IRC log for #asterisk on 20200623

00:36.26*** join/#asterisk yuljk (~yuljk@unaffiliated/yuljk)
03:09.12*** join/#asterisk infobot (
03:09.12*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.34.0 (2020/06/11) 16.11.1 (2020/06/16) Standard: 17.5.1 (2020/06/16); DAHDI: 3.0.0 (2018/11/15); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
03:34.41rjtdo /names
03:38.15*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
04:18.24*** join/#asterisk rjt (
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05:32.41*** join/#asterisk friedrich (
05:38.09*** join/#asterisk pvoigt (~Linux@unaffiliated/pvoigt)
05:39.33*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
06:03.40*** join/#asterisk rjt (
06:18.41*** join/#asterisk rjt (
06:31.32*** join/#asterisk TandyUK (~admin@TandyUK/staff/James)
06:50.16*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
07:51.58*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
08:02.40*** join/#asterisk sekil (
08:15.36ZombieDoes anyone here have experience connecting Asterisk to PostFix? I'm trying to E-mail Voicemails recieved by Asterisk.
08:26.09*** join/#asterisk ruied (~ruied@PARSIS.PT)
08:28.05ruied'A' Call to 'B', 'B' Answer the Call and Transfer 'C'.  If C doesn't answer how can B pick the C transfered call? What is the best way to do it?
08:51.53sekilruied: use attended transfer
08:52.04sekilruied: not blind
08:57.31ruiedsekil, A (External person), B (HotelRecepcionist), C (room).  B just wants to transfer but if no one at the room pick up the call I would like (B) to speak to (A) Person saying that it seems nobody is at the room at the moment.
08:58.02sekilruied: and that's the attended transfer
08:58.12sekilruied: like I said
08:58.30sekilruied: nothing to be done...
08:58.40sekilruied: just use it on the B's phone
09:08.36*** join/#asterisk waldo323_ (
09:08.36ruiedTh person wants to make a blind transfer to the room and if no ones pick the call at leg C, than it will ring back again to B... It makes more sense with attended, but they asked if it can be done like this... I was trying with atxfernoanswertimeout=X
09:08.36ruiedI might have the wrong concept on "attended" meaning...
09:09.03sekilruied: A calls B...B answers...then presses xfer which in most phones these days is consultative/attended xfer...gets a new line ...dials answers..presses xfer again...
09:09.34sekilruied: if C doesnt' answer in N seconds...B goes back to its held call to A saying ...sorry C is out..
09:09.38sekilruied: and that's it
09:12.55sekilruied: if you do blind..then B is out of call path...
09:13.09sekilruied: so it cannot interact
09:13.40ruiedsekil, that is it. Going to make some tests...
09:16.05*** join/#asterisk guerby (~guerby@april/board/guerby)
09:42.10ZombieI think I just found out, Asterisk is compatible with Google Voice.
09:42.13ZombieIs this the case?
10:05.44joepublicIn general, that's a no.
10:33.59*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
10:35.02ZombieWhy is that a no?
10:35.12ZombieWhy are there posts saying it is?
10:37.10joepublicThis post addresses the issue:
10:38.16fileGoogle changed stuff, and one of the people at Google behind Google Voice stated as well that connecting goes against terms of service and your account may be terminated, so if you try to connect you are on your own
10:40.55TandyUKtl;dr:  Google wants you using google voice _exclusively_. They DO NOT want you to interoperate with SIP
10:41.27TandyUKif they did, they'd have a SIP based method for us to interoperate with their platform
10:42.01ZombieI see.
10:42.19ZombieTandyUK, Do you get your name from the Tandy 1000 Series of Computers?
10:42.31TandyUKMS Teams is much the same, you can buy expensive SBC's or use SS7 switches to interact, but nothing "sensible"
10:42.47TandyUKno, they got their name from my surname
10:43.15ZombieI have an agreement with a provider.
10:43.23sibiriawhy not just come out with the truth - you're a sales drone of the Tandy Corporation and you want us to buy an old-new stock of TRS-80s
10:43.34TandyUKwaste your money if you like :P
10:43.57sibiriaNOT GONNA HAPPEN, we're going with the ZX Spectrum thank you very much
10:44.08TandyUKI have zero affiliation with Tandy Corp, the part of my family that created that, moved from the UK to America about 6 generations ago
10:45.12TandyUKI'm descended from one of the idiots who stayed in the UK lol
10:45.56joepublicI heard the US-based Tandy thing didn't work out in the end, so, there's that
10:46.40ZombieI have a Tandy 1000 TL, and am looking for something extremely rare and sought after in the Tandy community of vintage computers.
10:47.20*** join/#asterisk FH_thecat (
10:48.01sibiriajoepublic: Tandy -> RadioShack
10:48.20sibiriathey had some luck and some bad luck
10:51.35TandyUKand Maplins in the UK
10:51.46TandyUKmainly just shit management lol
11:15.02rpifanyea tandy leather
11:15.54ZombieDoes anyone here have experience with Voicemail delivery from Asterisk to DoveCot?
