IRC log for #asterisk on 20200415

00:35.53*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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08:43.40*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
09:02.36*** join/#asterisk ShellyRoll (
10:34.35AristideHello. Randomly, when I forward to a exten, I get this error :
10:34.35Aristide[Apr 15 12:33:53] WARNING[16709][C-00000005]: app_playback.c:493 playback_exec: Playback failed on SIP/ovh-00000009 for silence/1&custom/blacklistinfo
10:34.46AristideBut sometime its work
10:34.48AristideSometime not
10:35.23AristideI have try to put Progress() before Playback but same problem. And put a Wait(1)
10:36.25AristideBut other commands are runed with success
10:36.35Aristideare run* (sorry my English is not very well ^^)
10:53.13*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
10:55.50*** join/#asterisk Ai9zO5AP (~BQcdf9eiZ@gateway/tor-sasl/ai9zo5ap)
10:56.21EllenorAristide: I've seen far worse English than yours. Your statement and questions I can at least fully comprehend.
10:59.57AristideHm. Maybe its work now
11:00.02AristideAfter 4 tests, no problems
11:00.23AristideEllenor: I'm making a « blocking number » system  with a simple forward to 4000
11:00.53AristideEg : You call me, I don't want to be called by you anymore : Forward → 4000. You get a message about your phone number by a prerecorded message and you cannot calle me after :D
11:01.30EllenorAristide: So if you block +1 778 764 0137 and I call you from that #, I'll get a message in français parisien about how Angloids aren't welcome?
11:02.06EllenorOr will the message be in french and english?
11:02.12AristideFrench only
11:02.17AristideI'm never called from other country
11:02.45AristideOnly new caledonie by my Brother but 1 : He speak french, 2 : Blocking my brother is not in my todo list ^^
11:03.08EllenorIs New Caledonia part of the +33 area codeL
11:03.36EllenorOr is it a separate country for telephony sakes? (I know it's part of the French Republic)
11:06.25EllenorAristide: I know that what you want to do is possible, but because I haven't wanted to make this system, I'm not able to help you.
11:06.46AristideEllenor: My brother has a VoIP phone subscription
11:06.59AristideEllenor: But its work very well now :) Thank's for your response
11:08.04EllenorI'd say pm me your # and I might try it out but you probably don't want to be telephoned by a canadianoid at high noon
11:08.09*** join/#asterisk ih8wndz (
11:08.18Ellenor(when I am meant to be asleep)
11:08.55Ellenor(and will be drunk in English and downright incoherent in French assuming I can speak it at all)
11:10.23*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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11:28.47*** join/#asterisk zaf (~zaf@
11:33.14*** join/#asterisk DanielYK (
11:35.05DanielYK@file The IPv6 addresses in the SDP of a pjsip endpoint are with square brackets. Is this issue related to pjsip or asterisk?
11:35.07DanielYKo=- 9416523 9416525 IN IP6 [20xx:e9:xxxx:b200:20c:29ff:xxxx:bf36]
11:35.09DanielYKc=IN IP6 [20xx:e9:xxxx:b200:20c:29ff:xxxx:bf36]
11:36.26fileAsterisk is what places things there.
11:37.17DanielYKOkay, I think that is a bug. Is this known or should I open a new issue?
11:37.28fileany known issues are filed in the issue tracker
11:38.17DanielYKOr are there any configuration items which could cause this wrong format?
11:38.28filenothing comes to mind
11:39.05filewhat version of Asterisk?
11:39.37filehaven't seen such a thing mentioned
11:41.05fileare you setting an external media address...
11:42.05DanielYKYes, I use a domain name. But it does this wrong formatting also when hardcoded to the current IPv6 address.
11:42.38fileI think it would put brackets in if external address were set for IPv6
11:42.46fileI don't think anyone has really done that
11:43.28DanielYKYes, that could it be.
11:46.22DanielYKDo you have a hint for me where the code issue could be? I have not checked the code yet.
11:46.58filethe application of external_media_address is done in the res_pjsip_sdp_rtp module
11:58.01DanielYKI think ast_sockaddr_stringify_host(&transport_state->external_media_address) returns the IPv6 addresses with brackets. Is there another function which returns without brackets?
11:58.19fileprobably, I do not know off the top of my head
11:59.04fileall that stuff is defined in netsock2.h
12:10.44*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
12:17.49DanielYKast_sockaddr_stringify_addr returns the addresses in the correct format. No changes to IPv4, only IPv6 without brackets.
12:21.51*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@2a02:a210:2241:6480:e16f:8b60:f318:f9fd)
12:26.32*** join/#asterisk AsteriskRoss_ (
12:43.27DanielYKIt looks like the issue is in res_pjsip_session. What is the difference?
12:52.42*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@2a04:cec0:108d:9a6e:cdbd:ce91:135a:fe74)
12:55.23*** join/#asterisk forgotmynick (uid24625@gateway/web/
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12:58.25forgotmynickhello. i'm trying to enable inbound and outbound calls on asterisk for microsoft team users WITHOUT a microsoft calling plan because we can't afford to pay £7 per month per user for 200 users just to connect it to be PBX. does anyone know if there is a module that can connect the two?
12:59.45fileDanielYK: res_pjsip_sdp_rtp handles the audio/video SDP and RTP, while res_pjsip_session handles sessions (or calls) and associated stuff
13:00.01fileforgotmynick: there is no module or functionality built into Asterisk to explicitly facilitate such things
13:00.49forgotmynicki understand but could there be a third party module? i have of course searched on google but cannot find anything and judging by microsofts api, it's probably not going to be possible
13:01.12sibiriadoesn't Teams have regular SIP capability for direct dialing of a remote SIP phone or so?
13:01.30forgotmynickpaid option
13:01.33sibiriamy memory could be off but i could swear i've seen this setup mentioned
13:01.52sibiriashouldn't be surprised, i suppose
13:02.25forgotmynickhalf the company has been let go while the remaining have agreed to a pay cut so we're trying to shave off costs every where we can
13:02.41sibiriamaybe you should just drop Teams entirely then, in favor of something free that works
13:03.14sibiriathis may sound odd, but Discord is free to use for businessess, and it's a pretty competent chat + voice solution. its gamer appearance may not appeal, though
13:06.51forgotmynickoffice 365 subscription is good value for money because you get access to office and teams which everyone is using to work from home minus the factory workers, chat, collaboration, file sharing etc. teams is free to call other team users but need a solution for inbound/outbound. the other issue is directors want physical handsets even though we could save a lot of money by using softphones but that's a whole
13:06.51forgotmynickdifferent problem. thanks anyway, if anyone does have any suggestions please let me know
13:08.35SamotHow will any third party solution work if the Microsoft Teams account doesn't have the ability to connect to outside SIP services?
13:08.56forgotmynicki was just about to say on a third party solution there might not be a way to route external calls internally
13:09.10SamotOr vice versa.
