IRC log for #asterisk on 20200519

00:22.41*** join/#asterisk spatel (
00:44.19*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
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01:07.36*** join/#asterisk samwierema (~samwierem@
01:11.36*** join/#asterisk forgotmynick (uid24625@gateway/web/
01:14.36forgotmynickhey. i have an issue where some of those working from home are getting disconnected from the internet (on their end, nothing to do with asterisk) but sometimes it takes them 5-10 minutes to get connected again by which time the call has already dropped. is there a way we can move the caller back into a queue if the agent has lost connection? once the lockdown is over we'll turn it off but we're getting a lot of
01:14.36forgotmynickcomplaints and the IT manager is saying it can't be done but he doesn't actually have any knowledge on asterisk because we have been outsourcing for over a decade until February this year (contract dropped because of cost cutting)
01:15.23*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
01:18.51Samotforgotmynick: You can probably use the g Dial() option.
01:19.09SamotIt will send the caller to the next priority in the dialplan when the called channel hangs up
01:20.02SamotBut thinking about it, it will depend on the DIALSTATUS.
01:44.39*** join/#asterisk samwierema (~samwierem@
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04:07.15*** join/#asterisk nickvsnetworking (~nickvsnet@
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04:47.47*** join/#asterisk ZRocket (~ZRocket@
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05:27.59*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
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07:28.00*** join/#asterisk Samot (sid133316@gateway/web/
07:31.53*** join/#asterisk sbingner (~sam@phathack/sbingner)
07:37.52*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@2a02:a210:2241:6480:837:4258:c627:e3fe)
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08:26.13*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@2a02:a210:2241:6480:837:4258:c627:e3fe)
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08:36.09*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
09:13.16*** join/#asterisk IamTrying (~iamtrying@
09:13.41IamTrying - I am getting this error when i submit the pincode to join the meeting.
09:32.05*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
09:35.31IamTryingDoes the ring bell to anyone ?
09:37.07pchero_workIamnacho: you didn't add the sip address to the Dial()
09:38.06pchero_workOr you don't have the pjsip endpoint jigasi.
09:38.17*** join/#asterisk derPlexus (
09:38.30pchero_workI think you don't have the endpoint, check your endpoints using `pjsip show endpoints`
09:38.40pchero_workor `pjsip show endpoint jigasi`
09:38.51*** join/#asterisk DarkPonay (
09:39.12pchero_workWait, you are using the chan_sip and chan_pjsip at the same time.
09:39.23*** join/#asterisk spatel (
09:39.54pchero_workThat causes this problem. Use 1 channel driver for the SIP.\
09:44.53*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
11:03.59*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
11:06.21*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@2a02:a210:2241:6480:837:4258:c627:e3fe)
11:08.29*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
11:16.15IamTryingpchero: this do not show anything (pjsip show endpoint jigasi). how do i verify for sure am i using chan_sip or chan_pjsip , this is like rocket science confusing.
11:17.20IamTrying - pchero_work
11:28.12pchero_workIamTrying: Could you please share the result of `module show like chan_`?
11:29.43*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
11:29.44*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
11:29.44*** mode/#asterisk [+o bford] by ChanServ
11:30.26IamTrying - pchero_work line 37
11:30.50pchero_workYes you have chan_sip module enabled.
11:30.52*** join/#asterisk samwierema (~samwierem@
11:31.35pchero_workAdd the `noload =>` to the /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
11:31.51*** join/#asterisk irrgit (~ch33se@
11:32.04pchero_workThen restart the Asterisk.
11:32.34pchero_workAnd check the loaded module again to ensure the chan_sip has not loaded.
11:36.13IamTrying - pchero_work line 68 confirms now chan_sip disabled.
