.01SamotSo both types of calls send ACKs to the 200 OK
20:49.03Kobazfile: I'm not assuming it's asterisk just yet, but I'm noticing a difference on the asterisk side that I was very curious about
20:49.07SamotAudio and no audio
20:49.15filewhat - the log message?
20:49.24filethat happens when media is received
20:49.28Kobaz'Strict RTP switching to RTP'... then everything works
20:49.28fileno media received, no message
20:49.37KobazOkay, that trips when it gets media
20:49.45KobazK cool, good to know
20:53.44KobazLike, for now. Sticking a Wait(1) in there is a bandaid, but I would like to figure out why I need this.
20:53.51KobazSo yeah, i'll start poking at microsip
20:54.15KobazAnd then what happens when 1 second isn't long enough. maybe a high load situation, or network delay... it's not a real fix
20:55.28igcewielingI put a 1 second wait at the start of calls processed by our main asterisk box.  Seems to reduce abandoned.
20:55.50igcewielinglots of people dial, then hangup when they relalized they misdialed.
21:28.25vader-So thinking of putting this Xorcom USB Channel bank on ebay... Any thoughts on pricing?
21:29.17vader-It is an XR0004 model which is 8 FXO + 8 FXS
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21:46.14*** join/#asterisk AndyCap (~aoy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/AndyCap)
23:25.13*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@
23:57.57grummund_Anyone have an idea how to upload a Personal Address Book to a cisco SPA303 phone?
23:58.29grummund_found a cisco document saying it's possible, but not how to.

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