13:09.41SamotUnless the PBX has a connection to Microsoft Teams to accept calls from and send calls to, it's not much of a solution.
13:18.52*** join/#asterisk MLC (~MLC@
13:24.29*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
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13:39.19MLCSo I'm trying to enable TLS in PJSIP for the first time. I can connect if the client does not check the server certificate, but when the client does check the server certificate it can't connect. The client says "Certificate name mismatch (503)" but I've double checked that the names match. At the same time asterisk shows me a pjproject error: SSL 6 [SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN] (Read) ret: 0 len: 32000.  I'm guessing my server certificate i
13:39.19MLCs in the wrong format.
13:40.24sibiriaso correct it? :)
13:40.39MLCnot sure how
13:40.40sibiriaPEM format, full chain, remember the correct order of entities in the chain
13:46.25MLCI don't want to use a self-signed cert, so I purchased a cheap cert from
13:46.36sibiriawhy not use let's encrypt?
13:47.03sibiriabut whatever you go for, it should still be in PEM format, so start there
13:47.21MLCI'm not familiar with Let's Encrypt, I'll check it out.
13:48.11MLCI tried converting the cert I got to PEM but didn't have any luck
13:48.16*** join/#asterisk FH_thecat (
13:48.22sibiriawhat were you given by p12?
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13:49.07MLCnot sure.  I'm not well versed in certificates and such
13:49.28sibiriathe file type/ending would be a good indicator
13:49.58MLCthey gave me a .crt and a .ca-bundle
13:50.31sibiriathen i would think you already have things in PEM format, but perhaps not wrapped-up correctly
13:51.13sibiriaif you take a look in those files, are they plain-text and contain a few "---BEGIN CERTIFICATE/PRIVATE KEY ----" sections?
13:52.55MLCI did try the .crt file alone and also the concatenated .crt + .bundle that works in nginx
13:54.59sibiriabegin with putting the private key in its own file. you may name this "privkey.pem" or something
13:55.18MLCyes. that is already done.
13:55.23sibiriathen coalesce the certificates into another file. you may call that "fullchain.pem"
13:55.54sekilforgotmynick: calling plan is one routing is other...I think E5 is needed for DR
13:56.09MLCwhich goes first, the bundle or the cert in that fullchain file?
13:56.27sibiria*most* software is ok with random order, but specifications actually demand an ascending order
13:56.33sibiriafirst you put your subject, meaning your domain cert
13:56.38sibiriaafter that you place the issuer of that cert
13:56.43sibiriathen repeat
13:56.55sibiriae.g. your cert -> eventual intermediate -> root cert
13:57.04MLCok, trying that
13:57.32sibiriaand just to underline, the key should be alone in its separate file. no cert in there
13:57.37sibiriaand ditto for the certs
14:01.11*** join/#asterisk kharwell (uid358942@gateway/web/
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14:01.17sibiriaif you want, you may verify the privkey and the cert to really make sure they match
14:01.23sibiriayou can do this with openssl like so:
14:01.40sibiriaopenssl x509 -noout -modulus -in fullchain.pem | openssl sha1
14:01.52sibiriaopenssl rsa ... -in privkey.pem | openssl sha1
14:04.02sibiriayou can also verify that the cert aligns with the CA's cert: openssl verify -verbose -CAfile fullchain.pem fullchain.pem
14:05.29MLCthe first 2 give matching results. I assume this is good?
14:06.06MLCand the last one reports OK
14:06.26sibiriayes, the private key and the cert yields the same checksum, so they match
14:06.32sibiriaand OK is... OK :)
14:06.44sibiriaso your certificate and private key files should be in order
14:07.57MLCso with fullchain.pem containing cert then bundle I get the same symptoms. There are 2 certs in the bundle.  Maybe they are in the wrong order?
14:08.11sibiriathe correct order is what i stated earlier
14:08.37sibiriafirst your cert, and then the issuer of that cert, and then the issuer of THAT cert etc.
14:08.50MLCI'll break the bundle up so that I can look at each part
14:09.11sibiriaif your certs have attributes in plain text, they will indicate what's what
14:09.20MLCthey don't
14:09.30sibiriaaka "bag attributes"
14:10.02sibiriaok, you may take a look at the separate certs then: openssl x509 -in some_cert_file -text -noout
14:10.48sibiriajust curious, what client software is it you're using that doesn't like the cert?
14:11.06MLCBria on iPhone, also got similar symptoms from a Digium phone
14:11.19sibiriai think i've only once ever run into software demanding the correct chain order of a cert
14:12.00MLCI think it may not be the client but asterisk.  Still seeing this: SSL 6 [SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN] (Read) ret: 0 len: 32000
14:12.05MLCin asterisk
14:13.36sibiriai presume the priv key isn't password-encrypted? :P
14:13.49MLCit is not
14:13.49sibiriaand that it's readable by asterisk (file ownership/permissions)
14:15.38MLCpermissions look ok
14:16.46MLCThe first cert in the bundle has
14:16.55MLCAnd the 2nd
14:16.55MLCAuthority Information Access:
14:17.03MLCI think that means they are in the correct order?
14:17.20sibirianot sure from just that. the subject and issuer are the two details that are important
14:18.38MLCIssuer: C = US, ST = New Jersey, L = Jersey City, O = The USERTRUST Network, CN = USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
14:18.49sibiriasubject: you, issuer: subca1/ca1  ->  subject: subca1/ca1, issuer: big corp ca  ->  subject: big corp ca
14:18.52MLCSubject: C = GB, ST = Greater Manchester, L = Salford, O = Sectigo Limited, CN = Sectigo RSA Domain Validation Secure Server CA
14:20.05*** join/#asterisk lyr (~lyr@
14:20.10lyrHi there
14:20.26MLCgot it. I think they are in the correct sequence
14:20.33lyrI'm trying to get prometheus metrics configured
14:20.33sibiriasectigo is an intermedia
14:20.54MLCthe 2nd is USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
14:20.58sibiriatheir cert is signed by USERtrust
14:21.10lyrI'm not used to asterisk conf, I dropped a prmetheus.conf file in /etc/asterisk, restarted asterisk, nothing in the log, where's the /metrics ?
14:21.36sibiriaa simple way to identify a root CA is to see if its issuer is the same as the subject
14:21.50sibiriawhich you should see on the USERTrust cert
14:22.00sibiriaso that's the one you place last in the file
14:22.33sibiriaand the one issued by USERtrust (subject sectigo) goes before
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14:22.44sibiriaand in the top your subject, which will have sectigo as issuer
14:23.59MLCI have it that way, except that the issuer != subject on the final one
14:24.59sibiriaso the last one's subject is USERTrust RSA CA or something, but issued by another CA?
