IRC log for #asterisk on 20200616

00:33.27*** join/#asterisk spatel (
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00:59.24igcewielingI'll wait until people like muks find most TLS/SRTP problems before I try it again.
01:00.21igcewielingthanks muks for his sacrifice.
01:11.23*** join/#asterisk Tide (~NiHola@unaffiliated/liuyan)
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07:10.29muksigcewieling: asterisk TLS (pjsip) and SRTP with 128 bit key works well for me with multiple clients. the TLS certificate validation problem is a client-side problem that is unrelated to asterisk. the SRTP 256 bit key issue may be an asterisk or client problem.
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10:02.09gypsymaurosuppose I've separated my netowrks with VLAN, I saw that there are phones with more than a NIC so I can attach PC after the SIP terminal , in the cases of few connection ports, it's possibile to have VLAN on phones and separate the traffic there? on the switch port both VLANs and using the corrispondent on each device? (terminal and PC)
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13:50.59iliusgypsymauro, the answer is yes.  Polycom and many other phones can join a specific voip vlan on their uplink port with LLDP communication from the switch, then, the PC port is just VLAN 1 or whatever you want it to be.  Of course, it requires a pretty smart switch.
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13:55.52iliusOh, I guess they left.  Meh.
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15:00.30iliusI believe I've tracked my order-of-magnitude increase in cpu usage increase for rtp starting with this change:
15:01.04iliusIt basically wraps practically every operation in an ao2 lock.
15:02.21igcewielingilius: you tried transcode_via_sln=no in asterisk.conf ?
15:03.04iliusAdding more cpu cores only increases the load on the machine because it locks across all cores.  It basically made it into a single threaded multi-threaded application.
15:04.52iliusThis instance does not transcode.  Everything is mulaw.  But I can try that just to knock that possibility out.
15:05.53iliusI looked at Kamailio, but it doesn't do rtp.  I'd have to use rtpengine or some other thing.
15:06.13igcewielingilius: *nod* It is a simple enough change to try.
15:10.54iliusI thought it was pjsip, and it isn't.  Not directly, at least.  The same thing happens on chan_sip after Asterisk 13.23.  According to Mudgett's notes, the introduction of all of the thread locking was because pjsip required it, and it wasn't necessary before.
15:12.41*** join/#asterisk cid254 (
15:12.56cid254Hi, i m trying to use cisco 7961 with freepbx 15 (asterisk 16) but they don't register. I've tried both legacy chan sip and pjsip, also tried to switch from udp transportlayer to tcp without luck. any hint?
15:13.15cid254also i set nat to never
15:13.16iliusOkay, with transcodev_via_sln = no, I am still seeing the same CPU usage.  1 call is consuming about 15-20% of a virtualized Haswell core at 3.8Ghz.
15:16.11iliusOh, somthing else was going on.  It's really about 5-15% of the core.  At this rate, this machine can relay rtp for maybe 7-20 calls before load goes > 1.
15:16.57igcewielingilius: thanks for letting me know.  I process 50+ calls at a time with a system load under 1
15:18.04iliusI'm going to send some production calls through just to be sure.
15:18.31iliusthanks igcewieling.  I wonder if maybe qemu+kvm isn't friendly to constant thread locks.  I dunno.
15:19.21igcewielingno idea, but it might be good to mention at the start
15:19.37filewhat's the output of "core show settings"?
15:19.46seanbrightfile: couldn't take it anymore, eh?
15:19.51seanbrighti've been waiting
15:20.11fileseanbright: are you thinking what I'm thinking?
15:20.22seanbrightfile: muffins? absolutely
15:20.29fileseanbright: root beer!
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15:25.09ilius <= core show settings (keep in mind that this is my downgrade to 13 > 13.23 to test if chan_sip experiences the same load.)
15:25.33filedon't enable DEBUG_THREADS.
15:25.45seanbrightgame. set. match.
15:25.57iliusI have that enabled to see what's going on :)
15:26.13filethen you've turned Asterisk into, as you said, a single threaded multi threaded application
15:27.50iliusWow.  Okay.  I'll try turning that off again.  How do I debug which threads are pegging then?
