IRC log for #asterisk on 20210103

00:10.28*** join/#asterisk giesen (
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00:52.34*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
00:53.24*** join/#asterisk john2gb (
01:10.52*** join/#asterisk infobot (
01:10.52*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 18.1.1, 16.15.1 (2020/12/22) Final Bugfix: 13.38.1, 17.9.1 (2020/12/22); DAHDI: 3.0.0 (2018/11/15); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
01:18.29*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
02:36.20*** join/#asterisk Gugge_ (
02:36.21*** join/#asterisk Maxxed3 (
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02:38.59*** join/#asterisk puzzola_ (~puzzola@unaffiliated/puzzola)
02:45.16*** join/#asterisk AndyCap (~aoy@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/AndyCap)
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03:17.52*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
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04:38.55*** join/#asterisk rjt (
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06:39.31*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
07:15.36*** join/#asterisk Kritnich (
08:29.45*** join/#asterisk jjrh (~weechat12@2607:f0b0:7:8596:216:3eff:fefe:444f)
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09:58.05*** join/#asterisk n0tiz (
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13:07.55*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
15:04.00*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
15:33.01*** join/#asterisk gavlee (~gav@unaffiliated/gavlee)
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16:52.00*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
16:56.39*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
17:38.13*** join/#asterisk pvoigt (~Linux@unaffiliated/pvoigt)
18:21.20*** join/#asterisk roox (
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22:47.54Kobazstill having sip-tls issues
22:48.51KobazI'll paste up some sips as well
22:49.01Kobazit just bails in the middle of a call
22:49.13Kobazwith two way audio.. asterisk just says 'i give up'
22:56.01grummundHi, sip credentials are repeated in different contexts, e.g. "register => user:secret@host", then we have "host=...", "fromuser=...", "username=..." and "secret=..."
22:57.14grummundis there a way to declare these just once say as variables or constants which can be referenced?
22:57.21SamotThe secret in the peer is for inbound registrations
22:57.30SamotThe secret in the register string is for outbound registrations
22:57.46SamotAlso, you shouldn't be using Chan_SIP anymore.
22:58.14KobazSamot: unfortunately, I might be needing to switch back to chan_sip
22:58.30Kobazpjsip's support for multiple transports is broken in several situations
22:59.10Kobazso, anyway... like 739 of that dpaste... asterisk just sends a BYE out of the blue
23:00.12Kobazor maybe i'll need to set up kamillio to proxy
23:00.24Kobazand have asterisk just use a single sip stack and sip-udp
23:01.30Kobazcall hangs up in exactly 30 seconds
23:02.42Kobazsounds like some sort of timer
23:08.10grummundSamot: that's all noted, but is there a way to avoid the duplicates?
23:09.11fileKobaz: set external_signaling_port to 5061 on the transport?
23:09.44Kobazthat might do it
23:11.39Kobazmade it past 30 seconds this time
23:12.15Kobazfile: thanks
23:12.54fileyes, because now the softphone can send the ACK to Asterisk so Asterisk knows the 200 OK was received
23:13.03Kobazright yeah makes sense
23:16.59Kobaz[2021-01-03 18:16:41.039] WARNING[29831]: pjproject: <?>:                          SSL 6 [SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN] (Read) ret: 0 len: 65535
23:17.02Kobazany idea what that is?
23:17.37filewhen it comes to that stuff reading wireshark and having intimate knowledge of TCP is generally needed
23:17.47Kobazyeah i can poke through that
23:18.20Kobazi've gotten those 0 reads in pjsip or chan_sip, and across multiple sites with different network environments and all that
23:18.25Kobaznever really looked into it
23:23.28Kobazalthough the biggest difference is that in pjsip it spits out an error, and in old asterisk chan_sip it drops the call
23:38.36SamotKobaz: So is the call working now?
23:38.46SamotKobaz: And show more around the SSL error
23:40.03KobazSamot: that's it... it's out of the blue... would need core debug to get something more
23:41.00KobazBut, the context isn't consistent
23:41.23KobazIt can be during a call, after a call... before a call.... no call.  registered.... and it might or might not happen
23:41.41KobazSamot: well... one useragent is working
23:42.03KobazSamot: testing with Acrobits cloudphone, sip-tls.  Now trying microsip.. and microsip is dropping after 1.5 minutes
23:42.21Kobazcloudphone handled a 12 minute two way audio call no issue
23:43.04Kobazmore like ~1 minute actually. looking at the actual durations
23:43.18Kobaz1 minute 4 seconds.. drop... and 1 minute 6 seconds drop
23:44.56SamotShow your transport for this
23:48.47Kobazmicrosip definitely having an issue, hmm
23:55.28SamotWhy is this set to sslv23?
23:56.01KobazOh, I don't know... Pulling from examples
23:56.12SamotBut that's what you have configured?
23:56.13KobazThis is my first serious dive into asterisk tls
23:56.22SamotOK, SSL is dead.
23:56.24KobazYeah it's configured that way
23:56.25SamotIt's TLS now.
23:56.36Kobazyeah makes sense
23:56.38SamotTLS1.2 is the current standard
23:56.52SamotNow if your softphones are current they should support that
23:56.58Kobazthat I know, but this is from an example... just literally trying a million things trying to get things to work
23:57.06SamotWhat example?
23:58.27KobazI've went through so many... I would have to do some google-fu
23:58.37KobazAnyway, let me set that to something more modern

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