14:25.15MLCIssuer:  C = SE, O = AddTrust AB, OU = AddTrust External TTP Network, CN = AddTrust External CA Root
14:25.16MLCSubject: C = US, ST = New Jersey, L = Jersey City, O = The USERTRUST Network, CN = USERTrust RSA Certification Authority
14:26.21sibiriai guess your digium phone doesn't have that addtrust caroot available
14:26.55sibiriaiirc that's one of comodo's root cas
14:27.06MLCSounds right.  It is a Comodo cert
14:27.28MLCI'll try a let's encrypt cert and see what happens.
14:28.18sibiriasounds like what you got from is a cross-signed product and the clients don't want to acknowledge it
14:30.42MLCHave you used Let's Encrypt for asterisk? It seems to be geared toward web sites.
14:31.49sibiriai have. certs are transparent in this regard, there's no such thing as web cert, telephony cert etc.
14:32.57sibiriabut no matter where you get the cert from, in the end your clients must still have a root bundle that connects the whole chain in order to verify trust
14:33.12MLCmakes sense
14:33.17sibiriaif you have a client with a really outdated certstore then you may run into problems no matter where you get the cert
14:35.07MLCAny thoughts on this error in asterisk? SSL 6 [SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN] (Read) ret: 0 len: 32000
14:39.24sibiriano idea, it's a bit undescript
14:39.34sibiriaold pjsip/chan_sip?
14:40.11MLCI am 16.6.2  which is a few points behind current
14:41.34sibiriaare you giving asterisk a ca list file/path or letting it use the system defaults?
14:41.52sibiriamaybe it's just a simple pjsip config problem after all
14:42.35MLCI'm only specifying the cert_file and priv_key
14:43.15sibiriapriv_key_file* you mean
14:43.34MLCduh, no
14:43.48MLCsmacks his head and will fix that
14:44.12sibiriaat least your cert chain and key is now in order............
14:44.29MLCno, I have it correct. priv_key_file
14:45.17sibiriafor my let's encrypt setup i only point pjsip to the cert and key as well. it should suffice
14:46.06MLCI'll figure out the ACME / certbot thing for Let's Encrypt and try that
14:49.02jjrhAnyone here ever played around with a android based handset? (like the grandstream android line, or yealink )
14:49.08igcewielingWhen a cert expires (90 days for certbot, I think) Does Asterisk re-read the cert file when it expires or does it need to be told to reload the new cert
14:49.25jjrhNot sure if there are any other companies shipping android deskphones handsets
14:49.53sibiriaigcewieling: i think a minimum of reloading pjsip is needed
14:50.10sibiriaand yes, it's 90 days for Let's Encrypt's certs
14:50.31igcewieling is basically an android phone with a handset
14:51.16jjrhnot a big fan of having no physical buttons on that model
14:52.54igcewieling*nod*  If I wanted a SIP WiFi phone, there are hundreds of models around to choose from.   I don't think sticking one in a cradel counts as anything but a disappointment.
14:54.07igcewielingI stick with Polycom because we have at least 1,000 Polycom phones and wrote our own EPM-like program almost 10 years ago to handle setup.
14:54.56jjrhI'm more interested in writing some software for these devices. If they run android it opens up a lot of possibilities for using non sip voice and video
14:55.49*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@2a04:cec0:108d:9a6e:f065:3a02:d4b8:58d1)
14:56.15igcewielingNever underestimate the stupidity of users.
14:56.54jjrhin this case i'm mostly interested in something for myself or a couple clueful users
14:59.44jjrhthe gxv3350 is actually a somewhat reasonable price - $300USD the yealink stuff is nice but really expensive
15:04.22drmessanoI wanted a phone that I could run existing Android apps on, specifically Pushover.
15:07.14*** join/#asterisk thansen (~thansen@
15:11.22MLCsibiria: getting the same results with a Let's Encrypt key. I'll try upgrading asterisk to current.
15:21.34*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
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15:24.29*** join/#asterisk CRCinAU (
15:24.47CRCinAUHi all, so mucking around with 17.x.x, it gives a warning to move to pjsip
15:25.05CRCinAUdoes pjsip handle multiple registrations against the same hostname now?
15:25.10CRCinAUie two accounts on the same sip server?
15:25.25CRCinAUin the past when I've tried to switch, its never been able to route calls properly
15:26.57igcewielingAsterisk has never had that problem.    PJSIP allows you to register multiple devices to the same "account".      Asterisk has always allowed multiple devices to register from the same IP to different accounts, otherwise NAT would never work with Asterisk.
15:27.33CRCinAUI know it has had that problem - but I haven't tried again in a number of years.
15:27.58CRCinAUI have 2 upstream providers, both have two sip accounts on each server - ie different username / password
15:28.08*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
15:28.36CRCinAUcalls from the upstream to either of accounts on the same provider would always drop into one of the lines
15:28.45CRCinAUie you could never get an incoming call on the second account
15:29.36CRCinAUfrom memory, it was something to do with pjsip using the hostname to match incoming calls
15:29.37igcewielingAn example:
15:30.45CRCinAUis that the same for the registrations?
15:30.56CRCinAUwhatever the translation of 'sip show registry' is?
15:31.00igcewielingthose are the registrations of the phones to the server.
15:31.13*** join/#asterisk _abc_ (~usre@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
15:31.26igcewielingsip show registery shows remote devices you are registered TO.    It does not show devices registered to the server.
15:31.31_abc_Hi. Is there any documentation on * concerning SIP MESSAGE handling?
15:31.34CRCinAUyeah - I'm talking about Asterisk (with pjsip) registering to an upstream SIP server
15:32.12CRCinAUhandsets registering to Asterisk from the same IP isn't an issue
15:32.20igcewielingI don't think I've set that sort of thing up in 10 years.
15:32.37CRCinAUits kinda coming back to me now.....
15:32.58CRCinAUit was how pjsip handled the INCOMING call from the upstream provider.... it matched the first hostname match, then associated the calls with that
15:33.08igcewielingAll of my servers have public static IPs so I've not had to register one server to another server in many years
15:33.09CRCinAUalthough it may have been the wrong account that it matched first
15:33.23igcewielingCRCinAU: you tell pjsip the match order.
15:33.36igcewielingcan't do that with chan_sip.
15:33.49CRCinAUin chan_sip, I register each endpoint with FNN/FNN
15:33.55CRCinAU(fnn = full national number)
15:34.13CRCinAUwhich is how it tells the difference - but that didn't work with pjsip - not sure if that's changed now
15:35.22CRCinAUhowever, pjsip was rather new back then.... so yeah - I'm assuming a bit has changed
15:37.30drmessanoI don't recall that being an issue with PJSIP
15:38.12drmessanoBur it certainly works fine
15:38.23*** join/#asterisk miltux (
15:38.36seanbright_abc_: what is your question
15:39.14CRCinAUyeah - on another note, it doesn't look like the handles multiple upstream accounts on the same server :)
15:39.33CRCinAUit creates a [blah] with username / username / password / password :)
15:39.40CRCinAUat least the version in 16.9.0 anyway
15:40.14_abc_seanbright: whether SIP MESSAGE settings or treatment are mentioned anywhere in the * docs. I can't find anything because all SIP messages are SIP messages.
