IRC log for #asterisk on 20200731

00:03.17*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
00:04.38*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
00:58.51rpifanasterisk 16 is now avaiable as a package
01:11.04SamotFrom where?
01:24.30*** join/#asterisk spatel (
01:29.49rpifanis chan sip gonna be deprecated?
01:29.51rpifandebian apt
01:30.59SamotChan_SIP *is* deprecated.
01:33.08rpifanso i should be making my configs in pjsip?
01:33.17rpifanlast time i used asterisk they were still just getting into pjsip
01:35.22SamotWell Chan_SIP has to be configured to be installed during compile time as of Asterisk 17.
01:35.42SamotIt can officially be removed from Asterisk as of 2023 or so.
01:36.46rpifani got time
01:41.46rpifanso i got two asterisk boxes i need ot connect
01:41.56rpifanone is on a dedicated vps the other is in my house with a dynamic ip
01:42.00rpifanis there a way to get this to work
02:26.11*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
02:26.27*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
02:56.41drmessanoYou shouldn't be using chan_sip at this point, at all
03:09.41rpifanwell i was playing with iax2
03:09.50rpifanwith one machine with dynamic ip and the other fixed
03:09.54rpifani got something from a website
03:10.15rpifanand it shows as connected on the dynamic side but in the fixed ip it shows 0 online 0 offline 1 unmonitored
03:19.29drmessanoiax2 is even worse
03:19.36drmessanoJust use chan_pjsip
03:43.09*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
04:27.12*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
04:59.33*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
05:09.56*** join/#asterisk ih8wndz (
05:39.38*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
06:28.09*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
06:55.12*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
07:38.14*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
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08:06.19*** join/#asterisk petris (
08:36.13*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
08:36.50*** join/#asterisk tombriden (~tom@
09:24.54*** join/#asterisk DodgeThis (
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09:49.25*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak (~mvanbaak@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
10:09.26*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
10:13.23*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
11:50.20*** join/#asterisk Snuupy (~Snuupy@unaffiliated/snuupy)
12:19.38*** join/#asterisk tafa2 (~tafa2@
12:20.20*** join/#asterisk _Posterdati_ (
12:25.11*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
12:38.18*** join/#asterisk DodgeThis (
12:55.35*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn_ (
13:00.41*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
13:24.54*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@
13:27.41*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
13:42.48*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
14:07.57*** join/#asterisk tafa2 (~tafa2@
14:09.52*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@
14:11.53*** join/#asterisk _Posterdati_ (
14:14.36igcewielingNah, use MGCP or SKINNY if you really want to use a dead protocol.
14:19.38*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
14:19.38*** mode/#asterisk [+o bford] by ChanServ
14:25.37*** join/#asterisk elguero (
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14:59.47*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
15:11.43*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
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15:59.21*** join/#asterisk opal (~wowaname@volatile/founder/wowaname)
16:03.49*** join/#asterisk tafa2_ (~tafa2@
16:22.16*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
16:40.46*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
17:00.03spaghetiis there a way I can set a variable (via SetVar) as the output of a shell (bash) command via AMI? I've been looking around for it but nothing I've found is working when I test through AMI
17:01.42igcewielingspagheti: "core show functions like SHELL"
17:02.30jsmithspagheti: Also, pay attention to the documentation for that dialplan function.  It will only work via AMI if you set a flag in asterisk.conf.
17:02.52spaghetithanks igcewieling and jsmith
17:06.16igcewieling"core show functions" and "core show applications" is your friend.
17:08.43*** join/#asterisk forgotmynick (uid24625@gateway/web/
17:32.48jsmithspagheti: You're welcome!
18:52.10*** join/#asterisk irrgit (~ch33se@
18:57.09*** join/#asterisk spatel (
19:14.18rpifandrmessano, but my machine is behind a firewall
19:14.23rpifanand i tried to open ports and such and it was a mess
19:14.33rpifanso the idea is to use iax2 to bind two boxes
19:14.39rpifanand then plug my soft phone into my local box
19:16.34igcewielingrpifan: SIP works just fine with NAT
19:17.24*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@
19:24.33seanbrighteh... "just fine" is subjective
19:24.43seanbrightyou have to know what you're doing
19:24.49seanbrightat least to some degree
19:26.02rpifanigcewieling, it didnt that was the whole issue
19:26.11rpifanunless pjsip is better then old sip
19:26.30seanbrightit is, but that probably isn't why it didn't work
19:40.42seanbright'and i tried to open ports and such and it was a mess'
19:41.00seanbrightchan_sip nat setup is fairly straight forward (externaddr and localnet primarily)
19:41.18seanbrightassuming those were correct, that leaves firewall config
19:45.20drmessanoIAX2 hasn't been a good excuse for firewall transversal in maybe 15 years
19:45.42seanbrightIAX3 is going to be dope
19:46.08drmessanoIt's going to auto-create IPv6 tunnels?
19:46.59seanbrightthat's page 1 of the RFC
19:47.11drmessanoIf someone wanted to really piss off the "Just use SIP" crowd, something really sexy for firewall transversal in IAX would be trololol for the next 15 years
19:47.35drmessano"I heard IAX3 creates magic IPv6 tunnels, so I used it"
19:47.53drmessanoI can feel Samot's aorta tearing, slowly
19:48.26drmessanoNo no no
19:48.41drmessanoIAX3 needs to incorporate WireGuard
19:48.53drmessanoDone..   I just murdered Samot
19:49.01drmessanoRIP ThunderBuddy
19:49.06*** join/#asterisk eXistenZ (
19:49.42SamotYou are a mean person.
