IRC log for #asterisk on 20210107

00:01.22*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
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03:09.21*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
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09:21.16*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
10:03.01*** join/#asterisk Dovid (~dovid@
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11:37.36grummundIs there a way to control the DND state of a phone (Cisco SPA303) from asterisk?
11:38.33grummundsay to automatically set DND for outside office hours.
12:34.04*** join/#asterisk mrtnt (
12:49.18grummundThere appear to be some dialplan hints registered without any config for this...
12:49.49grummundany ideas where this is setup? -
12:58.39mrtntLet's say that one observes large quantities of UDP traffic destioned to various addresses across the Internet to UDP port 5060. What kind of attack this might be? SIP brute force?
13:04.49sibiriaif your trunks are wide-open to the Internet, yes, likely the usual drive-by attempts of registering/inviting
13:18.07*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
13:25.48*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
13:44.16*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
14:19.06*** join/#asterisk laerus (
14:20.25laerushello, in the ARI Dial event there is 'caller' field that is optional, when is it set, or how can i make this be set?
14:21.08laerusi have set 'caller'field when i hit the endpoint /channels/../dial
14:52.30*** join/#asterisk dgt (
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15:07.01*** join/#asterisk laerus (
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15:31.45mrtntsibiria: ok, thanks! And the idea of such registering attacks is to find a PBX which does not require authentication, register the phone and then call in to that number?
15:33.36*** join/#asterisk post-factum (
15:45.00*** join/#asterisk edgars (
15:46.24seanbrightedgars: good morning
15:47.19edgars17:47 here ;D
15:49.02edgarsi know, its not right place, but i will ask. Is it possible tu upgrade asterisk now with asterisk 11 to freepbx distro with asterisk 16
15:51.15seanbrightunsure - no one responding in #freepbx?
15:51.36sibiriamrtnt: it's almost always to call up pay-per-call numbers to steal funds
15:52.22sibiriait's quite the lucrative crime model
16:00.21edgarsseanbright: yeah, nobody responding
16:01.05edgarsseanbright: i tried to import mysql dump, well... half interface is not working
16:03.00edgarsohh well, now its not working at all
16:08.54laerushey, any idea why the ARI Dial event is missing the 'caller' field even though the caller name appears on the call and is included in the channel objects of 'peer'? i am setting the caller field on /channels/id/dial
16:10.57seanbrightedgars: i'm not familiar with freepbx, so it might be best to just start from scratch
16:12.28Samot11:12:04 AM <Samot> You do a backup of Asterisk Now and then do a restore in FreePBX 15
16:12.33SamotFrom the other channel.
16:20.01seanbrightlaerus: what version of asterisk?
16:20.14laerusseanbright, 16
16:20.44seanbrightcan you pastebin the event you are talking about?
16:20.45infobotpastebin is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:22.53*** join/#asterisk Kernkraft4Ever (~quassel@2001:16b8:c155:8700:1404:512b:68eb:aaa1)
16:24.13jkroonedgars, db structures probably changed, so fresh install, then dump the database with --no-extended-insert, then you execute the INSERT INTO rows ... you may need to modify it a bit in order to get the INSERTs working.
16:24.20jkroonthen make some other change via the UI.
16:24.33jkroonnot a freepbx user ... but that would be my strategy.
16:24.44jkroondisclaimer:  it may well not work either.
16:26.33edgarsjkroon: yeah, thats what im trying to do now
16:29.27seanbrightlaerus: the docs say that 'caller' on the 'Dial' event is 'The calling channel.'
16:29.33seanbrightlaerus: i don't think there is a calling channel in this case
16:32.15laerusseanbright, i'm setting the 'caller' field on the /channels/id/dial request though, also tried with channel originate and setting the 'originator' field
16:32.17seanbrightinfobot: no, pastebin is <action> is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:32.17infobotokay, seanbright
16:33.23seanbrightlaerus: what are you setting the caller field too?
16:36.52seanbrightlaerus: ARI tries to find a channel with the name provided by the 'caller' field
16:37.19seanbrightif it doesn't find one, it won't use it
16:37.33*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
16:37.50seanbrightoh wait. it looks by channel name and then by channel UID
16:38.04laerusseanbright, yea i am setting it to be the channel id of the caller,
16:38.18laerusthe name of the caller appears on the callee
16:38.19*** join/#asterisk ckb (~ckb@unaffiliated/ckb)
16:38.44laerusdo make this out from the source code?
16:39.07laerusi have delved into asteirsk source code atm to find out what's going on, it's the first time so i'm a bit lost still
16:41.48*** join/#asterisk mboehn_ (
16:43.41seanbrighti am scanning through now
16:50.01seanbrightlaerus: would you be able to test a patch that adds some debug logging? what specific version of asterisk 16?
16:51.29laerusseanbright, yes, Asterisk 16.2.1~dfsg-1+deb10u2 on debian buster
16:52.15seanbrightis there no more up-to-date version packaged already?
16:53.02seanbrightthe issue may already be fixed in newer versions
16:53.34laerushmm maybe if there is a backport, on buster main it's the latest version
16:56.09seanbrightwe can start simple... in main/stasis_channels.c around line 356 you should see:
16:56.20seanbrightif (caller) {
16:57.02seanbrightjust before that line add: ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "caller: %p\n", caller);
16:57.14seanbrightbuild, install, test
16:58.07grummundDebian testing (bullseye) is Asterisk 16.15.0~dfsg-1.