11:37.16IamTrying[ oldState=Unregistered; newState=RegistrationState=Registering; reasonCode=-1; reason=null] - problem SIP register is failing
11:38.25IamTrying - line 84
11:38.32pchero_workYes, that shows you've disabled chan_sip. Now you need to migrate the chan_sip.conf to pjsip.conf
12:00.10*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
12:21.55*** join/#asterisk dacod (~dacod@
12:35.38IamTrying - pchero_work line 87 added. But SIP Phone is unable to register saying "No matching endpoint found"
12:38.12fileyour configured name is "user2020" but you are using "jigasi"
12:41.26IamTryingfile: no for the moment jigasi i am not using. i am using PortSip softphone to register as user2020 with password: 1234
12:42.41SamotOK so then you need do to Dial(PJSIP/user2020)
12:42.54IamTrying - line 116 file
12:43.37file"dtmfmode" is not a valid configuration option
12:43.38IamTryingSamot: line 116 i mean is failing where user2020 has to register as user1 and make a test call to PJSIP/jigasi
12:43.41filethe option is dtmf_mode
12:43.43IamTryingok removed
12:44.14SamotWhere is the endpoint for jigasi?
12:45.22IamTrying - Samot. its in another debian 10 linux
12:45.58filerfc2833 is not a valid option for that either, rfc4733 is
12:46.06filewhen the configuration is loaded it tells you what is wrong
12:46.55*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
12:49.04SamotWait, wait.
12:49.21SamotIAmtrying: You need an _endpoint_ on this system for jigasi
12:49.32SamotSo that you can do Dial(PJSIP/jisagi)
12:49.39SamotOtherwise there's no endpoint to dial from.
12:50.21*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
12:50.29IamTrying - please see line 121 file (strange). Where i have to add that Samot?
12:51.54*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
12:53.32fileit is output when Asterisk starts
12:53.42fileif you are using something like systemd to start Asterisk, then it would have gone to the log file
12:56.00*** join/#asterisk elguero (
12:57.10IamTryingfor the moment DTMF deactivated so that Registration with chan_pjsip first works - file
12:59.34fileSamot / igcewieling
12:59.41fileyou two might like a change I just put up,
13:00.00SamotDon't like change.
13:00.39SamotOh, that is good though.
13:00.39IamTryingafter remove of line 104 user2020 has registered success over chan_pjsip - file
13:01.11IamTryingNow from user2020 i have to dial in to jigasi. that is failing as there is no DTMF to enter pincode
13:02.10SamotYou need to show things
13:02.14SamotTelling us is pointless.
13:03.00*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
13:16.21*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
13:24.53*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
13:36.29*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
13:37.15*** join/#asterisk sicelo (~sicelo@Maemo/community/ex-council/sicelo)
13:45.26IamTrying - i am getting the ERROR line 5. user2020 is registered success but jigasi still return: RegistrationStateChangeEvent[ oldState=Authentication Failed; newState=RegistrationState=Unregistered; reasonCode=0; reason=User has canceled the authentication process.]
13:49.51*** join/#asterisk kharwell (uid358942@gateway/web/
13:49.52*** mode/#asterisk [+o kharwell] by ChanServ
13:52.07IamTrying2020-05-19 13:41:21.902 SEVERE: [51] org.jitsi.jigasi.ServerSecurityAuthority.log() Wrong username or password for provider:ProtocolProviderServiceSipImpl - I get this when using chan_pjsip
13:55.12SamotK, I'm going to say it again..
13:55.22SamotYou nee an ENDPOINT ON THE SYSTEM
13:55.23Samot[May 19 13:41:55] ERROR[7666]: chan_pjsip.c:2469 request: Unable to create PJSIP channel - endpoint 'jigasi' was not found
13:55.44SamotIt can't Dial() PJSIP/jigasi because there's not endpoint jigasi to Dial THROUGH
13:57.52*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
14:11.56IamTrying - Samot, does it not include end piont [jigasi] the way i have added already in pjsip.conf or it needs to be added somewhere else while using chan_pjsip only? (confusing)
14:13.15*** join/#asterisk drathir_tor (~drathir@gateway/tor-sasl/drathir)
14:16.53*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
14:17.55SamotThat's not a valid setting.
14:27.17*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
14:34.23*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
14:42.56IamTryingI have to try further its ok from Asterisk but something is not correct in my config. thank you guys
14:42.58IamTryingThis hackers started to attack my server from India:
14:44.52SamotIs this directly on the Internet?
14:44.58IamTryingI have to move to my CentOS because in Debian i cant block and they are like bombing my console. i will go to CentOS Debian is horrible, cant work
14:45.02IamTryingYes Samot
14:45.14IamTryingin my Asterisk console, i have like millions of attack
14:45.22SamotWait, wait?
14:45.30SamotDebian can't work?
