IRC log for #asterisk on 20201122

00:02.04aNullValueok, thanks for the anti-answer
00:06.01SamotWhat anti-answer?
00:06.20SamotYou claimed to have searched the Internet and couldn't find any SIP phones that supported video that wasn't Android.
00:06.38SamotI've given you three vendors that have multiple options.
00:06.52SamotAre you looking for a specific phone?
00:08.03aNullValueliterally all three vendors you mentioned (poly, yealink, grandstream), of their phones that i can determine support video calling, they are _all_ built on ancient versions of android. it's right there on their spec sheets.
00:08.42aNullValuei'm not looking for a specific phone; i'm looking for someone who had experience and could give advice (the first words i said), and elaborated that i'm worried because all of these phones seem sketchy to me
00:09.59SamotThey are like in the top 5 vendors in this space.
00:10.09SamotPolycom is at the top.
00:10.21SamotSo sketchy that fortune 500 companies use them.
00:10.24aNullValueyes, i understand that those are among the best vendors
00:10.27aNullValuejesus fuck i'm aware
00:10.40SamotSo if you need a solid phone that does video, Poly or Yealink.
00:10.40aNullValuethese _models_ are what worry me, not the companies
00:11.01SamotOK well as someone who uses them on a large scale, they are fine.
00:11.11SamotThey work just fine. They have firmware updates regularly.
00:33.10*** join/#asterisk Casper (~Casper@unaffiliated/thephantom)
00:35.42Casperhi there, I use a VoIP provider, that run asterisk on their side... They claim there is no issue on their side (and no reviews say anything, so I tend to believe it, somewhat). I get a loss of incomming or outgoing audio, intermittant, permanant, which persist on the next immediate call. I use an ATA box (which got replaced). Does anyone have an idea how to debug this to prove that it is on my side or theirs or my isp or whatever?
00:42.57*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@
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08:43.01velixHmm. Seems my manager.conf didn't make it from 17.5.1 to 18.1.0 - it's listening, but I cannot connect. I wasn't able to find a change in the changelog. Anyone with an idea, what might be wrong?
08:45.54velixThe module is loaded, the port is listening
08:49.41velixoh heck... found it ;)
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12:10.32*** join/#asterisk vasilakisfil (~vasilakis@
12:11.51vasilakisfilhey I am building a sip server just for fun, but I was lookin in rfc 3261 and in the client transaction state machine, I found a flow (which I guess is already known, or I am missing something since this rfc is 20 years old). Specifically, in the case that the client transaction receives a provisional code, there is no way out of that state, unless it then receives a final response. At least the rfc doesn't mention anything..
12:12.08vasilakisfilrfc 6026 doesn't make any changes to that either
12:12.23vasilakisfildoes anyone know for how long it should stay in proceeding state ?
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14:28.25mrkikoHello guys! I am trying since some time to develope a channel driver for asterisk or alternatively a SIP->GSM gateway similar in scope to chan_dongle, but based on a different approach (e.g.: using ModemManager). I wrote down the code interfacing with MM and thus can track incoming calls and so on. My problem was I couldn't wrap my head around PJSIp and so on. so was seeking for recommendations.
14:29.14mrkikoMaybe I can handle calls on my own and talk to Asterisk somehow to tell it something like - go read audio from serial / write it to serial ? I managed to handle audio also, doing calls from the console, but with a standalone app, not within asterisk
14:46.38*** join/#asterisk drathir87 (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
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17:37.36aNullValueanyone have experience with Avaya Vantage phones in Asterisk? i'm wondering if they "just work", as the docs seem to indicate, or if they are difficult and aren't great SIP phones (like Avaya's 96x0 and 12xx lines, which I've worked with in Avaya environments)
17:45.51sibiriaCOVID-1984: most DID providers also offer shortcodes and relaying of SMSes sent to them
17:47.05sibiriabut short codes are expensive everywhere, even when you buy just a prefix on a shared one :)
17:47.48COVID-1984@sibiria can you recommend a provider that explicitly states they support receiving shortcodes?
17:48.01COVID-1984I tried and about 90% of shortcodes I've not been able to receive.