16:58.27grummundnot sure about 'sid'.
17:01.45laerusi will try bto uild the debian package with the log added and come back to you
17:02.18*** join/#asterisk akp55 (
17:03.08grummundDebian unstable (sid) is also Asterisk 16.15.0~dfsg-1.
17:03.38seanbrightthat code hasn't really been touched, so i doubt it is fixed in newer versionf
17:13.52*** join/#asterisk Isaac (~imcdona@2602:41:642e:a610:e081:f6d8:2fa5:b868)
17:35.09*** join/#asterisk n0tiz (
17:39.44*** join/#asterisk Kernkraft4Ever (~quassel@2001:16b8:c155:8700:1404:512b:68eb:aaa1)
17:47.48seanbrightlaerus: any luck?
17:58.41ckbHi guys, I literally just found out about the CLI, but am having problems finding out how to list all available extensions.
17:59.53grummundsip show peers ?
18:01.44laerusseanbright, sorry i had to take a break and i also need to build from debian source, is there any other medium to reach out to you? i've also opened this
18:03.58*** join/#asterisk hfb (~hfb@
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18:53.48zgu"UDP is usually the standard, but this is not an available option unless enabled via provisioning. If your SIP server uses UDP, you will have to provision this phone through a centralized provisioning server to enable UDP." well that's pretty retarded
18:59.08Samotzgu: What phone is this?
18:59.49zguavaya j129
19:00.09zgulooks like i have to put a settings file on an http server
19:06.26seanbrightlaerus: nah. i'm always around here, even when i'm not around.
19:07.39laeruscool! i'm trying to build from latest debian 16.15.0 atm
19:11.09*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
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19:50.29laerusseanbright, i got this log 3 times `ERROR[44692]: stasis_channels.c:355 ast_channel_publish_dial_internal: caller: (nil)`
19:51.35laerusi've tried with Asterisk 16.15.0~dfsg-1.5
19:53.33seanbrightok, so what are you passing as the 'caller' argument
19:58.46laerus`"caller": "1610049456.3"` the channel id i get from the StasisStart event
19:59.30laerusthe caller name appears correctly on the channel object in the the Dial 'peer' field
20:00.48laerusin the `connected` field of the `peer` channel object actually, not in the `caller` field of the channel object, which is also odd
20:05.58seanbrightthat does not look right
20:06.08seanbrightpastebin the stasisstart event
20:13.24seanbrighti guess i could set up a test here but i really don't wanna
20:13.56laerusi am creating a pastebin with some of the flow, i have logged my requests to ARI as well
20:16.32laerusi have logged everything except the ChannelSetvar events really, including my requests/responses to ARI if you want all the info
20:19.16laeruson the last Dial event it seems that `caller` and `connected` fields of the `peer` channel objects are reversed. 7000 is the actual caller
20:22.03seanbrightit would seem to be a bug to me... however i know very little overall about statis/ari/etc
20:22.24seanbrightso i would need to lab it up to figure out what was going on
20:23.12seanbrightbut... and this is critical... i don't want to
20:23.25laeruswant me to open a bug report?
20:23.46seanbrightkinda. but if it gets closed don't get mad at me.
20:23.52laerusit seems like there are two bugs here then?
20:25.06seanbrightif you do open an issue, please be sure to include comprehensive reproduction steps. the easier it is for someone to reproduce the more likely it will get addressed.
20:27.28laerusyes i will add all the json logs that include the requests/responses to ARI as well
20:37.53*** join/#asterisk hfb (~hfb@
20:38.11seanbrightit's going to come down to creating and then dialing rather than just originating
20:38.14seanbrightthat is my theory
20:56.51*** join/#asterisk hfb (~hfb@
20:59.21*** join/#asterisk Kernkraft4Ever (~quassel@2001:16b8:c155:8700:1404:512b:68eb:aaa1)
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22:20.53*** join/#asterisk DodgeThis (
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23:11.52*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
23:20.20grummundAnyone know if there's a way to control the DND state of a phone (Cisco SPA303) ?
23:34.56*** join/#asterisk hfb (~hfb@
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23:43.35Samotgrummund: the DND button?
23:44.39grummundas if user pressed the DND button, but to do it from asterisk.
23:45.02grummundsay to automatically set DND for outside office hours.
23:45.39SamotYou need to program that
23:46.11grummundcan it even be done?
23:46.11SamotDND sets the phone to return a busy
23:46.17SamotOf course
23:47.27grummundand the user can continue to toggle DND for themselves to override it?
23:47.55grummundand it shows up as DND on the phone?
23:48.26grummund...or if it can't be done, then what would be the closest approximation to this?
23:51.19SamotYou can make star codes for that
23:51.31SamotYou can make a GUI too
23:52.23SamotYou would need a BLF on the phone
23:52.43SamotThe phone doesnt know what the PBX does and vice versa
23:56.11grummundWithout any specific config there appear to be some dialplan hints registered already.
23:56.43grummundwould these be hardcoded ? -
23:57.33SamotUnless youre using realtime
23:57.55file"dialplan show" will show you the loaded dialplan including hints, and tell you from what PBX module it originates

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