IRC log for #asterisk on 20200413

00:21.27*** join/#asterisk ShellyRoll_ (
00:23.12*** join/#asterisk dacod (~dacod@
00:27.39drmessanoNo more ATAs?
01:01.22Samotdrmessano: Just no more SPA's.
01:01.42drmessanoWhat is the replacement?
01:01.47Samotdrmessano: The Yeastar FXS devices.
01:02.05Samot1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 port options.
01:02.10SamotBetter call control.
01:04.45SamotI can do trunking
01:05.18SamotOr hunt the ports.
01:06.24SamotThey run old school Asterisk but gives some benefits.
01:06.28SamotLike call records.
01:06.38drmessanoI need to come up with a new home phone standard.  Already been asked about backlit phones
01:10.51drmessanoNo, SIP
01:11.29drmessanoBeen doing a mix of ATAs and phones.. I have enough SPA112's in the closet to last a decade
01:11.52drmessanoSo Just need some new desk or dect cordless or something
01:12.46SamotB/W or color?
01:12.56drmessanoI don't think it matters
01:14.56SamotThey're like $60 or so depending on PSU needs.
01:15.39Samot2 lines, B/W backlight
01:15.50Samoter monochrome backlit
01:16.37drmessanoThat's not too bad
01:17.43drmessano$49 on Amazon
01:17.43SamotThe VVX250 is now my go to low/entry phone for people.
01:17.53SamotEven better, probably PoE only.
02:08.39NivexThe datasheet for the VVX250 seems to indicate it's IPv4 only :(
02:10.36NivexI have a couple of Yealink T21P E2 handsets kicking around the network. They're not fancy, but they get the job done.
02:14.25drmessanoNo OPUS either
02:30.08SamotI don't use OPUS
02:30.25SamotSo it's not a requirement for my phone needs.
02:45.39*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
03:42.31*** join/#asterisk thansen8 (~thansen@
04:45.25*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~overyande@
05:38.51*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
05:47.52*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
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10:02.38*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
10:59.05*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
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12:44.32*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
12:44.44fredcwbr-GOGood morning,
12:44.44fredcwbr-GOGreetings from Brasil (BR)
12:44.45fredcwbr-GOI1m looking for guidance on what mailing list should use to ask about on asterisk
12:44.45fredcwbr-GODug into the code and was thnking in a fork for a specific need regarding a associaton of a tag to the queue name on the connected instance . Think got already, just some confirmations about side effects.
13:02.54*** join/#asterisk Ai9zO5AP (~BQcdf9eiZ@gateway/tor-sasl/ai9zo5ap)
13:07.15*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
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14:08.08*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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14:20.39*** join/#asterisk teitoklien (~teitoklie@2401:4900:314d:5ef9:7831:a3fe:4482:4faf)
14:20.58teitoklienHey there Everyone !
14:26.26*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
14:30.22*** part/#asterisk teitoklien (~teitoklie@2401:4900:314d:5ef9:7831:a3fe:4482:4faf)
14:33.47*** join/#asterisk cranq (~crank@
14:42.43*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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15:09.12*** join/#asterisk Ai9zO5AP (~BQcdf9eiZ@gateway/tor-sasl/ai9zo5ap)
15:29.14*** join/#asterisk scampbell (
15:51.26fredcwbr-GOHowdy, Greetings from Brasil.  I'm looking for guidance on what mailing list should use to ask about on asterisk
15:52.51*** join/#asterisk jrun (~jrun@unaffiliated/glphvgacs)
15:54.19*** join/#asterisk Draecos (
15:55.30jrunhi, if uac sends a REGISTER with expire=0; what is expected of uas? send back Expire: <old_value> or Expire: 0 ?
15:56.04jrunserver i'm having problem with built off asterisk-1.8 series
15:56.58*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@2a04:cec0:1098:56ca:b5b5:5009:3471:e8b7)
16:09.06Samotjrun: Generally expire=0 will remove the location. Also, 1.8 is EOL.
