IRC log for #asterisk on 20200709

00:11.34*** join/#asterisk Heart_And_Chops (
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00:45.54*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
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00:53.53muks[2020-07-08 21:29:45] DEBUG[6267] res_srtp.c: Crypto attribute '1 AES_CM_256_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:sIaPxJgWlaZthgpbaOwsjJAGw+ajBMjZGG+CVJYy7bLUrRAWE12t0WlhbsqKKg==|2^32' accepted with lifetime '4294967296.000000', MKI '-'
00:54.20muksgrandstream fixed the SRTP AES-256 bug in a test firwmware.. hopefully it will trickle down into a release firmware soon
00:55.06muksthis will fix the root cause of bugs like this:
00:57.46*** join/#asterisk linuxlad1 (~crosiak@
01:01.22*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (aafe5356@
01:03.27anonymouz666hi all, how do I should quote variables with this kind of format? "My Name" <;user=phone>;tag=dd7b33cc486342338069e067413cbeb6
01:04.03anonymouz666if i try to set that into ${VAR} I got lots of parsers errors when trying to use in a if statement
01:05.34anonymouz666$["${VAR}" =~ "user="]?Set(...)
01:08.27anonymouz666does not work that way, I don't know why
01:13.31*** join/#asterisk verzo_ (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
01:19.19igcewielingwell if you are using a Set you don't need to quote them.
01:19.58igcewielingif you are evaluating then just escape the double quotes with \
01:20.54igcewielingyou should also be able to do something like in shell scripts   $[X${VAR}X =~ Xuser=X]?Set(...)
01:22.19igcewielingShow us the ACTUAL dialplan
01:22.27igcewielingalso what is the actual error?
01:29.52*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
01:30.53anonymouz666here it goes
01:33.21anonymouz666the header
01:33.29anonymouz666Dialplan error
01:33.37anonymouz666How I get the value
01:33.47anonymouz666How I compare the value
01:35.52anonymouz666igcewieling: what I am missing?
01:40.34igcewielingI don't see a copy of the dialplan or the errors
01:42.58anonymouz666-- Executing [s@get_pjsip_headers:7] Set("PJSIP/Trunk-0000002b", "FROM="My name" <;user=phone>;tag=7bdb06d950374ef997e1a92eefd12674") in new stack
01:42.58anonymouz666<;user=phone>;tag=7bdb06d950374ef997e1a92eefd12674x =~ ext=
01:43.05*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
01:43.17anonymouz666igcewieling: is this ok to you?
01:43.28anonymouz666that's the dialplan part
01:43.48igcewielingThere is a copy of the CLI output, but not the ACTUAL dialplan line which causes that log message.
01:44.12anonymouz666How I compare the value
01:48.37anonymouz666that line
01:50.14igcewielingI personally do all that complicated stuff in an AGI, but just escape the quotes, and maybe the ;
01:51.21*** join/#asterisk verzo_ (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
02:08.11anonymouz666how to escape? the value is inside the var
02:08.24igcewielinghow do you escape quotes?
02:08.59igcewielingtry reading the output of "core show functions" for functions which look like they might be useful to QUOTE variable.
02:09.14anonymouz666already tried this function
02:09.17anonymouz666does not help
02:10.33igcewielingWell, I'm tired of waiting for actual dialplan, you're on your own.  I have other things to do.
02:11.03anonymouz666thanks anyway
02:18.23*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
02:39.07*** join/#asterisk Heart_And_Chops (
02:43.00*** join/#asterisk Heart_And_Chops (
02:50.22*** join/#asterisk verzo_ (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
03:15.27overyanderis "--with-jansson-bundled" still required?
03:49.33*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
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08:06.50*** join/#asterisk eth01 (sid271749@fosshost/founder/eth01)
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09:22.42*** join/#asterisk Ner0Zer0 (~Ner0Zer0@
09:32.39*** join/#asterisk velix (~velix@unaffiliated/velix)
09:32.58velixHmm... Asterisk worked for several months without a problem now. But now, it's at 100% CPU and calls aren't possible anymore.