15:40.20_abc_aka requests
15:41.12_abc_seanbright: in particular SIP MESSAGE (chat) from SIP client to SIP client both on the same * proxy server and no reinvite, i.e. data flow through the *.
15:42.04seanbrightasterisk isn't a proxy, but that isn't relevant
15:42.16seanbrighttake a look at MessageSend as igcewieling mentioned
15:42.21_abc_It's a SIP server among other things, in chan sip terms
15:42.29_abc_I missed that, looking.
15:45.09*** join/#asterisk Ai9zO5AP (~BQcdf9eiZ@gateway/tor-sasl/ai9zo5ap)
15:47.56SamotA MESSAGE request is not the same as an INVITE request.
15:48.55_abc_The page mentions pjsip enhanced MESSAGE support since 13.22 . Does anyone know if 13.14 had any message support properly working on SIP (not pjsip)? This is what's on this machine, default distribution (stretch) * version, will have to connect to another for a higher version.
15:50.39sibiriayou can send MESSAGEs with chan_sip, too, since ages
15:50.39seanbrightcan you type out the word 'asterisk' please?
15:52.53SamotOK if you're trying to send a MESSAGE from a device to Asterisk, the first thing you need to do is tell the Chan_SIP peer that it can accept out of call messages and where to process them.
15:53.14SamotThat is covered in the sip.conf samples and in the Wiki for chan_sip.
15:59.34_abc_Does cmp2k work nicely in modern android phones?
16:03.19MLCsibiria: FYI upgrading to 16.9.0 did not solve that TLS issue
16:05.00sibiriaMLC: sorry, i have no other advice, but i would at least again verify that the full path and cert/key file really really is readable by the user/group asterisk runs under
16:16.09*** join/#asterisk meek424 (
16:17.26meek424hi there, anyone can please help me to install the sRTP module on an existing asterisk server
16:17.59meek424just need some high level instructions, maybe an article
16:22.30*** join/#asterisk MLC (~MLC@
16:22.42SamotHave you tried loading the module?
16:23.02jjrhdrmessano: yeah just having a android phone on the desk would open up a ton of nice possibilities. Using stuff like skype, discord, etc
16:23.21_abc_Is there a way to issue a message using MESSAGE(body) and MessageSend(to) from the cli without editing the dialplan? In place macro or interpretation?
16:23.35meek424Samot: nope
16:23.50Samotmeek424: Then you should.
16:24.08meek424Samot: hehe, will do
16:24.20meek424Samot: thx
16:24.34igcewieling_abc_: no.  You could use something which generates SIP messages like sipp or you could create call files to trigger a call.
16:24.49_abc_Also, is there a way to batch it? using pipe | asterisk -rx perhaps?
16:24.57SamotBatch what?
16:25.04SamotYou're being very random.
16:25.13_abc_Samot: originate a MESSAGE using a shell command.
16:25.19jjrhuse sipsak
16:25.36igcewielingYou can't run random applications from the Asterisk CLI.  Asterisk -rx is considered "the CLI" in this case.
16:25.49_abc_Yes for cli, understood about cannot run.
16:25.54jjrhThat is if you're trying to do SIMPLE messaging.
16:26.06_abc_quips cisco has tclsh in the clish path on exe cli...
16:26.26_abc_jjrh: simple messaging is perfect for now. Looking, thanks.
16:26.38meek424Samot: is not here, so i guess i have to install it from source somehow (ls /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ | grep srtp)
16:26.53jjrhto send the messages look at sipsak.
16:26.59igcewielingmeek424: just run menuconfig and select the module to build
16:27.02Samotmeek424: How did you try to load the module?
16:27.02_abc_Is considered obsolete? It is very good sometimes but information is seriously out of date on many pages.
16:27.08igcewielingthis isn't frickin rocket science.
16:27.22seanbrightvoip-info is hot garbage
16:27.38jjrhseanbright: what's the alternative?
16:27.41_abc_Like 15 years out of date to quote a real example.
16:28.06seanbrightthe wiki, this channel, the forums, etc.
16:28.17_abc_hot garbage it may be but there are good ideas sometimes in it
16:28.19seanbrightstop giving voip-info the add revenue and hopefully they go away
16:28.37_abc_is accept_outofcall_message=yes relevant for SIP MESSAGE working well now?
16:28.45_abc_seanbright: I have adblock on
16:29.01jjrhwiki doesn't have the same number of examples as voip-info unfortunately.
16:29.29seanbrightexamples of what?
16:29.38seanbrightwe'll get on that
16:29.40igcewielingjjrh: voip-info can be useful for example/samples, but never consider it an authoritative source
16:29.42_abc_rephrased: a) check date relevance on voip-info b) exert due diligence editing ideas which are 15 years old
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16:30.33jjrhseanbright: rough examples of stuff - like igcewieling, you have to use your judgement, look at the wiki documentation to determine how wrong it is
16:30.51seanbrighti respectfully disagree
16:31.15igcewielingthe sample configs are also useful.
16:32.29SamotSo using Chan_SIP with MessageSend() and accepting MESSAGEs has been documented on the Internet since Asterisk 10 when this was introduced.
16:32.47SamotThe current issue we see these days are people trying to use those examples with PJSIP.
16:35.16SamotMESSAGEs are accepted on a peer/endpoint by default. Both Chan_SIP and PJSIP. If the message context is not specified on the peer/endpoint then the default context= is used.
16:35.37SamotThis is documented in the sample files.
16:35.52jjrhI'm mostly saying the wiki could use some more examples - it's why people end up on voip-info.
16:36.32SamotThen that means either Digium or the community has to do that
16:36.36seanbrightexamples of what?
16:36.46SamotThat is a 100% valid question.
16:36.53_abc_Is there perhaps a debug extension for asterisk to play with various Set() and application function calls on the cli without reloading config files all the time?
16:37.18seanbrightjjrh: examples of what?
16:37.41_abc_I was able to do some diaplan set global ... -- is that a way to at least set vars on cli at runtime?
16:38.33jjrhmostly of application usage. for example doesn't provide anything. While I realise it's obvious to most, it doesn't hurt to give a simple one line example.
16:38.36Samot_abc_: If you want to do MESSAGEs you need to do this in the dialplan. Period.
16:39.02jjrhI'm not complaining, I get someone has to do this. I'm only pointing out /why/ people may go to voip-info
16:39.19_abc_Is there a reason for not having testing/interpreter mode commands implemeted on the cli? Samot it is not for MESSAGEs it is for general debugging of expressions and such.
