IRC log for #asterisk on 20210113

00:44.56*** join/#asterisk aness (~aness@2a02:fe1:3104:2600:91e9:4e6d:1f2c:193c)
00:44.58grummundis migrating from sip.conf to pjsip.conf
00:46.59grummundit seems that the endpoint section name must be the same as the aor section name, as well as having a aors=... line referencing the same name.
00:48.34grummundby following the examples i have it working, but is there somewhere that explains the semantics and rationale?
00:48.57aoeuiAnyone here using Mobile Bria, and on the beta, and using TLS?
00:49.37aoeuiI've been emailing counterpath support and their new release has issues with the GCM AES ciphersuites
00:49.59aoeuiWondering if anyone has seen this, or some sorts of issues with GCM AES
00:50.09aoeui(Running Asterisk 18.1.0 and its broken with the beta)
00:50.22aoeuiI can file a Jira ticket, just seeing if anyone has seen it here
00:50.47aoeuiCounterpath just added some additional ciphersuites in the beta and it caused a regression
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01:17.35dongsits terrible that zoiper (waht an ugly ass name) is the only non-subscription mobile solution for sip + iax
01:17.42dongsall the alternatives are awful
01:19.26SamotAnd the majority don't do IAX
01:20.53dongsi didnt look hard but I didnt find any that did iax other than zoiper
01:21.13aoeuiIAX is a thing?
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01:21.50dongsyeah im using that on my sellfone to talk to asterisk. did it before for NAT reasons, didnt bother changing after removing nat
01:22.02dongsit just works
01:24.59SamotWell IAX is a thing for like 2, maybe three, platforms.
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02:39.37drmessanoIAX is extinct
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05:41.06avbhey guys, im a bit lost. why abc123 cant be matched by _abcX. pattern? :)
05:41.43avbnor _abc[0-9].
05:52.30avbnow even more funny. _ivr. matches ivr1234 , but _agent., doesnt match agent1234
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13:28.01avbno ideas guys? :)
13:29.52sibiriaavb: are you sure it's just not that another extension picks up the pattern match first?
13:29.59sibiriasince they have a certain sorting order
13:30.58avbsibiria: no sir
13:31.16avbas a workaround ive made '_age.'
13:31.27avbthat matches agent1234 :)
13:31.34sibiriaand it starts with prio 1?
13:31.58avb> dialplan show agent124@in
13:32.12avb'_age.' =>        1. Set(agentExt=
13:32.30avband this one doesnt work
13:32.47sibiriaout of curiosity, what if you turn the nomenclature around?
13:33.02avbhaha, good idea
13:33.09avblet me see
13:33.30sibiriabut it does sound a bit iffy that it only matches the first 3 non-numerical characters
13:34.18filesome letters have meaning besides the letter
13:34.25avb> dialplan show 1234agent@in
13:34.33fileI forget how to tell it to treat it as a letter
13:34.33avb'_X.agent' =>     1. Set(a
13:34.36avbthat works :)
13:34.53avbfile: thats what ive thought
13:35.23avbseems n treats as a control chanr
13:35.40fileThe letter N or n represents a single digit from 2 to 9.
13:36.20avblet me try something
13:38.09avbthank you guys, i been feeling bad leaving _age. in the config :)
13:38.11sibiriai thought 2-9 was Z
13:38.21sibiriaor Y
13:39.06avbthere are couple of them I think with a small differennce
13:47.48SamotZ is 1-9
13:47.54SamotN 2-9
13:47.57SamotX 0-9
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17:06.24cloud9hello everyone, question about best practices for storing recordings. To date I've had MixMonitor run a bash script that immediately copies the recording to a web server at the end of the recording, specific to which account number it relates to. Is there a better solution for storing recordings in large scale?
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17:24.53post-factumcloud9: back in the days i was dealing with storing asterisk recordings, we used tmpfs to write them, then we used special fanotify-based daemon that would move them out of tmpfs into the gluster storage once the file gets closed
17:25.47post-factumcloud9: it scaled really well… although it may look like another sh!tty kludge
17:41.07cloud9post-factum: got it. sounds like I'm doing about the same. Thanks for the response
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17:44.39jkrooncloud9, it really depends on your use case and how you want to present/retrieve/store the data, there are different approaches.
