IRC log for #asterisk on 20200703

00:16.15*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
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01:25.42*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:55.04*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
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03:10.50*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
03:24.00*** join/#asterisk DannyA (
03:24.26DannyAhey all.  im trying to use SendDTMF but the tones i hear are the shortest blips, barely registering to me.
03:24.34DannyAhow do i get nice, long dtmf tones to play?
03:35.36igcewielingDannyA: call from a cell phone.
03:35.53DannyAi am
03:36.48igcewielingmost sip phones will mute inband DTMF and Asterisk will mute inband DTMF and use rfc2833 DTMF.    Enable DTMF debugging to see what is really happening with DTMF
03:37.32igcewielingyou can't really "listen to dtmf audio" in VoIP.
03:38.53DannyAit's apparently working
03:39.09DannyAi made an automated system to ensure that audio is working in both directions
03:39.22DannyAthe system initiates a test call from twilio, dialing our verizon did->asterisk every minutes
03:39.31DannyAthere's a read, then a senddtmf
03:39.37DannyAit's meant to ensure audio works both ways
03:39.53DannyAeven though i can't hear the dtmf tones when i call from my cell, apparently twilio is "hearing" them just fine
03:40.22DannyAis it still being sent via "audio"?  meaning, as long as this "test" passes, i can assume human voice audio will also work in both directions?
03:48.27*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
04:02.55igcewielingyes, you can assume that.
04:03.10igcewielingenable dtmf logging in logger.conf too.
04:04.57*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
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11:04.51*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak (~mvanbaak@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
12:03.35*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (~user@
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12:58.18*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
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13:45.26*** join/#asterisk flok (~flok@2001:980:c324:4:5054:ff:fe87:b394)
13:45.50flokhow can I make all data from my iax phone go through asterisk instead of direct?
13:51.15flokI tried setting canreinvite=yes and directmedia=no
13:52.34*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
14:10.55*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
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15:02.20*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@
15:22.38*** join/#asterisk TandyUK2 (~admin@TandyUK/staff/James)
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17:37.35igcewieling"kernel:[Hardware Error]: MC4 Error (node 1): L3 data cache ECC error."
17:37.47igcewieling*sigh*  I sometimes hate hardware.
18:14.42*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@2a04:cec0:1170:be3c:41c8:3b3e:1545:e87c)
18:57.13muksgrandstream support staff leave a lot to be desired.. they keep going on and on and on about changing config settings even after i provided enough info to demonstrate it's a firmware bug and asked the staff to forward the report to their developers
18:57.56muksasterisk logs errors like this when we use grandstream phones with 256-bit SRTP key (AES_256_CM)
18:58.03muks[2020-06-15 22:37:01] WARNING[38824] res_srtp.c: SRTP descriptions key length is '48', not '46'
18:58.06muks[2020-06-15 22:37:01] WARNING[38824] res_pjsip_sdp_rtp.c: Ignoring crypto offer with unsupported parameters: 1 AES_CM_256_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:difEv6MhiHENEEqRBd1j5dWV1jtmGY8EL4t8RM4ix0RJiwTsrYxdupynS6GFroda|2^32
18:58.57muksthat inline: parameter of SDES is a base64 encoding of a concatenation of master key + salt
18:59.15muks>>> len(base64.b64decode('difEv6MhiHENEEqRBd1j5dWV1jtmGY8EL4t8RM4ix0RJiwTsrYxdupynS6GFroda'))
19:00.01muksthe AES-256 master key is 256 bits (32 octets) and its salt per RFC 6188 section 2 is 112 bits (14 octets)
19:00.13muks32 + 14 = 46 whereas the phone is sending 46 bytes
19:00.18muks32 + 14 = 46 whereas the phone is sending 48 bytes
19:00.28mukswhat more can i tell them?
19:01.59drmessanoYou seem to be answering your own question
19:02.42muksi want the support staff to fwd it on to their developers.. instead i get responses like:
19:02.45muksCould you:
19:02.45muks2. provide the password of your phone config
19:02.48muks1. please disable the "Crypto Life Time" in Asterisk and try again
19:03.03drmessanoThey're not competent enough to recognize the issue, so either wait until someone who buys their phones 20,000 at a time complains, or stick to 128
19:04.02drmessanoIt's grandstream FFS
19:04.15drmessanoExpect nothing, be happy with what you do get
19:05.14drmessanoIf I was buying for a buildout, I would have sent back these 50 or 100 phones and got a brand that did support 256 without a bug
19:06.10sibiriajust an aside: 128 bit key is safe enough for rijndael
19:06.20sibiriathere's no practically feasible attack against that key size
19:06.43drmessanoMy SB8200 cable modem shits the bed when I try to run LACP on it
19:06.50drmessanoKnown issue for 3 months
19:06.54drmessanoReported by many
19:06.57drmessanoNo fix
19:07.04muksthis model of phone is kind of unique.. (the UI).. the phone works well mostly. that's the reason why i haven't given up.. it's an "almost there"
19:07.23drmessanoand thats a cable modem, not a low-end phone with an obscurely high level of encryption
19:07.34drmessanoIt's not
19:07.42drmessanoIt's a "doesn't work"
19:26.16*** join/#asterisk gtjoseph (~gtjoseph@unaffiliated/gtj)
19:26.16*** mode/#asterisk [+o gtjoseph] by ChanServ
19:40.01*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@
19:57.11*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
20:10.58*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
20:22.57*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
21:11.09*** join/#asterisk Kritnich (
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22:03.13*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
22:18.26*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@
22:22.23*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
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22:54.10*** join/#asterisk Ellenor (ellenor@unaffiliated/ellenor)
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23:20.14*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
23:30.40*** join/#asterisk Casper (~Casper@unaffiliated/thephantom)
23:32.14Casperhi there, question about pap2t... I currently use a voip provider, which said that no issues has been reported... so I'm starting to doubt my pap2t... the symptoms is: intermittant no incomming audio, or dropping incomming audio. Like you pick up the line and you hear nothing but the caller hear you, or during a conversation you lose the incomming audio...
23:32.24Casperdoes this sound like a failing pap2t?
23:33.40SamotWell..I would say so.
23:36.41Casperand the grandstream ht-802 is still the recommended ata?
23:39.10*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
23:59.49*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)

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