14:45.33IamTryingproblem is i am not Debian guy. CentOS
14:45.35SamotIt's iptables basically.
14:45.40SamotIt's Linux.
14:45.50IamTryingsystemctl restart netfilter-persistent;
14:46.37IamTryingIts too much in Debian. i will go in CentOS. Its so strange, i just had a brand new Debian and Indian hackers like bombing me to death because i am new in Debian. wow!!
14:47.27fileit takes minutes for a public SIP server to start getting traffic
14:55.04*** join/#asterisk samwierema (~samwierem@
15:03.44SamotSo turn off netfilter and use iptables
15:03.53SamotIt's not really that hard.
15:06.48SamotLet's also be clear about something. The hackers do not care or know that you are new to Debian. In fact they won't know it's Debian until they are in it.
15:07.05SamotAll they know is they found a server on the public Internet that is butt ass naked open.
15:09.34IamTrying - why my /etc/sysconfig/iptables not working cat /etc/iptables/rules.v4. do we not have systemctl start netfilter-persistent?
15:10.36*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (
15:13.48SamotWhat's not working?
15:14.21SamotNothing shows up with you do iptables --list
15:20.40*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
15:23.42igcewielingmaybe he fell asleep
15:24.49*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
15:25.09drmessanoEveryone knows Debian doesn't have firewall because you must make your own, from these:
15:26.01SamotMan, I remember building Debian firewalls in Arts & Crafts.
15:27.07drmessanoEveryone knows this is listed on any comparison between CentOS and Debian
15:27.30drmessano* Must make own fiarwell
15:37.18drmessano11:06:49 <Samot> Let's also be clear about something. The hackers do not care or know that you are new to Debian. In fact they won't know it's Debian until they are in it.
15:37.36drmessanoWhen you put a Debian system online with Asterisk on it and no firewall
15:37.42drmessanoIt ping
15:39.18*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
15:49.50*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (uid299068@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
15:49.50*** mode/#asterisk [+o cresl1n] by ChanServ
16:21.08*** join/#asterisk infobot (
16:21.08*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.33.0 (2020/04/30) 16.10.0 (2020/04/30) Standard: 17.4.0 (2020/04/20); DAHDI: 3.0.0 (2018/11/15); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
16:21.16wonderworldall grandstream phones are unable to get audio from 0800
16:21.55wonderworld(and probably other diversions, havent tested yet)
16:26.12igcewielingmake sure you have directmedia disabled
16:27.02*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (~simon@unaffiliated/wonderworld)
16:27.22wonderworldigcewieling: thank you i will try
16:27.56wonderworldit was already set to no
16:38.20*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
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16:48.50*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (~rmudgett@
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16:54.41*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
16:55.09sibiriawe run an external script off of Monitor() (using MONITOR_EXEC) in order to mix the two legs of the call together, and sometimes we see that asterisk apparently loses the channel during or after that script ends, and never reaches the 'h' extension
16:56.43sibiriathere's no obvious pattern to when this happens but we've observed that some calls this manifests on have an odd log message from pbx_spool popping up: pbx_spool.c: Outgoing PJSIP/+123456789@TRUNKNAME: DelayedRetry
16:58.07sibiriawhen this happens it *appears* asterisk mismanages RTP audio somehow. we keep seeing RTCP reports on the channel but the audio from that point on is just silence
16:59.44sibiriathese calls are initiated using call files. they use neither 'MaxRetries' nor 'RetryTime' in the call file
16:59.57sibiriathis is on 16.5.1
17:00.03sibiriaany ideas on how to try nail down the problem?
17:00.11igcewielingWhy are you not using MixMonitor?
17:00.21sibiriabecause we haven't migrated the platform over to it yet
17:00.40igcewielinglook at adding or removing /n from the channel in the call file.
17:01.32sibiriayou suggest we add a line break at the end of the call file?
17:01.32igcewielingMake sure you create the file outside of /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing, but on the same filesystem, then mv it to the correct location.
17:01.39sibiriayeah the call files aren't the problem
17:01.44sibiriathey're fine and we manage them atomically
17:02.12igcewielingno that would be \n.   see
17:02.16sibiria(i.e. we create them outside the spool dir and we move them into the spool dir)
17:02.44igcewielingIf you are using spool files, I assume you are using Local/ channels.
