IRC log for #asterisk on 20210121

00:16.00*** join/#asterisk Barbosa (
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01:05.06*** join/#asterisk Maxxed (
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01:32.28Maxxedquick question, whats one of the better softphones for ios and andriod these days?
01:56.09MaxxedSamot: thanks for the recommendation, ill have to check it out
01:56.41Maxxedi tend to lean towards oss based solutions, but a strong comercial player could be waaaay more polished
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04:46.44igcewielingThere are no decent OSS softphones.
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08:42.29post-factumMaxxed: that grandstream app is ok. not oss though
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14:34.03sibiriaigcewieling, avb: thanks for suggesting hangup handlers
14:34.41sibiriathat method obtains the correct hangupcase/disposition for the invitation
14:34.58sibiriaonce in the H extension they are completely gone, even via MASTER_CHANNEL()
14:37.01igcewielingsibiria: *nod* the handlers are much easier to work with.  'h' is wonky because it runs on the channel which hangs up first, which ever end that is, instead of always running on the incoming channel
14:52.20*** join/#asterisk kharwell (uid358942@gateway/web/
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15:45.41*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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16:27.31lvlinux_Maxxed: Acrobits Groundwire
17:19.10*** topic/#asterisk by bford -> #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 18.2.0, 16.16.0 (2021/01/21) Final Bugfix: 13.38.1, 17.9.1 (2020/12/22); DAHDI: 3.0.0 (2018/11/15); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
17:22.11*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (maliutamat@gateway/shell/
18:08.50*** join/#asterisk cp- (
18:29.56Maxxedthank you guys for the pointers, i've been poking around looking for the optimal solution for a new client, smb, they need 6-7 ip phones, will grow to something like 12-15 with in the year. i've always used asterisk and cisco ip phones with sip firmware. been solid for years, but with that being said, its been years since i've revisited the
18:29.56Maxxedasterisk world, my old deployments have been literally sit it and forget it
18:30.14*** join/#asterisk cp- (
18:30.58Maxxedthe the sangoma d-series look pretty good, prob cheaper and less fussy than hacking sip firmware on cisco phones
18:33.01Maxxedone of the bigger reasons i'm looking at sangoma's is to give a little back to the asterisk maintainers
18:36.37SamotWhat kind of feedback?
18:53.16MaxxedSamot, i was asking whats a reliable softphone for ios/andriod, evidently there are no "polished" oss solutions out there. I'm fine with a commercial offering considering its for biz use
18:54.03SamotWhat does that have to do with giving feedback to the Asterisk maintainers?
18:54.28Maxxedoh not feedback, just supporting the company that maintains asterisk
18:54.49Maxxed"give a little back to the asterisk maintainers" i can see how that could be read wrong ;)
18:56.00SamotAnd are you in the US?
19:01.38MaxxedYep, Texas to be specific, yeehaww ;)
19:02.19SamotOK so then you are aware of the new laws?
19:02.39Maxxeduh, sounds like i'm about too
19:03.01Maxxedby chance can you point me to some reading material on the subject?
19:08.53SamotNow since Asterisk doesn't count as a MLTS or a PBX until it is configured to do so. You putting in a pure Asterisk box makes you the PBX maker/manufacturer
19:09.19SamotSince you'll also be installing, configuring and maintaining the PBX you fall under that too.
19:11.15SamotOddly enough, it was due to a murder in Texas and Texas' lack of 911 laws.
19:11.37SamotSo now instead of states being left to make the laws, the FCC stepped in.
19:13.11SamotHonestly, if you are a PBX installer/admin using pure Asterisk isn't the best way to go these days.
19:13.19SamotMaxxed: I'd look at FreePBX.
19:16.41MaxxedAh! Thanks a ton for pointing that out, I had no idea (its been a long while since I've deployed a phone system)
19:19.02*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (~rmudgett@
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19:51.45*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
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20:37.27igcewielingMany of my PBXs have both external IP and internal IP addresses.   My question is how is this handled for HTTPS for the GUI and TLS for SIP?   Even if the protocol allowed the hostname to map to multiple ip addresses, the client would not know which one to use.   How do people handle this?
20:38.02igcewielingI suppose that is more of a #FreePBX question.
20:44.03igcewielingMy current solution is to simply not use TLS for local phones.
20:45.53SamotOn a local network?
20:45.56SamotWhy would you?
20:47.40igcewielingBecause it is there?  Prevent local snooping?  reduce the number of customizations per phone?     It is just something I was curious about.
20:48.28SamotSnooping of what?
20:48.34SamotAnd what customizations?
20:49.04SamotIf a phone is and it's connecting to what is going to snoop it?
20:49.25igcewielingEach remote phone needs reg.1.server.1.transport="TLS", not a big deal.
20:49.42igcewielingyou're right, it was a stupid idea.  Forget I asked.
20:49.47SamotThat's different than local phones.
20:57.59dymGuys, is anyone sporting wireless only phones? (non-dect)
21:11.26[TK]D-Fenderdym, what's your actual use scenario?