16:09.31*** join/#asterisk Milos (~Milos@pdpc/supporter/student/milos)
16:17.54jrunSamot: i just realise that i'm sending 'Expires: 0' and don't append ';expires=0' to the contact, which one is supposed to take precedent; or asterisk honors basically?
16:18.13jrunSamot: i just wanna go back to the sysadmin with this; they will hopefully upgrade.
16:20.07*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
16:20.35SamotWhy are you sending expire=0?
16:20.44SamotAre you trying to remove a location?
16:21.25jrunwhen i say, i'm sending; it's basically a copy-paste of pjsip's pjsua...
16:21.41SamotThat doesn't tell me anything.
16:22.17jrunyes, i'm removing a localtion.
16:22.35SamotSo what's the actual issue?
16:23.20jrunpjsip_regc_unregisteri'm sending 'Expires: 0'
16:24.02*** join/#asterisk anderj101 (
16:24.22jruni'm using pjsip_regc_unregister() and it adds Expires:0 header; nothing is appended to the 'Contact:'
16:24.37SamotOK so this isn't an Asterisk issue.
16:41.17jrunhmm, now sending this:
16:42.00*** join/#asterisk AsteriskRoss (
16:42.41jrunthis is what server sends back:
16:44.52jrunif this rings a bell of yesteryear bugs; a pointer would be helpful.
16:45.12jrunlooks up in jira
16:45.55Samot1.8 is EOL.
16:47.23*** join/#asterisk Milos (~Milos@pdpc/supporter/student/milos)
17:02.29*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95_ (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
17:03.30*** join/#asterisk Milos (~Milos@pdpc/supporter/student/milos)
17:03.32*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
17:12.21igcewielingI hate hate hate upgrading and even I am using at least Asterisk 11 on all my Asterisk servers.
17:12.39igcewielingMost of my Asterisk servers, I'm using Asterisk 16 on a few of them.
17:26.11*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
18:02.22DanFromUKOur SIP provider is dropping calls that enter into a Record command within an AGI. (I've not yet tested if they are also dropping calls that enter Record via a normal dialplan).
18:02.36DanFromUKThey've said that we aren't sending RTP data when the record starts
18:02.45DanFromUKWhich causes them to drop the call.
18:03.14DanFromUKIs there any way to cause Asterisk to continue sending silent RTP packets during the Record command?
18:04.53DanFromUK@file Amazing as always! Whats the best way to reload asterisk.conf ?
18:05.28fileI do not know if there is such an ability
18:05.32DanFromUK@file I assume the default is no ?
18:06.58DanFromUKWould 'core reload' do it, or could that cause pjsip channels and registrations to drop?
18:07.13filethat won't cause pjsip channels and registrations to drop
18:07.17fileI don't know if it will reload asterisk.conf
18:07.27filethe asterisk.conf file is generally core changing stuff, so restart likely required
18:08.19fileyou could just do it and then consult "core show settings"
18:09.07seanbrightrestart is required
18:09.53DanFromUKoh dear. ok, will have to figure that one out.
18:10.15DanFromUKfyi. core show settings doesn't appear to show the status of transmit_silence
18:10.39file"Transmit silence during rec:"
18:10.51seanbrighti wonder if you could write a module in C that you could load that could change that value
18:10.54fileif does in 16.9.0 at least
18:10.58seanbrightlike, as a worst case scenario thing
18:11.41DanFromUKI'm currently on an old v13. Not had the time to upgrade unfortunately.
18:11.57DanFromUKok, i'll look at it. thanks again.
18:12.22fileOctober creeps ever closer for when 13 goes security fix only
18:12.51seanbrightor maybe you could attach with gdb and set it that way
18:13.03DanFromUK@file thanks for the heads up
18:16.38*** part/#asterisk th0n1 (
18:17.37*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
18:25.19DanFromUK@file It appears that setting transmit_silence doesn't cause RTP to be sent on Record. At least in v13.17.1.