17:02.56sibiriawe're not
17:03.39sibiriai don't even know if the problem with "DelayedRetry" popping up in the middle of an ongoign call is related to the problem with the channel disappearing
17:03.42igcewielingIf you are running Monitor on the local channel and not using /n then it might not work right.
17:04.05sibiriait works for 99.9% of the calls. we're seeing a few outliers
17:06.40sibiriaif i understand "DelayedRetry" correctly, this happens when the call file's "RetryTime" timer elapses
17:07.01sibiriawhich should not happen with the default "MaxRetries" of 0
17:07.13sibiriaand especially not during an answered call
17:25.11ZombieI contacted a Company willing to connect my Asterisk instance to the outside world.
17:25.31ZombieThey want $10/monthly and they are.
17:28.36*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
17:29.31*** join/#asterisk Blashyrkh (
17:30.16ZombieThis is for my Residential Phone Service.
17:31.00drmessanoYou make it sound like you signed up into some big contractual agreement.   Pick a provider, create an account, throw some cash into it.  Done
17:31.40drmessanoI have like 3 ITSPs for home.  I pay less than $5 a month for the DIDs
17:32.38ZombieAm, I getting ripped off?
17:33.23drmessanoYou stated you contacted a company willing to connect your Asterisk to the outside world
17:33.33ZombieI did,
17:33.55ZombieThe Company wants $10 monthly for the service.
17:34.00*** join/#asterisk chandoo (
17:34.16ZombieIs that too much?
17:34.19sibiriafor what service?
17:34.24drmessanoYou make it sound like they are coming out to plug you into something.   Dude, you go to a provider, create an account, make a trunk, throw some money in, pick out what you want
17:34.29sibiriagiving you a public phone number that can dial into your asterisk setup?
17:34.39sibiriaor allowing you to terminate calls from it to phones on the public grid?
17:34.46drmessanoThis is like saying "I contacted a company willing to provide email for me"
17:35.00sibiriathere are DID providers that offer numbers for like $1/month
17:35.42ZombieWell they said they offer 911 Servixce
17:35.45ZombieWell they said they offer 911 Service
17:35.52drmessanoResidential SIP service is SELF-SERVE and mostly Ala Carte.  You don't contact someone who is willing to do anything.
17:35.54ZombieOr 999 Service
17:36.29ZombieIts not too late to go with someone else if you think I'm getting into a financially bad deal.
17:37.07drmessanoI don’t know how I can make this analogy any more clear
17:37.17ZombieI get that!
17:38.06drmessanoIf you have an email account and you acquired it by contacting someone who is willing to supply email to your home, it's either 1985 or youre doing it wrong.
17:38.22drmessanoSo that alone tells me you did something weird
17:38.55drmessanoGetting SIP to your Asterisk box is as simple as creating an email account
17:40.17ZombieThe Same Company who provides me my Primary E-mail is offering this.
17:40.34ZombieThey were my ISP at one point about 5 years ago
17:40.48drmessanoWell, that says it all
17:41.06sibiriathe service is surely good. it just sounds a bit expensive for what it does, assuming actual minute fees are applied as well
17:41.35ZombieThey said their residential service is 500 minutes/monthly.
17:41.45drmessanoIt sounds like you're buying phone service from a full-stack provider not an ITSP
17:42.09drmessanoSO you're going to pay accordingly.
17:42.18ZombieFull Stack?
17:43.04SamotZombie You have a PBX
17:43.14ZombieYes I do.
17:43.21SamotThat means Residential Service is the _wrong_ service.
17:43.26ZombieThey support Asterisk.
17:43.28SamotBecause the expectations is an ATA device.
17:43.54SamotResidential VoIP service is like your POTS line.
17:44.05SamotYou'll have 3 calls, they'll provide you voicemail
17:44.12SamotThey control your CallerID
17:44.29SamotAs to what you can send, etc.
17:45.07drmessanoOn the other hand
17:45.12drmessanoMaybe this is what he needs
17:45.16ZombieThey told me they will be very flexible what they will let my Asterisk server do, the only caveat was international calling outside the US.
17:45.27ZombieCanada and US are Fine.
17:45.39drmessanoNice little residential voip account
17:46.00drmessanoTiny little box to make Asterisk go beep and boop
17:46.08SamotLet your Asterisk server do?
17:46.11SamotLike what?