16:39.52Samotexten => _X.,n,Transfer(PJSIP/100)
16:39.57SamotThere's your example.
16:40.20SamotSo which part of that is consistent?
16:40.28seanbrightthe 'Arguments' documention is pretty sparse on that page
16:40.30SamotTransfer([Tech/destination]) <- That part
16:40.31seanbrightand that is being generous
16:40.33meek424igcewieling: I've issued "make menuconfig" but i cant select it has in front [XXX] what does that mean please?
16:41.05igcewielingthat means something isn't loaded.  It should tell you.
16:41.13Samot12:27:01 PM <Samot> meek424: How did you try to load the module?
16:41.14sibiriait means you don't have the necessary development libraries installed
16:41.16jjrhSamot: for people learning asterisk, that one line is exactly what they might need.
16:41.20igcewielingusually it means the required libraties are not installed.
16:41.30Samotjjrh: That's basic dialplan
16:41.49jjrhExactly, but most of the stuff on voip-info is basic stuff.
16:42.00SamotThen contribute.
16:42.06SamotThere is the Wiki, there is the forum.
16:42.10SamotSomeone has to write that crap up
16:42.14sibiriameek424: what OS are you building on?
16:42.21SamotWhich means someone has to do it as well to prove it works.
16:42.22jjrhlook i'm only pointing out /why/ voip-info continues to exist.
16:42.35sibiriayou need openssl dev package, libsrtp and libsrtp's dev package
16:43.03Samotjjrh: Please show me where everything post Asterisk 12 is in there?
16:43.12SamotCDR updates, CEL updates, PJSIP
16:43.15jjrhIt's most likely not.
16:43.19SamotAll the new stuff that has happened..
16:43.21jjrhit's not a good source.
16:43.28seanbrightget off jjrh's ass
16:43.47seanbrighteveryone has made their respective points
16:43.48seanbrightlet's move on
16:43.50jjrhI'm really not defending voip-info.
16:43.57Samot12:27:01 PM <Samot> meek424: How did you try to load the module?
16:44.05SamotI've just been waiting for that.
16:44.46jjrhBut yeah little off topic so sorry about that :)
16:44.55meek424Samot: sorry, I've done this --> I've issued "make menuconfig" but i cant select it has in front [XXX]
16:45.12meek424sibiria: Debian 10 minimal
16:45.17SamotSo you didn't do the basic: module load
16:46.02sibiriameek424: then the packages you need are: libssl-dev, libsrtp2-1 and libsrtp2-dev. you may need to run configure again to make sure everything is picked up correctly
16:46.14meek424Samot: the whole think is missing, --> [Apr 15 17:45:44] ERROR[1191]: loader.c:281 module_load_error: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
16:46.45meek424sibiria: cool, i will install them, brb
16:52.25_abc_What do you suggest to people running debian whose asterisk in-distribution version is usually hopelessly out of date? Like mine? Revert to out of distrubution source builds?
16:52.42sibiriabuild your own
16:53.11_abc_pines for the simple life in the 1990s with slackware and build everything from source after overnight download on modem line.
16:53.59sibiriaiirc debian buster's package repo has asterisk 16 finally
16:54.20sibiriaalbeit an earlier v16
16:54.55joepublic16.2.1 in debian buster, vs. current 16.9(?)
16:55.18meek424sibiria: "res_srtp [*]" is what I'm looking for right?
16:55.22joepublicnot fresh, but not hopelessly out of date either
16:55.52sibiriameek424: yes. i'm uncertain if pjsip has some separate module for TLS, though i don't think it does
16:56.34sibiriaand i believe all of it should be selected by default anyway
16:56.38meek424I'll be using sip only, not touching pjsip
16:56.44meek424yes it was already selected
16:56.59sibiriayou should be touching pjsip. no touching chan_sip
16:58.02meek424hang on, I thought is either one or another chan_pjsip or chan_sip
16:58.22sibiriapjsip is your friend. pjsip is the beginning and the end. mother and father. the alpha and the omega, the all and everything
16:59.13sibiriachan_sip has imploded and any associating with it may or may not lead to headache, shortness of breath, facial rashes and even sudden death
16:59.19drmessanoI wish people would stop calling it "sip" and "pjsip" ... It's chan_sip and chan_pjsip, which are both providing "SIP".  chan_sip is old and should not be used
16:59.45sibiriameek424: you can use chan_sip and pjsip next to eachother, if absolutely necessary
17:00.24meek424is see
17:00.44jjrhpjsip library is pretty handy too.
17:00.47meek424so am Im right to completely move of sip.conf to pjsip.conf?
17:00.54sibiriayou are
17:01.00drmessanoditch everything chan_sip
17:01.05drmessanorm -rf it
17:01.08jjrhchan_sip will eventually be deprecated won't it?
17:01.21sibiriait's a bit unintuitive to get going with pjsip but the configuration wizard helps a lot
17:01.22drmessanoIt already is
17:01.55_abc_Content-Type: application/im-iscomposing+xml in SIP MESSAGE requests is supported since what version of 13.x please? If at all?
17:02.23drmessanochan_sip is getting no new features and is communtiy-supported at this point
17:02.30drmessanoSo it's dead
17:04.02jjrhah I knew it wasn't getting new features but didn't know it was community supported.
17:04.49meek424is it possible to reply to multiple users at once?
17:05.08_abc_pjsip and sip are mutually exclusive, right? Can't run both at the same time?
17:05.34jjrhaccording to sibiria you can.
17:05.50_abc_Hmm yes both are on here
17:05.50SamotYes, you can.
17:05.57sibiriayou can, but they'll have to listen on separate ports of course
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17:08.46drmessanoRunning chan_sip and chan_pjsip at the same time is like driving cross country on 3 good tires and the undersized donut
17:08.52drmessanoJust commit
17:11.23jjrhYeah i'm not sure why one would bother pjsip can do everything chan_sip can now I believe?
17:11.40sibiriaand then some
17:12.21MLCDoes anyone know how to tell the Digium phone not to verify the server certificate?
17:12.21meek424shot-out to sibiria: Samot: igcewieling: for helping me achieve my first tls/srtp call
17:12.34_abc_is the content type mentioned above in MESSAGES supported in pjsip in 13.14 ?
17:13.02_abc_MLC: self generated / signed?
17:13.13sibiriaMLC: maybe the digium phone can have its certstore updated instead?
17:13.37sibiriafeed it new/updated CAs
17:13.48MLCsibiria: there is mention of that but no indication of how to do so
17:14.50igcewielingMLC: have you made any progress at all in the past few days?
17:15.23MLCwell, I can get Bria on iPhone to connect when it doesn't verify the cert
17:18.21sibiriaseems odd it can't verify even the Let's Encrypt cert. it should be using iOS' native CA bundles, and those are up-to-date
17:20.44_abc_This is driving me batty. 2 android phones using SIP MESSAGE to talk to each other in linphone 4.0.1 through an asterisk sip chan on same lan/wifi. Same version on both? One sends empty messages to the other, the other sends nothing to the 1st.
