IRC log for #asterisk on 20200425

00:48.01*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
01:34.32igcewielingA sample pjsip.conf with sample Adtran config and sample Polycom config.
01:35.18velixHmm... Does anyone send OPTIONS to me?!
01:35.22igcewielingTaken from my production configs, not identical but should be a usable config.
01:35.55igcewielingvelix: it isn't normal for options to have a valid number, but other than that, it looks fine.
01:36.16velixigcewieling: Okay. Interesting.
01:36.31igcewielingnot found is what you should expect.
01:37.04velixigcewieling: Really? I'm getting "200 OK" from some servers :D
01:37.22igcewielingvelix: yup.  really ANY reply should work.
01:37.43velixigcewieling: Ah, after removing `contact_user = 90754108935` I'm getting 200 OK ,too.
01:37.52velixtypo in user sorry
01:38.31igcewielingIt doesn't matter.  The fact you are getting a reply proves the far end is alive and replying to packets.
01:39.33velixOk. 404 just make me shrug.
01:40.01velixI've ported everything to pjsip now and it works fine.
01:40.32velixMore than 80% of the calls through the University PBX worked today.
01:41.08igcewielingonly 20% to go.
01:41.50velixigcewieling: I think the 20% are quick hangups on the other side (like 30-40 seconds after beginning the talk).
01:42.02velixigcewieling: I can't filter them out of the call log of course.
01:42.25igcewielingDo you don't actually know if the calls worked, you are just assuming based on call length.
01:42.49velixigcewieling: The other calls worked, since the interviews were more than 10 minutes and marked as "interview completed".
01:43.15velixI didn't get information on the last 20% by now :D
01:43.24velixBut pjsip seems to do a good job.
01:43.30velixchan_sip did get amok on 403.
01:43.37velixpjsip just retries.
01:45.12velixAlso `module reload` is very helpful.
01:45.21velixWhen having a bad config, it tells me what's wrong ;)
01:45.52velixBut the chan_sip-2-pjsip converter from contrib is veeery buggy.
01:45.58velixIt ofter forgets "sip:"
01:46.28*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
01:47.32velixI wonder, why I didn't need "line=yes" on my incoming trunk.
01:54.19*** join/#asterisk led_belly (~led_belly@
01:57.54*** join/#asterisk chris^ (
02:04.12velixHmm, why does this happen? `Registration attempt from endpoint 'student_01' to AOR 'student_01' will exceed max contacts of 1` ?
02:05.14igcewielingchances are the far end NAT router closed the NAT translation, so when the phone re-registers it comes from a different port and creates a new contact.
02:07.17velixigcewieling: but the default value of contants is "0".
02:11.32igcewielingright, which means "unlimited"
02:11.47igcewielingWhy did you set it to 1?
02:13.50velixigcewieling: oops, seems like I've missread it. Thought default is ZERO.
02:13.57velixdon't say a word.
02:13.59velixplease :)
02:15.28velixOT: I've just seen "Star Trek Insurrection" again. "Software Support: PIXAR Animation" :D
02:17.16velixigcewieling: Ah, I remember what I did. I've left type=aor blank and got an error.
02:17.21velixThen I've set it to "1".
02:17.37velixWhen setting it to zero, I can't register my client
02:18.34igcewielingset it to 1 and add remove_existing set to yes and move on with life.
02:19.51velixThat's something we'd need to at to sip_to_pjsip :D
02:19.56velixto add*
02:24.52*** join/#asterisk ShellyRoll (
04:41.39*** join/#asterisk overyander (~overyande@
04:58.37*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:22.25*** join/#asterisk hfb (
05:39.08*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
06:14.13*** join/#asterisk tsal (
06:17.42*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
06:49.16*** join/#asterisk muks (
06:49.46muksfolks, what happens if multiple clients authenticate to the same endpoint (using same username/password)?
06:49.51muksSIP clients
06:52.00mukscan they function indepdently similar to jabber/XMPP "carbons" feature?  what happens if the endpoint is dialled from extensions.conf.. are all the clients authenticated to that endpoint rung?
06:53.10igcewielingmuks: that depends on what sip driver you are using.
06:55.53drmessanoNever heard it called "carbons"
07:06.57muksdrmessano: i guess it comes from carbon-copy
07:07.25yangHello, I have a problem with incoming calls. I am trying to call +38617774515 which is a number allocated/forwarded to me by the SIP provider ( The phone on my side doesn't ring. It can also be a firewall issue? I can mention that I am able to do outgoing calls through the same SIP account (provider). Here is the debug log
07:07.33yangI can also see the call being received in "debug" From: "38669944499" <sip:38669944499@>;tag=11-2D00F42F-5EA29DAF00012FE0-D1D9D700    -   To: <>
07:07.49drmessanomuks: The actual multiple connections are resources, not carbons
07:08.02drmessanoAORs in SIP
07:08.41muksdrmessano: carbons broadcasts messages to all resources
07:09.27drmessanoThe multiple authenticated clients are "resources", akin to SIP AORs
07:10.17mukswith the pjsip driver, what happens if the extension is called, when it has 2 connected clients?
07:10.38drmessanoThey all get rung unless you further specify an AOR
07:11.59muksdrmessano: thank you for that answer.. i will read about AORs
07:14.09drmessanoWell, if you use the standard PJSIP/exten dial it will ring the first AOR
07:14.18drmessanoThere's a modifier to dial all AORs
07:14.33drmessanoWhich is commonly used
07:16.04muksperhaps a reading of RFC 3621 is due
07:16.31drmessanoNot really
07:16.47igcewielingIn the aor section for the endpoint, add max_contacts=X where X is the max contacts you want to allow
07:16.49drmessanoThere's a whole wiki
07:16.58muksi've spent a lot of time on configuring asterisk this year, and it works fine as a company PBX, but i don't know anything about the protocol
07:17.09muksi.e., SIP
07:19.08muksdrmessano: thank you.. i should use PJSIP_DIAL_CONTACTS() and remove per-device endpoints that i'd setup
07:19.32drmessanoDepends on the need
07:26.02*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:1748:fad4:7260:2cfb:9a2a:2004:4ce3)
08:13.19*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
08:15.01yangMy question is, how do I make my phone ring and answer the incoming call ?
08:16.12*** join/#asterisk FH_thecat (
08:49.41*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@2a04:cec0:101e:dea4:515e:5556:efec:bbf7)
09:21.07*** join/#asterisk Ai9zO5AP (~BQcdf9eiZ@gateway/tor-sasl/ai9zo5ap)
09:55.06*** join/#asterisk fstd_ (~fstd@unaffiliated/fisted)
10:40.58*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
10:59.59*** join/#asterisk tyler (

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