IRC log for #asterisk on 20200317

00:11.57*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
01:05.58*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
01:45.34*** join/#asterisk deavmi (~quassel@
03:13.36*** join/#asterisk ganbold_ (~ganbold@
03:16.21ReinhildePathetic crank call, unintelligible music. +1303 219 39 09
03:24.39*** join/#asterisk hfb (
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07:35.10*** join/#asterisk TandyUK (~admin@TandyUK/staff/James)
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09:31.25*** join/#asterisk cusco (
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09:31.53cuscohey... just configured pgsql as a cdr backend and I notce that asterisk is writting 2 rows per call
09:31.58cuscowith the same linkedid...
09:32.33cuscoin the dialplan, we're using: Set(CHANNEL(hangup_handler_push)=....
09:33.01cuscoso it runs another piece of dialplan in the end - I believe this should not cause another CDR line, right?
09:35.12*** join/#asterisk M0LTS (uid299397@gateway/web/
09:39.39velixOne of my peers is "UNREACHABLE". Can I restart it somehow to make it re-register?
09:47.46velixWhat does this means "Peer 'student01' is now UNREACHABLE!" ?
09:49.55*** join/#asterisk sekil (
09:52.53velixOh no, nobody in here :-(
09:53.37velixIt works from my normal SIP phone, but not from Asterisk.
09:53.44velixAnyone with an idea, when Kobaz might come back today?
09:54.41*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@2a02:a210:2241:6480:5886:314c:bd16:1e8e)
09:55.20velixasterisk really lacks of debug informations.
09:55.39velix"sent to invalid extension but no invalid handler: context,exten,priority=student01-out"
09:59.07*** join/#asterisk AsteriskRoss (
10:01.17*** join/#asterisk koltrast (
10:01.20velixAnyone with a second for me please?
10:05.05*** join/#asterisk sekil (
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10:08.25velixIt's just take a few minutes :(
10:15.04velixit's totally fine for me to pay for help, but there is no help
10:16.29velixThis really is nonsense: " sent to invalid extension but no invalid handler: context,exten,priority=student01-out"
10:16.45*** join/#asterisk aness (~aness@2a02:fe1:3103:2100:b45e:747:b539:ba6d)
10:18.10*** join/#asterisk electronic_eel (
10:20.01velixDamn, since Friday I'm working on this and nothing works at all.
10:20.11velix90% of the tutorials about Asterisk as outdated or wrong.
10:21.18velixWhy is Asterisk such a magic the community wants to keep?
10:21.30velixIs it straight out of hell?
10:26.47filewell, it's early morning in North America so I wouldn't expect many people from that region to be present and with the current state of the world I'd expect people to be extra busy
10:27.02filegenerally the community forums are more active since people can reply at their leisure
10:27.33fileand the message states what is going on, you sent a call to an invalid extension
10:28.17fileif using Goto then the wiki has a page talking about the arguments along with an example showing the different results
10:29.26*** join/#asterisk m4rcu5 (
10:34.15velixfile: Goto?
10:34.22velixI'm not using Goto :-)
10:34.26filethen what are you using?
10:34.41filesomething sent the call to an invalid place
10:34.56velixfile: Do you have some seconds to have a look over my config?
10:35.12fileif you post the console output of a call attempt then it will show what is going on.
10:36.00velixOkay, let me get the console output. In the meanwhile, this is my complete ocnfig with the command at bottom:
10:37.38velixAnd this is the error from console:
10:38.18filethe extension you've provided doesn't match an extension in the given dialplan context
10:38.52velixfile: hmm, the number looked like 0049xxxxxxxx normally this should work?
10:38.56file"dialplan show <extension>@student01-out" will show you what matches if the extension is tried
10:39.08fileand "dialplan show student01-out" shows you the complete extensions for the context
10:39.28velix"There is no existence of 5020@student01-out extension" :D
10:39.42filefor example, in your call file...
10:39.54fileyou have three zeroes at the front
10:40.09filein the dialplan, you have an entry for two zeroes at the front
10:40.15velixfile: Yeah, this was a bad example, I've tried different things.
10:40.23velixThe last one was 00049xxxxxx ;)
10:40.58velixBut even with a valid number, I'm getting "There is no existence of 5020@student01-out extension"
10:41.04velixThat doesn't sound good
10:41.06filethat's not a valid number
10:41.09filein your context.