18:25.33DanFromUKThe arrow in this screenshot shows where the Record command was executed
18:25.57filedo you have a timing module loaded?
18:26.13fileotherwise dunno
18:26.45DanFromUKNot unless it's enabled by default. Where would I check that?
18:26.51file"timing test" on the CLI
18:27.14DanFromUKvoip1a*CLI> timing test
18:27.14DanFromUKAttempting to test a timer with 50 ticks per second.
18:27.15DanFromUKUsing the 'timerfd' timing module for this test.
18:27.15DanFromUKIt has been 1000 milliseconds, and we got 50 timer ticks
18:27.41fileI don't recall any issues in the area since then, but that's been years
18:28.35DanFromUKDoes PJSIP have anything that would also need enabling, in addition to transmit_silence in asterisk.conf?
18:29.37*** join/#asterisk Corydon76 (~quassel@
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18:30.22DanFromUKThe upstream provider suggested either continuing to send RTP, or set the call to recvonly. Is settings recvonly possible within asterisk?
18:31.25DanFromUKOk. I'm going to test outside of AGI to see if using a normal dialplan causes transmit_silence to be used successfully.
18:31.53DanFromUKI'll also set up a test machine with the latest release of asterisk to see if that's any better.
18:31.56DanFromUKThanks for your help.
18:47.48*** join/#asterisk FH_thecat (
18:56.18DanFromUK@file FYI. Tests show that (in v13.17.1), a Record initiated by an AGI script ignores transmit_silence. When Record is executed within a normal extensions.conf dialplan, transmit_silence works perfectly. I guess it's a bug. I need to re-write this AGI script using a normal dialplan as I need to fix it fairly urgently. And then I'll try to get a new asterisk installation up and running and will file a bug report if
18:56.18DanFromUKthe same happens in the latest release.
19:10.36seanbrightyeah, Record() starts a silence generator
19:10.44seanbright'RECORD FILE' does not
19:12.33*** join/#asterisk sysgrammer (
19:27.38*** join/#asterisk DivideBy0 (~DivideBy0@unaffiliated/divideby0x0)
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19:32.07*** join/#asterisk hfb (~hfb@
19:37.06DanFromUK@seanbright I assume from what you are saying, there isn't a workaround to start a silence generator before RECORD FILE?
19:38.11DanFromUKQuick question, does Record() create directories if they don't exist? My AGI script checks for and creates the directories before 'RECORD FILE', but not sure how best to mkdir within a normal asterisk dialplan.
19:43.49DanFromUKNever mind. just going to do System(mkdir -p  .....
19:45.52seanbright> Quick question, does Record() create directories if they don't exist?
19:45.55DanFromUKRECORD FILE retains the recording on hangup. Is it possible to enable the same functionality within Record() ?
19:45.56seanbrightyes, it does
19:46.31seanbright*CLI> core show application Record
19:46.52*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:1748:fad4:7260:c51c:fb87:1664:bd75)
19:47.14DanFromUKah. i misread the 'k' switch comments. Thought it said 'keep recordING file upon hangup'. Not sure why I even thought that made any sense!
19:51.02*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
19:57.51DanFromUKSorry, one final question, if the destination file is in use by a Playback() or ControlPlayback(), will Record() still be able to update it? It's fine if anyone using Playback() or ControlPlayback() gets their channels dropped and have to redial as it'll only occur once a day.
20:03.20DanFromUKIgnore that. Tested and seems to be fine if it's already in use.
20:03.25DanFromUKThanks for all your help today!
20:24.24*** join/#asterisk forgotmynick (uid24625@gateway/web/
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20:49.35*** join/#asterisk ShellyRoll (
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22:11.25*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (~leon@
22:40.51*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
23:15.00*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
23:29.25*** join/#asterisk Penguin (

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