IRC log for #asterisk on 20200521

00:03.47*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
01:05.45*** join/#asterisk Syco (~syco@
01:06.00*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
01:08.44SamotWell as much as I've tried to help this project and beta test.....
01:09.29SamotJust wow, take away actual technical issues the onboarding process is just not....pleasant.
01:11.07SamotThe wizard takes you through, tells you that you're getting a number but you don't get to choose and you aren't told what is is.
01:11.42SamotIt tells you to use a GS Wave and then gives you a QRCode for your creds. Except everything is jammed into four lines with no details on what is what.
01:12.16SamotTwo SIP URIs but no indication what they are for, which one is the host/domain, if one is the OB proxy, etc...
01:13.13SamotIt forces the extension selection. You don't get a choice in any of that.
01:13.40SamotBut the best so far. You can't manage your account or SEE what DID was assigned to you until you register your first extension/account.
01:14.22SamotSo thoughts on that on-boarding process?
01:19.04*** join/#asterisk Syco (~syco@
01:26.22*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~NiHola@unaffiliated/liuyan)
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02:59.57*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (~ruben@
03:01.06*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
03:01.11ruben23hello guys i have problem my VoIp carrier is not registering to my asterisk just getting this error ---->  NOTICE[8060]: chan_sip.c:15906 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #6
03:01.49SamotYou mean you can't register TO your provider.
03:01.49ruben23ov500/user011          Yes        Yes            5060     UNREACHABLE
03:01.55SamotIt timed out
03:02.09SamotWhich means it is not getting a response back from the other side.
03:02.24ruben23Samot: on the carrier side.?
03:02.47SamotIs that who you are sending the register to?
03:03.08SamotAre they the other side?
03:04.03drmessanoheh vicidial
03:04.13ruben23Samot: yes - using username/password but with my other asterisk server its working
03:07.18SamotOK well this one is having an issue where it is timing out.
03:08.24Samotdrmessano: My kids are on their PS4's playing Minecraft.
03:08.57Samotdrmessano: They don't believe that A) I have a friend that plays Minecraft and let alone, B) Has their own server.
03:10.59*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
03:11.01drmessanoTell them that they're lame for playing on a console
03:11.35drmessanoI have a modded server and I play java, not lamer console
03:12.45drmessanodude, I got slams
03:14.15SamotMy one kid "Yeah, well I used to play on my PC then it died."
03:14.44SamotAnd something about it not playing right on his macbook
03:14.51ruben23Samot: how to we correct timing out issue.?
03:15.04SamotWell, first you find out why there is one.
03:15.18SamotAre you using a domain name or an IP to connect to them?
03:40.18*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
03:45.51*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
03:50.22Sladeaww. flowsms went up in pricing..
03:59.33ruben23Samot: its IP based
03:59.57SamotOK, so you tried to at least ping it? Right?
04:05.55*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
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19:31.24*** join/#asterisk aoeui (~aoeui@unaffiliated/aoeui)
19:41.35*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (aafe5359@
19:42.25anonymouz666is it possible to change the contact header to host instead of IP address?
19:42.56anonymouz666not good :-(
19:43.19anonymouz666this is needed
19:43.30igcewielingUse a SIP proxy then.
19:44.09anonymouz666SIP proxy is just... boring!
19:52.48seanbrighthe said: SIP proxy is boring
19:52.57seanbright(or she)
19:54.05Samotanonymouz666: Please elaborate as to why a SIP proxy is boring.
19:56.21anonymouz666I won't waste your time
19:56.29drmessanoThank you for that
19:56.46seanbrightvery smart
19:56.55drmessanoSome heroes don't wear capes
19:57.20SamotAnd Asterisk doesn't do what is required it seems.
19:57.54anonymouz666Some providers are inspecting the Contact to see if contains a FQDN or IP address.
19:58.48fileMicrosoft Teams requires a FQDN, but noone has contributed such functionality to set it
19:58.50anonymouz666the session is entire over TLS, so you need to work with names.
19:58.59anonymouz666that's it.
19:59.13seanbrightno one uses teams
19:59.22anonymouz666file: 1 jun will stop to work.
19:59.32anonymouz666no more IP address.
19:59.54anonymouz666seanbright: OpenSource is GREAT, but belieave in me, there millions using it
20:00.09seanbrighti know, i was kidding
20:01.10anonymouz666If we support the FQDN, no more vendors like AUC or Ribbon will take our space
20:01.36seanbrighti'm sure there is reason we don't support it
20:02.06seanbrightor i guess i should say, doing it just be non-trivial, otherwise sangoma would have already done it
20:02.33SamotThen again, this would be a Proxy/SBC job something Sangoma also does.
20:03.00anonymouz666Sangoma uses FS on their SBCs
20:03.40anonymouz666it is possible to change the outgoing contact-host for an INVITE
20:03.45SamotYes, they use FreeSWITCH. With "switch" being the operable word.
