IRC log for #asterisk on 20200305

03:38.24*** join/#asterisk infobot (
03:38.24*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.31.0 (2020/02/04) 16.8.0 (2020/02/04) Standard: 17.2.0 (2020/02/04); DAHDI: 3.0.0 (2018/11/15); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
03:54.12*** join/#asterisk miltux (
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04:48.06*** join/#asterisk eharris (~eharris@unaffiliated/eharris)
06:40.01*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
06:54.56*** join/#asterisk derPlexus (~plexus@
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07:23.54*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (~Opendial@
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08:18.34*** join/#asterisk Helenah (~s98259@unaffiliated/iveeee)
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09:24.22*** join/#asterisk FH_thecat (
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09:33.44*** join/#asterisk Alblasco1702 (
09:36.01Alblasco1702Samot, sibiria, thnx it is for Voicemail() after leaving a message. so i need *
09:38.28Alblasco1702or not leaving a message.
09:43.30*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (maliutamat@gateway/shell/
09:43.30*** join/#asterisk JohnWigley (uid264251@gateway/web/
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09:43.30*** mode/#asterisk [+o gtjoseph] by
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11:05.10*** join/#asterisk forgotmynick (uid24625@gateway/web/
15:08.50*** join/#asterisk infobot (
15:08.50*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.31.0 (2020/02/04) 16.8.0 (2020/02/04) Standard: 17.2.0 (2020/02/04); DAHDI: 3.0.0 (2018/11/15); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
15:24.37*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
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15:54.56*** join/#asterisk spatel (
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16:05.15*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
16:37.31*** join/#asterisk DodgeThis (~DodgeThis@2001:818:df17:3000:6c3e:4f8a:c4:687)
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19:07.05*** join/#asterisk sergiofi (
19:11.46sergiofihi everyone~
19:13.57sergiofiwondering,... is there any .pcap backup or any tool to convert the full log into a pcap?
19:14.40sergiofiwould be awesome to check SIP traces using 'sngrep', but a pcap is needed. Any idea?
19:25.42*** join/#asterisk aness (~aness@2a02:fe1:3103:2100:401f:d0d1:ccf6:9a5c)
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22:11.22*** join/#asterisk forgotmynick (uid24625@gateway/web/
22:31.01cybrNautVonage ATA boxes are locked. I really don't want to break out the soldering iron. Is there a way to force/convince Vonage to unlock it, or give an unlock code?
22:31.59*** join/#asterisk war9407 (war@2600:4040:4001:1e00::f7aa)
22:33.00cybrNautOr is it practical to reroute traffic bound for Vonage from the ATA to a local Asterisk instance?
22:36.28SamotHave you tried asking them?
22:38.29cybrNautnot yet. They might want subscriber info before talking to me, and if there's a known successful line of reasoning I'd like to know it in advance
22:39.13SamotDo you have an account with them?
22:39.34SamotDid they give you the ATA?
22:39.37*** join/#asterisk war9407 (war@2600:4040:4001:1e00::f7aa)
22:39.38cybrNaut.. or if there is a region where locking in banned, I'd like to know that in advance too
22:39.49cybrNautit's not me.. it's a family member
22:39.57*** join/#asterisk Ai9zO5AP (~BQcdf9eiZ@
22:40.02SamotSo they have an account with Vonage?
22:40.18SamotOK, so they call.
22:40.30SamotThey ask "Can you unlock my box?"
22:40.57cybrNautvonage gave them a box.  Then they sent an updated box, which is now in use.  The old box became useless, b/c it's locked.
22:41.45cybrNautI will call on their behalf, that's not the issue.  I want to know in advance what reasons Vonage will accept for unlocking, before I call.
22:42.13SamotIf it's a device they retired and don't care about they could just unlock it.
22:42.19cybrNautif I give a reason they don't accept, and they keep good notes, I'd mess up the opportunity
22:42.46SamotThey retired the ATA in question, yes?
