IRC log for #asterisk on 20200626

00:13.29ZombieI was incapacitated for a while.
00:14.03ZombieAfter getting Voicemail working, I immediately passed out, and woke up in bed wondering where I was.
00:17.53SamotStop the hard drinking.
00:20.46*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
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03:13.24hardwirecalling Stasis from the b(...) context via Dial when originating a call via Stasis is not advised.
03:13.49hardwireJust trying to get a dang userevent out of the b(...) context
03:15.01hardwireRight now I'm having to scan SIP headers in order to get the pjsip call-id as the call starts.
03:15.41hardwireFor the life of me can't get a CEL Userevent or ARI Userevent to emit from within b(...)
03:15.49hardwireresorts to curl
03:32.16hardwireshould I be using U(...) to get at the pjsip call-id and emit a Userevent?
03:33.35*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
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06:49.47hardwireI solved this by using func_curl to post to the local ARI event endpoint for user events. lol
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08:46.42verzoigcewieling: After our conversation about a day ago, I removed realtime from loading.
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11:50.51ZombieI think I'm ready for the Final phase of this long journey.
11:53.08SamotOh do tell
11:55.42ZombieThe last leg of this journey is Faxing
12:16.32*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
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13:03.52*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
13:07.10ZombieAlright, I need some pointers here.
13:08.20ZombieI have two Asterisk servers, could I find a way to get them simulating the act of faxing each other, by sending an arbitrary PDF on one end, and getting the same Arbitrary PDF on the other? another?
13:09.15SamotYou don't simulate a fax.
13:10.21ZombieWhen I have to send a real fax containing real content, I need a way of ensuring it will work.
13:10.36SamotThat's why you test.
13:10.53ZombieI have no real Fax machines.
13:11.09SamotWho said you need a fax machine?
13:11.33ZombieI shouldn't and that is the point.
13:11.44SamotGo sign up for a free online fax server
13:11.46SamotGo sign up for a free online fax service
13:11.54SamotGo get a 30-day free trial
13:12.00SamotSend faxes from that
13:12.52ZombieThis is not something a 30 day Trial can cover.
13:13.05SamotThen I guess you're screwed.
13:13.32SamotIf you can't figure out faxing on the system in 30 days then you're better off just getting a service somewhere.
13:16.16*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
13:19.46obrutZombie: if you need to send PDF to one, fax between them, and get PDF from other one... make PDF file transfer between them and tell everyone that it went through fax :)
13:20.09obrutftp, sftp, even mail can do it :)
13:22.27*** join/#asterisk sinaowolabi (~Sina@
13:24.09obrutbut usually it is done by converting pdf to fax compatible tiff file and then faxing the file but how it is faxed depends how asterisk is connected to "the world"
13:27.21obrutback in time I created multitenant hosted fax solution based on asterisk, asterisk was connected to the world with E1 links... you had dedicated fax number and mail address... so you sent mail with PDF (or word/openoffice doc) to the recepientnumber@hostedfaxdomain and it would convert PDF to tiff and sent fax through E1 link... if someone sent fax from the world to your number it would come throung E1
13:27.27obrutlink, tiff file was converted to PDF and sent to predefined e-mail adresses associated with that fax number
13:29.24obrutwith digium "fax for asterisk" it worked pretty ok, also we were using something full opensource, I cannot remember the name...
13:30.51obrutI know that people were also using hylafax with iaxmodem or whatever... but it was really long time ago, cannot remember
13:32.37yangZombie: I had hylafax setup 10+ years ago, I believe it can be done in current times aswell
13:35.39Zombieobrut, I have a VDSL Connection with no Analogue Components.
13:38.03SamotRight because you wanted a SIP trunk.
13:38.10*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@
13:38.19SamotSo that means your faxing over the PSTN will be via the SIP trunk which means T.38
13:38.51SamotHow do you plan to send faxes if you don't have a fax machine?
13:38.55SamotWhat's the plan for that?
13:40.39ZombieWell, I have a Flat Bed Scanner. :)
13:40.46obrutT.38 could work if his provider or whatever other side supports T.38 :)
13:40.48SamotSo you've scanned a document.
13:40.54SamotAgain, how are you going to SEND it?
13:41.03SamotHow do you get it to Asterisk to process and send out as a fax?
13:41.19ZombieThat's part of what I am working on.
13:41.23ZombieJust a moment.
13:41.27SamotAnd what's the plan?
13:41.30ZombieI'll explain the plan.
13:41.41*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
13:41.43ZombieJust, I need to take care of something.
13:42.03SamotOh boy.
13:42.28ZombieI just need to take some trash out to the bin.
13:42.43ZombieIt won't take me a few minutes.
13:42.48ZombieRelax and calm dowm/
13:43.10SamotTell your mom that and you'll get to the trash later. You're doing important things.
13:43.38ZombieI don't live with my Mom. :)
13:54.10*** join/#asterisk kemic (~kemic@
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14:35.56ZombieI got it all cleaned up.
