IRC log for #asterisk on 20200926

00:05.37*** join/#asterisk thansen (~thansen@
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16:10.57*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
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16:28.46khobowhat are Polycom CAB files for UC Software for VVX Business Media, Business IP Phones Phones and SoundStructure
16:28.50khobopoly cab files?
16:29.37khobolooking at this right now
16:30.12*** join/#asterisk rpifan_ (
16:31.05SamotStop looking at it.
16:31.17SamotI don't know how many times we need to go over this. You have a SIGNLE phone.
16:31.28SamotNone of that is relevant.
16:32.31khobohe's actually sending me a replacement
16:32.34khoboso there will be 2 phones now
16:32.46khoboalso dude if i can't get teh config files from USB
16:32.53khoboi kinda do need the provisioning
16:33.41SamotNo, no you don't.
16:33.49SamotConsider that you can import them via the web GUI.
16:33.57khoboflares nose
16:34.16khoboi still need the source though
16:34.30*** join/#asterisk akp55 (
16:34.45cation21I wonder how long until they wind up on ebay
16:36.05drmessanoIs ebay a trash?
16:36.19khobooh i see so i hit phone backup export
16:36.22khoboit downloaded a .pbu
16:36.27khoboand i can make edits from this puppy, no?
16:36.39cation21TSG phones are neat
16:36.45cation21(I think)
16:37.01Samotkhobo: No.
16:37.13Samotkhobo: That is export and import, no edit.
16:37.18SamotYou need to export the configs.
16:38.58khobookay got them
16:39.04khobowhat's the difference between these and the .pbu?
16:39.10khobopbu = device settings only?
16:40.31SamotOne is a binary file and the other are text files.
16:40.32khoboahh i see phonebackup
16:40.48khoboso basically you use these cfgs to generate the .pbu
16:41.06SamotIt all depends on what you actually need.
16:41.16khoboyahyah just exploring right now
16:41.53khoboalso i wanted to look at these aux port settings
16:41.58khobosee if usb was blocked thatway
16:42.08SamotNo, it wasn't.
16:42.25SamotYou have an issue with your USB sticks not the USB port so far.
16:42.40khoboyeah i tried two different brands
16:42.45khobokinda nuts whatever is wrong with them
16:42.58SamotWhat two different brands?
16:43.05khoboand kingston
16:50.51*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
16:58.11*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak (~mvanbaak@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
17:10.56khoboso i get provisioning server failed message on bootup.. if i wanted to fix that
17:11.11khoboi need to set prov.startupCheck.enabled to 0
17:11.34khobonow where do i add that into? device settings.cfg? or explort_all.cfg
17:13.07khobowould be nice if they had an explanation in this section lmao
17:15.09*** join/#asterisk akp55 (
17:25.29SamotThere's no provisioning server configured in the phone.
17:25.40SamotThat's why you get that notice, not an error.
17:26.25Samotkhobo: The admin guide has all this in it.
17:26.55khoboi know there's no provisioning server,.. i'm trying to update teh config files so it doesn't auto check on startup
17:28.06igcewielingkhobo: dude, if there is no provisioning server, then the phone will never download the config files from that server.
17:28.29khoboright but through the gui
17:28.34khoboyou upload the .cfg files
17:29.12khoboholy on let's back up here.. on boot the phone says "failure to provision" bc there's no server.. i'm trying to disable that which is with a parameter
17:29.24igcewielingkhobo: I've never needed to.  But I've always used a provisioning server.
17:29.45khoboyou're so funny
17:30.05igcewielingno, seriously.  I don't know anyone who configures their polycom phones via the phone GUI.
17:30.23khoboyeah... well samot is saying it'd be a stupid thing to do
17:30.27khobosince there's only one phone
17:30.30khoboi already have the FTP setup
17:30.37khoboall i need to do are add the files in there
17:30.46khoboi asked earlier... what are cab files and samot said that was stupid
17:31.16khoboso now i exported the .cfg files from gui and editing that
17:31.29khobobut lots of parameters are missing since it's only got what the phone has on it now
17:31.43khoboand trying to figure out where certain parameters go..
17:33.23khoboi know dude i
17:33.39khoboat this rate this could take weeks
17:34.59Samotkhobo: What is the end goal here?
17:36.02khobothe PBX is setup about 90% of the way hasn't been connected to it yet but they'll be able to help me with that
17:36.45khoboat this point just a general idea of how the actual polycom devices are setup
17:37.35khoboreally the only part confusing me is the .cfg files at this point
17:37.37khoboand where to add things in
17:37.45igcewieling    The XML editing part is sort of stupid, but it should explain what files the phone expects to download.
17:38.25SamotAdd what things?