17:46.20SamotAre they going to let you have more calls than other resi users?
17:46.21ZombieDo it's thing.
17:46.51drmessanoZombie: Do you understand the difference between running a mail server and someone supplying you a mailbox on a server?
17:47.00ZombieYes I do.
17:47.07SamotThat's what Resi service is.
17:47.09drmessanoTHIS here is someone giving you a mailbox
17:47.11SamotThey are the PBX.
17:47.24SamotSo you'll have a voicemail account.
17:47.24drmessanoThis is the SIP version of that
17:47.35SamotWhen it times out, it will go to their voicemail account.
17:47.49drmessanoWhich is why I said, if it's not SELF-SERVE, ALA Carte, you did it wrong
17:47.55ZombieThey were not going to host anything for me.
17:48.03drmessanoIf it's "We give you a number for $10 a month with voicemail", it's a "mailbox"
17:48.04SamotRemember your POTS line?
17:48.15SamotAll the features it had?
17:48.24SamotOr didn't have.
17:48.26drmessanoOk, I explained it 4 different ways.. Getting nowhere
17:48.31SamotResidential VoIP IS THAT
17:48.34drmessanoGood luck
17:48.40SamotJust because you have a PBX doesn't matter.
17:48.48*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@2a04:cec0:114b:7f59:bc7d:1581:4646:bba2)
17:48.56SamotThe service provides ALL FEATURES.
17:49.12SamotYou will have voicemail WITH them.
17:49.16SamotBecause that is expected.
17:49.33SamotYou will be limited to 3 calls.
17:49.38SamotBecause that's what Resi service is.
17:50.06drmessano3 is generous
17:50.19SamotCall Waiting
17:50.22drmessanoUsually I see 2, which is one concurrent, and one channel so "Call Waiting" works
17:50.34Samot3 Way calling.
17:50.45SamotIt's pretty standard feature.
17:50.55drmessanoYeah, on the $24.95 stuff
17:51.14Samotwell there's a contract involved.
17:51.17SamotSo yeah.
17:51.17drmessanoCallcentric, Flowroute, etc all do 2 channels for their little "residential DID" thing
17:52.12SamotI was referring to the context of a local telecom provider.
17:52.17SamotComcast's, ATT, etc.
17:53.36*** join/#asterisk irrgit (~ch33se@
17:55.09SamotI do agree though, a Flowroute would have been better.
17:55.39drmessanoAs soon as he said "They supply my email"
17:55.49drmessanoand "i contacted them"
17:56.51drmessanoThe "ISP provided email box" analogy seemed fairly simple
17:57.33*** join/#asterisk huayra (
17:58.00drmessanoIf Mikos is providing you an email account and personal website, let him keep the SIP stuff
18:13.34*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
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20:25.19KobazIf you have a carrier that's saying, we'll shut you down if you don't pay your bill, and the customer can't
20:25.23*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (~wonderwor@unaffiliated/wonderworld)
20:25.33Kobazget in touch with anyone to actually pay the bill...  what recourse does the customer have?
20:25.41Kobazin the past, we've contacted the FCC and they do jack
20:26.01SamotThe customer can't pay because they can't find someone to pay?
20:26.09Kobazwell the carrier isn't responding
20:26.23Kobazthey are dragging because they don't want to lose the account
20:26.32Kobazand would rather fsck up the customer
20:27.04Kobazlong story short, they found out the customer is leaving, tacked on hundreds in bogus charges
20:27.07SamotOK so the carrier contacted their end user and said '"Pay or get cut off"
20:27.13Kobazand the customer is like f it, pay it and be done
20:27.24SamotNow the customer is trying to pay but can't get a single person at the carrier to respond?
20:27.39Kobazprobably one guy in the basement reselling vitelity
20:28.13SamotSo if they are leaving why are they concerned about being shut off?
20:28.24SamotToll Frees?
20:28.36SamotLocal DIDs can't be stopped.
20:28.49Kobazlegally, i agree
20:28.51SamotSo have they started the porting process?
20:28.53Kobazbut... technically
20:29.00Kobazyou can disconnect the number and say byebye
20:29.06SamotWell first, the guy has not control.
20:29.08Kobazand enter into a 3 year legal battle
20:29.16SamotIf he is a reseller then he is not the carrier.
