IRC log for #asterisk on 20200417

00:29.33*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@2a04:cec0:1007:eb79:a095:527:42c5:5fde)
01:01.31*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
01:19.40igcewielinglooks like a stuck call
01:26.06*** join/#asterisk giesen (
01:28.24Nivexno, it's actually been running that whole time
02:28.13*** join/#asterisk javi404 (~quassel@unaffiliated/javi404)
03:03.02igcewielingwhat version of Asterisk?
03:06.14igcewielingolder versions of Asterisk don't track that sort of stuff very well.
04:38.57ZombieAnyone still here?
04:40.39drmessanoThere's 165 nicks in here
04:40.51drmessanoWe don't do roll calls
04:40.57drmessanoIf you have a question, ask
04:46.58*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
04:55.27ZombieWell my lunch is almost up.
04:56.04ZombieI was going to ask about doing station to station calls between my Android Phones and my Cisco SPA303
04:57.09*** join/#asterisk ganbold (~ganbold@
04:58.41drmessanoWhat about it?
05:00.02drmessanoDude, if you have an issue or an actual question, ask.  This is IRC, there's no number to take and wait on like the Deli.   JFC
05:15.04*** join/#asterisk Ellenor (ellenor@unaffiliated/ellenor)
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05:39.31*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
05:53.15*** join/#asterisk infobot (
05:53.15*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.32.0 (2020/03/12) 16.9.0 (2020/03/12) Standard: 17.3.0 (2020/03/12); DAHDI: 3.0.0 (2018/11/15); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
06:19.24*** join/#asterisk tsal (
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08:22.35*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
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11:27.59ZombieAnyone still awake?
11:29.18Nivexnah, I just woke up:
11:36.02*** join/#asterisk AsteriskRoss (
11:36.35ZombieI'm trying to deal with a project dealing with Asterisk.,
11:37.18ZombieAt this Phase, I just want my SIP Phones to be able to call each other.
11:37.47ZombieI eventually want to get a SIP Provider for the outside world,
11:37.58Zombiebut one step at a time.
11:55.20*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
11:55.53*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
12:17.50*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@2a04:cec0:1007:eb79:a095:527:42c5:5fde)
12:37.11*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
12:42.02SamotWhat kind of project with Asterisk?
12:50.27*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (~gerhard7@
13:17.11*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
13:30.23*** join/#asterisk CarlosTico (
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14:07.16*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@2a04:cec0:1007:eb79:a095:527:42c5:5fde)
14:25.36ZombieSamot, Home use.
14:26.35SamotOK. What is the goal of the project?
14:31.35*** join/#asterisk allizom (~Thunderbi@unaffiliated/allizom)
14:34.01ZombieA few goals:
14:35.00ZombieAndroid Phones, and my Cisco Base Station should be able to call each other.
14:35.17*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
14:35.17*** mode/#asterisk [+o bford] by ChanServ
14:35.23allizomHi, when setting up local extensions, what should the actual numbers look like not to interfere with public numbering plans? I've checked in my country numbering plan any extension starting with either 2, 6 or 9 is "reserved for future use", is there a prefix set apart in most countries for this kind of use?
14:35.52Zombie2. I Have an existing XMPP setup. I'd like to be able to use the XMPP, and LDAP Setup too:
14:37.19Zombie2a. Recieve a call intended for my Sim-Carded Android Phone on either Ekiga Soft Phone or the Cisco SPA303 Base Station.
14:38.43Zombie2b. Have the Phone upload Voice Mail to Asterisk Servers.
14:43.48SamotIn what way do you want to use this XMPP setup with Asterisk?
14:44.59*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (uid299068@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
14:45.00*** mode/#asterisk [+o cresl1n] by ChanServ
14:45.46[TK]D-Fenderallizom, they should not looks like public numbering plans...
14:45.53[TK]D-Fenderallizom, Your question answers itself
14:46.40allizom[TK]D-Fender: what I'm asking is whether there is a specific prefix set apart and explicitly intended to be used in this way
14:46.56allizomwhich most numbering plans agree on
14:48.29igcewielingallizom: are you in Germany?
14:48.56igcewielingFor the most part, extensions and phone numbers won't interfere with each other.
14:49.09[TK]D-Fenderallizom, If you're loking for local extensions why wouldn't you just make them SHORTER than all those other patterns?
14:49.21igcewielingallizom: there is no standard.
14:50.05allizom[TK]D-Fender: I want a short extension number, I just want to make sure it's not going to conflict with other uses
14:50.09allizomigcewieling: I see
14:50.26[TK]D-Fenderallizom, you should know what valid phone numbers look like.
14:50.37[TK]D-Fenderallizom, You just invent your own prefix to dial out.
14:51.05allizom[TK]D-Fender: I was asking to check whether there was an agreed on prefix already
14:51.12allizombut there isn't. fine.
