IRC log for #asterisk on 20200423

00:02.49*** join/#asterisk allizom (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/allizom)
00:24.13*** join/#asterisk mTeK (~quassel@
00:36.03*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (~wonderwor@unaffiliated/wonderworld)
00:37.08wonderworldhi, i have a question regarding dtls_rekey. do i need to provide my own certificate when using rekeying as some kind of "seed" or will asterisk generate all needed keys by itself when using rekeying?
00:37.17wonderworld(in pjsip)
00:43.11*** join/#asterisk spatel (~spatel@
01:13.46*** join/#asterisk spatel (~spatel@
02:19.06velixIs there a way to set pjsip history "always on" ?
02:20.26*** join/#asterisk ShellyRoll (
02:27.18*** join/#asterisk spatel (
02:29.56*** join/#asterisk spatel (
02:31.36SamotThe logger history?
02:54.20igcewielingsee cli.conf ?
02:54.29igcewielingsee pjsip.conf
02:57.25*** join/#asterisk Testeree (xavier8338@gateway/shell/
03:01.33*** join/#asterisk Tashtari (~tashtari@unaffiliated/tashtari)
03:04.21TashtariThis might not be exactly the right place to ask this, but hopefully someone here can at least point me in the right direction.  I'm looking to interface an old-fashioned two-wire door intercom as an IP phone endpoint - i.e. someone outside the door presses the call button and it initiates a call to a fixed number, and some bit of electrical magic handles the switching of the intercom device between being a
03:04.23Tashtarispeaker and a microphone.
03:04.34TashtariAny idea what I might be looking for?
03:12.08drmessanoan ATA, set to auto-dial would work
03:12.37drmessanoNot sure what impedence the intercom presents
03:13.04TashtariWhat's an ATA?
03:13.23TashtariFor what it's worth, I think the answer to that is 20 ohms.
03:13.28Tashtari(The impedance)
03:13.36drmessanoAnalog telephony adapter for converting an analog line to SIP
03:13.58drmessanoIs there a seperate mic and speaker?
03:15.21TashtariNope, they're one and the same.
03:16.32TashtariThe thing just interfaces with two wires; it seems that pressing the button shorts them together through a 3.7 ohm resistor.
03:17.22drmessanohuh ok
03:17.43SamotFor the most part, the ATA suggestion is the best one.
03:18.42drmessanoSo you would need low impedence to 600 transformer
03:19.56Tashtarihm.  I should say that my knowledge of electrical engineering is pretty scant.  Is this too esoteric a use case to have an off-the-shelf part?
03:20.13drmessanoOh you won't do this with anything off the shelf
03:21.33drmessanoYou need to build an interface, not just to match impedence, but also to hold/hang up the line
03:22.25TashtariWell, that will be interesting.  Am I right to assume that basically any way I do this will involve effectively converting this thing into an analog telephone and then plugging it into an ATA?
03:22.42drmessanoMore or less, yes
03:22.55TashtariAll right, that should make for an interesting challenge...
03:23.04TashtariAll righty, thanks for the pointer.
03:23.15drmessanoSure thing
03:23.43*** part/#asterisk Tashtari (~tashtari@unaffiliated/tashtari)
03:23.57SamotOK then.
03:25.03drmessanoNothing there that would help them
03:25.47drmessano"I'm looking to interface an old-fashioned two-wire door intercom as an IP phone endpoint"
03:27.03SamotSpeaking of old equipment..I wonder if that one guy ever got his headmaster lamp working.
03:27.18drmessanoOh yeah
03:28.16SamotHe seemed to have most of it down.
03:28.37igcewielingperhaps a sip relay controller
03:28.55igcewielingAlgol has all sorts of cool stuff.
03:30.05Samotdrmessano: Darn, thread is closed. Looks like he was messing around with just the AMI part but had the rest sorted. "MQTT message to the ESP32 which in turns triggers the relay"
03:32.12drmessanoYou'd have to build almost as much for that relay controller as you would an ATA
03:32.34SamotYeah, that's why it came to mind with this.