20:29.32SamotThe carrier may inform him as a courtesy...
20:30.05Kobazwe'll do that, contact the actual tier1
20:30.16SamotHang on.
20:30.22SamotBecause you'll be ignored.
20:30.28SamotThey won't talk to you.
20:30.33Kobazyes they will, i have my contacts
20:30.46SamotOK then they would be doing something shady.
20:30.56SamotSo has this customer started the porting process?
20:30.59Kobazwell no, they will give me the phone number to call
20:31.23Kobaznothing shady about looking up the did and saying 'call department X, talk to Y' tell them what's going on
20:31.54Kobazporting, i need to find out
20:31.59Kobazlots of layers here
20:32.05SamotProviding a non-customer information about another customer's account is shady.
20:32.21SamotThey need to submit a port request.
20:32.26SamotOtherwise they got dick
20:32.32Kobazyeah, definitely will be doing that
20:32.36Kobazit's not customer information, it's carrier information
20:32.38SamotThey need to start it and prove it was rejected
20:33.02SamotBecause they could submit the port and it be completed in 24 hours.
20:33.08SamotOr up to two weeks.
20:33.35SamotSo the customer has records of attempting to contact the provider to pay their bill.
20:34.06SamotThey could send a certified payment via mail to show it was paid.
20:34.21Kobazyeah sounds like a plan
20:35.55wonderworldhey, what happened to [TK]D-Fender? haven't seen him for a while, and he used to be here nostop over a decade.
20:36.56igcewielingwonderworld: I think he finally took a break.
20:38.07SamotHe was online last night
20:38.12SamotJust not in here.
20:39.32SamotBut from what I recall he works at a place that requires workers to be there for his job to mean something.
20:39.52SamotWith most places on lockdown and not open, there may be no workers to deal with.
20:41.43wonderworldi see. I hope he is well. he helped me a lot over the years and i liked his attitude
20:42.14*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@2a04:cec0:115b:ad6a:5d5f:71b3:1d11:13f6)
20:42.15SamotYes, the bulging veins in forward attitude is always appreciated.
21:01.36*** join/#asterisk overyander (~overyande@
21:06.59wonderworldvodafone is a joke. they force customers to switch to voip but they don't offer T.38 because it has "bad interoperability".
21:08.43drmessanoBad interop with what?  The 70s?
21:11.58SamotWell, Vodafone is German.
21:12.34Kobazwhat's the new version of an Adtran NV644 (Quad PRI)
21:12.47KobazTA 908e is 2x PRI...
21:12.56KobazThere's no replacement for the NV644 on their docs
21:13.06Kobazprobably wind up calling tomorrow
21:15.34wonderworldyes, courts and local administration treat FAX as an secure and official way of transmission, so nearly all offices have stupid FAX
21:16.24drmessanoI wasn't knocking the need for fax
21:16.36Kobazhah, secure
21:17.21drmessanoI was knocking saying T.38 had "bad interop".  How can something meant to shoehorn old tech into new tech have bad interop with the original tech
21:17.46Kobazit kind of does
21:17.49KobazT.38 has its issues
21:17.53Kobazbecause it IS interop
21:17.57wonderworldthey don't specify it any further
21:18.03Kobazand not equivalent tech
21:18.23drmessanoSo T.38 is worse than using G711/RTP?
21:18.24Kobazyou're convering a very timing-specific and very analog data interface to a very digital one
21:18.35Kobazno, don't use g711
21:19.06wonderworldThis is the complete information on Fax from the official interface specification:
21:19.06drmessanoTell that to ALL the providers that don't support T.38 and only offer G711 and G729 as options
21:19.08wonderworldFor Group 3 fax transmissions, at least the Passthrough mode (T.30 via G.711 A-law) must be supported. Group 4-fax is not supported according to the service description. The use of ITU-T.38 for FAX Transmission often leads to interoperability problems.
21:19.13Kobazdrmessano: haha, right
21:19.15wonderworldthis will be fun
21:19.21drmessanoThat was my point
21:19.49drmessanoIf the options are G711/RTP or T.38, and they are disallowing T.38 because of "Bad interop", what in the actual fsck
21:19.52Kobazwonderworld: faxing in general leads to interoperability problems
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21:21.52drmessanoI'm glad Germany didn't win the war
21:23.06Kobazthat would have been bad for a number of reasons
21:23.11Kobaznot just faxing
21:23.16Kobazeven the germans agree
21:23.42igcewielingFaxes are deceptively evil.