14:51.29SamotSure thre is.
14:51.53allizomSamot: I'd like to know more about it
14:52.06Samot9, at least in the US/Canada, has been the defacto "get an outside line" prefix for decades.
14:53.16SamotHowever, prefixes that do specific things such as use X route or set Y CallerID are up to those that deploy it and therefore there is no "agreed" standard.
14:55.38allizomSamot: I'm not in North America and I'm not familiar with their plan, but aren't there publicly used numbers which start with 9? 911 comes to mind
14:55.50SamotThose are special numbers.
14:56.03SamotAnd yes there are area codes that start with 9
14:56.29allizomIs there any single-digit prefix which is not used whatsoever there?
14:56.43SamotThat is on the admin.
14:57.24SamotThe only destination that can never be prefixed as of 2020 is 911 because that's the emergency services.
14:57.45SamotThat _must_ be able to be dialed as is and reach emergency services.
14:58.09SamotHowever, 411 which is Information Services can conflict with a company extension plan.
14:58.14SamotThere could be an extension 411
14:58.45SamotSo that means the users can't dial 411 to get to Information Services. They would have to dial something different.
14:58.47*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
14:58.56ZombieI'm not sure yet.
14:58.59SamotWhat that is, totally up to the admin of the PBX.
14:59.15SamotZombie: That is something you need to sort out.
14:59.36ZombieI am starting in small steps.
14:59.37igcewielingFor PBXs (in the USA) I run, I recommend extensions be in the ranges 2 - 8, no prefix for outside lines, all outside calls start with 1 or 011, except 911
14:59.57igcewielingThat is my personal preference.
15:01.00allizomI'd like not to prefix calls going outside in any way, what I'd like to do is to limit my choice of extensions I'm setting up not to conflict with public numbers
15:01.24igcewielingallizom: then you are making things more complicated.
15:01.31ZombieZombie, Here?
15:01.53*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@2a04:cec0:1007:eb79:a095:527:42c5:5fde)
15:02.30allizomigcewieling: it should be quite simple if there is a (preferably short) prefix no one else is using
15:02.54igcewielingallizom: that all depends on YOUR country dialing plan.
15:03.27allizomI know, and I've checked that. It says prefixes 2, 6 and 9 are "reserved for future use" as I said before
15:03.34igcewielingso use those.
15:03.55igcewielingall your phone numbers start with 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8?
15:03.56Samotallizom:  I'm not sure how 200 can conflict with someone dialing 20010456212
15:04.30SamotUnless you are making the extensions the same length as the standard digit pattern you have nothing to worry about.
15:04.37igcewielingyou don't dial a prefix like 0 to indicate a toll call like 90% of the world?
15:04.52allizomSamot: ok
15:04.54SamotThe US uses 10 digit numbers. Unless I'm making 10 digit extensions, I'm never going to conflict with a "real number"
15:05.14allizomwe have variable length numbers in some cases
15:05.24SamotThere is a common length
15:05.41ZombieSamot: Can I give you some larger elements of my network infrastructure?
15:05.43SamotIn certain parts of the US you can use 7 digits.
15:05.49allizomsure, I just asked if there was a surefire way
15:06.00SamotSo again, how many 7 digit extensions would there be?
15:06.15SamotAre you planning on making extensions with lengths beyond 6 digits?
15:06.25allizomSamot: my local extensions are not going to be this long
15:06.36SamotThen you have nothing to concern yourself with.
15:06.39allizomso I should be fine, right
15:06.48SamotXXX isn't going to conflict with XXXXXXXX
15:06.53SamotBecause they aren't the same.
15:07.34allizomigcewieling: in our country we call national numbers by their "full number" which can start with 0
15:07.37SamotZombie: You can.
15:07.47allizominternational calls must start with 00 as i that is reserved
15:08.21SamotSo if it starts with 0 it has to be at least X digits in length..
15:08.38SamotAnd then the length can vary
15:09.00allizompresumably, but I don't know precisely how many minimum digits
15:09.07SamotAgain in the US (certain parts still) you can dial between 7 to 11 digits.
15:09.16ZombieSamot: I use Samba 4 (As a form of LDAP, and Kerberos) eGroupware, DoveCot, Fetchmail, Spectrum2, Prosody (XMPP), Project MAXS, and MythTV with Kodi.
15:09.16allizomthere are no 4 or 5 numbers for dure
15:09.28allizom4 or 5 digits numbers
15:10.04SamotZombie: OK, so what is the plan for all that and how does Asterisk tie into it?
15:10.13allizomok people, thanks all
15:11.39ZombieWhere I live, the Telephone company largely does not offer POTS Service, they have a POTS Compatible VOIP Service that costs extra.
