IRC log for #asterisk on 20200512

00:30.50*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@2a04:cec0:104a:f28a:68c3:ab48:87ea:28b1)
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01:26.28froyHrm, neither does ContactStatusDetail.  Maybe ObjectName is worthless.
01:30.50froySure would be nice if things were named the same.  Sometimes it's "URL"; sometimes it's "Url".  Sometimes it's "ExpirationTime"; sometimes it's "regExpire".  Sometimes it's "EndpointName"; sometimes it's "Endpoint".  Sometimes it's "ViaAddr"; Sometimes it's "ViaAddress" ... I could go on.
01:36.43SamotViaAddr and ViaAddress do not return the same information overall
01:37.04SamotViaAddr returns only the address. ViaAddress returns address:port
01:37.41froyI noticed that too.  So in some instances of Contact events, I have to parse it out.  In others, they come separate.
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02:35.09wonderworldKobaz: better webrtc support made me switch to pjsip. otherwise i would have been too lazy, i guess
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08:20.07wonderworldthe docs say that speex must be installed for the "denoise" function in confbridge to work. would that mean, that participants must use the speex codec while connecting to the conference or would denoise work with other codecs too, when speex is installed?
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12:06.23Zombie"no remote address on RTP instance"
12:06.42ZombieCould someone help me debug this on Asterisk 17.4?
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15:14.39Kobazwonderworld: ah
15:14.55KobazZombie: show sip pcap captures
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15:28.19froyIs there a specific version of libmysqlclient that Asterisk requires?
15:28.52froyMy Asterisk-16.8-cert2 build keeps crashing with this: unknown: debugger aborting because missing DBUG_RETURN or DBUG_VOID_RETURN macro in function "?func" -- that error comes from the, I think.
15:29.02froyThread dump:
15:29.23filethere's no specific version that we require, but the underlying stability of the MySQL ODBC connector varies across different versions of it
15:29.28fileand people have had the best luck with the MariaDB connector
15:30.14froyI actually did try the mariadb connector first... Maybe it was still linking to the mysql one.  I guess I'll give it another shot.
15:30.40Kobazmake distclean... re ./configure
15:31.00Kobazmake sure it's a blank slate so you're not re-using any object files from the wrong libs
15:31.06froyAs far as I can tell in that thread dump, it wasn't ODBC.  It was the MySQL connection to the CDR log.
15:31.32froyYessir, I actually have a gentoo ebuild that starts from scratch every single time.
15:32.17Kobazwhat version of mysql are you building/linking against?
15:33.38Kobazfailure deep inside mysql_reconnect sounds like maybe an abi mismatch?
15:33.54Kobazso, gentoo, so did you build mysql from source as well?
15:35.36froyI have tried MySQL 8, MySQL 6, and MariaDB 10.4, though it may not have linked to MariaDB 10.4 properly because Gentoo requires libmysqlclient has to be there some reason.
15:36.07froyYes, everything is from source, but it is predictable and reliable because of the portage tree scripting.
15:36.31froyThis isn't a hodgepodge manual build with manual downloads and manual ./configure
15:37.08*** join/#asterisk MarkSX (~MarkSX@unaffiliated/marksx)
15:37.35froyI'll try nuking all mysql stuff and do mariadb and see if I can make sure the ebuild to links to the mariadb-connector-c instead.
15:37.48Kobazi would rebuild mysql with full debug symbols
15:38.14froyHrm, good idea.  Maybe I should do that first just to see what the stacktrace looks like.
15:38.25Kobazyeah, you don't have full info there
15:39.14sibiriafor CDRs, unless i need to query them from different locations remotely, i'd just use sqlite
15:39.14Kobazand then, once you have that stack trace, then the next step is probably #mysql
15:39.19froyYeah, I only turned on debug symbols in asterisk... It didn't occur to me that this is the other library until you mentioned it.
15:39.37sibiriaa full-featured dbms for this purpose is kinda overkill unless something really calls for it
15:39.56froyTrue, true, sibiria, but yeah, I have lots of reporting systems that read it.
15:41.32froyLuckily, with gentoo, it's as easy as setting up a new debug build environment for a package, and bam, compiled with debug symbols!  Love it!
15:42.50Kobazwham blam thank you ma'am ?
15:43.40drmessanofroy: Are you trying to use the cdr_mysql or the ODBC module?