17:20.45MLCAhh, breakthough.
17:21.16_abc_And asterisk sip debug messages show 200 codes in both directions. And the correct message bodies.
17:21.17MLCI was still using the IP address on the proxy statement which directed it to port 5061.  When I changed that to the domain name on the cert the Bria can connect.
17:23.16sibiriayes that's paramount for verification. a host name (or SNI) is required
17:23.52MLCyup. I kept changing the main "domain" field and forgot about the proxy field.  It's hidden in the Advanced section.
17:25.40_abc_Apart from the ancient version of asterisk, do you see a problem with the dialplan script at [astsms]? -- it fails succesfully here.
17:27.07_abc_Meaning, it sends messages to the wrong recipient (== sender) among other things.
17:28.57_abc_Set(ACTUALTO=${CUT(MESSAGE(to),@,1)}) would cut a header like: To: <sip:4002@;app-id=929724111839;pn-type=firebase;pn-tok=dap_tLRiViQ:APA91bFXVS-CUwR52Sqcser7BBzCB9Hp-zZCpUb_6XGrGPIrZtwzsUk0RaRHmTQZsGdJB-Osj-VTiL6FivunZ0I-OHEkgfK6oQ-epp0EZ0_twVR5C-hXHBA3hxPJ1TI42xrtRs_M-E1t;pn-silent=1;transport=udp> to just sip:4002 right?
17:34.11igcewielingWhy don't you try it and see?
17:34.32_abc_Something is very wrong with this. I see the SIP MESSAGE headers with From and To set to the SAME address in the debug log. These are asterisk printed debug messages. It already does this. I think I need to parse the Via header instead. Because this is not directmedia.
17:34.42_abc_* not reinvite.
17:37.10SamotWhy would you expect a re-INVITE on a MESSAGE transaction?
17:37.17SamotThey aren't the same thing.
17:37.38_abc_not a reinvite, no
17:38.31_abc_Why would From and To be set to the same peer?!
17:38.42_abc_is tired, evening here
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17:46.49_abc_Has anyone got a link online to a debug/dumped SIP MESSAGE request? I just can't follow the debug log now.
17:47.04_abc_google failed to find one when I searched
17:47.59_abc_How would one parse the IP address from "Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7e6e8ed1" using CUT()? 2 CUT()s nested?
17:48.23seanbrightyou would use something that is not asterisk
17:48.40_abc_use something that is not asterisk?!
17:48.48seanbrightsorry... i meant *
17:49.05_abc_Uhh. Rephrase please?
17:49.09seanbrightparsing a SIP header? i am not sure that CUT (or multiple CUTs) will do it
17:49.36_abc_Did you see the diaplan script in the link I pasted above at [astsms ?
17:51.33SamotWhy would you even need to touch the via header?
17:51.37igcewielingI imagine if you strip off Via: SIP/2.0/UDP  using the ${VARIABLE:PREFIXLEN} method
17:52.12_abc_The sms goes out as-if from asterisk instead of from sender as is now.
17:52.19igcewielingThen take the result and use CUT with : delimiter and get the IP.      The whole thing is a dumb idea.
17:52.25_abc_This causes the recipient device to not display it.
17:52.34MLCsibiria: I got the Digium phone working also, the problem there was similar.
17:52.45_abc_I agree igcewieling but I do not see how to persuade the script to report the real sender.
17:53.08igcewielingBut the "real sender" is not the real sender.  the real sender is Asterisk.
17:53.22igcewielingIf you were using a SIP PROXY, then the real sender is the actual sender.
17:53.26_abc_Well yes but I mean the real real sender. The initiator of the SIP MESSAGE
17:53.42igcewielingBut Asterisk isnt a SIP proxy, it is a B2BUA, which means it makes calls
17:54.04Samot_abc_: How about you show your dialplan?
17:54.38_abc_Samot: did you see the link above? 3rd time I use the script at [astsms] from within that. Only change is _X. instead of _X at all lines.
17:54.38drmessano_abc_: I never got that dialplan to work when 11 was new
17:54.51MLCUnfortunately, it seems that the mDNS that DPMA uses for the phones to configure can only listen on 5060/udp or 5061/tls, but not both.  So I can't have a mixture of TLS and non-TLS phones. Still experimenting with that.
17:54.54_abc_drmessano: oh. Okay.
17:55.11_abc_drmessano: is there another which works now?
17:55.16drmessanoNo clue
17:55.18SamotShow me what you have.
17:55.28drmessanoBut if you want support for it, contact the author of the blog
17:55.32drmessanoor login and comment
17:55.40_abc_Samot: seriously scroll down to [astsms]
17:56.07SamotOK then show me the output from the console.
17:56.10_abc_drmessano: good idea, except he must have moved on a bit meanwhile.
17:56.36_abc_Samot: that is too long to paste here, will try some more things first.
17:56.46SamotPut it on pastebin and give the link
17:58.18igcewielingI'm glad I've never received a request for sip messaging from my users.
17:59.08_abc_SIP messaging can be very useful to pass urls and so on to peers, who may be using some other type of phone. Works on many desk phones too and android.
17:59.30_abc_Spelling with NATO alphabet or pidgin versions thereof is so 1900s
18:00.12igcewielingWhy not just send an instant message?
18:00.13_abc_Will take a while need to save the scrollback and edit it.
18:00.15SamotI based my current MESSAGE sending on that link you provided _abc_
18:00.24_abc_Samot: ?
18:00.27igcewieling_abc_: don't edit the scrollback.
18:00.31SamotSo for the last time, show me the output of this "not working" message.
18:00.38_abc_igcewieling: do you MIND if I remove private info?
18:00.54igcewieling_abc_: the only "private" info you should remove is PASSWORDS.
18:00.57_abc_Please wait a few 10s of seconds
18:01.03_abc_igcewieling: and ips on nat
18:01.34igcewielingwell if you don't want any help, I guess you could edit them out, but it makes much of the info usless.
18:01.55igcewielingI'm not going to dig through the scrollback regardless.
18:01.56_abc_Anonymizing and deleting are 2 different things
18:02.12drmessanoNo, they are not
18:02.25drmessanoDifficult to check for simple errors if you obfuscate the data
18:02.45SamotWell, I tried.
18:02.51SamotI have that example working
18:02.56SamotBut hey, whatevs.
18:03.48SamotIt's worse than being rickrolled.
18:03.58SamotAt least you can dance to that.
18:05.47_abc_I said wait, I did not say flame & rant :)
18:05.58SamotThat's not what I asked for.
18:06.02igcewielingfor fuckssake, that isn't the CLI output.
18:06.12SamotI want the output from the Asterisk CLI
18:06.20_abc_That is CLI output for sip set debug peer 4001 and 4002
18:06.29SamotI want to see Asterisk processing this.