21:23.46drmessanoNow, I wouldn't be against Snom phones on every desktop
21:24.06drmessanoand maybe having a name like dieter
21:24.18drmessanoBut I draw the line at barring T.38
21:26.02wonderworldfor me it sounds like: buy our PBX, buy our service plan. it will work. otherwise: good luck.
21:26.25igcewielingThat is what I'd expect from Vodafone
21:26.34*** join/#asterisk samwierema (~samwierem@
21:27.15Samot5:18:36 PM <Kobaz> no, don't use g711 <<- What would you use instead for fax?
21:27.15*** join/#asterisk samwierema (~samwierem@
21:27.21SamotYou can't compress it.
21:27.34KobazSamot: t.38
21:27.43SamotT.38 is not a codec.
21:27.50SamotIt's an encaspulation.
21:28.04KobazRight, i'm saying don't JUST use g711, sorry
21:28.07SamotG711 with T.38 encapsulation
21:28.25SamotBut the fallback to T.38 failing or not being there is G711
21:28.45SamotAs T.38 isn't done until the other side says it can do T.38
21:28.47KobazPeople i've talked to people who are like, just use g711, don't bother with t.38. And it's fine and dandy until it's not
21:28.56drmessano^ that
21:29.11KobazLook it works!  and then.... Look, it's completely broken!
21:29.24wonderworldlook this 14 page fax only has 2 pages now
21:29.28SamotWhat is to say the other side is IP?
21:29.30drmessanoYep, Tuesday vs Thursday basically
21:29.43SamotGuys, FAX has always been best effort.
21:29.48SamotEven on POTS.
21:29.53SamotSo let's have some realism here.
21:29.55Kobazpeople don't even get THAT
21:30.06Kobazthey are like, BUT IT MUST GO THROUGH
21:30.13Kobazsend a fscking priority mail
21:30.20Kobazif you want guaranteed..
21:30.27Kobaztake a dump in a box and mark it guaranteed
21:30.32SamotBut then you need a certified copied.
21:31.00SamotA direct duplicate of the original copy.
21:31.09drmessanoSamot: Do you refuse to support T.38 because of bad interop?
21:31.12wonderworldi would move them to virtual fax service, but vodafone holds their fax number hostage for the next 2 years
21:31.25SamotI do T.38
21:31.38drmessanoOk, so why are you arguing the other side of this?
21:31.42SamotBut I have a fax platform. It has its own ATA
21:31.54SamotBecause if T.38 fails
21:31.59SamotG711 is what is used.
21:32.01wonderworldPAP2T ?
21:32.19SamotI was commenting on the "Don't use G711" statement.
21:32.25drmessano..... pl
21:32.28drmessano..... ok
21:32.31SamotBecause even with T.38, it's still G711.
21:33.15Samotwonderworld: The device talks analong FAX protocols to the fax machine. It communicates with the fax server over HTTPS
21:33.36SamotSo even if the Internet is down you can send faxes from the machine, it will spool themand then send them out.
21:33.57SamotWhen the Internet comes up. Then it will pull all the received faxes waiting at the server.
21:34.01wonderworldi see. a nice device!
21:34.23drmessanoKobaz: I think we were on the same page without being oddly specific
21:34.37wonderworldi am sure i can build something, but i hate to spend my time with this crap.
21:34.59SamotYes, as am I. I do T.38 support for trunking customers so they can use it on their PBX.
21:35.32SamotBuild a fax solution?
21:35.45drmessanoI guess for now on I will make sure I refer to it as "T.38-less G711" vs "T.38 encapsulated G711" so the codec nazis don't get upset
21:35.46wonderworldbuild something that works 80% of the time
21:36.01SamotSayz the grammar nazi.
21:36.32Samotdrmessano: It's OK, we're fine people on both sides.
21:37.14Samotwonderworld: Build what?
21:38.24wonderworlda soulution for my customer to be able to fax without the availability of T.38
21:39.23igcewielingTime to call Analog Man!
21:39.40igcewielingSaving faxes one POTS line at a time.
21:39.45jsmithwonderworld: Are you more concerned about inbound or outbound faxing, or both?