22:42.52SamotYou said they sent a new one to replace it.
22:42.55cybrNautwell, in principal they have little to gain from it, and might fear it will be used to connect to a competitor
22:43.01SamotSo what?
22:43.08SamotThey retired it.
22:43.11SamotThey don't want it.
22:43.22SamotThey may or may not have an unlocking policy.
22:43.35SamotIt's not really that hard.
22:43.53cybrNautit's capitalism. Corporations care only about profits, generally.
22:43.55Samot"You know that old box you replaced and didn't want back? Yeah, can you unlock so I can use it?"
22:44.19cybrNautIf I threaten to leave them, they might start caring.. but I'd like to know what works first
22:44.19SamotNo one cares about a $35 device that's EOL and they don't want.
22:44.37SamotThey won't care if you leave them over not unlocking an EOL device.
22:44.51SamotThey're Vonage not Joe's Local VoIP Shop.
22:44.54cybrNautright, my point exactly
22:45.07SamotI come from the Vonage side of things.
22:45.07cybrNauti need to call with something they /do/ care about
22:45.13SamotNot Vonage directly.
22:45.18SamotYou just call.
22:45.22SamotYou ask nicely.
22:45.38SamotIf they really wanted the box back, they would have collected it.
22:46.04SamotAnd what if they don't unlock it?
22:46.10cybrNautthat sounds like a recipe for disaster. In these situations, there are sometimes particular rationale that gets better results than others
22:46.22SamotSure, not acting lick a dick.
22:46.47cybrNautetiquette is only part of the question
22:46.57SamotA customer calling me to flex about unlocking their device....
22:47.11SamotGets a sour reaction vs. "Hey, quick question...can you do X?"
22:47.11cybrNautapart from etiquette, rationale is a factor too
22:47.51SamotOK, so I'm the guy you would call to ask this crap.
22:47.59cybrNautsure, but i'm not asking about etiquette.  I know that already.  I'm asking if anyone has discovered rationale that works
22:48.04SamotAfter almost 2 decades of this, I'm telling you the best approach.
22:48.22SamotThe rationale is, inquire politely.
22:48.35cybrNautyou don't know what rationale means
22:48.38SamotWhat are you going to do if they say no?
22:48.41cybrNautrationale = reason
22:48.54SamotIt's a RETIRED BOX
22:48.59SamotThey don't WANT IT
22:49.07SamotAsking to unlock means you want to use it for OTHER STUFF
22:49.15SamotThey can put 2+2 together.
22:49.35cybrNauti want to know what to say if they ask "Why"?
22:49.39SamotNow, if you ask to unlock the ACTIVE box, they might be more reluctant.
22:49.51Samot"Because I'd like to use it if you don't want it"
22:50.04*** join/#asterisk lambda (
22:50.06SamotI've had this conversation numerous times.
22:50.10cybrNaut"other stuff" could mean /hiring a competitor/, or it could mean /using a PBX/
22:50.12SamotOver multiple providers.
22:50.20SamotAre you cancelling the account?
22:50.38SamotThen they don't care.
22:50.39cybrNaut(unless that would help get it unlocked)
22:50.43SamotThey either will do it or not.
22:50.46SamotRegardless of reasons.
22:51.10SamotIt's a freaking ATA.
22:51.14SamotJust buy one.
22:51.20SamotYou can get them cheap on Ebay.
22:51.28SamotOr you can ask nicely for them to unlock it.
22:51.35cybrNauti do not support eBay, and I do not crap on the environment
22:51.41SamotIf they say no, cancel the account.
22:51.42SamotYou still need to buy an ATA.
22:51.54SamotOK then buy it from some place else.
22:52.05cybrNautwhy would i buy an ATA if they unlock the one i have?
22:52.06SamotEither they unlock it and you can use the old one
22:52.17SamotI'm done.
22:52.40cybrNautbuying from somewhere else still pisses on the environment.  I'm not into supporting needless consumption
23:30.25*** join/#asterisk spatel (
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