15:44.50Kobazlooks like cdr_mysql from the stack trace
15:44.54froyI actually use both.  I have ODBC set up for dialplan logic because the MYSQL() command plugin is deprecated.
15:44.57Kobaz#6  0x00007fd0f8e76f7f in mysql_ping () at /usr/lib64/  #7  0x00007fd0f922ab50 in mysql_log (cdr=0x7fd0a40054d0) at cdr_mysql.c:220
15:45.19drmessanoI would ditch the cdr_mysql completely
15:45.23froyIt is mysql-connector-c-6.1.11
15:45.40froyIs there a better way to log CDR to mysql?
15:45.49drmessanoI haven't had real success with it in years.  Switched to ODBC and life got much better
15:46.09drmessanoYeah, odbc
15:46.18froyOh, I did not know you could do that. :D
15:46.41drmessanothe cdr_mysql module is deprecated for a reason
15:47.15froyIt is deprecated?  I thought that just the func_mysql was deprecated.
15:47.29drmessanoIt's deprecated
15:49.39froyWell no wonders then.  Ha!
15:49.58drmessanoapp_mysql and cdr_mysql have been listed as deprecated under the Addons menu in menuselect for god knows how long.
15:50.19filewill they finally get removed? STAY TUNED!
15:51.18drmessanoThey should be moved from deprecated to deficated
15:53.04SamotOh I think there will be things not in 18
15:53.36drmessanochants "chan_sip! chan_sip!"
15:53.56drmessanochants "users.conf! users.conf!"
15:54.23SamotI compiled Asterisk 16 and didn't do anything with app_macro
15:54.26SamotIt's not there
15:54.36SamotChan_sip is noload now in 17
15:55.18drmessanoapp_macro is in 16
15:55.25SamotYes, it is.
15:55.28SamotWhen you make it so.
15:55.42drmessanoYou need it for FreePBX
15:55.52SamotCorrect. So they make it so
15:56.06SamotJust like Asterisk 17 having Chan_SIP installed/loaded
15:56.12SamotIn FreePBX.
15:56.45drmessanoI guess I completely missed your point then
15:57.55froyapp_macro is only turned off by default in 16.  You can turn it back on in the menuselect.
15:58.25SamotThings are on the removal list.
15:58.35froy(I know because I have to turn it back on until I migrate at least 10 macros to gosubs)
15:58.38SamotFirst they just aren't loaded/installed as part of the default.
15:58.45SamotThen, they get removed.
15:59.03froyYeah, 17 is probably going to be the chopping block for a lot of cruft!
15:59.44Samot17 has been out since Oct.
15:59.58Samot18 is the next release and LTS version.
16:00.20SamotSo let's see.
16:00.31seanbright18 might not be LTS
16:00.32SamotI know Chan_SIP is safe for the next couple years.
16:00.46seanbrightif history is any indication
16:00.49froyYeah, I haven't messed with 17 because I try to only deal with certified versions because I'm trying to run a business here. :D
16:00.51drmessano"Just look at chan_sip and app_macro" is sort of a false equivalence when you consider how long other modules have been on the deprecated list, like cdr_mysql.  If you have other info, great.  but being recently moved to deprecated, like app_macro, is meaningless.
16:02.40drmessanoOh and cdr_mysql can be completely replaced with ODBC, and it STILL survives.  So until an actual decision is made, I don't think something being recently marked as deprecated puts any sort of execution date on it.
16:03.16Samotapp_macro kicks out warnings that it will be removed in future versions.
16:03.17froyWait, is CDR itself deprecated too?
16:03.55drmessano11:49:58 <drmessano> app_mysql and cdr_mysql have been listed as deprecated under the Addons menu in menuselect for god knows how long.
16:04.12drmessanoWho said "CDR" is deprecated?  wat
16:05.32froyOh, I misunderstood your "it STILL survives" thing.  Sorry.
16:06.52drmessanoI have not used a *_mysql module for idk, 8-10 years.  The ODBC in Asterisk is fantastic and much more stable.
16:07.09Samot^^^^ totally that
16:07.47drmessanocdr_mysql was never a first-class module anyway.  It was part of -addons and then when -addons went away, it was still listed as an Add-On in Menuselect, like the mp3 module
16:07.53drmessanoBecause ODBC is better
16:09.45drmessanoNot sure what I am saying is misunderstood.  You have a choice between a few add-on mysql specific modules that have been problematic for some, and have been deprecated for years, or ODBC which is solid, stable, and fully supported.