03:32.36drmessanoI wonder if the guts from an old telephone would work
03:33.13Samot"It's got ATT guts. This is the one you want"
03:33.23SamotBut it might.
03:34.07SamotA good ole 1970's era table phone. One you could commit murder with.
03:34.52SamotWestern Electronic keeping you connected and murdering since 1960.
03:35.53drmessanoEven an AT&T 210 could work.  I seriously doubt they changed the design to where the mic and speaker were that far apart.
03:37.34*** join/#asterisk cyford (~cyford@
03:48.19velixigcewieling: Hmm, cannot find anything in pjsip.conf. Does cli.conf start the history only when starting the cli or does it start when starting asterisk (I'm running it as daemon)?
03:48.30velixdon't answer
03:48.45velix"Any commands listed in this section will get automatically executed when Asterisk starts as a daemon or foreground process (-c)."
03:59.08Samotvelix: Are you asking about the pjsip logger history?
03:59.23velixSamot: not the logger, just the history.
03:59.35velixBut igcewieling gave me the right hint.
03:59.46velixpjsip set history on = yes
04:02.47SamotIt will eat up memory
04:02.54SamotSo you shouldn't really leave it on all the time.
04:07.00velixSamot: no, of course not.
04:07.06velixJust for debuuging right now.
04:07.12velixBut memory is my smallest problem ;)
04:07.24SamotThen you don't need to make it a start up option.
04:07.31Samotpjsip set history on
04:07.32velixI often forget to turn it on.
04:07.38velixAnd then after hours, I'm sad.
04:07.51SamotIt's not meant as a logging tool to look at later.
04:08.18velixBefore having an ip filter, I had an 1 GB security log file after a half day :)
04:08.40velixAfter having an IP filter (whitelist German IP ranges only), it dropped to nearly zero
04:08.59velixSamot: Okay, I'll turn it off again.
04:09.16SamotI didn't say it was going to eat up disk space. I said it was going to eat up memory.
04:09.29SamotIt stores all that information _in-memory_
04:09.33velixYeah, but RAM isn't a problem here ;)
04:09.34SamotNot in a log file.
04:09.53velixThis server has 12 cores and 64 GiB RAM.
04:10.38velix(actually the CPU has 24 cores + threads, but I've got 12 vCores only)
04:11.02SamotHow many PJSIP endpoints are there?
04:11.09SamotHow many calls per day does this system make?
04:11.19velixmax. 10
04:11.26SamotPer day?
04:11.26velix10 endpoints in parallel (10 students)
04:11.31velixand calls... about 140-170
04:11.34*** join/#asterisk tmoore (
04:11.43SamotSo 10 endpoints that are registering and have keepalives.
04:12.00velixYeah, but the machine was a spare machine for data mining and is way too big to this job.
04:12.28SamotSeems you got it cover. Add it as a start up function.
04:12.35SamotLet it keep filling up memory.
04:12.46SamotEventually you'll stop having working calls
04:13.20velixhehe, mate, I _do_ have stop having working calls ;)
04:13.24velixThat's why I'm logging :D
04:13.39SamotHere's the answer.
04:13.40velixBut I know what you mean ;)
04:13.50SamotDump the University SIP trunk. It's hot garbage.
04:14.06SamotThey are not very capable and it is the key source to all your issues.
04:14.06velixYep. The commercial one is working without a problem. But calls to mobile phones are damn expensive.
04:14.21SamotYou realize that fixing this problem constantly is a cost too
04:14.31velixTrue, true :(
04:14.32SamotWell I guess when you work for free, what does it matter.
04:14.57velixSure, it's 6 am ... I'm here since 12 hours. I don't get paid for this.
04:15.08velixBut I'm learning Asterisk. So I could help others one day.
04:15.47SamotLook, it's one thing to sit here and say "I'm learning Asterisk" when it's full of problems from Asterisk.
04:16.01SamotBut when the issue is 100% the provider's problem, you're not learning Asterisk.