10:41.35filestudent01-out does not include the "default" context so 5020 would not be valid
10:42.11velixInteresting. [student01-out]\ninclude => default ?
10:42.21fileyes, then it would become valid.
10:43.15velixWow, 1 sec.
10:44.56velixNice, Asterisk now tells me, I've called an invalid number.
10:46.18velixIt redirects me to the internal demo
10:46.29velixast_streamfile failed on SIP/5020-00000007 for demo-instruct
10:47.12filethen use the tools at hand to understand why
10:47.33filefor example if you've installed the sample config files, then perhaps pbx_ael loaded its sample configuration and is part of your dialplan
10:47.59fileso you'd use "dialplan show" to see what the actual flow is and where it came from
10:48.15velixfile: I've used "Sipgate Basic" up to now with the same backup and it worked out of the box. I really wonder, why it stopped working after changing the SIP account.
10:48.34fileI have no idea, Asterisk ultimately does what it is told to do so presumably configuration related
10:54.50velixfile: Okay, I've removed all the preconfigured configurations now.
10:55.47velixNow I'm getting this again: "[Mar 17 10:55:00] WARNING[29646][C-00000004]: pbx.c:4481 __ast_pbx_run: Channel 'SIP/5020-00000003' sent to invalid extension but no invalid handler: context,exten,priority=student01-out,"
10:58.41velixThat makes no sense, really.
11:01.29cuscoI can't figure why cdr is writting two records per call :/
11:01.32fileif it isn't matching an extension, then it makes perfect sense
11:03.42velixfile: But you made it match an extension some seconds ago :)
11:04.01filesure, but I don't know what the current state of your dialplan configuration is or what you may have changed
11:04.18fileso use "dialplan show" to see what the configuration actually is
11:04.18velixfile: Let me try, if I can export this somehow
11:04.53fileI'm trying to get you to the point where you can figure it out yourself
11:05.41velixfile: I understand this, but I _really_ can't see the problem. I don't want to let you work for me, but I'm really blind on this.
11:05.55filedo you have an understanding of dialplan contexts/extensions/pattern matching?
11:06.33fileand you don't need to see the problem immediately, you just need to break down the problem
11:06.47velixfile: Actually I thought so. After doing many readings, I've set it up with Sipgate Basic account and it worked as expected. Then I got SIP accounts from University to setup the users. I didn't change anything in my extensions.
11:07.00fileif the assumption is "this extension should match" then you use the tools at hand to figure out why that assumption is not true
11:09.02velixfile: That's my current dial plan. Okay, seems like 5020 still isn't matching.
11:09.08velixLet me look up the Asterisk book
11:10.01fileso what does dialplan show 5020@student01-out show?
11:10.52velix'5020' =>         1. Dial(SIP/5020)                             [extensions.conf:3]
11:11.08fileokay, and what did you do in the call file...
11:12.38fileso, you weren't trying to dial 5020 at all?
11:13.02velixah, got ya.
11:13.15velixActually, I do.
11:13.31velixI want to call 5020 and when he receives the call, the external number should be dialed.
11:13.35velixClick-By-Call ?
11:13.38velixclick to call?
11:13.47velixcall by click?
11:14.04fileyour dialplan for matching that still won't work though
11:14.14velixfile: Would _this_ help? same => 5020,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@student01,,rWT)
11:14.38filethis is giving me a headache
11:15.04fileno, because your problem isn't that
11:15.08*** join/#asterisk electronic_eel (
11:15.13filethe outgoing call is being made and answered
11:15.31fileupon answer it is being sent into the dialplan, however your dialplan is not correct for these 0049 things
11:15.45velixI can remove it of course.
11:15.59fileGoto(0${EXTEN:4},1) that means - Strip the first 4 digits off the extension, prefix a 0, and goto that extension
11:16.06fileaccording to your dialplan there is no matching extension for that
11:16.30filethe other extensions are similar
11:16.30velixI need to prefix a "0" to get outside university.
11:18.54velixI've strippd it down to this for testing: "exten => 5020,1,Dial(SIP/0${EXTEN}@student01,,rWT)", but I'm getting exactly the same message as before.