16:10.05*** join/#asterisk theGoat (
16:21.07froySo is mysql deprecated for realtime too?  res_config_mysql?  Just turn off all mysql?
16:22.23igcewielinganything you could use mysql module for can be done using the odbc module.
16:23.03froyHa.  Well.  That just added a few more yaks to shave on my way to migrate from 13 to 16.
16:23.21igcewielingmost of that info can be found in the UPGRADE.txt files.
16:23.39igcewielingISn't that the first thing you read when downloading a new asterisk?
16:23.56froySorry drmessano, I admit I'm clueless.  Just takin' it one day at a time here.
16:24.22drmessanoI don't know what there is to misunderstand
16:24.34drmessanoIf the module has _mysql in the name, don't use it
16:24.40drmessanouse _odbc
16:24.51froyOkay, I hear ya loud and clear.  Sorry.
16:25.27igcewielinghe things "mysql" means "database"
16:25.38froyI don't really go to the download page to manually download.  It automatically downloads as part of an ebuild.
16:25.41drmessanoMySQL is not being deprecated, CDR is not being deprecated, Asterisk is not being deprecated.  Use ODBC
16:25.49igcewielingfroy: no wonder you have problems.
16:26.03drmessanoAsterisk <> ODBC <> All Sorta of Databases
16:26.03SamotWait, you're saying Asterisk is deprecated?
16:26.09SamotWAY TO GO SANGOMA!
16:26.29froyHey now, now you're putting words in my mouth.  I never said that stuff.  I don't think "mysql" means "database."
16:26.44drmessanoWe don't know what you think, to be honest
16:26.46igcewielingSamot: *nod* Sangoma has switched to FreeSwitch, complete with the angry Romanian who wrote it.
16:27.11SamotHuh, I figured it would be Jitsi.
16:27.23drmessanoI tried stating 3 different ways that the modules that targeted MYSQL directly were deprecated and, in my experience, less reliable.. and to use the fully-supported ODBC
16:27.35froyPlease calm down, man.  I was just asking sincere questions.  If I'm going to be ridiculed for stupid questions here, I dunno what the point of this channel is.
16:27.44drmessanoand you still asked if MySQL was being discontinued by Oracle, so IDK dude
16:27.58seanbright"If I'm going to be ridiculed for stupid questions here, I dunno what the point of this channel is."
16:28.07seanbrighthonestly - that could be the /topic of this channel
16:28.47froyNo I didn't ask if MySQL was being discontinued by Oracle.  Who mentioned Oracle?  What the crap.
16:29.33drmessanoI'm not ridiculing you for asking stupid questions.  I'm questioning the need to answer it 3 different ways, and then needing to reiterate it.  I actually expanded greatly on your question and attempted to educate you as to a better, proper way of accessing MySQL, via ODBC, and I don't know if you didn't read it, or if I just wasted my time.
16:30.00*** join/#asterisk irrgit (~ch33se@
16:30.11drmessanoSorry if I offended you by overly-answering your question and then being sarcastic when it was clear that what I typed was being ignored
16:30.32drmessanoWith that, I will make a temporary exit and go do something productive
16:30.40froyWe were talking about CDR at first.  Realtime isn't CDR.  It has a completely separate configuration.  That's why I asked.
16:31.03*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@2a02:a210:2241:6480:a41a:e78f:705d:71c9)
16:34.39SamotHow did realtime get involved in this?
16:34.51SamotThe Asterisk CDRs can be stored numerous ways
16:35.03SamotWith numerous styles of DB based backends.
16:35.26Samotthe _odbc modules allow you to use a single module to connect to those backends
16:35.35Samotvs having different modules for each backend
16:35.51froyRealtime got involved by an innocent question about it by me above -- which then blew up in my face.
16:36.03SamotCDR != database
16:36.08seanbrightHE KNOWS
16:36.11SamotNumerous people use .csv
16:36.11seanbrightcan we move on?
16:36.23froyTHank you seanbright!  Whew.
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22:18.43wonderworldthe docs say that speex must be installed for the "denoise" function in confbridge to work. would that mean, that participants must use the speex codec while connecting to the conference or would denoise work with other codecs too, when speex is installed?
22:19.30filedenoise works for other codecs, speex provides a DSP library that can be used outside of the codec itself
22:19.44wonderworldthank you
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