IRC log for #asterisk on 20210111

00:29.14grummundIs deny= the same as deny= ?
00:47.18grummundit seems not, which is strange.
01:11.26*** join/#asterisk gavlee (~gav@unaffiliated/gavlee)
01:20.51*** join/#asterisk dongs (
01:21.02dongs[Jan 11 10:01:55] ERROR[44035]: netsock2.c:303 ast_sockaddr_resolve: getaddrinfo("nm", "(null)", ...): Name or service not known | wat is this
02:03.47*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
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02:38.33*** join/#asterisk chendy (~New_Know_@
02:41.54*** join/#asterisk biff (~biff@
03:00.06*** join/#asterisk opal (weechat@volatile/founder/wowaname)
03:11.05biffHi all, my Grandstream phones are sometimes logging "DSP_ERROR: invalid configuration supplied for RTP channel" and then I get complaints about no audio in the calls. In reality running Wireshark against the PBX shows RTP traffic flowing from one phone to the phone that logged the error, but nothing in reverse, and I'm assuming that's the relevant error message. Most calls are ok, and I haven't picked up on a pattern.
03:11.16biffAsterisk 11 with FreePBX on Issabel... I know that's not actually support here, but if anybody knows of something obvious I may be missing, I'd really appreciate it
03:24.21*** join/#asterisk fireman_biff (~biff@
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04:03.11*** join/#asterisk ldm (~ldm@hacksoc/infrastructure)
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06:50.27*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
08:14.33*** join/#asterisk laerus (
08:56.52laerushello, is it expected in ARI to not be able to set variables when a playback is playing?
08:57.38*** join/#asterisk detha (~detha@unaffiliated/detha)
09:19.18*** join/#asterisk detha (~detha@unaffiliated/detha)
09:19.51*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
10:14.28jkroonDSP == digital signal processing - I'd recommend contacting Grandstream for support here.
10:14.59jkrooneither it's failing to decode the RTP stream, or failing to generate one.
10:27.16*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
10:46.19grummundor maybe the phone can't agree a codec with asterisk.
10:47.27grummundanyway, biff didn't wait for an answer.
11:02.35*** join/#asterisk Wraythe (
11:04.49*** join/#asterisk filiusdeus (~sina@
11:10.44*** join/#asterisk Typhon (
11:36.45jkroongrummund, yea, i noticed after sending ... it's a shame people have zero patience.  we saw this with some pull requests on another project as well over the weekend.
11:45.36*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:1748:fad4:7260:f9d6:6263:51c4:fcc4)
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12:34.12*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
13:00.20*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
13:04.01*** join/#asterisk Ner0Zer0 (~Ner0Zer0@
14:03.40DovidI set up asterisk on ESXI and I am having a strange issue. Whenever I call in and enter any DTMF as soon as I do Asterisk crashes
14:03.46Dovidthis is with chan_sip. any known issues? ?
14:07.15Dovidfile: seems so
14:07.23DovidI am on 18.1.0
14:07.40Dovidyup. I can't get dahdi installed. I suspect thats where its happening
14:07.43*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@
14:07.52DovidI am having this issue:
14:08.05*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn (
14:08.32jkroonDovid, there are patches floating around for DAHDI for newer kernels.
14:09.26Dovidbut I am on CentoS8 with a  4.x kernel. its strange becuase I did get linux/pci-aspm.h for 4.18.0-193.14.2.el8_2.x86_64 but it seems like RHEL skipped it for 4.18.0-240.1.1.el8_3.x86_64 for some reason
14:09.36Dovidjkroon: Can you point me to one?
14:10.20jkroon contains everything we use on Gentoo, you don't need all of them.
14:10.24DovidCan anyone in laymans terms explain wht does?
14:10.52Dovidjkroon: 2021-01-11 14:10:44 ERROR 404: Not Found.
14:11.09jkroon-r3 sorry
14:11.29jkroonsorry, i bumped the build over the weekend ...
14:12.21jkroon04-dahdi-3.1.0-kernel-5.4-support.patch  07-dahdi-3.1.0-r1-kernel5.6.patch  09-dahdi-3.1.0-r3-remove-32bit-userspace-on-64bit-support.patch  10-dahdi-3.1.0-r3-ioctl-kernel-5.9.patch
14:12.26jkroonis probably what you need.
14:12.33Dovidlet me try those.
14:12.36jkroonmaybe just the 5.4 one.
14:13.10jkroonbut you can blindly apply the whole lot, and it should be OK.
14:13.23jkroonjust specifically exclude 06-non-digium-hardware-and-oslec.patch
14:13.35jkroonand 03-dahdi-3.1.0-jnet-1.0.14.diff
14:13.56jkroonunless you have the jnet or other non-digium hardware covered by those.
14:14.53Dovid03 tries to patch cwain.c which I dont have
14:15.28jkroonas i said, skip 03.  it's for jnet hardware.
14:15.59jkroon05 you also only really need on a specific set of 32 bit processors (arm and ppc, x86 handles it)
14:16.04*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
14:19.40Dovidjkroon: It failed. I tried all of the patches. If pjsip fixes my issue i ma just going to use that
14:20.51Dovidfile:I assume that issue wont get fixed since its in chan_sip and not pjsip?
14:21.06filethe timer issue? it's core, not channel driver specific
14:21.16filenoone has taken the fix through review for inclusion
14:21.48Dovidfile: so I need to find a dev that can create a fix for 18 and go through the process like I did with the last bug?
14:22.02filethe change may apply to 18
14:22.09fileyou could also load the res_timing_timerfd module?
14:22.45Dovidfile: oops. I had a no load for it
14:24.51jkroonDovid, unless you have DAHDI hardware, don't both with DAHDI, you don't need it.
14:25.24jkroonyea, just load the module.
14:41.26jkroonDovid, in laymens terms, the patch you referenced updates the code to not try to set a timer unless a timer module is present.
14:41.43jkroonsorry, unless a CHANNEL is present.
14:43.05jkroonno wait, i am confused, unless the channel has an associated timer ... anyway, you really need a timer, so just load the timer module.
14:43.23*** join/#asterisk spengler (
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17:38.55laerushey, any idea why in ARI setting channel variables when a playback is playing on channel are delayed until after the playback is finished?
17:43.49*** join/#asterisk saint_ (~saint_@unaffiliated/saint-/x-0540772)
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21:03.23*** join/#asterisk Kernkraft4Ever (~quassel@2001:16b8:c1bd:c100:ffc0:2436:4ba5:b30e)
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23:57.19*** join/#asterisk dakudos (

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