21:26.51dym[TK]D-Fender: Well, i'd like to deploy a new pbx in a business and use a wide wlan coverage with wlan phones instead of having to double up dect and wlan repeaters/aps
21:34.59SamotHow does that correlate?
21:36.46SamotIf you have DECT phones the base sets will be on Ethernet.
21:36.56SamotZero impact to the APs.
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21:44.45dymSamot: Yeah, but i'd have to place a seperate base apart from the wifi aps
21:44.55dymwhich would not be needed if the phones were wifi
21:45.19dymI have wall preparations for cabled bases with patches going back
21:45.26dymand im considering options
21:45.35dymeither have a wireless ap + dect base in the same spot
21:45.43dymor ditch the dect altogether and just run with wifi
21:46.33SamotWhy does the base need to be far apart?
21:48.09dymSamot: you mean wifi-dect?
21:48.29dymnot talking about "far" apart. Just another station that needs placement
21:48.55dymBut everywhere i read, wifi is just not that ideal for voip traffic
21:49.28SamotI handle calls over Bria on my cell phone over wifi with no quality issues.
21:49.49dymThat could also be an option for those that needs roaming
21:50.09SamotThe issue you need to worry about is coverage.
21:50.23SamotIt's the roaming that can kill you.
21:50.26dymSamot: i was thinking going all out ubiquity ac ap pro
21:50.29SamotSIP is low tolerance.
21:50.43SamotI wouldn't but that's mean.
21:50.46SamotI wouldn't but that's me.*
21:50.50dymHow so?
21:51.00SamotWell I have a hotel with Ubi APs.
21:51.19SamotThey had over a dozen of one type, bought a few more of a new type.
21:51.26SamotThe old model is now EOL.
21:51.32dymAP LR
21:51.35SamotWhich means the controller can't be updated.
21:51.41SamotThe other APs can't be updated.
21:51.46dymThat did puzzle me too
21:52.06dymI do like the fact that it's a one pane glass management.
21:52.18SamotI mean sure.
21:52.34SamotIf that is a value add over having to replace hardware on a regular basis.
21:52.52SamotBut my point was more about coverage.
21:53.03SamotSIP is low tolerance.
21:53.19SamotRoaming from one AP to the other can be a problem if the coverage is bad.
21:53.29dymI dont think coverage would pose a problem
21:53.43SamotYou end up in a spot between APs.
21:53.50dymthey used to have an alcated pbx with base stations placed on the wall every other meter
21:54.08dymi'd replace them with aps
21:54.15SamotOne is -80dBm and the other is -70dBm because of poor positioning.
21:54.21SamotThat's a pretty shitty signal.
21:54.50dymit's to consider, yeah
21:55.20dymis there any decent pbx with auto provisioning, web+asterisk based?
21:55.28dymother than gemeinschaft3 :D
21:55.34SamotNot only can it cause issues with moving from one AP to another, that poor of a signal on either AP can mean poor voice quality.
21:55.46SamotFreePBX works just fine.
21:55.59SamotEven has its own softphone client.
21:56.10dymSamot: Im talking guys in an office, that at some point are roaming the building when getting a call and wandering back to their desk.
21:56.23dymSamot: I've used that in the past.
21:56.44dymSamot: Do you have any dect voip phones deployed?
21:56.47SamotAgain, if they have poor wifi signals they will have poor call quality
21:56.48dymif so, what brand?
21:56.52dymSamot: understood
21:56.59SamotI do. Engenius mostly.
21:59.45dymwith freepbx too?
22:00.04dymuh, dutch! :D
22:00.45dymchrist, those are ugly! :D
22:01.50SamotShrug, they work.
22:02.15SamotGenerally the hotels like the fact it is long range and they can have the base at the front desk and it work on the 4th floor.
22:02.31dymyeah, i guess that's a plus
22:02.44dymi really need to look into freepbx again
22:03.28dymSamot: I was considering how to go about checking the coverage
22:03.42Samotwifi spectrum analyzer.
22:04.55dymbuy a phone, base and just test calls?
22:06.21SamotDECT can do around 100 meters.
22:06.37SamotWalls and other things will reduce that.
22:10.02dymI've looked at yealink and snom
22:21.48igcewielingI use a D240.
22:24.10igcewielingThe convenience of it being wireless just barely offsets the fact it can't be provisioned like normal Polycom phones and the handset/basestation communication is SLOW.  Pickup handset, press Dial, wait, wait, wait for the call list to transfer from the base station, select a number, wait for the call to be sent to the base station.
22:25.13igcewielingYou either need to press speaker button or mute once if the handset is not in screen saver mode, but press them twice to activate when the handset is in screen saver mode.
22:25.49igcewielingNot to mention the almost Esheresque web GUI.
22:26.42igcewielingIt really has none of the hallmarks of Polycom phones other than the name on it.
22:27.36igcewielingdym: have you considered using softphones on people's cellpones?