11:19.49fileyou don't have an understanding of dialplan, so explaining why things are... doing what they're doing... is difficult
11:21.12velixfile: That's why it's completly fine for me to pay for help. I'm trying this since Friday now. But it's nearly impossible to get help on Asterisk :(
11:21.23fileexten => _0049X.,1,Dial(SIP/0${EXTEN:4}@student01,,rWT)
11:22.18velixSorry for being such a noob. I'm really hard to try not to be.
11:23.14velixWow, this gives me "Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Subscriber absent)"
11:23.32filethen the student01 SIP peer is not set up correctly or something
11:24.45velixThe university gave me SIP accounts for this. I can connect from my SIP phone perfectly (and softphone on Windows and Zoiper).
11:25.13filethat doesn't change the above
11:25.19velixsip show peer is empty, interesting.
11:25.20velix1 sec
11:27.16velixah, peers!
11:27.22velixYeah, it says "unreachable".
11:27.51velixDo I need "register =>" only for incoming calls or always?
11:28.08fileregister informs the remote side of your IP address/port for where to send incoming calls
11:28.21fileany additional requirements (such as needing to be registered to place outgoing calls) is a policy of the remote side
11:28.32velixOkay, I don't need incoming calls, but I wonder why it has registration problems.
11:28.41velixok, then I'll better keep it ;)
11:29.18velixRegistration for '...' timed out, trying again... It's no NAT or Firewall problem, since I'm connected by the Sipgate account.
11:31.29velixYeah, I just tried the outgoing call using sipgate and it works. So my line is fine. That's so annoing :(
11:32.44velixfile: Thanks, you've helped me half the way! <3
11:34.43velixDo I need to quote realms? "student01@" ?
11:43.00velixInteresting, it tries to connect "Via: SIP/2.0/UDP" ... but it's TCP.
11:43.20velixI've set transport=tcp
11:48.49velixHmm, It always tries to connect via UDP
11:58.12*** join/#asterisk dacod (~dacod@
12:03.26velixIt seems to be a bug in Asterisk 16. let me build v17
12:14.08*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@2a02:a210:2241:6480:5037:518b:d158:69a2)
12:18.28velixAnyone with an idea, how to force TCP on Asterisk 16 ?
12:19.11*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@2a02:a210:2241:6480:5037:518b:d158:69a2)
12:33.33velixYeah, it really seems to be a bug: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP
12:36.13velixyeah, tcp:// fixed it.
12:40.39velixYwah, I'm getting CHANUNAVAIL now
12:46.54velixAnyone with an idea, how to work with REALM ?
12:50.53Kobazhow well does asterisk handle fragmented UDP
12:53.16Kobazmore like chan_sip
12:53.35Kobazif my stack gets fragmented packets, tcpdump is fine, but asterisk doesn't "see" anything
13:08.43*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
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13:29.08Samot8:50:53 AM <Kobaz> how well does asterisk handle fragmented UDP <- That's an OS thing not an Asterisk thing.
13:29.17Kobaznot so sure about that
13:29.28Kobazactually, that's definitely an application layer thing
13:29.46Kobazbecause i've written low level UDP applications and had to do my own UDP fragmentation handling
13:30.06KobazUDP is connectionless, so you basically get another packet with a snip of data
13:30.58fileit can be... both
13:31.09fileUDP packets can be fragmented based on MTU at a lower level, of which you never see
13:31.21fileor you can fragment at an application level based on application boundaries which is more reliable
13:31.32Kobazcorrect, proper boundaries
13:32.26Kobazthis is at improper boundaries i'm seeing fragmentation
13:32.38SamotTrue but RFC's state that if this is a problem, use TCP.
13:32.51Kobazthat was my next thought
13:32.55Kobazbut i'm just sticking in a VPN
13:32.58Samot1300 MTU or within 200 of the MTU.
13:33.03Kobazfsck this public voip crud
13:33.45Kobazcustomer routers tehsux
13:36.55Kobazjimminy jillikers
13:37.15SamotI remember having NAT issues like 15 years ago with customers.
13:37.42Kobazevery single customer so far is... what's your router? oh it's that one, turn off SIP ALG
13:37.54Kobazeven fios home routers have it now, and it's on by default and cannot be disabled
13:38.10SamotI have home level Fiber.
13:38.19SamotI've got 3 phones and multiple BLFs going.
13:38.31SamotAnd my router only supports DMZ.
13:38.39SamotCan't have a true pass through.