04:17.15velix:/ you're right by 100%
04:19.27*** join/#asterisk tmoore (
04:51.55*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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05:37.13*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
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08:16.28*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
08:33.43*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (
09:05.41*** join/#asterisk slima (~slima@unaffiliated/slima)
09:13.45slimaHi, I trying upgrade dialplan from Asterisk 11 to 16, And have a truble with setting 'accountcode' in CDR record (MYSQL), for incoming call. I have h exten, and try: h,n,Set(CHANNEL(accountcode)=${CDR(dst):2}) but in the CDR record accountcode is empty. When i set: Set(CDR(accountcode)=${CDR(dst):2}) there is a deprecated warning, and accountcode is empty in the record. How to set accountcode in h exten?
09:16.48*** join/#asterisk allizom (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/allizom)
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09:46.33*** join/#asterisk Offer (~Offer@
11:34.02*** join/#asterisk infobot (
11:34.02*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.32.0 (2020/03/12) 16.9.0 (2020/03/12) Standard: 17.3.0 (2020/03/12); DAHDI: 3.0.0 (2018/11/15); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
11:44.14*** join/#asterisk khaled-atteya (~khaled_at@
11:48.11khaled-atteyaHi , I use Centos 7 + asterisk 16.9.0 + dahdi 2.11.1+2.11.1 + TDM400P  with 2 FXO + 2 FXS , when I add "fxsks= 1" to /etc/dahdi/system.conf the following error appear : , what may the problem ?
12:01.59electronic_eelkhaled-atteya: I have a very similar setup working
12:02.46electronic_eelwith the "fxsks= 1" (or "fxoks") parameter, you tell the dahdi driver which socket on the TDM-card has which kind of interface
12:02.58electronic_eelthe number is the socket number on the TDM card
12:03.59electronic_eelso maybe one of your FXO modules is in slot 1 and the FXS module you want to configure in some other slot
12:04.14electronic_eelso check your TDM card
12:19.59*** join/#asterisk forgotmynick (uid24625@gateway/web/
12:39.59*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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13:01.30*** join/#asterisk khaled-atteya (~khaled_at@
13:03.06khaled-atteyaelectronic_eel, I have 2 FXO & 2 FXS , the FXO ports are in port 1 & 2 , so I put fxsks = 1,2
13:03.23khaled-atteyaand the same issue with FXS ports
13:06.42*** join/#asterisk Ai9zO5AP (~BQcdf9eiZ@gateway/tor-sasl/ai9zo5ap)
13:13.19peetaurCan someone please help me understand why a dialplan include isn't working as expected? Just 3 lines in order works, but if I move the first to an include, it doesn't happen before the call happens. Here's the code
13:14.11SamotBecause the original context had a match.
13:14.36peetaurso how do I make it match the include first (so the first can be generated, and the custom one hand written)
13:14.43SamotIt doesn't matter if the include => is first or last. If the current context has a match, it won't look in the includes.
13:15.54peetaurif _. matches everything, what can I control from the include?
13:16.19SamotWell I have no idea what you're trying to match or so....
13:16.32peetaurI want to match everything, but do that action before calls
13:16.38SamotBut if you want the includes to be used then there can't be a match in the original context.
13:16.48SamotThen you have to match and jump to each context.
13:17.14peetaurso I have to control where to jump before I get to the one with the include?
13:17.37sibiriathe first thing i see is that you have two prio 1
13:17.48SamotAgain, if there is a match in the original context, the include won't get called.
13:17.52sibiriafrom-trunk-iax2-bc-peer-custom has one entry for prio 1
13:18.00sibiriaand so does the context including that one
13:18.14peetaurthe generated one (from FreePBX) set its own priority... I would rather it was 2 so I can set lower, but can't as far as I know
13:18.24SamotYou can't.
13:18.25sibiria1,Playback(...)    1,Set(GROUP()...)