18:06.41_abc_What debug settings should I set
18:06.43Samotcore set verbose 10
18:07.07igcewielingTHIS is CLI output
18:07.38igcewielingsee how it is executing applications and running dialplan?  THAT is what is useful.
18:09.42_abc_core verbose level is 10 as you asked
18:09.52_abc_Again, it fails succesfully. I hate that.
18:11.16SamotThe SUCCESS is if the MessageSend() executed successfully
18:11.17_abc_So the script does what it should, the bug is elsewhere.
18:11.24SamotNot that the message was successfully sent.
18:11.33SamotWell your from is wrong
18:11.38_abc_exit non zero means error sending?
18:11.42SamotThere shouldn't be  any <>
18:11.55_abc_This is what linphone puts there. I have no control over it?
18:12.15_abc_Aren't uri's allowed to have the <> in them?
18:12.26igcewieling_abc_: exit non-zero is an internal message and means nothing.
18:12.32_abc_Also, note these linphones are set up to talk to each other and they work fine in the same setup
18:12.42_abc_igcewieling: ah.
18:12.45Samot_abc_: Then you need to parse the from header better.
18:13.01seanbrightwhere is the specific dialplan you are using?
18:13.07_abc_Samot: delimiting them, no? Foo: <this@uri> "and some noise"
18:13.35_abc_seanbright: the dialplan contains just the default echo and moh numbers fromt he demo and two extensions.
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18:13.43seanbrighti want to see the dialplan
18:13.57_abc_All of it?!
18:14.01igcewielingseanbright: the result dialplan:
18:14.11seanbrighti see the output
18:14.22seanbrightwhat is in the astsms context?
18:14.37seanbrightthe dialplan, not the output of a test
18:14.43seanbrighti want to see the dialplan
18:14.44_abc_The script from the link I pasted. 4th time. I'll pastebin if ffs.
18:15.06seanbright_abc_: thank you for your patience with us
18:15.27_abc_I thank you
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18:16.26seanbrightok, i found your dialplan
18:16.34seanbrightit's identical to what is on the page?
18:17.13_abc_ I cut out all the comments and bracketed out sections
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18:17.25_abc_Sorry I can't type while doing something in another term.
18:17.52seanbrightok, so i see the dialplan and i see the output
18:18.02seanbrightwhat problem are you trying to solve exactly?
18:18.08_abc_It's identical to that page except all _. are now _X. per asterisk startup message hint when loading the original.
18:18.20_abc_seanbright: I can't send text messages between 2 clients.
18:18.36_abc_Resulting in the SIP debug logs I pasted 1st
18:18.55seanbrighti didn't see the SIP debugs but i will scroll back and look for them
18:18.56_abc_The phones call each other etc all is well.
18:19.08_abc_ seanbright
18:19.29_abc_You can ignore the protocol not supported messages/answers that is not present in asterisk apparently
18:19.50_abc_There should be some more logging in asterisk somewhere? On why it fails on sending perhaps?
18:20.09seanbrightso in that trace, the second message is the one coming in to asterisk, correct?
18:20.16seanbrightthat is what the logs indicate
18:20.19_abc_I just pared the config down to just this, everything else is disabled/turned off/not connected
18:20.34SamotShow the 4002 peer
18:20.41SamotThe config for it.
18:20.45_abc_seanbright: The 1st message sent is test the 1st request
18:20.50seanbrightso lingphone is sending garbage to asterisk and you want asterisk to send that garbage elsewhere?
18:21.10_abc_No, I want it to react properly on the 1st message which is text/plain
18:21.18seanbrightthe first message is not from linphone
18:21.23_abc_And the answer which is typed on the other phone which is also text/plain 'what?'
18:21.26seanbrightit's from asterisk
18:21.59seanbrightthe message 'test' is from asterisk
18:22.03seanbrightwe're all in agreement on that?
18:22.05_abc_I must have cut something too short. I'll look again. I have saved the scrollback which is about 10,000 lines. Need to edit that a bit.
18:22.12_abc_Yes agree. Just a minute.
18:22.24seanbrightthere should be two MESSAGEs
18:22.33seanbrightsomething to asterisk and then something from asterisk
18:22.50seanbrightthis log is the other way around, which does not match your dialplan on desired functionality
18:22.53SamotThere should be an incoming message from 4001 and an outgoing message to 4002
18:23.26_abc_Ok. I can't find the 1st msg probably wrongly turned on debugging late.
18:23.32_abc_Let's focus on ^what?
18:23.39_abc_which is the same thing but from phone 2 to 1
18:23.43_abc_phone 2 is 4002
18:23.53_abc_If you find it in the log, it's there, from linphone
18:24.08seanbrighti need some logs
18:24.26_abc_Ok, wait, the cat / pastebin truncated my paste on garbage. Just a second.
18:24.38seanbrightso you're saying that asterisk is receiving the message from linphone but not sending anything out in response to that?
18:25.03_abc_Something like that, or, it is sending it but it is confusing the client somehow. Give me a second.
18:25.15igcewielingseanbright: I think he wants one phone to send a message via asterisk to another phone.
18:25.21seanbrighti get that
18:26.26seanbrightContent-Type: message/imdn+xml
18:26.50seanbrightContent-Encoding: deflate
18:27.00seanbrightso the linphone message is gzipped?
18:27.05_abc_ here, focus on ^what\?
18:27.14seanbrighti can say with 100% certainty that asterisk would not know what to do with that
18:27.20seanbrightat least not chan_sip
18:27.26_abc_seanbright: the idiotic "x is typing now" is deflated with gzip since it is xml
18:27.48_abc_So asterisk ignored the deflated message based on unsupported MIME as you can see
18:28.06_abc_I censed the garbage a bit to avoid confusing the pastebin again it says garbage removed there
18:28.25_abc_So is there anything wrong with the headers asterisk puts there
18:28.49_abc_The linphones are the SAME version 4.0.1 on both ends, on purpose. One phone is a kitkat 4.4 and the other an oreo 8.1
18:28.58seanbrightok, i think i see now
18:29.11_abc_This is the 3rd day (not in sequence) I spend having fun with this.
18:29.14seanbrighti think there is an issue related to this
18:29.16_abc_seanbright: ok, shoot?
18:30.12seanbrightlol... "I have run into a problem with MESSAGE s and the Linphone Android client."
18:30.30seanbrightah, damn. this is pjsip.
18:30.32_abc_Err that loads super slow.
18:30.39_abc_As in stalled. Ok loaded.
18:30.49_abc_Also that is 13.28
18:31.03seanbrightoh, sorry, what are you running?
18:31.18_abc_13.14 which is the default distributed with Stretch.
18:31.25seanbrightshouldn't matter.
18:31.30_abc_I'am actually on devuan ascii but that is Stretch without systemd
18:31.54_abc_So do you see any problems with the setup? I do not see any.