13:41.21KobazSamot: basically this user on the thread fixed it by bypassing the fios router
13:41.23SamotThen again, I've used proxies+Asterisk for the last 15 years too.
13:41.30SamotMakes a big difference.
13:41.35Kobazwhich makes sense since fios routers are retarded
13:42.30velixUnbelieable. After working 5 hours on the SIP account of the University, I tried a SIP trunk demo... it worked immediatley.
13:42.35velixIt's NOT my setup.
13:42.43velixThe TCP realm-Stuff seems to be broken somewhy.
13:43.45SamotIS the demo from the same place as the other 4 accounts?
13:43.58velixNo, it's a commercial SIP provider.
13:44.20velixI've debugged the communication between Asterisk and the university's accounts: some things are different.
13:44.28velixIt doesn't register because FROM and VIA are different.
13:44.37velixIt works from my Windows Softphone
13:44.46velixBut the debug looks different.
13:47.53*** join/#asterisk kharwell (uid358942@gateway/web/
13:47.53*** mode/#asterisk [+o kharwell] by ChanServ
13:49.05filesuch things have not been touched in years, it's most likely configuration in some way
13:53.17velixfile: Sure... like the tcp:// flag
13:53.23Samot'_+49X.' =>       1. Goto(0${EXTEN:3},1) <- Why are you doing that?
13:53.41SamotWhy are you making it 0+49
13:53.44velixSamot: that's old. file has fixed it ;)
13:53.54SamotOh I see it stripped.
13:54.14velixIt worked _immediately_ with the commercial SIP trunk, that's incredible.
13:54.29SamotWell since we've never seen any debug output between the two...
13:54.38SamotWe can't tell you why it worked and what was different.
13:54.46SamotAll we know is what you've been telling us.
13:54.53SamotIt's doesn't work here but works here.
14:07.51velixyeah, I'll publish them soon. Sorry, I need to make the trunk work as expected as a back fall ;)
14:09.25Samotwell if you need to make it work then you should be showing us what is not working.
14:09.43SamotOtherwise we're just getting a play by play of what doesn't work from you.
14:13.53*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
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14:14.53velixNo, I mean, I'm setting up the trunk first, which works :)
14:15.00velixThen I'll copy all the log files together
14:20.58Kobazpeople dont understand that calling me to ask status and then tell me how important it is, doesn't make things go any faster
14:21.29drcBut Kobaz, why aren't you done yet? This is important!
14:21.39drcYou should really prioritize it!
14:57.50Kobazthere you go
14:57.52Kobazupdated our ivr
15:00.48igcewieling"Welcome to Comedian Mail!  *pause* asshole *pause* is unavailable, please leave a message"
15:01.10Kobazjust put everyone into TORTUTE
15:01.20Kobazyou know what i mean
15:01.22Kobazthe thing with the T
15:07.03*** join/#asterisk Guest5194 (~s98259@unaffiliated/iveeee)
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16:11.03velixHmm... Did I setup the dialplan correctly? I'm sending variable KNDR to CALLERID in extension.
16:13.56SamotAgain, not seeing a thing from you.
16:14.10SamotStill waiting for those good vs bad calls from your setups.
16:16.22velixThis works, phone rings on 0049xxxx but it doesn't show the CALLERID :(
16:16.46velixThe functionality has been activated.
16:16.50SamotOK but that doesn't mean it wasn't sent out properly
16:17.15SamotTelecom Rule #541: You do not have control over what the accepting carrier will do with your CallerID.
16:17.40SamotThey could honor it. They could do their own lookup. They could not even present the Name to the end user.
16:18.09velixSamot: I can set it up in  the trunk's customer portal. Then the number gets set, but it's fixed.
16:18.18velixThe provider told me, I can do it in Asterisk
16:18.40SamotBut when that call hits, let's say my network, I could ignore your callerID
16:18.40velixBut the way I've done it looks fine?
16:18.54velixYes, I understand what you mean ;)
16:19.05velixOkay, I just thought, I did it wrong again.
16:33.27*** join/#asterisk DanFromUK (sid21651@gateway/web/
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17:10.09velixah, got it working. I am stupid.
17:19.17igcewielingIf you had pastebin'd the CLI output, someone might have noticed that.
17:22.25*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@2a02:a210:2241:6480:5037:518b:d158:69a2)
17:22.55SamotAre you actually saying that just do things like "This doesn't work with X but works with Y, do you know why?" doesn't get you far?