15:28.03filea profiler most likely
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15:38.16ilius <= this is the core show settings of my current primary production asterisk dmz instance that sees the same rtp cpu load.
15:41.36iliusI'll turn off Transcode via SLIN on that instance.  Other than that, I dunno...
15:42.18iliusIt currently has a load of 1.1 with about 50% with 13 active calls.
15:43.11iliuss/50%/50% cpu/
16:12.11avbigcewieling: Samot: finally solved my 'weird issue' of the other day
16:12.13iliusDoes Asterisk still do the sln translation internally, even when the channel looks like this?
16:12.45seanbrightmixmonitor needs signed linear
16:12.53seanbrightso, short answer: yes
16:13.12seanbrightif you are using mixmonitor you will always transcode to signed linear
16:13.14avbmost likely ops team have silently upgraded vmware on where asterisk been running and that caused network drop the packets somehow
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16:13.56avbops have installed new vmware server, restored the backups and magically everything went back to normal operation
16:14.40iliusseanbright, wow, thank you.  does mixmonitor still do that if transcode_via_sln=no?
16:14.56seanbrighti don't know what that option is supposed to do
16:15.31seanbrightulaw <-> sln is fairly cheap though, so i can't imagine that transcoding is your problem
16:16.07iliushow do I just dump the ulaw streams to a file without transcoding?  Do I have to use the Monitor() app and mix it myself?
16:16.52igcewielingilius: I have never been sure transcode_via_sln caused spikes in CPU usage on my servers, so don't assume that is truly the case.
16:16.54iliusOk.  I'm waiting for this last production call to finish and I"m going to set transcode_via_sln=no on that instance, hopefully watch the usage go down.
16:18.04seanbrighti don't see how that option would affect you at all
16:18.13seanbrightyou're transcoding TO signed linear
16:18.29seanbrightif you were transcoding to something else (ulaw -> g729 for example) then it might
16:19.12iliusyeah, i've tried to remove all transcoding everywhere just to remove that variable from the equation
16:19.51iliusi guess mixmonitor probably reencodes sln back to ulaw
16:20.12seanbrightulaw -> slin, mix as slin, slin -> ulaw
16:22.30iliusok.  after this call that has been going on for an hour finishes, and I switch to transcode_via_sln=no, i'm going to explore using Monitor() instead... if it indeed doesn't do anything with the stream.
16:22.48igcewielingfile: thought you might like this:
16:23.23igcewielingYou are not alone!
16:23.34*** join/#asterisk Philomena420 (
16:25.42Philomena420anyone willing to answer a question about access to emergency services?
16:28.25SamotWhat's the question?
16:29.15Philomena420so my voip provider doesnt have 911. Is there some reading somewhere on providers or is there a service out there that provides it for free?
16:30.13Philomena420we have cell phones of course but this was something i was considering having as a backup for my office phone at home if somethere were to happen or my kids were to godforbid get hurt
16:33.00SamotAre you in the US?
16:33.20SamotWell by Jan 2021 they have no choice but to give you 911
16:33.44Philomena420so all providers have to have it even if you dont have a DID?
16:34.15SamotIs this new or old service?
16:34.41Philomena420i havent had this provider long
16:34.51SamotNew as in since Feb 16th.
16:35.19SamotWell I'd find a new provider.
16:35.31SamotOr ask them when they are going to be in compliance with the new laws.
16:35.54Philomena420so at the moment there arent any free providers of the service or will there be i guess is what im asking?
16:36.16SamotAt the moment there are now new laws that state 911 is a must deliver service.
16:36.23Philomena420or at least the ability to supplement the plan with 911 services at no upcharge
16:36.35SamotThey have until Jan 2021 to comply with their current users.
16:36.58Philomena420got it...thank last question
16:37.12SamotYou need to ask your provider when they are complying with the new laws. If they say "What new laws" get another provider.
16:37.25Philomena420how does 911 get routed from my server then? sorry for the newbie line of questioning
16:37.35SamotWhat server?