22:29.37dymigcewieling: is this snom d240?
22:29.54SamotI think he meant the D230
22:30.05dymigcewieling: considering, yeah. thoughts are not finalized.
22:30.45igcewielingPolycom VVX D230
22:31.27dymigcewieling: but isnt that dect?
22:32.20SamotIt is.
22:32.31SamotThe only wifi phones they have are the CXX and an Obi
22:32.31igcewielingdym: yes.   It isn't any better than WiFi phones, perhaps worse.
22:32.44SamotWell the D230 is also run on Obi software.
22:32.44dymOh, i thought this would be a con-wifi argument :)
22:32.51SamotNot the Poly firmware.
22:33.03igcewielingThe D230 has all that OBHAI crap pre-installed on it.
22:34.12dymUh, elera looks pretty!
22:34.36igcewielingdym: all wireless VoIP sucks.  Dect or WiFi, hardphone or softphone doesn't matter.    You have to find what you can put up with.
22:35.54dymi get that
22:36.15dymdoes anyone know if there is a decent handover function from bria/softphones to deskphones?
22:36.28SamotI disagree with that
22:36.31dymor just transfer?
22:36.48SamotConsidering how many Bria clients I have with no complaints.
22:36.50igcewielingI can't imagine there being that sort of handoff.
22:37.35SamotDyn: that is more than a client thing
22:37.37dymSamot: is that so? are they roaming much?
22:37.51Samotdym: you need a voice server to support it to.
22:38.01dymSamot: as in a pbx?
22:38.23dymoh, you mean the handover?
22:38.26Samotdym: I can get phome calls off the shores of Lake Erie
22:38.36SamotWith zero quality issues
22:38.41seanbrightwhat are the finger lakes?
22:38.56seanbrightwhat is lake titicaca?
22:39.09SamotI use it constantly around my house and in my garage where there is no AP
22:39.09seanbrightsorry, having a stroke
22:39.17dymSamot: you mean a cloud based pbx
22:39.34SamotI mean any voice system
22:39.56SamotCould be a PBX could be Broadsoft or a platform like thar
22:40.06dymas in voice over mobile data
22:40.30dymcould just be done with an additional cloud based pbx node
22:40.46dymi have that construct setup asterisk based
22:40.49dymfor multi-sites
22:41.12dymbut thats just plain asterisk, not a thing a client would fancy.
22:41.41dymSamot: So you also have client deployments where they use Bria on a regular basis inhouse?
22:41.48dym"without complaints"?
22:42.03SamotTo hot swap an active call from device a to device b requires all parts to support it
22:42.16Samotdym: Yes.
22:43.53dymthat doesnt sound too bad.
22:44.23dymSamot: i was just wondering about the internal handover. If there maybe was some sort of function aside from call transfer
22:44.38SamotI have hotels that have mobile front desk phones running Bria
22:45.00dymSo person gets a call, picks up on bria, goes to his desk and wants to continue on deskphone. i guess call transfer would just be the easiest thing to do.
22:45.25SamotWell that depends
22:45.25dymSamot: hah! but with queues and stuff? dont they get busy?
22:45.37SamotThe desk phone and Bria are the same account
22:45.54dymthen call transfer is kinda out.
22:46.01dymor another extension
22:46.02SamotNow you could do it that way
22:46.53dymi guess it would be kinda cool to provide an off-site working inhouse phoneclient for certain people.
22:46.57SamotBut the whole endgame of that feature is so the other side has no idea it happened to
22:46.57dymI'd have to map that out
22:47.21dymSamot: well, call transfer wouldnt be so bad. "hang on, ill put you through to my deskphone".
22:47.29SamotThe other party is moved seamlessly
22:47.38dymSamot: care to explain?
22:48.07SamotIt means i just press a button on my mobile phone and the call is on my deskphone
22:48.15SamotThe other party isnt held
22:48.21dymokay, that awesome.
22:48.22SamotIts swapped
22:48.34dymhow is that accomplished?
22:48.37SamotSo the server needs to support this
22:49.08SamotIn ways that cost thousands of dollars to have it
22:49.21dymSamot: care to lift the mistery?
22:49.32SamotIt depends on the platform
22:49.38dymSay Freepbx
22:49.43SamotIt cant
22:50.01dymWhat are you using?
22:50.12SamotNot that feature
22:50.26SamotThey answer on Bria they stay there
22:50.44dymdidnt you just say you had that swapping feature?
22:50.58dym23:48 < Samot> It means i just press a button on my mobile phone and the call is on my deskphone
22:51.18SamotI was providing an example
22:51.25dymto a solution i was asking for? :D
22:51.33SamotOf how that feature works
22:51.50dymits okay. i guess the transfer route is a viable option,.
22:51.53dymthanks anyways
22:52.02SamotOr park the call
22:52.09SamotAnd pull it from the slot
22:53.05dymyeah, im definately going to consider the bria option for wireless.
22:56.19dymthanks for all the input, Samot, igcewieling

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