17:25.31velix:( SORRY
17:25.58velixBut as you can see, I'm trying to figure it out for myself and not demand on the channel's help :D
17:28.35SamotAhh, thats the rub.
17:28.49SamotYou've spent most of your time giving us play by play and asking questions.
17:29.33SamotRemember, we spent quit a bit dealing with just the networking side of things.
17:29.38SamotVPNs and all.
17:37.46velixSamot: Oh, that part isn't fixed ... next step
17:39.41velixI've build Asterisk 17 earlier today. "sip.conf" wasn't used in the example configuration, but "pjsip.conf" was. Has it been changed? I thought, one was for channel?
17:42.33SamotChan_SIP is deprecated.
17:43.19SamotIt is now noload as of Asterisk 17 and future version. It _could_ be removed from Asterisk after 2023.
17:43.38velixI see, thanks.
17:43.55SamotChan_SIP hasn't seen development in almost 6 years and any fixes/updates on it are community driven.
17:52.53DanFromUKWhen an inbound call is diverted to a number of targets which have macros for the recipient to dial a DTMF code to accept the call, is there any way to play a message to the recipient if the channel was answered elsewhere?
18:03.54*** join/#asterisk mducharme (uid303982@gateway/web/
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18:40.11*** join/#asterisk rrittgarn (~rrittgarn@
18:40.49rrittgarnAfternoon/Evening all. Question, is a features.conf entry the only way to mute a call while you're on it via DTMF? (not using confbridge/meetme at present)
18:55.42Samotvelix: No PMs. I don't read them.
18:56.17velixOkay, I didn't want to break into rrittgarn's question.
18:56.22velixThis is my complete setup with the university's accounts:
18:56.27velixI'm currently copying the logs.
19:00.25velixThese are the logs from a Windows SIP client, which works:
19:00.48velixAs you can see, "Via: SIP/2.0/TCP" <-- interesting stuff
19:04.54velixAnd that's the unsuccessful try from Asterisk:
19:05.22filethat was successful
19:06.35velixfile: No, it says "UNREACHABLE".
19:06.47velixtcptls.c:553 ast_tcptls_client_start: Unable to connect SIP socket to Connection timed out
19:06.57velixdon't know what 103.10 comes from :(
19:07.19filethe outbound registration was successful
19:07.40fileunreachable is separate.
19:08.25velixBut I'm getting this every few minutes: "chan_sip.c:24836 handle_response_register: Outbound Registration: Expiry for is 120 sec (Scheduling reregistration in 105 s)"
19:08.41filethat's how registration works
19:09.00filethere is an expiration time, and then before that you re-register
19:09.26velix"Via: SIP/2.0/TCP" is from the Windows client, but this one does "Via: SIP/2.0/TCP my-hosts-ip:5060"
19:09.44velixDoes it register to my asterisk box? :D
19:09.51filethat doesn't change the fact that the registration is successful
19:10.02velixYeah, but perhaps it registeres on itself? :D
19:10.05fileit doesn't.
19:10.14velixThen let's try to make a call.
19:10.26fileas I said, the unreachable state is unrelated to outbound registration
19:10.32fileso if it's unreachable then the problem is elsewhere
19:12.06*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
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19:12.56velixYeah, the channel is unavailable:
19:13.41velixfile: Is there a way to see that it's registered?
19:13.57fileregistration and outbound calling are unrelated in Asterisk
19:14.11velixsip show registry
19:14.17fileand you can tab complete the CLI, "sip" and then tab complete to find relevant things
19:14.30velixYah, I just wanted to have a debugging breakpoint :D
19:15.06velixfile: Could you please give me a hint, where to look at else?
19:15.27fileI haven't touched chan_sip in years, 'nor used it with an outbound proxy so I don't remember anything
19:15.41velixfile: Can I do it with pjsip?
19:16.03filepeople use PJSIP, yes
19:16.23velixCould you give me a hint, how to do it in PJSIP?
19:18.11fileif you find and follow examples and have issues people may provide help
19:20.49velixThe admin said, I need to use student10@ and student20@ as user names because of the REALM.
19:22.08SamotThat's what the fromdomain is for.
19:22.14Samotfromuser is the USER
19:22.32Samotfromdomain is the DOMAIN together they make USER@DOMAIN
19:22.55*** join/#asterisk tris (
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19:27.55velixSamot: But the host=tcp:// is the other PBX's IP and outboundproxy=tcp:// ?