16:38.00Philomena420my asterisk server if i were to set it up with 911 via my provider or is it handled by my provider when i give them my address
16:38.39SamotOK so you have an ITSP that you are using for outbound.
16:39.41SamotOK so you're not getting it for free.
16:40.14SamotAny ITSP offering 911 calling is going to have a cost.
16:40.20Philomena420i currently pay a certain amount per call if thats what you mean
16:40.22Philomena420ahhh ic
16:40.25SamotYou need a DID and to register your address/location.
16:40.57SamotSo let me enlighten you on something.
16:41.04SamotBecause this is very important.
16:41.12*** topic/#asterisk by kharwell -> #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.34.0 (2020/06/11) 16.11.1 (2020/06/16) Standard: 17.5.1 (2020/06/16); DAHDI: 3.0.0 (2018/11/15); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
16:41.21SamotYou've installed a PBX system in your home. You are the PBX installer/admin.
16:41.40SamotUnderstand, these new laws actually make YOU 100% responsible to make YOUR PBX comply to them.
16:41.55SamotSo actually the ITSP is absolved.
16:42.21SamotBecause the new laws related to the actual MLTS/PBX system in question the devices connect to.
16:42.42Philomena420so since i went diy instead of having someone else act as the "admin"
16:42.49Philomena420im responsible
16:43.17SamotYes, you could have someone else be the admin/installer but no one is doing that for free and if they are, they don't understand the new laws.
16:43.30igcewielingGetting a DID with 911 service is easy, there is no excuse not to.
16:43.46SamotSo your PBX must be able to dial 911, allow calls backs to the DID presented to 911 and have a registered address with them.
16:43.55SamotWhich means you need to buy a DID
16:44.10SamotYou need to get 911 services from your provider so they can register your address.
16:44.27SamotYou need to make sure your PBX can dial 911 with no prefixes or special routing.
16:44.37SamotIt must dial to the PSAP
16:44.49Philomena420should i do this through my current provider i is it wise to shop around for a DID/another provider
16:45.02SamotYou have a PBX
16:45.12Philomena420i mean its a rapsberry pi
16:45.22SamotIt doesn't matter what the server is
16:45.27Philomena420ha yeah
16:45.30SamotIt is a Multi-Line Telephone System.
16:45.46SamotThe new federal laws apply specifically to that type of system/service.
16:45.55SamotAnd the installer/admins of them.
16:47.07SamotSee many DIYers/VoIPers are going to soon realize their home PBX systems they've had for ever will be out of compliance of the federal laws.
16:47.32SamotAnd that realization may come in the form of a fine or something.
16:47.37Philomena420so right now im safe because im not paying for the 911 service, i only dial out with my providers numbers
16:48.01SamotThat is all that matters to the laws.
16:48.06SamotThey don't care about who your provider is.
16:48.12SamotThey care that the PBX is in compliance.
16:48.33Philomena420could you provide me the reading or is this accessable somewhere so i understand the laws
16:49.12SamotThe FCC website.
16:49.28SamotGoogle: Kari's Law and Ray Baum's Act Section 503
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16:54.59Philomena420reading now...thanks
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17:08.32Philomena420so for the time being is this ok?
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17:45.06zeleleHi everybody.
17:47.05zeleleDoes someone had any problem with Asterisk 16 to put CDR_ODBC to work ? Because I already did It to work with until Asterisk 13,  but now with this 16 version I'm receiving cdr failed:
17:47.48zeleleIn the message It gives me error to insert record on table
17:47.49zeleleINSERT INTO cdr (calldate,clid,src,dst,dcontext,channel,dstchannel,lastapp,lastdata,duration,billsec,disposition,amaflags,accountcode,uniqueid,userfield,peeraccount,linkedid,sequence) VALUES ({ts '2020-06-16 01:53:47'},?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
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18:27.30zeleleI am asking you about this possibility, as I have usually installed databases on MySQL instances normally up to version 13.
18:27.30zeleleBut when I went to use the same scheme in version 16, right away I came across this possible error.
18:55.47igcewielingDid you read the UPGRADE.txt files?