17:48.52sibiriavoxbone, infobip, sinch
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17:50.45sibiriai don't know the full list of countries they provide short codes for, but we have such registered with these three providers in a handful of european countries
17:51.08sibiriamessagebird also provides short codes
17:51.59COVID-1984thanks will try those out and switch to whomever is the most confident about receiving shortcodes long-term.
17:52.13COVID-1984Too bad banking and many other services (Uber) still needs them
17:52.16sibiriaand regarding reliability, i have no concerns about any of these three
17:52.35sibiriaat least not in the scope of SMSes sent to them through european cellular grids
17:52.55sibiriathey've been entirely reliable for us
17:55.21COVID-1984will need to receive US shortcodes, and receive them on browser or app (software)... I'm guessing those three don't require any hardware (they are SIP)
17:55.40drmessanoWhat do you mean you haven't been able to recieve 90% of them?
17:56.01sibiriathey relay SMSes over REST towards an http endpoint of yours. very basic, and the most common solution for these things
17:57.44COVID-1984drmessano: I ported my phone # from Google Voice to voipms and about 90% of the services I was using and needed to send shortcodes (airbnb, uber, etc)... they cannot be received on voipms (and voipms docs say they cannot officially support shortcodes)... And googling about it shows very little about who official supports them.
17:58.26COVID-1984sibiria: nice, sounds like it'll work well
18:09.12SamotWell shared short codes are being phased out.
18:16.02COVID-1984'shared' meaning?
18:16.39sibiriathat you get a prefix rather than a whole short code just for yourself
18:17.10sibiriashort codes in most countries are 5 digits, sometimes 6. very limited availability, high cost to subscribe to one
18:17.44sibiriaso customers can use a shared one where the text message must contains a prefix to be relayed to you
18:18.31COVID-1984ok, was just talking about random shortcodes from services for sending OTPs
18:18.49sibiriawhat do you mean by "random short codes"?
18:18.56COVID-1984there's the shortcode itself, and then the messages sent within it, right? Which is OTP in these cases.
18:19.25COVID-1984sibiria: when you login to your bank, for example... They don't just use a password. They have to send you an one-time-password via SMS often.
18:19.36COVID-1984This OTP they send via SMS is done using a shortcode SMS, right?
18:19.47sibiriasometimes, sometimes not
18:19.55sibiriamore common with an alphanumeric sender in my experience
18:20.33sibiriathere's technically no difference
18:20.41COVID-1984Well voipms classifies them as "Shortcodes" and that is why it says it does not support them.
18:20.50sibiriait comes down to what the SMS provider you use will allow
18:20.52COVID-1984Even more receiving only.
18:21.12sibiriasome of them will relay SMSes on your behalf using any sender, whether numerical or alphanumerical
18:22.12sibiriathe providers we use, and the european countries we operate with mostly, have no restrictions on SMS sender IDs
18:22.14*** join/#asterisk akp55 (
18:22.42COVID-1984Cool. voipms citied some US laws that make it difficult for them to support
18:23.30sibiriasome countries restrict this in terms of having to register the sender ID with all providers operating in the country in question, on national level
18:23.42sibiriabut, again, as far as europe goes it's mostly still entirely open use
18:24.02sibiriacan send an SMS from "12345" or "fuckface", and providers in most countries will relay it as-is
18:24.20sibiriawithout us having to "register" or be affiliated in some way with the sender ID
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19:36.52Casperhi there, I use a VoIP provider, that run asterisk on their side... They claim there is no issue on their side (and no reviews say anything, so I tend to believe it, somewhat). I get a loss of incomming or outgoing audio, intermittant, permanant, which persist on the next immediate call. I use an ATA box (which got replaced). Does anyone have an idea how to debug this to prove that it is on my side or theirs or my isp or whatever?
19:39.59*** part/#asterisk mrkiko (
19:42.23akp55take a tcpdump
19:43.24akp55is it possible to set a name on a channel, so that if a call is forwarded from the phone, asterisk applies a named pattern to it?
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22:16.39drmessanoCasper: What are you using for a router?