09:33.18velixI didn't change anything since April. What can be wrong?
09:43.55*** join/#asterisk derPlexus (
09:50.28velixwould `asterisk -rx "core show threads"`help ?
09:59.50*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
10:34.38velixI've recompiled and upgraded to 17.5.1 ... same problem :(
10:36.03velixWhat *could* have happened?
10:46.49*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
10:52.43velixThis really seems to be a bug, which appeard this morning
10:56.28*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
10:57.30*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
10:58.31*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
11:08.13yangvelix: did you upgrade oother system's packages ?
11:08.19velixyang: No.
11:08.48velixStatistics show, that the CPU usage jumped up this morning.
11:08.52velixwithout a reason.
11:09.05yanghardware defect ?
11:11.16velixyang: It's a KVM VPS
11:11.22velixBut I'm in contact with the hoster of course.
11:12.33yangAsk if they have upgraded the system packages, maybe it affects your VPS
11:14.28velixYeah... I'm just writing the ticket.
11:23.38velixyang: But it's really the Asterisk process (one of them) which is at 100%.
11:23.40velixReally confusing.
11:54.03*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
11:58.17*** join/#asterisk rpifan_ (
12:37.37*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
13:08.05*** join/#asterisk ketas (
13:21.22velixThe hoster doesn't have a problem... Is there maybe something like a timebomb in Asterisk? but why I am the only one being affected?
13:22.32sibiriamOP/s... now that's a weird wy to measure virtualized CPU load
13:22.50sibiriahow do you equate that to 100%? how do you know the mOP ceiling?
13:25.24*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
13:28.39velixsibiria: That's from the hoster. But let's ignore the unit.
13:28.42*** join/#asterisk rpifan__ (
13:29.03velixI'm running this server without any change since april. Just upgrade Asterisk from time to time.
13:29.17velixThe CPU usage was always way less than 4-5%
13:29.28velixThe io of disk was nearly zero
13:29.41velixThe io of network was stable (scaled to numbers of users/calls).
13:29.56velixBut suddenly (in unitless comparism to the other days), CPU usage jumped up.
13:30.17*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (~gerhard7@
13:30.17velixhtop gives 100% when making a call. no ringing, no audio.
13:30.58velixIt's a KVM qemu virtualisation. Maybe they've updated their kernel, which makes problem on my VPS now?
13:32.21sibiriacould be their hypervisor changed
13:50.03jsmithvelix: I'm assuming you've checked that there isn't a much higher volume of calls going through your system now, and that the load is related to Asterisk and not something else that might be on the system?
13:50.35*** join/#asterisk ketas (
13:52.14velixjsmith: Sure, 1 call only (me).
13:52.26velixno other users, no other services.
13:52.39velixOnly 1 thread of Asterisk many threads at 100% during my test-call.
13:52.41*** join/#asterisk kharwell (uid358942@gateway/web/
13:52.41*** mode/#asterisk [+o kharwell] by ChanServ
13:53.03velixAnd while this goes to 100%, CPU steal goes to > 40%
13:53.18velixwhen I cancel the call, usage and steal go to 0.1 again
13:53.37velixThe annoying thing is: I didn't change anything.
13:53.44velixPerhaps some bytes flipped :D
13:55.03*** join/#asterisk verzo_ (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
14:06.22velixHere's a ptrace:
14:12.58*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
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14:15.17*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
14:31.41*** join/#asterisk GoldenBear (~gb@
14:38.14velixWhat is a MOH stream?
14:57.50seanbrightMOH = music on hold
14:58.57velixoh interesting. let's disable this module
14:59.10velixAfter some tracing, this seems to loop on the thread: "futex(0x7fab7035a4f0, FUTEX_WAIT_BITSET_PRIVATE|FUTEX_CLOCK_REALTIME, 0, {tv_sec=1594306680, tv_nsec=578975000}, FUTEX_BITSET_MATCH_ANY) = -1 ETIMEDOUT"
15:00.23velixNope, no change
15:13.03igcewielingWhat version of Asterisk are you using?
