IRC log for #asterisk on 20201227

00:01.17SamotAlright, you'll need to show a call that doesn't stop ringing a phone.
00:01.38spenglerhold on i will get the log
00:04.38spenglerhold on that was for a successfull call
00:06.07spenglersecond one is for a call that doesn't stop ringing
00:06.49SamotThat's not complete.
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17:07.44sibiriawhy is the opus codec module provided externally, as a binary product? is it proprietary or is it just that the GPL is being incompatible with the world as usual?
17:16.47fileSangoma lawyers have concerns of patent disclosures against it, and providing it as binary is a way to help with that
17:19.59DanFromUKDoes Asterisk support registration hash tokens? I'm having issues with Bria's Push Service, and they claim that the INVITEs aren't including the hash token that they supply in response to the REGISTER
17:21.33fileI don't know what "support registration hash tokens" means, but PJSIP will use the Contact as provided in the registration for calling
17:22.30DanFromUKThe Bria Push server generates a globally-unique hash token for each customer to avoid possible SIP username collisions. The Bria Push server uses this token when registering to the SIP service on behalf of the Bria client's SIP account. In most cases, using the hash token is beneficial and does not cause any problems for registration and call processing. However, some SIP servers, mainly PBXs that are not compliant
17:22.30DanFromUKto the SIP RFC specifications, cannot handle this token. If this is the case, disable hash token and try using RInstance instead in order to help the Bria Push server identify the clients. Note that some PBXs do not support RInstance either.
17:22.47DanFromUKthat's from Bria's documents if that helps figure out what they are talking about.
17:22.50fileit doesn't
17:23.06fileit's probably some arbitrary stuff placed in the Contact URI, which PJSIP does preserve
17:23.09DanFromUKHate Counterpath nowadays
17:23.38filea log with REGISTER and a subsequent INVITE would show things
17:23.42DanFromUKThey are claiming that they are responding with 404 because Asterisk is not supplying their hash token.
17:24.35DanFromUKJust captured the packets and examining them now. This is a new issue, and I doubt it's related to Asterisk as we havent made any changes. We had to use their DisableHashToken to get things working a few months ago, but I suspect they've broken that feature recently and not admitting fault.
17:25.01DanFromUKSo I wanted to see if I could get Asterisk to do whatever was required assuming that it is not possible to disable their hashtoken feature due to their bug
17:28.20DanFromUKDoes anyone know of a better softphone solution that counterpath, that can be remotely provisioned?
17:35.25DanFromUKThis is the OK in reply to the REGISTER sent to Bria's servers. And an INVITE for a call which comes back as 404. I can't see any sign of hash included in the INVITE. Am I missing something?
17:35.44filethe "hash" appears to be the user portion
17:35.50filewhich is mrn_227 in this case
17:36.01filethe tag in the To field is not reused
17:36.25fileyou also have two things registered, one without an rinstance, so without seeing all the REGISTER requests I can only guess
17:37.42DanFromUKOne registration is the app itself. Bria's push server maintains a Registration and uses Google's push service to wake up the app if Android has forced the app to sleep to save battery.
17:37.52DanFromUKBria's server is the 35. IP
17:38.08filesure, but the 35. IP doesn't appear in the Contact headers in the 200 OK
17:38.15DanFromUKSorry, in the contacts, bria's server is the 10.  IP
17:38.26filewhy does it have a 10. IP?
17:38.57fileand you'd need to capture the actual REGISTER from that, not just the 200 OK
17:39.12DanFromUKLooks like they nat or something. Their public IP is, but the contacts for that server always get registered with a 10.x.x.x IP.
17:39.31DanFromUKThe other IP is my home public IP. (working from home atm)
17:40.07DanFromUKThis is a recent issue, maybe the last 2 weeks, and I'm really getting fed up with Counterpath. Nothing but trouble over the last 12 months, and only getting worse.
17:43.59DanFromUKHmm.. seems like they have a NATEmulation feature which causes the 10. ranges to be used. Not sure what the point of that feature is though! Going to try disabling it on their systems.
18:40.50sibiriafile: but it's the main asterisk team that builds it? are the sources available?
18:40.57sibiria(the opus codec module)
18:41.22filethe sources are not available, and it's a binary module provided by Sangoma
18:41.34sibiriaa bit scary
18:41.51filethe module sends usage information of itself back to Sangoma
18:55.11sibiriaafaik Xiph have never been subjected to any lawsuits or similar trouble, as the patents involved in the codec are royalty free
18:55.36sibiriabut lawyers will always be lawyers, i suppose, whether the scared ones at Sangoma or the angry ones looking for easy pickins
19:09.04aoeuiARM64 support for Opus would still be nice
19:09.11aoeuisince you can't build it yourself
19:09.29aoeuiand server class ARM is really a thing now
19:35.09sibiriaaoeui: that was part of why i was asking around. i use an aarch64 sbc for a lot of tests
19:36.39sibiriaSamot: scared of being pulled into a litigation debacle from "unlicensed distribution" of Opus
19:37.53SamotI would call that being cautious
19:39.11SamotPlus how long has Asterisk had Opus?
19:39.26SamotLonger than 2017?
19:39.41sibiria4-5 years or so
19:40.16aoeuiThere's a Digium JIRA ticket for ARM support back to the rpi days, but the situation is different now. AWS has real aarch64 servers, you can buy good bare metal servers now, blah blah blah.
19:40.25sibiriaOpus' patents were always royalty-free. this can never be retroactively invalidated
19:40.34SamotSo before Sangoma
19:41.59sibiriai can gift seanbright a Pine64 or an RPi, to get those aarch64 builds rolling!1
19:43.11aoeuiAre there any optimized assembly bits in the Opus codecs that would need to be ported, or is it just building on aarch64?
19:43.52sibiriaif it has any assembler portions they are optional. opus itself builds fine on aarch64
20:02.07aoeuiNot too much money to spin up an m6g.medium instance and add to the build pipeline on the Asterisk side
20:02.24aoeuiBut then again I'm not running their business and the integration costs are nonzero and there are other priorities
20:02.40aoeuiAnyways, I want a pony too
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23:23.00seanbrightsibiria: i am not a sangoma employee. unless you mean my old github repo - which is long dead and i shan't be reviving.
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