15:12.35ZombieThe Telco runs Fibre to the station, and CAT5 to the houses
15:13.13ZombieCome next week, the very last legacy CAT3 Wiring will be replaced with CAT5. (It was non-functional to begin with.)
15:14.55SamotWait, VoIP costs more than POTS?
15:22.21*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:1748:fad4:7260:cc53:76e6:5e6e:27ad)
15:28.07*** join/#asterisk zapata_ (~zapata@2a02:1748:fad4:7260:395c:bc6:4cb1:3542)
15:34.31ZombieLet me Clarify.
15:35.11Zombiewe upgraded from ADSL at 25 Mbps to VDSL at 75 to 100 MBps.
15:35.47ZombieOur Analogue wiring was snipped and new CAT5 was run into the house.
15:36.29igcewielingYou must live somewhere civilized like Europe.
15:36.37ZombieThe Telco used a drilled out Coaxial Jack from a long gone Cable Co. Entry point.
15:37.01Zombieigcewieling, Canada.
15:37.31*** join/#asterisk DivideBy0 (~DivideBy0@unaffiliated/divideby0x0)
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15:37.33igcewielingOdd.  Their internet industry is almost as bad as the USA
15:38.52ZombieWe were told that We couldn't usse the DSL Filters anymore.
15:39.13ZombieThe Telco actually damaged some drywall.
15:39.25igcewielingthat could make sense.
15:40.52SamotOK, so the new service is being delivered over fiber vs copper.
15:41.01Zombieby trying to  put some weird surface mounted sticky tape port, purtruding out the side of the Cable Jack we now use for a Terrestrial ATSC Antenna, because we wanted to keep using the
15:41.14ZombieYes basically.
15:41.32SamotOK so now you want to use Asterisk because you don't want to pay for phone service?
15:41.34ZombieIts copper to our house. (RHH-45 Port.)
15:41.42ZombieIts copper to our house. (RJ-45 Port.)
15:41.55SamotI doubt they just put copper into your house for this.
15:42.12SamotEveryone is on a mission to remove copper as a transport.
15:43.18igcewielingExcept Frontier, of course. 8-|
15:43.40ZombieThey said if we wanted to use this as a POTS line, we needed to subscribe to their in house VOIP solution because these were not Analogue lines
15:43.58SamotSo again, you don't want to do that so you want to use Asterisk
15:44.19ZombieYes, we were okay with that because, we both have Cell Phones.
15:44.39ZombieAnd the land lines were a repeated Target for Fraudulent Calls.
15:44.48SamotSo you will still need a provider for this.
15:44.57SamotOtherwise you just have a PBX that calls internally.
15:45.00Zombiethink: Jim Browning level stuff.
15:45.21ZombieI know that, I have some questions about that.
15:46.17ZombieIs it possible for a Cell Phone with an Asterisk client setup to forward a call to an Asterisk base station?
15:46.39Zombielie my Cisco SPA303 or Ekiga SoftPhone?
15:46.55SamotThere is no Asterisk client for mobile phones.
15:47.25SamotYou would install a softphone client that would connect to Asterisk.
15:47.50SamotIf you want to forward calls from your cell phone to Asterisk, you need to forward calls to a real number like normal.
15:48.39ZombieI take it that would require a VOIP Provider?
15:48.58SamotJust as I said.
15:49.19SamotOtherwise whatever you use to connect to Astersik, be it a hardware based phone or a softphone is just connected to Asterisk.
15:49.30SamotThey will be able to call Asterisk and each other.
15:49.42SamotThere still needs to be a connection to the PSTN which requires a provider.
15:49.55SamotSo you can make and receive calls from other people.
15:51.54*** part/#asterisk igcewieling (~ewieling@
15:55.34ZombieI'd still like to get the internal stuff.
15:57.41ZombieAs a start.
15:57.50ZombieAnd see where I can take this.
16:08.25drmessanoStep1. Ditch users.conf
16:09.00SamotOK, so what internal stuff do you want working?
16:09.21drmessanoHe can't yet call ext to ext
16:09.30drmessanoThe pastebin he showed last night was users.conf
16:09.43drmessanoI told him to get a proper chan_pjsip config
16:09.51*** join/#asterisk yuljk (~yuljk@unaffiliated/yuljk)
16:09.53drmessanoand then hours later he pinged "anyone still awake"
16:10.21drmessanoIf someone wants to troubleshoot his users.conf, go for it, but what a waste
16:11.49SamotOh I saw that hot garbage of a config
16:12.33drmessanoI've seen this conversation repeated multiple times in my scrollback.   This is turning into CV
16:14.57SamotSpeaking of CV I saw someone on DSLReports, I think, asking "I got an old PAP2 laying around. What can I do with it?"
16:15.35ZombieI want to show you what version of Asterisk I have
16:16.10ZombieI have put in a ticket with My Distro to have this upgraded.
16:16.29SamotWhich distro?