15:13.29filea steal value of > 40% is bad fyi
15:14.02*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
15:14.33fileit basically means that your VM is waiting over 40% of the time for CPU
15:16.42SamotHow many CPU does the VM have?
15:17.51velixigcewieling: latest.
15:17.56velixfile: I'm producing the steal.
15:18.10velixfile: When Asterisk is idle, the steal is at 0.1%
15:18.18velixWhen I make a call, all jump up.
15:18.24velixSamot: 1. But really, this is no problem.
15:18.29igcewielingvelix: detail matter.
15:18.31fileyou're not producing the steal itself, you're trying to use the CPU time
15:18.31velixWe did heavy use since April without pause.
15:18.40igcewielingLatest 15, latest 16 or latest 17?
15:18.50velixigcewieling: latest 17.5.1
15:18.57velixbut it's reproducable with 17.5
15:19.01fileas you try to use the CPU at all then it waits for the hypervisor to give time to you
15:19.10velixfile: I'm monitoring the steal all the time. It's never over 2.0 when my asterisk is not running.
15:19.17velixfile: The second, I'm making a call, the steal jumps up
15:19.29velixfile: The second, I'm stopping the call, the steal is back to <= 2
15:19.38filebecause those actions use CPU
15:19.43fileif you're barely touching CPU, steal is fine
15:19.56velixYeah, but no other users on the host is stealing the power.
15:21.33velixigcewieling: I've run 17.4 since April and upgraded on some days. But even my April snapshot doesn't work. Still at 100%.
15:22.05SamotHow much RAM in the VM?
15:22.09velix2 GB
15:22.15velixin use: 128
15:22.22velixNever has been a problem.
15:22.33velix(no swapping, nothing)
15:22.44velixOn the web, there are many reports about suddenly 100%.
15:22.58velixBut all have different reasons and versions.
15:23.02velixOften modules are the problem.
15:23.14velixDoes Asterisk track cpu usage of modules?
15:24.36velixShalll I noload all modules with Use Count = 0 ?
15:24.56velixFor testing
15:27.17fileit doesn't track, and you could, but generally behavior doesn't just change out of thin air, something has changed
15:28.21velixfile: Maybe one of the modules act crazy?
15:28.37velixI've got backups, so "thin air" with a net to capture me.
15:28.48velixcaught me*
15:28.51filebehavior doesn't just change out of thin air
15:29.05fileso, is it possible? yes
15:29.08filedo I think it's likely? no
15:29.11filedo I think it's your host? yes
15:30.38velixfile: So the hypervisor of my host could have changed something making Asterisk jump to 100%?
15:38.06fileotherwise if you do want to continue looking at Asterisk then disabling modules is fine, or detailing what exactly you are doing
15:42.38velixMabye its better to test another hoster ;)
16:28.08*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
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21:04.06*** join/#asterisk AviationAtom (a2f8ea02@
21:04.43AviationAtomCould any of you think of a reason that an INVITE URI sent by Asterisk would not include the user/phone number being dialed?
21:05.23AviationAtomIt seems to properly sent user/phone number with chan_sip, but switching to chan_pjsip results in the user being dropped from the INVITE header
21:05.30fileeither not present in the Dial string, or you're using an outbound proxy in PJSIP and haven't specified it be loose routing
21:05.46SamotThose things
21:05.52AviationAtomAh, yes, using an outbound proxy
21:06.01filethen you want \;lr
21:06.05fileat the end of your outbound proxy URI
21:06.23AviationAtomAwesome, I will give that a shot
21:06.28SamotAnd sip: at the startt
21:39.04velixfile: Hehe, you said the same to me :D
21:39.12velixAbout 1/2 year ago :D
21:45.14*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
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23:30.09*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)

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