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19:37.45velixI don't understand, why it's connected to itself. "Via: SIP/2.0/TCP myip:5060"
19:38.02fileit's not.
19:38.33velixI'm getting this every few seconds now: Really destroying SIP dialog '3d9f3a4f1a569b540a524ce131a39dcd@...:5060' Method: OPTIONS
19:40.41velixIt still says "unreachable". Damn :-(
19:41.43velixI don't even know where to start debugging this. I've tried about all the menus in asterisk
19:42.57*** join/#asterisk alexandre9099 (~alexandre@unaffiliated/alexandre9099)
19:43.01velixWow, 9 hours gone on this problem now.
19:48.53velixI really don't understand it
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20:11.39velixNo, I'm giving up. It simply is impossible
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20:33.42velixI really wonder, why I am getting thousands of "Really destroying SIP dialog ... OPTIONS" messages.
20:35.47velixah, it's a bug:
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20:42.14velixDoes anyone else have an idea?
20:49.46SamotThat's 11 years old.
20:50.42velixI'm trying PJSIP now, but it's a complete new world.
20:53.33velixSamot: Could you have a look at my last question please?
20:54.10Samotwhat question?
20:54.38velixSamot: But the host=tcp:// is the other PBX's IP and outboundproxy=tcp:// ?
20:57.25SamotDon't think you need tcp:// in the host
20:57.34SamotI guess in the outbound proxy.
20:58.43velixfile: Is this PJSIP?
21:00.15velixSamot: So like this?
21:02.15*** join/#asterisk sekil (
21:04.09velixWow, 12 hours on this right now today :)
21:05.29velixI can't understand, what "UNREACHABLE" means.
21:05.33velixIt's online.
21:05.40velixThe firewall isn't a problem.
21:06.09SamotIt means that Asterisk didn't get replies back from the other side.
21:06.47velixInteresting: "Unreachable generally means you have qualify=yes, but the peer is ignoring OPTIONS requests."
21:06.59velixperhaps that's why I got thousands of OPTIONS requests?
21:08.00SamotOr it's not getting a reply.
21:08.15SamotThe device should send back a 200 OK reply.
21:08.33SamotIf Asterisk doesn't get it, it tries again for about 6-7 attempts.
21:08.42SamotThen it marks the endpoint unreachable.
21:09.47velixwaaaaaaaaaaait. I've set "qualify=no" and "keepalive=yes"
21:09.57velixit's "unmonitored" now, but I can dial through
21:10.04velixBut it doesn't reach the device.
21:10.09velixBut hey, 90%
21:11.15velixSamot: exten => _0049X.,1,Dial(SIP/0${EXTEN:4}@student01,,rWT) -> this adds a "0" before the normal number, doesn't it?
21:11.55[TK]D-Fenderit adds a 0 after stripping the first 4 off
21:12.40SamotYes,that would add a 0 before regardless if stripping or not happens.
21:12.56SamotIn this exact case it would do what TK said.
21:13.03velixyeah. I need to add a "0" from the university network to call externally.
21:13.47velixUnbelieveable. I'm getting the normal "beeeeep .... beeeeep", but my phone doesn't ring :D
21:14.59SamotAre there actual replies to the request?
21:16.00velixoh wait. SIP/163xxxxxxx@student01 <-- shouldn't this be 00163? I've dialed 0049163...
21:16.27velixSamot: Which kind of replies?
21:16.40SamotTo the INVITEs.
21:17.03SamotAgain, we're getting back to NAT issues it seems.
21:17.19SamotDevices going unreachable, incoming calls not working but outgoing does
21:17.38velixNope, 100% no nat problem. The PBX is directly on the internet on the server.
21:17.45velixMy iPhone is directly on LTE
21:17.47SamotWhere the PHONES ARE
21:17.55SamotWhich is BEHIND NAT.
21:18.07SamotThey aren't giving everyone phone in the world a public IPv4 address.
21:18.17velixI'm not using SIP on the phone.
21:18.28velixI'm calling by normal ... how do you call it? by air?
21:18.36SamotSo you're calling outbound.
21:18.57velixWhen I do it from the SIP tool in Windows, the call goes through
21:19.05velixThere is 100% no nat problem on the server.