18:56.02igcewielingDid you check the schema which comes with Asterisk 16?
19:02.20zeleleI did not read the entire UPGRADE.txt document as I am using a clean installation of Asterisk 16.9.0. But as far as I could verify, there were no significant changes from version 13 to version 16 in this regard. Unless I'm wrong.
19:03.04*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
19:03.22zeleleTo build the table in the "cdr" database, I used the schema that came in the file contrib/realtime/mysql/mysql_cdr.sql
19:03.28zeleleAm I right ?
19:05.12zeleleThe difference that I could observe between the scheme I used previously and this scheme that I commented on, are the positions of two or three columns. Even so, I followed the schematic of the table located in the contrib directory.
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19:24.16iliusThe only thing I ran into migrating from cdr_mysql to cdr_odbc, sip to pjsip, and from 13 to 16 is that the `answer` and `end` are no longer populated, which I remedied with a default calculation from billsec and duration.
19:25.07iliusIf you can get the actual error from mysql, you can probably pinpoint what the problem is...  does odbc abstract that error away?
20:15.50hardwireUsing hangup_handler_push right now with some static dialplan.  Moving this app over to Stasis/ARI and I'm not quite sure how to get the tech hangup_cause event if I originate via ARI PUSH channels.  Anybody tackled this?
20:16.10hardwireTrying to avoid dialing a local channel in order to do this.
20:21.27igcewielingnot exactly sure what you are doing, but have you looked at generating a manager event inside your hanguphandler, GenCELUserEvent or whatever it is called?
20:23.49hardwireYeh that may be how to deal with this.  I was trying to avoid having any extra dialplan.  The app originates outbound and other than handling hangup causes it doesn't need anything else.  I will try setting hangup_handler_push in the origination variables to see if it attempts the handler.
20:25.53hardwireI mainly just need the SIP codes from the upstream when rejecting a call.
20:29.19hardwireHopefully I can just feed it back to Stasis that way;)
20:32.38hardwireyeh.. completely ignores it.  Going to have to use Local as tech.
20:33.01hardwireThat'll double my channel count.
20:33.06igcewielingThis won't help you, but I do a Set(MASTER_CHANNEL(outchan)=${CHANNEL(name)})) in a pre-dial handler so I can use HANGUPCAUSE on the dialing channel to get the outbound leg hangupcause.
20:33.07*** join/#asterisk Barbosa_ (~barbosa@
20:33.39hardwireyeh.  I can get the asterisk hangup cause per leg just fine ;_
20:33.44hardwireJust need that tech cause.
20:34.48igcewielingI meant something like ${HANGUPCAUSE(${outchan,tech})} which should allow you to extract the sip code if using a hanguphandler with a predial handler
20:34.51hardwireI also feel like I'm doing something silly.  I'm originating via REST and not passing the call to any application or anything.  Just handling the call as is.  Perhaps this is perilous.. but it also just seems clean.
20:35.55igcewielingThe only "clean" dialplan is one which doesn't do anything useful.   Dialplans are ugly, no way around that.
20:36.20hardwireigcewieling: Right.  I just won't be originating PJSIP via ARI.  I'll have to head through Local first.
20:44.54*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
20:48.47hardwireigcewieling: this should work fine.  just using DIALEDPEERNAME does the trick
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22:12.10iliusHrm, res_monitor is an "extended" module in 16.8-cert2.  I never noticed it was deprecated.
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22:22.01hardwireIt appears as though UserEvent's emitted in hangup handler dialplan set up by way of b(...) dialplan options don't make their way back to the Stasis app.
22:22.13hardwireSetting the hangup handler pre-dial however does work.
22:22.48hardwirethe UserEvent happens - just doesn't hit the right app bus
22:23.25igcewielinghardwire: sounds like possible progress
22:24.56hardwireI'm thinking just use HEP at this point.
22:28.21hardwirebout as good as it gets.
22:29.07hardwireI found UserEvent to be a bit cryptic as well.  UserEvent(name,thing:1,thing:2,thing:3).  Docs need to reflect this  abit better.
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