18:32.22_abc_The From issue is a problem I do not know how to solve. Does asterisk save the really-from in the dialplan somehow?
18:32.39_abc_At least the IP or the full SIP header from the origin?
18:33.34seanbrighti mean, the problem is that you are trying to extract information that is not in the MESSAGE
18:33.47seanbright4001 is not in the original message anywhere
18:34.05_abc_Indeed. But 4002 is sending to 4001 and vice versa
18:34.15_abc_4002 is the phone sending "what?"
18:34.27seanbrightwhen is it ${EXTEN} you're after?
18:34.41_abc_Should be 4002 in that case
18:34.47seanbrightthen you're SOL
18:35.34seanbrightjust so that i am clear
18:35.45seanbrightwho "sent" that first message?
18:35.48seanbright4001 or 4002?
18:36.07_abc_4002 sent 'what?' to 4001
18:36.22seanbrightright, and 4001 does not show up in that SIP message
18:36.26seanbrightso how could you possibly route it?
18:36.46_abc_So what is actually weird? The linphone setup?!
18:36.55_abc_Give me a second I'll check everything and try again
18:37.02seanbrighti mean, i dunno
18:37.08seanbrightchan_sip is old as dirt
18:37.37seanbrightthere's a quasi-related linphone android issue:
18:39.01seanbrightasterisk is a B2BUA so it is the 'target' when sending MESSAGEs
18:39.25seanbrighti'm just looking at it from a dialplan logic standpoint
18:40.05seanbrightasterisk only has the information in the MESSAGE message to go on. if your desired recipient doesn't show up in said MESSAGE, how could asterisk ever figure out where to send the message?
18:40.06drmessanoIt's always Linphone
18:40.45_abc_ here's another set. Focus on messages l337-1 l337-2
18:41.48seanbrightok, so is the call to MessageSend correct
18:41.54seanbrightlet me look at the docs
18:42.06_abc_Looks like it is correct but the From part needs discussion imo
18:42.31_abc_${EXTEN} is always set to the target exten, right? What's the origin set to? CALLERID?
18:42.40_abc_Assuming it is not spoofed
18:43.48*** join/#asterisk ih8wndz (
18:45.57_abc_I am going to force an origin message in the dialplan, "Hello World"? Should that work? Static text and all?
18:45.58seanbrightlooks like from and to cak both have <>s around them
18:46.00*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:1748:fad4:7260:85a8:7ddc:ec:3f36)
18:46.32_abc_I thought the <>s are legal in headers as long as they are not IN the uri
18:47.00seanbrightin your log
18:47.06seanbright-- Executing [4001@astsms:6] MessageSend("Message/ast_msg_queue", "sip:4001,<sip:4002@>") in new stack
18:47.17seanbrightand looking at chan_sip.c
18:47.28seanbrightthose arguments appear to be correct
18:47.41_abc_Wow. I edited that way long ago on another server I built for someone. Do not remember fondly.
18:47.55*** part/#asterisk MLC (~MLC@
18:48.11_abc_Looking at the SIP dialog as logged it does go out to the peer, right? Into the asterisk and out to the peer
18:48.25_abc_Both times code 200
18:48.35_abc_Sorry 202
18:49.48*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
18:51.01seanbrightthe 1337-2 message is not being "relayed"
18:51.25seanbrightand i am not seeing the incoming message for 1337-3 in your trace
18:51.38_abc_I set debug peer 4002 then debug peer 4001; apparently only one is debugged at one time?
18:51.52_abc_Can one set debug a list of peers?
18:51.56seanbrightsip set debug on
18:52.11_abc_ok a minute for another test
18:52.17seanbrightcan't wait
18:52.47seanbrightOH BOY I CAN'T WAIT
18:54.39_abc_ focus on nbleh
18:55.43_abc_I think the message format is not understood somehow by linphone, after a transformation (?!) by asterisk. I have no other good explanation. Perhaps missing CR LF at end? I have no idea.
18:56.28sibirialinphone understands SIP messaging. source: me, having played around with SIP messaging using linphone
18:56.57seanbrightok, all of that looks fine to me
18:57.19_abc_I do not see an error anywhere either.
18:57.19seanbrighti mean, the request URI is a fucking disaster but i assume that is how linphone registers
18:58.15_abc_I really have no idea what is going on.
18:58.23sibiriathat's a really nice contact field payload
18:58.25_abc_Maybe use tcpdump to compare frames byte by byte
18:58.35seanbrightdoes linphone have debugging facilities?
18:58.51_abc_Nothing that I can see. I think there's a debug build edition to work with.
18:59.12_abc_There's also linphone for desktop. I'll try that in a few minutes then I go do chores.
18:59.47_abc_There's a debug in the apk app. I turned it on. No idea what it does.
18:59.58seanbrightgod speed
19:05.43_abc_What is AVPF?
19:13.43_abc_I see no trace of a file log anywhere.
19:14.38*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@2a02:a210:2241:6480:11f6:aca2:9efe:7efc)
19:15.13_abc_Ok, it appears the end point clients are causing this, I do not know how yet. I assume asterisk ALWAYS puts in a terminating CR LF after the content in a packet? Or not?
19:25.14_abc_Ok so this is consistent between all android and linux desktop linphones, the receiving end shows an "empty" message as-if the other end is still typing, but not the message proper.
19:25.19*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@2a02:a210:2241:6480:11f6:aca2:9efe:7efc)
19:25.57_abc_Apparently passing that xml is important. I will try directmedia/reinvite, perhaps the silly things can talk to each other directly, then I could tcpdump sniff the traffic and see what the dickens they actually do. But not now.
19:26.01_abc_Thanks for the patience.
19:30.14seanbrightdirectmedia will have no affect
19:30.24seanbrightbecause a MESSAGE is not "media"
20:17.09*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@2a04:cec0:108d:9a6e:171:b959:c192:579d)
20:27.34_abc_re. Is there a simple way to hack asterisk source to pass various "unknown" mime media types as-is? Just copy out?
20:29.06_abc_Or a catch-all wildcard media copy mode/politcy setting?
20:31.54_abc_Apparently AGI scripting can send text on the cli of asterisk
20:47.09sibiriaon what channel?
20:47.22sibiriaAGI acts on the channel it's called in
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22:07.56igcewielingidly ponders how a book which won't be released until Sept 2020 can be on the best sellers list.
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23:16.57seanbrightso let's so that for each outbound call i wanted to rotate through a list of X preconfigured caller IDs
23:17.12seanbrightwhat would be the easiest way to do that with asterisk?
23:18.19igcewielingI'd set up a "fake" array containing the data, then iterate over the data.  Use a global index variable to keep track.
23:25.17seanbrightlike in dialplan?
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23:52.58seanbrightand keeping that global index atomically incremented... i guess you would need to lock in dialplan
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