21:19.08SamotI don't know what that means.
21:19.24SamotThen if you're calling your mobile phone and you hear ringing but your phone never rings...
21:19.28velixI've installed a softphone on Windows, entered the university's SIP accound and called my phone. It works.
21:19.36SamotEither the request never made it to the provider or it didn't go through.
21:19.45velixI've set the SIP account data in Asterisk, called my phone and it doesn't ring.
21:19.51Samotso then this is a config issue with the PBX.
21:19.55velixBut when using another SIP provider (a real one), it works.
21:20.08velixIt worked after 23 seconds
21:20.37SamotIf you keep setting up SIP clients with the University or other Providers and IT WORKS....
21:20.52SamotThen you try to use the PBX and it doesn't. Then the issue is the PBX.
21:21.13velixYes, that's why I am here :)
21:21.17SamotIt's not configure right or the networking isn't done right or any combination of things.
21:21.30SamotThen start showing things.
21:21.34SamotActual debugs.
21:21.39SamotWe cannot keep guessing.
21:21.41velixTell me how and I'll do.
21:22.05velixsip set debug peer student01
21:22.14velixcore set verbose 13
21:38.53velixSamot: Just give me a quick hint what you need.
21:40.33Samotthose are the right commands.
21:40.45SamotI was waiting for the followup
21:41.11SamotThe part where you made a call, copy and pasted all the output to a pastebin service and then give us the link.
21:45.40velix1 sec
21:46.09joepubliclooks more like 12 hours actually
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21:54.24velixThat looks interesting: "chan_sip.c:30398 sip_send_keepalive: sip_send_keepalive to UNIVERSITY:5060 returned 0: Broken pipe"
21:56.18SamotThat was the only call happening?
21:56.20velixI've turned off keepalive.
21:56.32velixSamot: No, always. I think, the PBX of university cannot handle timeouts.
21:56.35velixeeeh keepalives.
21:57.16velixActually, Asterisk dials somewhere over the universiy's SIP account. I don't see an error here.
21:57.33velixoh hello! "tcptls.c:553 ast_tcptls_client_start: Unable to connect SIP socket to Connection timed out"
21:57.36velixThat's a new one.
22:04.56velixYeah! got it working.
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22:30.26fructoseI am interested in building a helpline for use during a pandemic. Ideally I'd like to be able to have a system accept incoming calls on one phone line and forward them to volunteers who themselves may only have access to personal phone lines or an Internet connection. Is that achievable with Asterisk or its progeny?
22:35.55salviadudfructose: you might need some hardware
22:36.14salviadudThat phone line, would that be a regular landline you already have?
22:37.57fructosesalviadud: I'd at least need to avoid the volunteers needing specialized hardware. Presumably we could get whatever line was needed from a phone company.
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22:41.30salviadudIf you want to accept calls from a regular FXS port and it is only one line, I'd recommend an ATA adapter
22:41.59salviadudThen after that, you can register it via sip on asterisk
22:42.08salviadudAnd do as you please.
22:43.29fructosesalviadud: Can you accept multiple calls on only one line that way?
22:48.20joepublicI am not recommending ringcentral, but you might want to look at their model.  publish one number, calls forward to your volunteers.
22:56.45fructosejoepublic: Okay, thanks
23:02.31sibiriawhy not build it with the most available solutions there are? e.g. a DID for the incoming call -> your asterisk setup running anywhere -> SIP provider terminating to volunteers' landline / cell phone number
23:03.08sibirialeave out the idea of using an incoming landline on your end. save yourself the trouble of dealing with adapters and concurrency problems
23:15.03velixSorry, what am I missing here to initiate calls via CLI?
23:16.45velixah, got it working.
23:23.00fructosesibiria: Thanks, I'll look into that as well
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23:41.57velixHmm. Can I directly call outside from Asterisk and playback a file? "Extension" string in the callfile is used already to set the playback extension.
23:47.49sibiriayeah you can run BackGround and PlayBack directly from a call file, without ever entering a dial plan
23:51.07velixah, got it working with a callfile.
23:53.01velixInteresting. With "Channel: SIP/...@student01", the call is anonymous.
23:54.46velixOkay, I need to set a Callerid then.
23:57.48velixWaitTime: 3
23:57.48velixMaxRetries: 5
23:57.48velixRetryTime: 3
23:57.50velixROFL :DDDD
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