IRC log for #asterisk on 20201023

00:57.56*** join/#asterisk scampbell (
01:05.43*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
01:24.07*** join/#asterisk tsal (
01:44.08*** join/#asterisk Tagor (
01:45.09Tagorhow can I set a global var as soon as dial() was answered?
01:53.56*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn (
02:14.14*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
03:07.16*** join/#asterisk akp55 (
05:29.23*** join/#asterisk gry (~test@unaffiliated/gryllida)
05:41.57*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
05:49.56*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:56.51*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
06:08.58*** join/#asterisk Grommish (~quassel@
06:18.54*** join/#asterisk Grommish_ (~quassel@
06:29.26*** join/#asterisk Grommish (~quassel@
06:53.22*** join/#asterisk MarcinWieczorek (
06:55.32*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
08:13.43*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
09:40.10*** join/#asterisk sekil (
09:56.15*** join/#asterisk MarcinWieczorek_ (~marcin@
10:10.16*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
10:42.00*** join/#asterisk oolivero45 (
10:43.07oolivero45Hi everyone, sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but I have a question. Are you able to get Asterisk to re-broadcast the video from a SIP call as a separate h264 video stream over the local network?
10:43.20oolivero45I've got a client which can only receive audio over SIP, but not video, but it can receive a h264 stream over the network. I want to try separating the video from the call into its own stream for that client to receive, but can't work out how/if that can be done.
10:46.52*** join/#asterisk oolivero45 (
10:55.55*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (maliutamat@gateway/shell/
10:59.22*** join/#asterisk pestdoktor1 (pestdoktor@gateway/shell/
10:59.22*** join/#asterisk cepxuo (sergiomatr@gateway/shell/
10:59.30*** join/#asterisk malarinv (malarinvma@gateway/shell/
11:06.31*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
11:14.15*** part/#asterisk sekil (
11:14.22*** join/#asterisk AsteriskRoss_ (~AsteriskR@
11:44.57*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
11:46.49*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
12:13.16*** join/#asterisk pppingme (~pppingme@unaffiliated/pppingme)
12:34.38*** join/#asterisk john2gb (
12:44.06DovidAs per the RFC in a SDP which IP do we look at for RTP is it the onwer/creater or the connection information?
12:47.18filethe connection information is the IP where media is to be sent
12:47.55Kobazoh yeah
12:47.59Kobazi had a question last night
12:48.23KobazSo..... apparently you can leave transport blank on an endpoint??  This doesn't appear to work
12:48.33fileyou haven't defined how it doesn't work
12:48.45Kobazoh, sure
12:48.57KobazLike, if endpoints are registering to you over multiple transports... they all go unreachable if you take out transport=
12:49.13Kobazthen, pjsip has no idea how to route to them
12:49.17filehaven't seen that before.
12:49.22Kobazasterisk 16.10
12:49.29KobazI'll try 16.14
12:49.47Kobazand once you put transport=udp, they all come back
12:50.09Kobazi have two udp transports on two local ip addresses (bound to two different publics)
12:50.11fileit does work, but if it's not working then it's likely something dependent on your specific environment or configuration
12:50.33Kobazso not defining a transport entirely, should auto-detect the transport?
12:50.58fileit will choose a transport to use based on the protocol specified in the URI and will try to consult the local routing table to find an appropriate one based on that
12:51.28Kobazand that's when transport is undefined?
12:51.38Dovidfile: I am having an issue with chan_sip on 11.25. Seems Asterisk is locking in on src  IP + Port and not looking at the sdp. AFAIK Pjsip was introduced in 12. Is that correct?
12:52.16fileyes, however both chan_sip and chan_pjsip will behave that way if NAT options are enabled.
12:52.23KobazDovid: I've found many lockups/crashes with 11.20 - 11.25... join the club... unfortunately
12:52.38Kobazoh locking in/onto... not locking up
12:53.22KobazDovid: you have nat options enabled, then if will not trust the SDP... correct
12:53.40Dovidkobaz: nat=no
12:54.05Kobazwhat's your packet look like?
13:02.03*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn (
13:02.13*** join/#asterisk Barbosa (~barbosa@
13:17.25Dovidkobaz: my invite or the carriers SDP back to me?
13:26.56Kobazthe whole thing
13:27.02Kobazactually... the more the merrier
13:27.20Kobazstart the finish the whole sip conversation
13:28.14*** join/#asterisk akp55_ (
13:28.29*** join/#asterisk thansen5 (~thansen@
13:29.55*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
14:04.30*** join/#asterisk kharwell (uid358942@gateway/web/
14:04.31*** mode/#asterisk [+o kharwell] by ChanServ
14:22.10*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
14:49.12*** join/#asterisk irrgit (~ch33se@
14:57.49*** join/#asterisk akp55 (
15:00.58*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@
15:05.19*** join/#asterisk theGoat (
15:06.37*** part/#asterisk AbortRetryFail (
15:15.51*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
15:19.56*** join/#asterisk opal (~wowaname@volatile/founder/wowaname)
16:24.29*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
16:30.52*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@
16:50.49*** join/#asterisk DanFromUK_ (sid21651@gateway/web/
16:50.58*** join/#asterisk znf_ (
17:12.56*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
17:23.02*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@
17:23.59*** join/#asterisk daemonwrangler (
17:33.51*** join/#asterisk mbecroft (
17:40.43*** join/#asterisk Typhon (
17:43.49*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
17:48.01*** join/#asterisk opal (~wowaname@volatile/founder/wowaname)
18:28.08*** join/#asterisk sbingner (~sam@phathack/sbingner)
20:43.06*** join/#asterisk lankanmon_ (
20:44.37*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
20:50.14*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
20:50.14*** join/#asterisk Barbosa (~barbosa@
20:50.14*** join/#asterisk saint_ (~saint_@unaffiliated/saint-/x-0540772)
20:50.14*** join/#asterisk puzzola (~puzzola@unaffiliated/puzzola)
20:50.14*** join/#asterisk ilius (
20:50.14*** join/#asterisk Milos (~Milos@pdpc/supporter/student/milos)
20:51.08*** join/#asterisk Barbosa (~barbosa@
20:53.24*** join/#asterisk Milos (~Milos@pdpc/supporter/student/milos)
20:58.37*** join/#asterisk pppingme (~pppingme@unaffiliated/pppingme)
21:26.02*** join/#asterisk markong (~markong@
21:41.43*** join/#asterisk cation21 (cation21@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/cation21)
21:48.02*** join/#asterisk cation21 (cation21@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/cation21)
23:07.58*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn (
23:15.06*** join/#asterisk john2gb (

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