17:45.30jkroonwe've got at least three different strategies, but for performance reasons we tend to use Monitor rather than MixMonitor.  For some reason MixMonitor causes insanely highly loads on our systems compared to Monitor.
17:46.27post-factumcloud9: fwiw, we never published it, but there's nothing special, so you may check that
17:57.50cloud9jkroon: I'll check that out. Thank you
17:58.22cloud9My second concern is securing the recordings being served via apache. but that's outside the scope of this channel so I won't ask
17:59.22cloud9I guess I was wondering if anyone is storing them in a database instead of filesystem
17:59.32cloud9seems like filesystem is best practive
18:00.30jkrooncloud9, we also always first record to ramdisk, and then after the fact copy to persistent storage.
18:00.45post-factumcloud9: iirc we tried database as well, but that didn't work because it was somewhat overloaded and didn't handle binary data properly
18:00.57jkrooncloud9, yes, that's one of our strategies, but to be honest, we're contemplating axing that.
18:00.58post-factumcloud9: i'd use normal storage, not database
18:01.22cloud9thanks for the validation. appreciate it
18:01.29jkroonworks reasonably well actually @ database.
18:01.51jkroonthe issue we eventually picked up is that purging old data became an issue.  we ended up modifying the purge strategy and all's well again.
18:02.05jkroonmakes backups nice and concise overall (simply backup the database)
18:03.45cloud9jkroon: good point
18:06.07jkroonso as per everything in live, and i realize this more and more, there generally isn't a single-answer-fits-all solution, and in many cases, multiple solutions will work well, however, it depends a lot on what you're trying to achieve.
18:06.59jkroonfor example, we originally chose to use DB way back in 2008 ... to persist the data over multiple hosts in near real time.  nowadays, glusterfs and cephfs are both options which didn't exist back then.
18:08.10jkroonso our newer systems for recordings specifically, record to ramdisk, then mix and do all the post processing there, then more it onto glusterfs, including shuffling it into account/date/time based folder structure such that no single folder have so many files that the extremely poor readdir performance over FUSE becomes too big of an issue.
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18:09.55jkroonwe've also long since migrated astdb onto ramdisk, because the fsync() in sqlite actually became an issue with processing times of real-time processing.  We've had to make significant modifications at that point to get persistent data out of astdb ... so there you have another example of one shoe does not fit all.
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20:21.34Kobazjkroon: yup, ramdisk is the way to go
20:21.49Kobazjkroon: oh, are you running into sqlite blocking issues?
20:21.54Kobazjkroon: i have a patch for that
20:22.14Kobazsqlite's single lock causes problems with high concurrency... well... even not-so-high concurrency
20:22.43Kobazjkroon: what do you use gluster for?
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20:59.35seanbrightKobaz: have you posted that patch anywhere?
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21:14.23KobazI can do that now
21:14.25KobazSorry for holding out
21:15.00KobazI had hoped that it would have been adressed in newer releases, but I finally am working with 16 and such, and it's not there
21:15.12KobazSo I only recently noticed it's still an issue
21:15.56Kobazso, astdb/sqlite issues are resolved in two ways.  One, put astdb on a ramdisk, and every minute, rsync it over to a backup in case of crash
21:16.12Kobazand the other, is avoid a hard lock on waiting to write to astdb
21:16.18Kobazsince it's in a queue, it can always try again later
21:20.34Kobaz...trying to find the code
21:20.45seanbrightso to be clear - you have an asterisk patch for astdb?
21:21.13grummundmigrating from SIP to PJSIP and so far everything working except outbound calls ...