14:37.54*** join/#asterisk irrgit (~ch33se@
14:47.30SamotIt took an hour to take the trash out?
14:47.35SamotSo where is this plan?
14:48.38igcewielingeats popcorn
14:49.19Samot9:41:30 AM <Zombie> I'll explain the plan.
14:49.19Samot9:42:28 AM <Zombie> I just need to take some trash out to the bin.
14:49.19Samot9:42:43 AM <Zombie> It won't take me a few minutes.
14:49.37ZombieThe idea is that I can use send fax to send a fax, and have HylaFax turn received Faxes into E-mail Attachments.
14:49.57SamotOK how does the fax get to Asterisk?
14:50.49ZombieI already know IAX Modem works, Connecting it to HylaFax however, I'm not so sure about.
14:54.33ZombieHonestly, sending a paper Document to a said Government Agency will be a very rare occurance.
14:55.31ZombieHylaFax Detects IAX Modem.
14:57.45ZombieThe files I need to send are PDF to begin with.
14:59.57*** join/#asterisk sh_smith (
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15:38.30ZombieSomewhere aling the way I lost the plot.
15:59.05drmessanoWhy do you need hylafax for that
16:02.15SamotWell I have a feeling this will be one of those things hours are spent getting it setup and then it's not used for 8 months and look at that, it's not working right. Helpz.
16:06.26drmessanoNot sure why you would want Hylafax
16:11.21TandyUKyou realise 20205 fax dies right... now is the time to be moving into the 21st century
16:11.36TandyUKif BT gets its way in the UK anyway
16:13.29drmessanoYeah, this has already played out.  He can't use email because he needs to send sensitive medical data to a govt agency from his home and they don't pay attention to email because of coronavirus, so fax is the only way
16:13.52drmessano13:59:31 — @seanbright hands out cyanide tablets
16:14.08drmessanoThe leftover tablets are on the table near the entrance
16:16.13drmessanoOnly took him 3 months to get voicemail to email working
16:17.10sibiriaTandyUK: how are they supposed to "end" it?
16:17.32TandyUKsibiria: pull the power core, usually works :)
16:17.58sibiriano; how does faxing die in the UK? how will BT prevent it?
16:18.00SamotSo there is one big power cord for fax?
16:18.02TandyUKoh you mean fax dying?
16:18.42TandyUKright sorry no, BT wants to make the whole PSTN digital/voip by 2025, and not have to support t38 or whatever alternative they can come up with
16:18.58sibiriayou can still do modem/fax the analog way
16:19.05TandyUKtheres resistance against the idea atm, but the con artists are in power, so its bound to happen anyway
16:19.22sibiria(it being 2-ish kHz audio)
16:19.37SamotHow will BT make the "whole" PSTN this?
16:19.37*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
16:19.48sibiriabut i get the problem with dismantling the POTS grid
16:19.49SamotSince that is impossible.
16:19.52TandyUKsorry "the part of the PSTN BT has control over"
16:19.56TandyUKwhich in the UK, is most of it
16:19.57SamotThere you go.
16:20.02sibiriaa lot of countries in Europe is doing the same
16:20.15sibiria(not dismantling it, but they will no longer service it, nor expand it)
16:20.44TandyUKsomeone really needs to make the "email machine"
16:21.02TandyUKloks and feels much like a fax machine, but under th hood is a scanner, email client and emails pdf's around
16:21.11TandyUKand when recieveing, possibly prints them automatically
16:22.07SamotA fax is an as close to possible copy of the original.
16:22.41sibiriatraditional b&w fax has a few problems in my opinion.. low resolution, contrast/level issues
16:22.45SamotIt going in a machine on one side would scan the scoument to send it.
16:23.11SamotBut it's meant to be related to the state of the document.
16:23.22SamotEmailing a PDF doesn't show it was tampered with.
16:23.40TandyUKthere is such a thing as a digitally signed pdf
16:23.56sibiriapeople don't even know how to verify GPG signatures in e-mail
16:24.11sibiria...people don't even know such things exist!
16:24.35TandyUKpeople are stupid, but there are tools to just do it automagically, and present a tick or corss (much like the ssl padlock BS)
16:25.06TandyUKnot that anyone really pays atention anyway, so it probably a waste of effort for 95% of people anyway
16:25.48sibiriaif it were up to me we should just have stuck with royal wax seals
16:26.56sibiriamess with the King's vellum and you'll get to enjoy the dungeon
16:27.02SamotWell I'm not sure how being IP/Digital and not doing T.38 is going to make faxing "die"
16:27.06drmessanoTo be fair, the need for fax is 50% "We will only accept that via fax" and 50% "I will only use fax because email is too new"
16:27.18SamotPeople already fax without T.38 over SIP
16:27.32SamotNot sure how this will impact that.
16:28.23SamotAnd just so we understand...
16:28.41SamotWe're talking about emailing PDFs around for someplace like a doctors office who could be using a address.
