IRC log for #asterisk on 20200715

00:32.19*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
01:58.11*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
02:10.11*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
02:10.28*** join/#asterisk spatel (
02:15.37*** join/#asterisk opal (~wowaname@volatile/founder/wowaname)
03:04.18*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
03:22.16*** join/#asterisk spatel (
03:23.07*** join/#asterisk spatel (
03:27.53*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
03:30.06*** join/#asterisk spatel (
04:05.36*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
04:49.07*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
04:50.06*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
04:50.48*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:38.42*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
05:49.34*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
06:25.35*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
07:42.43*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
07:51.03*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
08:20.19*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
08:44.00*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
08:53.22*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
10:50.01*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
12:01.04*** join/#asterisk Blashyrkh (
12:39.00*** join/#asterisk bes_internal (
12:41.56bes_internalhello, i have problem with multihomed ipv4 server (border). Client got asnwer from another interface (from internal network) rather than expected external publick address.
12:42.10bes_internalIP > UDP, length 455
12:42.11bes_internalIP > UDP, length 589
12:43.46bes_internalwhat cat i do here? i tried SNAT to change source address, but linux netfilter change port to another
12:44.56bes_internalif change ip and port throught snat than asterisk say "chan_sip.c:3789 returned -1: Operation not permitted"
12:54.09*** join/#asterisk nny (
13:17.18*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
13:25.29*** join/#asterisk overyander (~overyande@
13:27.15*** join/#asterisk verzo_ (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
13:34.45*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
13:37.27nnywhat is the simplest way to modify this header Remote-Party-ID: "SOME NAME" <>;party=calling;privacy=off;screen=no - Specifically the 10 digits before the domain
13:44.34SamotYou would have to set it on your own and not tell Asterisk to.
13:44.52SamotOr set the CallerID number to what you want it to actually be since that is what is used.
13:47.53*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (uid299068@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
13:47.53*** mode/#asterisk [+o cresl1n] by ChanServ
13:51.13nnyI figured as much thanks
14:08.08*** join/#asterisk kharwell (uid358942@gateway/web/
14:08.09*** mode/#asterisk [+o kharwell] by ChanServ
14:18.36*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
14:18.36*** mode/#asterisk [+o bford] by ChanServ
14:22.29*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
14:54.20*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@
15:33.31*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
15:40.38igcewielingWow!  I have a potential new customer who is asking about security of the IP phones.    It has been years since I've had that sort of request.
15:43.38jsmithigcewieling: I'll be snarky and reply with "They're only as secure as the person holding the handset."
15:44.16drmessanoigcewieling: Ask them for their IRC nick
15:45.49*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@2a02:a210:2241:6480:7589:2754:f0dc:1d0b)
15:45.53drmessanoSounds like one of those "Can I use SLDAPSv6RTP on my phones for sekurity" IRC questions
15:48.01igcewielingI'll find out in a conference call later today.
15:48.53fileI've seen a desire/need for SRTP increase some for traditional endpoints, but certainly not overwhelming
15:53.09drmessanoTLS/SRTP isn't a BAD security practice, just like running https on doesn't hurt anything, but painting with broad strokes (and erasing just the same) is dumb.  There's a lot of people out there making a lot of money as consultants just going into places and pointing out anything that isn't encrypted.
15:53.28drmessanoor updated.. or or
15:54.38drmessanoI've got embedded devices running Ubuntu 8.04 on my WAN.  Â¯\_(ツ)_/¯
15:56.00drmessano"Are you phone products secure?"  "Are you using your pets name as a Facebook password?"  "Uh, i'll call you back" *click*
15:58.09igcewielingneither of our carriers use SRTP so I don't consider it critical to run on our own systems.
15:59.29drmessanoNor does the PSTN
15:59.37drmessanothat's the hill I usually die on
16:00.13filewhenever I deal with encryption I make it abundantly clear what it actually means and provides
16:00.26drmessanoMy only use case for TLS/SRTP is wanting to feel secure making calls from untrusted wireless networks
16:00.54drmessanoBut if I were deploying it, I would force calls via LTE so that's never an option.  Easier to manage
16:01.19drmessanoMobile data is abundant
16:01.50drmessanoNo one is sitting on the pole outside of an office collecting all the packets in a bucket
16:01.53drmessanoSo yeah
16:09.32*** join/#asterisk verzo_ (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
17:00.07*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
17:19.30*** part/#asterisk velix (~velix@unaffiliated/velix)
17:58.06*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
18:42.28*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
19:34.14*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
19:52.23*** join/#asterisk opal (~wowaname@volatile/founder/wowaname)
21:10.22*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
21:15.06*** join/#asterisk verzo_ (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
22:15.04*** join/#asterisk javi404 (~quassel@unaffiliated/javi404)
22:24.22*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
22:29.40*** join/#asterisk spatel (
23:01.33*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
23:07.57*** join/#asterisk verzo_ (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
23:14.32*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
23:16.22*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
23:46.55*** join/#asterisk verzo_ (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)

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