16:16.32ZombieThat request is being  processed.
16:16.38ZombieRosa and Mageia.
16:19.05drmessanoZombie: Do you yet understand that you need chan_pjsip configured and not the useless garbage of users.conf?
16:19.23ZombieYes I do.
16:19.37Samothas a strange urge to listen to the Cranberries....
16:20.01ZombieCould it be because I am here?
16:20.13Zombie(and I do like Zombie by the Cranberries.)
16:20.23drmessanoSo you keep parroting that you want the basics to work.. great.  Get your stuff crammed into a chan_pjsip config and go from there
16:31.05*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
16:31.27ZombieSo this file? /etc/asterisk/pjsip.conf
16:31.52*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
16:32.24Zombieconsiders moving all files in /etc/asterisk/ to /etc/asterisk/examples
17:03.07Zombiedrmessano, Its more broken than it was.
17:03.14ZombieI can't do sip show peers
17:03.57drmessanosip x x is chan_sip, the prefix is pjsip x x
17:05.41Zombieolympia*CLI> show sip
17:05.41ZombieNo such command 'show sip ' (type 'core show help show sip' for other possible commands)
17:05.41Zombieolympia*CLI> pjsip show peers
17:05.41ZombieNo such command 'pjsip show peers' (type 'core show help pjsip show' for other possible commands)
17:05.41Zombieolympia*CLI> pjsip show peers
17:06.41drmessanoDude, stop getting and look at the wiki
17:06.48drmessanoDude, stop guessing and look at the wiki
17:06.56drmessanoIt's all documented
17:07.06sibiriaZombie: if you aren't loading any modules it will be a bit complicated to get anything going
17:10.24sibiriain my opinion, the default config set you get from "make samples" is a good starting point
17:10.30sibiriadon't remove this set, just alter it instead
17:10.42ZombieThats what I was doing.
17:14.39sibiriaalso, pjsip show contacts
17:14.45sibiriaand, pjsip show endpoints
17:15.13drmessanoZombie: I told you to dump users.conf, not dump the whole config so modules don't load
17:15.54drmessanoThere's a whole wiki full of startup information
17:18.55*** join/#asterisk elcontrastador (
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19:49.55*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
19:51.49CyrillaxCan I get SIP RealTime to use a table for device hints? Trying to get Queues() to use an externally sync'd DB for Device Hints with Local/ members, but want to keep Queue()'s ability to filter out based on the Hints
19:53.37Cyrillax(Without using AMI or something to maintain a full copy of hints on each *)
20:23.24*** join/#asterisk DannyA (
20:23.38DannyAhey all.  so my asterisk stops logging when i exit the CLI.  any idea why that is?
20:24.05DannyAthe "full" log contains all the normal entries you'd expect to see, but as soon as i exit the CLI or my SSH session ends, the logging stops
20:28.07igcewielingnever heard of that.
20:28.18igcewielinghow are you starting Asterisk?
20:30.00DannyAi guess in init.d
20:30.28DannyAbut i confirmed it just now.  i logged into the CLI and did logger reload, in a separate ssh session i cat'd the file and saw it had entries, then exited the CLI session, and logging stopped
20:44.39igcewielingnope, never seen that.
20:52.28*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
20:53.55*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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20:55.11DovidIs there any application like BackGround that will play a sound file, ignore the DTMF but stop the playback and keep moving in the IVR? I want it to behave like Background that it stops playing the file but then act like playback that we ignore the dtmf
20:57.59DannyAwhy not just do Background but then have a pattern match for extension for any digit?
21:02.35DovidDannyA: I ended up using Read
21:03.08DovidI cant because I play instructions that I want users to be able to skip and continue in the priorities. using background will jump out of it and create a loop
21:04.44*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
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22:31.48dogcowhello all, I am looking to buy a Digium T1/E1 card (used), and I'm trying to determine if the older PCI (not PCI-e) models will still be supported in Asterisk 16. Does anyone know? Thanks in advance.
23:04.38joepublicmine works with asterisk 16.
23:04.59joepublicah, scratch that, I have a TDM400P
23:05.56drmessanodogcow: If you can only afford a used older modem, maybe get a new generic card
23:06.28*** join/#asterisk sarthor (~sarthor@unaffiliated/sarthor)
23:07.37drmessanoLike an OpenVOX for $300
23:09.24drmessanoSomeone's used, and maybe soon to be unsupported card vs generic card that seems to work OK
23:14.50dogcowthanks, drmessano, I'll look at OpenVOX. Hadn't heard of them. $300 is about the top of my budget. (Just for home lab use).
23:15.25drmessanoI used OpenVOX for my home lab use years ago.  They're fine
23:16.04drmessanoFor a multi-million dollar business, Digium all the way.
23:16.11drmessanoBut home use, yeah OpenVOX
23:38.27*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
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