16:29.16SamotSo at some point there is dealing with the storage of these documents and their sensitivity.
16:43.24*** join/#asterisk hfb (~hfb@
16:54.26*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
17:00.07ZombieThis is more a Government thing.
17:00.43ZombieThis is not the only way this Agency will work with you.
17:01.32ZombieThey also send out Envelopes that they expect to be filled with certain documents and mailed back, on a regular basis.
17:21.58*** join/#asterisk lbazan (~lbazan@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
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18:11.40igcewielingDoes anyone here successfully use SIP with "Greenwave-G1100-Verizon-Quantum"?  I've be interested in how.
18:11.51*** join/#asterisk irrgit (~ch33se@
18:18.40*** join/#asterisk WizJin (~WizJin@
18:32.53igcewielingconsiders trying Bria
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18:45.25WizJinwe are using asterisk 13 paired with vicidial
18:45.48WizJinwe are trying to limit the call duration using function Set(TIMEOUT(absolute)
18:45.51WizJinbut somehow its not working
18:57.07SamotYes because that has nothing to do with the call timeout.
18:59.50igcewieling'absolute': The absolute maximum amount of time permitted for a call. Setting of 0 disables the timeout.
19:01.28SamotKinda figured the L option of Dial() was for this.
19:05.23*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
19:09.10igcewielingMaybe he is reading docs from 2004?
19:13.16WizJinso how to limit call duration ?
19:15.22WizJinthis is my dial plan
19:15.59*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
19:22.42Heart_And_Chopsi've managed to muddle up some configuration from upgrading. My asterisk server starts, but it puts the asterisk.ctl file at  /run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl but when i try to connect to the CLI with `asterisk -vr` i get: Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
19:23.46*** join/#asterisk led_belly (led_belly@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/ledbelly/x-06903193)
19:31.06iliusHeart_And_Chops, the "astrundir" and the control file are defined in asterisk.conf, while your rc script or systemd script might need to be aware of proper location for rundir.
19:33.44iliusIf it can't find it, I believe you can specify the socket file manually with -s
19:37.01Heart_And_Chopsi am giving up an reinstalling a fresh install. i've hosed this thing, it crashed mid upgrade (dist-upgrade) and i have wasted 3 hours now trying to fix it. it'll be faster to just redeploy at this point
19:40.30*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
19:44.17igcewielingExactly what version are you trying to upgrade from and to?
19:49.01Heart_And_Chopssome version of raspbx to a newer version. honestly didn't even check, i just ran the upgrades since it had been a while.
19:49.12Heart_And_Chopsall good though, already wiped the SD gonna reinstall
19:49.16Heart_And_Chopsthanks for your help
19:49.44igcewielingWell, if you were doing something stupid like upgrading 1.4 to v15, I'd expect a problem.
19:49.57Heart_And_Chopsheh yeah, probably
19:50.11Heart_And_Chopsits ok. its a really simple pbx as far as pbx's go. just one extension for my desk.
19:55.55Samot3:49:01 PM <Heart_And_Chops> some version of raspbx to a newer version. honestly didn't even check, < haha.
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20:08.07igcewielingSamot: Google play store, do you know the difference between counterpath "bria voip softphone" and counterpath "Bria Mobile"?
20:13.16SamotThe first is for Teams, the second is for personal.
20:13.40SamotThe first one is like Enterprise. Doesn't cost anything because you're given creds to use with it.
20:14.02SamotBria Mobile is, get the license for the phone and setup your own SIP stuff in the app.
20:14.16SamotNot tied to the Bria platforms.
20:15.18SamotI believe Bria Mobile will give you 30 days of the standard subscription for free.
20:15.26SamotThen drop you to the free license.
20:19.19igcewielingSamot: thanks
20:20.11drmessanoBria Mobile is the legacy product
20:22.50SamotOh yeah, it's Bria Solo now.
20:24.48SamotHrm, it was updated yesterday and is the current stable version.
20:25.00SamotI wonder if they just haven't rebranded it in the Play Store yet.
20:25.50igcewielingwhich one?
20:26.16SamotBria Mobile.
20:26.22SamotThe one that cost
20:26.39igcewielingThe one which has a yearly/monthly license fee.
20:27.04SamotCorrect, that has been branded Bria Solo now.
20:27.10igcewielingI suppose it might be worth linking a credit card to my google play account.
20:27.43igcewielingah, I'd forgotten you can buy giftcards for that sort of thing.
20:39.09*** join/#asterisk pchero (~pchero@2a02:a210:2241:6480:81ab:d761:f984:654a)
20:46.31drmessanoBria Solo and Bria Mobile are not the same
20:47.16drmessanoBria Mobile is monthly/annual purchase via the app store and will stick around for some time
20:47.30drmessanoBria Solo is the one you subscribe to and admin via the portal
20:47.31igcewielingwell since there is no Bria Solo for Android, it doesn't matter to me.
20:47.52drmessanoI still use Bria Mobile
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