13:18.38SamotHe's trying to use pregenerated dialplan from FreePBX
13:18.50sibiriaso the latter instance of prio 1 is being overwritten, hence no call to Playback()
13:19.56Samotfrom-trunk-iax2-bc-peer-custom will never be called from from-trunk-iax2-bc-peer
13:20.01SamotBecause from-trunk-iax2-bc-peer MATCHES
13:20.35SamotIt will set the Group and then go to from-trunk
13:20.41SamotIt will never look at from-trunk-iax2-bc-peer-custom
13:22.21sibiriaunless my memory is off, includes in the dial plan are done when the dial plan is loaded, not when called
13:22.45sibiriai.e. if ,1,Set(GROUP()...) is changed to prio n, that context should run fine
13:22.57sibiriafrom-trunk-iax2-bc-peer that is
13:23.39peetaurit won't let me change the 1 to n... it says something  like "next can't be the first priority"
13:23.45sibiriaaha, ok
13:23.49sibiriayeah that sucks :)
13:23.53peetaur(in warnings from "core reload" on console)
13:24.04Samot"The order in which Asterisk tries to find a matching extension is always current context first, then all the include statements."
13:24.22peetauryeah I wish it was more procedural code ..performance be damned...CPU is cheap
13:24.33sibiriawell, there is AEL
13:24.57sibirialua dial plan config
13:25.04peetaurooh that sounds good
13:25.19peetaurbut... if FreePBX is not using it, will my custom one be able to do something?
13:25.22SamotOK stop.
13:25.32SamotIt is now clear that FreePBX is the wrong choice.
13:25.36SamotSo get rid of it and start over.
13:26.29peetaurthat's an option, but seems unnecessary if I can still hook into it...or even patch it; I like that it does 90% of what I want with very little setup
13:26.49*** join/#asterisk Mugge (~andy@
13:27.00SamotThen you need to spend more time learning it.
13:27.09peetauryep, and that's what I hope to accomplish today.
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14:58.39*** part/#asterisk captfindus (~andy@
15:05.52*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@2a04:cec0:1094:f8f8:3d9e:7dc7:a176:9392)
15:13.09igcewielingHow would I confirm direct media is used?
15:13.54igcewielingIn the Asterisk CLI if possible.
15:15.57*** join/#asterisk irrgit (~ch33se@
15:24.30SamotAre you transcoding?
15:25.43SamotWell as long as its the same codec on both sides and not transcoding, Asterisk should just user direct media. Unless it is disabled.
15:26.00igcewielingrtp set debug on indicates that might not be the case.
15:26.11igcewielingLooks like the answer is "you can't"
15:26.18*** join/#asterisk wk057 (~wk@unaffiliated/wizkid057)
15:27.02wk057hi. is there any way to override DND set on a phone, mainly for paging?  something similar to SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: info=alert-autoanswer), but still work if the phone is on DND?
15:27.22wk057(cheap cisco desk phones)
15:27.22Samotwk057: That is completely a phone specific feature.
15:27.35peetauris the question just about whether you can detect whether it's transcoding? What I did to do that is just ban everything except codecs I expected/wanted, and it still worked...ban what I expected, and it didn't work.
15:27.38wk057I kind of figured
15:28.09wk057I was just hoping to find a way for a group page thing to work even if a phone was on DND
15:28.26seanbrightdepends on the phone
15:28.48wk057cheap cisco SPA303
15:28.54wk057have like 8 of them in my shop
15:28.57igcewielingpeetaur: did you use rtp set debug on to confirm media is no longer flowing via Asterisk?
15:29.18seanbrightyou can mixmonitor the call which should bring the call back in to asterisk
15:29.26seanbrightbring the media*
15:29.38igcewielingI don't want media on Asterisk is possible.
15:29.53seanbrighti'm saying as a test
15:29.54peetaurwhat I was doing was just to troubleshoot some strange phones that weren't working... I didn't need to do much debugging, just figure out which codec wasn't working. (problem was just that one of the supported codecs didn't actually work, and nothing to do with transcoding)
15:30.24igcewielingpeetaur: do you really have no idea if direct media is in use or not.
15:30.25seanbrightyou not seeing the RTP means that it's either not flowing, or it's direct media
15:30.35seanbrightnot sure that is helpful
15:30.46peetaurI don't know what "direct media" means ... from the above, I guessed and asked if you mean "not transcoding"
15:31.12seanbrightdirect media is when RTP flows directly between two endpoints. it doesn't go through asterisk "in the middle."