11:16.09ZombieI know this is kicking over a hornet's nest
11:17.35sibiriamailing the whole recording or just a notification?
11:17.56ZombieThe Recording. As a Wave, or an Ogg.
11:18.15sibiriawhat prevents you from just executing an *sh script to get the job done?
11:18.29sibiriato encode your recording and then slinging it further with mail(1)
11:18.54sibiriadovecot is not an MTA btw.
11:18.56ZombieI'd prefer not to have it transmitted via SMTP.
11:19.21ZombieIn the same system, I also have DoveCot running, and use Fetchmail, and maildrop to deliver E-mail from remote IMAP Mailboxes to a local one.
11:21.29ZombieI'd like for some mechanism to take place to just pull the file from the Asterisk spooler, and deposit it in Dovecot.
11:22.00sibiriaso an *sh script that encodes the recorded file and drops it off locally, as already suggested
11:23.41sibiriabest get started then
11:24.48ZombieI'm not sure how to get started.
11:24.52sibiriadovecot can do local mail, so mail(1) should Just Work(tm)
11:25.16ZombieI'm not that good at Bash scripting.
11:34.21sibiriaif you're working with asterisk and have set-up dovecot then surely you have some experience working on the terminal
11:36.12*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
11:38.42ZombieYes, I do.
11:45.03sibiriawhat part about doing the same in an *sh script is it you can't get to work?
11:55.22ZombieWell, I just tried it to send a local E-mail using the Mail command/
11:57.44Zombiemaildrop does however work.
11:59.06ZombieI suspect I know why, is mail restricted to mbox format?
11:59.48*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
12:01.16sibiriathat depends on your version of mail(1). on most systems it can deliver mail using local(8) or mail.local(8)
12:02.22ZombieI think mail is looking in a different Spooler than DoveCot.
12:03.17sibiriathen use maildrop and feed it your rendered mail
12:04.00sibiriathough i'd think maildrop or maybe even dovecot would install a suitable local mailer so you can easily attach files and such, instead of having to render e-mail submissions manually
12:06.12sibiriaor courier or whatever maildrop is actually called
12:15.54sibiriayeah that's what you should ideally have to avoid
12:16.43sibiriabetter to let mail/mailx or mutt do that stuff
12:32.01*** join/#asterisk rpifan_ (
12:36.29Zombiebut sibiria Do you want to assist me?
12:50.08*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
12:57.02*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
13:08.07*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
13:10.27sibiriai can offer suggestions if you want, but first step would be to get local mail delivery to work, which i don't think i can help much
13:10.33sibiriahelp with much*
13:54.11*** join/#asterisk kharwell (uid358942@gateway/web/
13:54.11*** mode/#asterisk [+o kharwell] by ChanServ
14:45.17drmessano06:42:31 <TandyUK> MS Teams is much the same, you can buy expensive SBC's or use SS7 switches to interact, but nothing "sensible" <-- Not true.  You pay to use their SIP proxy, and they have detailed docs on how to make your SIP proxy/SBC/switch work with it.
14:45.44drmessanoAsterisk may even work out of the box with it.  I haven't drilled through the docs
14:46.04*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
14:46.04*** mode/#asterisk [+o bford] by ChanServ
14:46.10SamotThe issue becomes the headers that need to be touched and you can't touch them in Asterisk
14:46.19drmessanoThey don't support SS7
14:46.53drmessanoOk, so expensive FreeSWITCH or Kamalililio then
14:46.54SamotHowever, the need for an "expensive" SBC isn't really true. I was unaware they were offering a Proxy service directly at MS Teams.
14:47.31drmessanoI hate when people just invent answers
14:49.59drmessanoThis is why I hate the turtle crew
14:50.07SamotOh speaking of that.
14:50.17SamotWard is officially pushing the "Mobile Integration"
14:50.28drmessanoThey've been peddling shit answers like that for years, and turn them into blog posts and projects
14:51.11drmessano"MS Teams requires fancy SS7 or a billion dollar SBC.  We're using GNU OpenTeams with Orgasmatron PBX, which not nearly the same thing, but open"
14:51.14SamotSo now all those guys have to do is convince a business and its users (in most cases) to dump their mobile provider and bring all their phones to them.
14:51.26Samot"Sure, you keep you phones. You just need to get them unlocked"
14:52.49SamotI don't know what business or person is going to dump their contracted service to move to a Pre-Paid style model for their cell phones.
14:53.15SamotAll so they can be directly on the PBX.
14:53.57drmessanoDude is like a really bad cult leader, he'll get some followers
14:54.05drmessanoEnough to buy a new cover for his boat
14:54.28SamotBase cost: $25 for a SIM card with unlimited calling/text and 2GB of data.