20:03.54anonymouz666but not answer 200 OK with the FQDN
20:04.27igcewielingApparently most people don't need this feature or it would already be a feature.
20:05.14seanbright^ this
20:05.19anonymouz666MS is now asking for it, for sure someone will make it happen.
20:05.28seanbrighti believe in you, anonymouz666
20:05.31seanbrightYOU CAN DO IT
20:05.33anonymouz666FS already put the OPTIONS to include the host as MS DR needs it
20:05.33SamotIn all fairness it tool 15 years for Asterisk to do multiple contact AORs.
20:06.09anonymouz666Asterisk took the wrong approach regarding to the SIP stack. Now, ex-post, is easy to say.
20:07.29igcewielingIf you want access to the sip stack, then use a sip proxy or sbc.   Asterisk is a PBX not a SIP router.
20:08.00anonymouz666I know that since 2004, when Mark Spencer join my machine to fix a chan_agent bug.
20:09.41seanbrighti disagree that they took the wrong approach
20:09.48seanbrightbecause they didn't use sofia?
20:10.01seanbrightwhy do you feel it was 'the wrong approach?'
20:10.13SamotHe won't waste your time.
20:10.45anonymouz666chan_sip was too heavy to maintain to add feature or fix a bug without creating a bigger one
20:12.52igcewielingSane people use pjsip now.
20:13.38seanbrightyou're saying that chan_sip was the wrong approach?
20:13.41SamotOh, this is way better than answering why SIP proxies are boring.
20:14.13seanbrighthow many 1st class open source SIP stacks existed in 2002? (the oldest commit to chan_sip i can find in git)
20:16.12joepublicSetting up a PBX, "Asterisk is not a PBX, it is a voice toolkit" but regards sip routing, "Asterisk is a PBX"?
20:18.29igcewieling"Asterisk is not a PBX, it is a toolkit which allows you to build a PBX."
20:18.37joepublicThere we go :)
20:20.45*** join/#asterisk yoink (~yoink@unaffiliated/yoink)
20:22.11*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
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20:32.44jsmithjoepublic: with regards to SIP routing, Asterisk is a back-to-back user agent :-p
20:36.12jsmithseanbright: Exactly... If my aging memory still serves me, we had chan_sip, the sofia stack wasn't open source yet, and pjsip didn't exist in 2002.
20:39.03arcariusI tell people that Asterisk is to telephony as Apache is to web.  It is a server that talks the protocols for you so you can build applications on top of it.
20:54.02seanbrightso if i understand the goal, it is that when asterisk sends out an INVITE, the Contact header will contain a FQDN instead of an IP, correct?
20:54.38*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
20:55.05seanbrightfile: would you do that in endpoint config or transport?
20:55.15fileI'm not sure
20:55.21seanbrightsure you are
20:55.27fileit feels like a transport thing to me
20:55.30seanbrightyou have the whole thing worked out in your head
20:55.33seanbrighti know
20:55.44seanbrightbut you're going to make me suffer through it
20:55.47seanbrightthis is the dynamic
20:56.13filestatically dynamcizes seanbright
20:58.53Samotfile: Perhaps more endpoint than transport. As with the endpoint you could shove the from_domain in there.
20:59.15SamotI'm only thinking that because a transport would support a single domain, would it not?
20:59.17fileContact controls routing though, which goes back to the transport, which is why I leaned toward that
20:59.47SamotYeah, I get where you were coming from. I'm just seeing the whole "So now I gotta create 5 transports for 5 domains"
20:59.48seanbrighti feel like external_signaling_address is the thing
21:00.04SamotWhat if everything is external?
21:00.24seanbrightare shoes feet?
21:00.42seanbrighti think i messed that up
21:00.42SamotWell I guess you could set the local_network to the /32 of the server...
21:01.16seanbrightthat would be a hack
21:01.26SamotYes, it would be. No disagreement there.
21:01.33seanbrightso something separate from the NAT handling stuff
21:02.06seanbrightif someone wants to put together a kickstarter that'd be awesome
21:02.18seanbrightshoot for i dunno... $25k?
21:02.22seanbrightthen i can get started!
21:10.28*** join/#asterisk verzo_ (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
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22:33.18drmessano25k seems pretty trivial if he wants it
22:33.42drmessanoPretty sure the SIP thing is a paid feature, so someone must think having Asterisk work is worthwhile
22:33.47*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
22:36.36SamotYeah, plus you know $25K to get FQDN in the contact header to keep Ribbon Comm. out of your space of connecting to Microsoft Teams.
22:36.45SamotWell worth it.
22:48.04*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
23:14.15*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
23:48.05*** join/#asterisk nickvsnetworking (~nickvsnet@

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