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21:40.21wonderworldi can buy hardware, they have the budget, but i am limited to vodafone t.30
21:40.51drmessanoSangoma had that fax box thing
21:40.59drmessanoNot sure how well it worked
21:41.05wonderworldi'll have a look
21:41.36wonderworldi ordered a PAP2T for testing. maybe it will work but i doubt it.
21:41.49Kobazfacts box
21:41.54Kobazthe world needs one of those right now
21:43.04drmessanoThe PAP2T is ancient
21:43.23Kobazspeaking of ancient... i've never used iaxmodem, and i've been intersted in trying it out at some point
21:43.44drmessanoand it won't work any better than any other T.38-less-free-unencumbered-decapsulated-g711 connection
21:44.58wonderworldwell at least PAP2T is not from the 70s
21:45.03drmessanoThe only way any of the PAP2's worked was the T.38 on the PAP2T, but we're back to T.38-encapsulated-g711-for-the-lawyers-TM
21:50.33*** join/#asterisk verzo (~verzo@gateway/tor-sasl/verzo)
21:54.14wonderworldanother nice feature:
21:54.30wonderworldVodafone does not offer STUN functionality and STUN messages to the STUN server of a third party must not influence the communication between the device and the Vodafone SBC.
21:56.56wonderworldEncryption of the signaling via TLS and the voice channel via sRTP is not supported for Vodafone Business VoiP.
21:58.06wonderworldok, i ranted enough. if you have the choice, don't give them money.
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23:38.14ZombieI am going to see if they won't let me wait on this
23:39.21SamotWho is going to wait on what?
23:39.58ZombieOn the Trunk connection to the VoiP Provider I talked too today...
23:40.10ZombieI think I may be shooting myself in the foot.
23:43.43ZombieA local ISP with a Voip division wants to offer me a Trunk for $10 for 500 minutes.
23:43.47Zombiea month.
23:44.09SamotThat's not a trunk.
23:44.30*** join/#asterisk nickvsnetworking (~nickvsnet@
23:44.33SamotThat is basic phone service which will be equivalent to a POTS service.
23:44.55ZombieI'm not sure I fully understand everything the guy explained to me.
23:45.09SamotWhat did he explain?
23:46.07arcariusJust use Twilio Elastic SIP Trunking. $0.0045/min origination, $0.007/min termination.  Nice API too.
23:46.24arcarius(I am not a Twilio employee, just a fan)
23:46.42ZombieBasically one Phone number, 500 minutes a month, they even probive their own Asterisk specific SIP Boxes.
23:47.00SamotSo it's basic phone service.
23:47.24ZombieThey wouldn't handle Voicemail,thats all me,
23:47.45SamotWhat is their own "Asterisk specific SIP box"?
23:48.40ZombieWell they sent me a link to a Virtual Box Downloadable Asterisk Image that they say they offer to some small businesses
23:48.56ZombieThey sent me a Service form.
23:50.37SamotSo they offered you an Asterisk distro.
23:50.41arcariusWouldn't surprise me if it is just Asterisk installed on Ubuntu.  Meh.
23:50.44joepublicis their virtualbox image provided as an RPM?
23:51.01Zombie... no...
23:51.14joepublicI am, then, havin trouble picturing you doing anything with it
23:51.29SamotIt's an image.
23:51.36SamotA prebuilt VM for VirtualBox
23:51.36arcariusZombie, you probably know more about RPM than they do.
23:51.43SamotImport into VirtualBox.
23:52.04Samotarcarius: Let's not go that far.
23:52.16ZombieI know a scary amount about RPM, yes.
23:52.17SamotAfter all the RPM issues he had
23:52.48SamotYes, it was scary.
23:55.10SamotScary amount of knowledge would mean that the amount of knowledge you have scares people.
23:55.20SamotAs in makes them afraid, alarms them.
23:55.26SamotIt's not actually a _good thing_
23:55.31arcariusEnough knowledge to be dangerous?
23:56.53ZombieWell look,
23:57.37ZombieI Would rather look before I leap.
23:58.00Zombieand if you think this is too expensive, or a bad idea, I'm willing to listen.
23:58.11SamotThat is amusing.
23:58.31SamotYou have a PBX, anything other than a SIP trunking service is a poor choice.

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