15:31.37peetaurah ok
15:31.49igcewielingseanbright: I want to confirm direct media is in use for specific calls.   One way I can do that is by turning on rtp debug, but that is hard to parse and I was hoping Asterisk would print a message.
15:32.02seanbrightmaybe i am confused
15:32.14seanbrightif direct media is used, rtp debug should show you nothing, correct?
15:32.31seanbrightso there is nothing to parse
15:32.33igcewielingBut in my case I see RTP data so obviously direct media is not working.
15:32.33peetauryou could also use tcpdump to look for your nothing vs something
15:32.36seanbrightso there is nothing that is hard to parse
15:32.52seanbrightok, so to answer your original question...
15:33.03seanbrightif you see RTP in 'rtp debug' that means direct media is not being used
15:33.07seanbrighti accept paypal
15:33.26igcewielingsends seanbright a slightly stale bagel.
15:33.46seanbrightnothing better than a day old bagel
15:34.02igcewielingI suppose I can write a script to parse out the RTP debug, then use pjsip channelstats to match the rtp data to an actual channel.
15:34.54igcewielingI think the few milliseconds of lower audio latency might not be worth it.
15:36.44seanbrightwell. the less packet pushing asterisk is doing the better.
15:38.41*** join/#asterisk Ai9zO5AP (~BQcdf9eiZ@gateway/tor-sasl/ai9zo5ap)
15:44.44igcewielingOne of the nice things about the setup on my core asterisk boxes is that there are almost no devices behind NAT
15:45.16*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
15:56.18*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
16:52.12hardwireI can't for the life of me get res_hep to work with pjsip.  Anybody have experience with this on Asterisk 16?
16:53.04igcewielinghardwire: installing Homer?
16:53.16*** join/#asterisk yang (~yang@freenode/sponsor/fsf.member.yang)
16:53.29hardwireRight now just simple port listener.. but there is no TCP connection being initiated.
16:54.34igcewielingI thought HEP ran over UDP, but I'm not all that familiar with it.
16:54.38*** join/#asterisk tmoore (
16:54.52hardwiremakes a derp noise
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16:56.18hardwirewhat do you know.. traffic
17:02.52hardwiremigrating from chan_sip to chan_pjsip.   Anybody have a good example of a simple outbound trunk without authentication or registration that dials like PJSIP/Outbound-Trunk/${exten} ?
17:03.13hardwireI'm able to make what I have work by specifying a full SIP url vs ${exten}
17:03.23fileit's PJSIP/${EXTEN}@Outbound-Trunk
17:03.48hardwireAnd then outbound server selection is done via the identify section?
17:03.56fileidentify is for inbound
17:04.08fileoutbound server selection is chosen by the configured AOR, which has a contact on it
17:04.32hardwirebless you
17:06.14hardwireYup I reviewed the heck out of those
17:07.44hardwireThanks Josh
17:07.57hardwireJust tired from too much work and wasn't grokking.
17:08.07hardwiremakes a hep listener and moves on
17:08.43*** join/#asterisk _pepo_ (~Pepo@
17:09.45_pepo_Hi friends, how do I change "user part" in OPTIONS message? I mean, my OPTIONS message say
17:09.45_pepo_and I want to change to something like:
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17:47.49_pepo_In sip.conf if I use fromuser=myname then I have OPTIONS message like
17:47.49_pepo_How do I can change to From: "myname" <sip:myname@IPaddress> ?
17:50.27SamotWhy does it matter?
17:50.39SamotThe From Name is generally ignored for OPTIONs.
17:51.45*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
17:52.09sibiria_pepo_: with mwi_from if i recall correctly
17:53.46SamotNot the right option.
17:55.20SamotWhile it will set the name it will also set the user to that and it's only for MWI NOTIFYs.
17:55.25SamotNot going to impact OPTIONS
17:55.27*** join/#asterisk joepublic (~joepublic@fsf/member/joepublic)
18:02.57igcewielingI thought mwi used SUBSCRIBE, not OPTIONS.
18:04.59_pepo_I want to hide my asterisk identity
18:05.11_pepo_mwi use NOTIFY (I think)

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