17:38.56SamotThe admin guide has all the config settings.
17:39.12SamotOK outside of something that doesn't impact how the phone works...
17:39.18SamotWhat are you trying to do with this phone?
17:39.28khoboSamot: so when you go to export teh config file
17:39.30khoboyou get two options
17:39.40SamotNo, you get multiple options.
17:39.48igcewielingmy 0000000.cfg
17:39.48khobojust stay with me for half a minute
17:39.49SamotAt least 4-5.
17:40.04khoboyou can download Everything (minus phone device config)
17:40.10khoboor go through and download everything individually
17:40.26SamotBut that's more than 2 options.
17:40.37igcewielingSamot: he means in the phone gui
17:40.38SamotI'm well aware of how Polycom phones work.
17:40.42SamotI know.
17:40.47khoboyeah, i guess for someone who needs things very literally spelled out for them
17:40.51khoboyou're right its more than 2 options
17:40.58SamotYou hit the export dropdown there are 5 options to export.
17:41.06khoboAll configuration (except device settings)
17:41.09SamotYes, some are individual.
17:41.13khoboor everything individually
17:41.29khobonow let's say for example i wanted to add in prov.startupCheck.enabled
17:41.38khobowhich .cfg would that go into?
17:41.48SamotThis is covered in the admin guide.
17:41.51khoboexport_all.cfg or export_device_settings.cfg
17:41.52SamotI keep saying this.
17:42.00khoboyou know it would take 30 seconds
17:42.01SamotYou want to know how this all works, read the admin guide.
17:42.11khobomaybe even 5 seconds
17:42.15SamotYou want to know how this all works, read the admin guide.
17:42.19SamotThat's how that works.
17:42.38khobooh i see what you're doing here
17:42.47SamotWhat is that?
17:42.49khobogate keeping
17:43.07SamotYou're asking questions that are documented.
17:43.16SamotYou said you're doing this to learn how the phone works
17:43.32SamotBut you want me to give you the answers to each of your individual questions that could be answered by reading.
17:43.41SamotBut I'm gatekeeping?
17:43.49SamotThat's rich.
17:44.51igcewielingIt is the whole “Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.” thing.
17:45.44igcewieling..e.r..wrong one.  I mean  "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for his life time. "
17:45.52khobosame idea
17:46.37SamotApparently when people announce they want to learn and you send them to textbooks, documentation and resources for learning, you're gate keeping.
17:47.09SamotI wonder if this is what teachers have to put up withi n 2020.
17:47.36Samot"Mrs. Johnston, you're not giving me the answer to question 32 on this test. You're gate keeping."
17:47.49khobothe document is 400 pages
17:47.51khobolet's get real on that
17:47.59SamotBut the fact I READ IT
17:48.06SamotAnd can give you an answer in 5 seconds...
17:48.08khoboahhh okay clearly said something to set you off
17:48.10khobosorry man
17:48.14SamotLet's get real on that...
17:48.33SamotYou basically just said "It's 400 pages, let's be real. I ain't reading that"
17:48.43SamotBut you want me to give you an answer in 5 seconds because I know it.
17:48.48SamotWhy do I know it? I read the 400 pages.
17:48.54khoboahhh okay
17:49.03khobohave a good day Samot
17:49.12SamotI'm having a wonderful day.
17:59.21*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
18:13.47drmessanoI saw that coming
18:20.59khoboi think partly the documentation is pretty bad
18:21.04khobothe poly website is a shit show
18:21.29khoboso for example -> configuring security options -> administrator and user passwords -> 4 ways to change defualt password
18:21.35khobod. Use the parameter reg.1.auth.password
18:21.42khobonow is that a device parameter or config patameter?
18:21.44khoboit doesn't say..
18:22.01khoboso i've gotta wait until 300 pages down to figure that out
18:24.16drmessano13:33:40 <khobo> at this rate this could take weeks
18:24.45drmessanoI think it's your whole attitude
18:25.42drmessanoBeen following this since the "I want a $30 phone and dont give me any shit" conversation and this has "Chat McDonalds" written all over it
18:26.12drmessanoYou think any of us fap over 400 page admin manuals?  no
18:27.15drmessanoBut yeah I am not gonna sit on IRC and act like a google proxy because someone doesn't want to read
18:27.34drmessanoThat's not gatekeeping
18:27.53drmessanoThat's not being a schmuck
18:28.08drmessanoThe difference between "help" and "do it for me"
18:29.55*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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20:02.22*** join/#asterisk mbecroft (
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21:36.10*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
22:05.45*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn (
22:52.27*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
23:09.22SamotWell I missed something.
23:11.49*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
23:17.05*** join/#asterisk ih8wndz (
23:36.21*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (

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