21:22.02grummundcalls to the sip provider's test number are succesful, but other calls are torn down after connecting
21:22.20Kobazast_log(LOG_ERROR, "ast_db_put() COULD NOT LOCK.  Abandon.\n");
21:22.28Kobazthere you go, that's my fix
21:22.34Kobazlemme generate the patch
21:23.09Kobazbasically what happens is... asterisk tries to update something in astdb, like say a sip peer/contact
21:23.32Kobazit hits some latency waiting for the lock.. and then things go unreachable (especially chan_sip) because the lock is holding up a ton
21:25.21Kobazbeen using it in production a reaaaly long time and it's worked wonderfully
21:26.01seanbrightoh* rather
21:26.25Kobazon a system with moderate activity, something like 20-30 calls an hour, peak simul calls like 50, i see about... 100 of these COULD NOT LOCK errors
21:26.46Kobazall those would be instances of... things grinding to a halt without the trylock/abort in there
21:26.56seanbrighti see
21:28.24Kobazso i'll throw that up on the reviewboard
21:28.27Kobazwell gerrit now
21:29.22Kobazif astdb is not on a ramdisk, i see a lot more of those
21:29.31seanbrighti mean
21:29.33seanbrightdon't do that
21:29.44Kobazdon't not put it on a ramdisk?
21:29.52seanbrightdon't put it on gerrit.
21:29.56Kobazoh, why not
21:29.58Kobazit's a good fix
21:30.07seanbrighti do not agree with that assessment
21:30.23seanbrightit may solve a problem for you, and that's great
21:30.29seanbrighti do not think it is a good general purpose solution
21:31.07Kobazgeneral purpose solution is to... have a proper full write queue
21:31.45Kobazbut this (in my case, and i'm sure in many others) is a good general fix to improve performance across the board with ast_db contention
21:32.01seanbrightare you using astdb?
21:32.07seanbrightor is this just asterisk using it?
21:32.13Kobazmostly just asterisk using it
21:32.25Kobazi store stupid stuff in astdb
21:32.29Kobazthat gets used once in a while
21:32.47Kobazthis is literally, an asterisk with 1000 sip peers updating its astdb registrations
21:33.26Kobazand then chan_sip dropping out suddenly when it can't get a lock
21:34.29Kobazand this actually seems to happen *more* on pjsip than on chan_sip
21:34.37KobazI get 10 times as many errors locking with pjsip
21:35.01Kobazand this is with astdb on a ramdisk
21:35.15seanbrightif you want to put it up for review, go for it
21:35.36KobazI think it's worth it, and, if it gets wildly rejected, it will start the conversation on the proper fix
21:36.08filethe "proper fix" would likely be a queue as mentioned, and I wouldn't give a +1 to the patch myself, it's a work around
21:36.36fileI can also say across large scale systems I've dealt with, and the FreePBX systems, and other things, astdb hasn't posed a problem for their usage patterns
21:37.18filenot saying it's not a problem, just that it's seemingly not impacting a large quantity of people
21:37.43KobazI don't think it's something to easily pinpoint
21:37.50KobazIt took me a few years to actually find this
21:38.08KobazI bet a lot of people would chalk it up to lag, or whatever
21:38.13fileit's easy to pinpoint that stuff in PJSIP due to the way it is architected and the way the distributor works
21:38.27fileif operations block you generally end up with incoming retransmissions
21:38.46filewhich means, your thread handling that specific dialog or transaction is blocked
21:39.17filethe dispatch of SIP traffic is predictable, so retransmissions or messages within a dialog/transaction all go to the same thing
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21:57.50seanbrightthe astdb API was written when the underlying db was a key/value store
21:58.05seanbrightnow that it's sqlite3 there should probably be a newer API
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21:59.02seanbrightreally depends on how much of an abstraction you want
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22:26.06Samotseanbright: Stop arguing.
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22:31.51seanbrightSamot: ugh, you're right
22:31.54seanbrightmy bad
22:32.10SamotOf course. I'm me.
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22:48.14seanbrightaness: i'm going to need you to figure out your network connection problems
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23:52.00grummunddebugging outbound calls with pjsip history
23:57.42grummundthe account username isn't apparent in the INVITE, is that right?
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23:59.04grummundaccording to pjsip history asterisk sends an INVITE to the sip trunk provider
23:59.51Kobazokay, that's good

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