14:54.32*** join/#asterisk yuljk (~yuljk@unaffiliated/yuljk)
14:54.49drmessanoOh that's easy
14:55.57drmessano"2GB doesn't seem like a lot of data, but if you're trusting your apps to LTE provider networks, and not using Wifi everywhere it's available, you're opening yourself up to massive security concerns"
14:56.13drmessanoand the turtle crew nods, and stops using their LTE data as much
14:56.46SamotWard's logic is it for guys like you.
14:56.57SamotYou spend a lot of your time on the road.
14:58.00SamotSo that 2GB does become important because on the road you're not on wifi.
14:58.40SamotHVAC techs is an actual use case he points out.
14:58.51SamotNow, you've had to deal with 10000 page manuals
14:59.23SamotHow long will 2GB allow a HVAC tech to pull manuals, schematics for crap they need to work on in the field?
15:00.13*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (~rmudgett@
15:00.13*** mode/#asterisk [+o rmudgett] by ChanServ
15:00.37drmessanoI wonder if he gets 15% on the overages too
15:01.22SamotMy wife has a plan with 1GB of data. They don't allow personal phones on the wifi at work.
15:01.50SamotShe was out of data last week just from normal web surfing and a few whatsapp calls
15:03.25SamotI mean the data usage is low but notifications cost usage.
15:03.58SamotAnd the amount of apps people run with notifications is high these days.
15:04.26drmessanoWait until iOS 14 hits with the improved widget support
15:04.40drmessanoAll those apps pulling data constantly to background refresh
15:04.46SamotWell the entire time Ward's stance has been the same ole BS.
15:04.56Samot"Softphones are crap. We can never get them to work right"
15:04.59SamotNo duh.
15:05.06sibirialow traffic mode solves all of that, but then again if people are unaware of what push notifications are then they're likely not gonna be aware of that one setting either
15:05.10SamotYou use free softphones that are crap
15:05.22SamotI pay $1.84/month per user for Bria Enterprise.
15:05.31Samot98% of the users are iOS users
15:05.34SamotZERO issues.
15:06.14SamotI was in the middle of Erie-O Bay on Sunday and my Bria was getting calls just fine while I was out in the water.
15:34.44theGoatso i am running asterisk 17.0, and have a cisco 8851 connected to it via SIP.  when i loose connectivity to asterisk, the phone goes into SRST and registers with my cisco 2951 voice gateway, but when asterisk comes back, my phone won't fail back to asterisk, all i see is:
15:34.47theGoat[Jun 23 11:19:57] ERROR[6185]: tcptls.c:594 ast_tcptls_client_start: Unable to connect SIP socket to Connection refused
15:34.47theGoat[Jun 23 11:20:01] ERROR[2035]: iostream.c:583 ast_iostream_close: close() failed: Bad file descriptor
15:36.11drmessanoWhat is the failover mechanism?
15:39.18theGoathonestly not quite sure.  trying to determine that now
15:44.27SamotSRST is the mechanism.
15:44.52SamotIt's there to determine if the main UC is up and if not use the secondary UC
15:45.05SamotBased on what I've seen this is a licensed feature of the UCM
15:45.19SamotHow this will work with Asterisk, not sure.
15:46.20SamotAlso, based on my quick reads, this looks like something that has to be done on both sides. Phone and UCM(s)
16:01.06drmessanoI would assume then it doesn't like the TLS session when it comes back
16:01.34drmessanoI'm guessing if you power cycle the phone it goes back to Asterisk just fine?
16:17.00*** join/#asterisk TandyUK2 (~admin@TandyUK/staff/James)
16:29.28*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
16:30.20theGoatdrnessano:  correct, if i bounce the phone, it re-registers with asterisk
17:04.49*** join/#asterisk rpifan (
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17:16.09drmessanoI'm sure it's some "Wait, this isn't the same" TLS voodoo
17:16.52drmessanoI would imagine 2 Cisco boxes would have the same cert and who knows what else to make the failover seamless
17:17.38drmessanoIf one server dies, it's a new session on the second.  If it's a handoff back to the primary, maybe it doesn't start a new session
17:18.26*** join/#asterisk Janos (~textual@
17:26.42igcewielingOuch.  Referring to a movie “It makes the bonking puppets in Team America: World Police look like straight-faced documentary.”
17:28.38*** join/#asterisk kemic (~kemic@
17:29.27ZombieSo, I think I finally figured out the mail delivery agent I need to use
17:30.49*** join/#asterisk rpifan_ (
17:38.48ZombieI see another issue now.
17:42.28*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
17:58.57*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
18:18.26*** join/#asterisk TandyUK (~admin@TandyUK/staff/James)
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23:30.27*** join/#asterisk aness (~aness@2a02:fe1:3103:2100:dcc6:bbcc:4cd2:1bd9)
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