IRC log for #asterisk on 20210122

00:13.10*** join/#asterisk spatel (
01:07.40*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
02:15.14*** join/#asterisk tsal (
03:02.40*** join/#asterisk Typhon (
03:42.41*** join/#asterisk electronic_eel (~quassel@
04:33.51*** join/#asterisk ckb_ (~ckb@unaffiliated/ckb)
04:39.11*** join/#asterisk akp55 (
04:41.33*** join/#asterisk pppingme (~pppingme@unaffiliated/pppingme)
06:24.16*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
07:00.06*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
07:26.23*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
07:27.17*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
07:39.41*** join/#asterisk babak (uid19622@gateway/web/
08:58.28*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
09:15.04*** join/#asterisk koltrast (
09:15.04*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
09:15.04*** join/#asterisk jjrh (~weechat12@2607:f0b0:7:8596:216:3eff:fefe:444f)
09:15.04*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
09:30.03*** join/#asterisk cation21 (cation21@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/cation21)
10:10.18*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (maliutamat@gateway/shell/
10:33.57*** join/#asterisk pestdoktor (pestdoktor@gateway/shell/
10:39.23*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
11:46.48*** join/#asterisk sibiria (~sibiria@unaffiliated/sibiria)
13:06.08*** join/#asterisk gavlee (~gav@unaffiliated/gavlee)
13:39.22*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
14:18.45*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn (
14:41.13*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
15:48.13*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
15:48.13*** mode/#asterisk [+o bford] by ChanServ
16:15.06*** join/#asterisk elguero (
16:37.42*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
16:39.23*** join/#asterisk tehgooch (tehgooch@unaffiliated/tehgooch)
16:42.52*** join/#asterisk akp55_ (
17:09.53*** join/#asterisk forgotmynick (uid24625@gateway/web/
18:04.00*** join/#asterisk babak (uid19622@gateway/web/
18:04.32*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
18:13.33*** join/#asterisk beardy (~beardy@unaffiliated/beardy)
20:58.21*** part/#asterisk x86 (
22:10.00*** join/#asterisk ketas (
22:22.29*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
22:37.27*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
22:40.33grummund_Is there a way to force an incoming sip call to enter the context at 's' rather than using the user portion of the sip address?
22:40.59SamotIf they send it that way
22:43.55grummund_the provider forwards calls to say
22:45.06grummund_then say in pjsip.conf we have [identify] match_header=To:<>
22:45.47grummund_and [endpoint] context=from_sip_provider
22:46.51SamotThats an odd way
22:46.59grummund_can we replace the "token" with "s" before it is processd in the [from_sip_provider] context?
22:48.21grummund_there is no registration with the provider and they have many source IPs.
22:48.37SamotJust like most
22:48.55SamotYou add the ips to the match setting
22:50.59grummund_this works until the add a new ip, whereas using a 'token' works always.
22:52.36SamotThey dont add ips like that
22:52.48SamotThat would break things
22:53.23SamotBut matching om the to header is insecure
22:55.11SamotYou have no control over who can just send to you and flood calls
22:55.51grummund_what would be the difference between using [identify] match=... vs. using an acl in the [endpoint] section?
22:56.19grummund_afaict they both serve to block calls not from the listed ip range(s).
23:10.44fileidentify is how traffic is associated with an endpoint
23:10.59filean ACL is applied from the endpoint, and is not part of matching
23:13.37grummund_but you can have both, right? and in that case does the match=... add anything?
23:14.23filethat depends...
23:14.32fileif using From based matching, then you don't need an identify
23:14.41fileif you're doing IP based or header based matching then you need an identify
23:14.52filethat's because identify is how PJSIP knows that the SIP packets from the remote side should use the given endpoint
23:15.02fileif you have no identify, then it doesn't know what endpoint to use, and the endpoint wouldn't be used
23:15.30grummund_i see, thanks.
23:17.41*** join/#asterisk segnior (segnior@gateway/shell/xshellz/x-duewzwqwpbnxqwww)
23:20.57*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
23:25.30Samotgrummund_: What is all this for?
23:56.01*** join/#asterisk segnior (segnior@gateway/shell/xshellz/x-aomsaywrkvonajrk)

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