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22:21.44Casperdrmessano: ubiquiti ER-6p
22:22.15drmessanoI guess if you have a SIP ALG on there, disable it
22:22.56Casperappears to be disabled
22:23.17Casperbut sip alg.. wouln't that cause it to just not work? it work fine for like 25-30 mins then the problem happen...
22:23.29Casperand then... I can be months without any issue
22:24.26drmessano25-30 mins sounds like a timeout
22:24.45Casperbut again, it's intermittant
22:24.46drmessanoand typically on the local NAT
22:26.02Casperso can still be a router issue if it work fine for months then for a while it do that, then fine again for months?
22:26.14drmessanoSure can
22:27.21Casperis there any easy tests that can be done to make sure that it is the issue?
22:27.44drmessanoCan you resolve the issue by power cycling the ATA?
22:28.07drmessanoor does it persist through a reboot?
22:28.58Casperit persisted sometime throught an entire power cycle (modem + router + ata)
22:29.41Casperbut usually an ATA power cycle did fixed it, but I'm tempted to say that it may not be related as it is not constant
22:30.33drmessanoso all 3 devices power cycled, you're 100% certain?
22:31.10*** join/#asterisk mTeK (~quassel@
22:31.41Casperyup, 100% sure that it did not always fixed it
22:32.23Casperthing is, when it do it, the immediate next call is still in trouble, but the second one usually is fine (but only have a few minutes so don't know if it is really fine or not)
22:37.35Casperany idea how to do some tests?
22:38.03Casperbecause I'm about to cancel 3 voip lines and go to landline... at 10 times the price...
22:39.23drmessano99% of the time, client issues are the firewall
22:39.31drmessanoIf the provider is the issue
22:39.50drmessanoWhy in the actual hell are you going to go back to copper?  Why not just... find another provider?
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22:40.22drmessanoThat seems like a 2003 reaction
22:41.01Casperbecause I'm that fed up with the troubles
22:41.19Casperjust want something that work
22:41.27drmessanoCopper is dead
22:41.31drmessanoFind another provider, really
22:41.43Casper(actually will be phone over coax, but meh)
22:43.10drmessanoWho is the provider?
22:43.42Casperhmm is sip alg = nf_conntrack_sip
22:44.02drmessanoI have never heard of issues like that with  They are my backup carrier
22:44.18drmessanoYou made it sound like this was some small provider
22:45.05drmessanonf_conntrack_sip is enabled huh?
22:46.07drmessanoset system conntrack modules sip disable
23:12.29Casperbut if it was that... why would it make trouble for a few days, then be a few months with zero issue?
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23:37.58Kobazdrmessano: i had that
23:38.18Kobazdrmessano: prospect was all excited about voip and working from home, the director of the place was sold
23:38.46Kobazand then i didn't realize he wasn't the decision maker... and the owner was like, no i want to stick with copper, and they just ordered like 4 additional pots lines
23:46.11drmessanoCasper: was it enabled?
23:48.01drmessanoYou're asking me to explain an intermittent issue that you are the END USER of.. We have no logs, just some vague timelines and the provider saying "it's not us".   If you had SIP ALG enabled, that's a problem.
23:49.04drmessanoI don't have a crystal ball.  I do know in 15+ years of doing this that SIP ALG on anything is generally "the suck" and especially on Ubiqiuiti and PFsense boxes.
23:49.18drmessanoSo if it was enabled, and you disabled it, that's a great start.
23:50.29drmessanoSurely if you opened a support ticket with the provide, they have logs or dug into this somewhat.  Where is that info?  What did they find?
23:51.29drmessanoGenerally we troubleshoot issues here looking at BOTH sides... You're the customer ONLY here.  So taking scientific wild ass guesses at known gotchas is as good as it gets.
23:52.32drmessanoStill would like you to confirm you hadn't disabled SIP ALG before now.  That's a big one.
23:56.54SamotKobaz: I highly doubt they're going to get copper based lines for POTS.
23:57.08Kobazwell yeah
23:57.19KobazI had one customer who verizon just shut them off
23:57.34Kobazby the way we are moving your copper to fiber, they never dropped in the fiber and they just shut off the copper line

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