19:49.59Samotfile: Help me. I need a safe place from the bad man.
19:50.16seanbrightgit checkout -b iax3
19:50.20seanbrightshit, wrong window, sorry
19:51.34drmessanoiax3.conf > wireguard=veryyes
19:51.37SamotWhy don't you just embed it in pfsense?
19:51.48drmessanoNow who is being mean
19:52.10SamotOh it's all fun and games until pfsense is involved, huh?
19:52.16drmessanoI heard you're a big fan of PFSense
19:52.23drmessanoSee what I did there?  huh?  huh?
19:52.39SamotNo, you heard wrong.
19:52.46SamotIt's you need a big fan for pfsense.
19:53.53SamotWe all know pfsense users follow the open box deployment.
19:54.14SamotYou know, where they don't cover the box because the fan needs to blow on the system for cooling.
19:54.34drmessanoPFSense is very efficient when you overclock it
19:55.12SamotOr as Stefon would say "It's this thing where a midget sits on the server and blows into it to keep it cool"
19:57.34drmessano"New Yorks hottest new club is called PFSense"
19:59.47drmessano"All of their servers are sweaty, overheating midgets, and there's giant fans blowing down from above.  The servers drag old UPSes around by jumper cables clamped to their heels, and they savagely attack anyone who uses the word SIP"
19:59.51drmessanoHows that?
20:00.39Samot"A an group of furries cosplaying as The IT Crowd"
20:01.40drmessano"They only serve one drink, and it's milk mixes with the tears of admins"
20:23.32igcewielingI fsck'ing hate salespeople.
20:27.23igcewielingThe "public static IP address", which we require for service, provided was 192.168.x.x
20:38.57rpifanis there really something wrong with iax2?
20:39.03rpifanthat i should use pjsip for instead?
20:40.15igcewielingrpifan: Using IAX2 is sort of like using an 8-track tape.   Sure, 8-track tapes are OK, but since nobody makes them anymore, nobody makes equipment to use them, and nobody can help you with them, you'll have trouble getting help.
20:42.29rpifanreally? i thought it was the standard to connect two asteriks boxen
20:43.41igcewielingrpifan: only if you read old information or maybe browse voip-info
20:48.16seanbrightrpifan: iax2 is no longer maintained
20:48.48seanbrightthe mose recent change to chan_iax2.c was 11 months ago... by me
20:49.07seanbrightand it didn't make it suck less
20:50.01rpifanseanbright, oh really? is there gonna be an iax3  then
20:50.17seanbrighti mean, it's a community project, so i guess there could be
20:50.46seanbrightbut sangoma resources are focused on chan_pjsip
20:51.04seanbrightand i don't know if any community developers that are interested
20:58.06rpifanis ther anything that iax can do better then sip then?
20:58.43seanbrighttrunking is awesome
20:58.58seanbrightsingle port makes network configuration a bit easier
20:59.00seanbrightthat's probably it
21:04.00*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
21:44.21*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
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22:27.43*** join/#asterisk bbhoss (sid18216@gateway/web/
22:27.56bbhossSo, who's got the best ip phones these days?
22:35.49rpifanhm so why is it my sip connection to call centric just works but the one ot my asterisk box doesnt
22:35.50*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
22:36.01rpifanthe softphone works just fine on wifi to my call centric account
22:36.07rpifanwhat am i doing wrong seanbright
22:36.49*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
22:42.10seanbrightunpacks his crystal ball...
22:42.32seanbrighthave a good weekend
22:53.57rpifanhow do i debug then
22:57.24igcewielingPolycom has had the best SIP phones since at least 2003
23:00.57*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
23:01.49rpifansip requires ports of course but how can call centric work without me punching them open
23:05.18igcewielingrpifan: the outbound RTP will automatically open up the NAT ports
23:05.41igcewielingSo port 5060/udp is the only thing you would normally need to port forward.
23:06.00igcewielingthe inbound RTP will flow over those opened ports.
23:06.21rpifanbut with my softphone and my call centric sip account ive not opened any ports its just worked automatically, then again maybe smoething was opened by default
23:06.27rpifanbut asterisk is sdoing something else?
23:06.58igcewielingrpifan: You only need to forward port 5060 if you are registering TO a server behind NAT.
23:07.15igcewielingand that port forwarding would have to be done on the device which handles NAT for the Asterisk server.
23:07.35igcewielingNo special config is needed to run a SIP client behind NAT.
23:08.17igcewielingThe outbound registration will open port 5060 for replies and incoming calls.
23:08.25rpifanwell the asterisk box is on a vpn
23:08.29rpifanwith open everything
23:08.43igcewielingnow you've just changed from simple to very complicated.
23:10.05*** join/#asterisk mducharme (uid303982@gateway/web/
23:10.08rpifanhow so
23:21.19*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
23:26.18rpifanoh the other thing is that it works fine on LTE but not on wifi
23:40.18JanosI have a funny behavior with some realtime queue_members, I have the following agent in a queue: 'Jane Doe <4353> (Local/4353@agents from PJSIP/7675) (ringinuse enabled) (realtime) (Unavailable) has taken 60 calls (last was 296 secs ago)'. This agent is marked as Unavailable yet the system is still sending it calls, any advice on how to prevent this from happening ?
23:57.15*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn_ (

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