IRC log for #asterisk on 20200126

00:04.57*** join/#asterisk ih8wndz (
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03:39.17*** join/#asterisk Sekyourbox (~sekyourbo@gateway/tor-sasl/sekyourbox)
03:39.52SekyourboxI'm a little confused about this realtime ldap usage. Anyone here use it?
03:43.33*** join/#asterisk mrbrklyn (
03:44.11mrbrklynhow do I hook up asterisk so that I can get calls on my phone number?
03:44.22mrbrklynThere must be a service to hook up to.
03:48.04Sekyourboxmrbrklyn: config files
03:48.21Sekyourboxyou have to EDIT the config files
03:49.04mrbrklyni can edit all the config files I want, but it is not going to help if there is noone to really my POTS phone number to me
03:49.45infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones:,,,, and
03:55.38Sekyourboxdoes the ldap user have to be in ldap form? That part doesn't make much sense
03:55.50SekyourboxI want to connect to cn test cn com,
03:56.15Sekyourboxpull any user from ou= user
03:56.37Sekyourboxso I formulate the template to grab the DN?
03:56.50Sekyourboxany dn in that OU
03:59.54mrbrklyni am very confused at this point
04:01.20mrbrklynI need a VIOP gateway to host my own phone?
04:03.45mrbrklyncan I just install Astericks now on top of my new linux gateway that is connected to the cable companies "modem" with static IPs?
04:03.59mrbrklynOr do I need specialized hardware?
04:04.47mrbrklynlike an internal PBX?
04:04.55drmessanoYou need an ITSP to connect to the Public telephone network
04:05.07drmessanoYou can't just put Asterisk on the internet and "get calls"
04:07.11mrbrklynthey assign my phone number
04:07.47mrbrklyn, I asume
04:07.58drmessanoYou buy DIDs (numbers) from them
04:08.12drmessanoYou pay them, usually per minute, for inbound/outbound calls
04:08.38drmessanoRoughly $1 a month per DID, then maybe a penny per minute for calls
04:08.57mrbrklynbut do I need a special piece of hardware to connect to them, or  can I just use a normal gateway and a new style IP phone
04:09.44drmessanoAny linux box running Asterisk and an IP phone will give you a PBX and 1 extension
04:10.10mrbrklynno more need for a seperate PBX
04:10.33mrbrklynunless you have an analog phone
04:10.46drmessanoEhhh... In this case, you're configuring Asterisk to be your PBX
04:11.06drmessanoIf you mean like a traditional black-box PBX, no
04:11.11drmessanoIt's all software now
04:11.37drmessanoand yes, unless you have an analog phone or analog line, no need for special hardware
04:12.04mrbrklynbut obviously you can not hook up a  traditional phone without special hardware to do the digital to analog conversion
04:12.36drmessanoYou can buy a card if you want to connect to a pots line, or plug in an analog phone, or just an ATA for an analog phone
04:12.38mrbrklyndrmessano has been through these questions before :)
04:12.51drmessanoMy home PBX is hosted in a VPS
04:13.04drmessanoMy analog phones are on a $40 ATA
04:13.21drmessanoI haven't touched an analog card in a decade
04:13.41Sekyourboxlol@rfc 5922
04:14.19mrbrklynI've been using vonage for 15 year+, but my boss asked if I could get rid of our telephone provider and run our phones off our own PBX
04:14.41mrbrklynso know I am relearining everything
04:15.16SekyourboxI'm doing something similar
04:16.35SekyourboxI'm running astlinux on a vm and using a polycom obi 200 with google voice going into a routeros box
04:17.14SekyourboxWorking out sip accounts, going to try ldap realtime driver for individual workstations, I hope
04:17.35mrbrklynSo - for the house at least, either I buy and ATA or I buy a IP phone
04:18.03Sekyourboxtesting linphone
04:18.13drmessanoif you need just 1 extension or 1 ATA, don't even bother with Asterisk
04:18.31drmessanoGo with something like VoIP.MS.  They have a very basic "PBX" like callflow
04:18.43Sekyourboxtell your boss to just negotiate to a lower price, or get an obi, and call it a day
04:18.48drmessanoYou can create IVR's, host voicemail.  I would do that all day long for 1 person
04:19.04mrbrklynWell, I need to test it for the office.  The office has 18 phones and extensions with voicemail and greetings
04:19.27drmessanoFreePBX may be a good starting point
04:19.28mrbrklyn2 fax machines
04:19.35Sekyourboxdon't touch if its not broke, unless you are prepared to start going down the rabbit hole
04:20.11mrbrklynI live in the rabbit whole since I downloaded Slackware in 1995 on a 2400 baud modem
04:20.15drmessanoIf you're in it just to help the boss, load FreePBX on a VPS and roll with it
04:20.40SekyourboxIn 1995 Id just hum into the modem to hack it
04:20.41mrbrklynI have lived in the rabbit hole since I downloaded Slackware in 1995 on a 2400 baud modem... better english
04:21.17mrbrklynI want to ditch his phone company, I hate them
04:21.27SekyourboxI'm in the same boat
04:21.31mrbrklynthey are arogant pricks and ripping him off
04:21.33SekyourboxGood luck, its no cake walk
04:22.49SekyourboxI came from Skype for Business. That's $$$
04:23.11mrbrklynDo I need a VPS if I have 6 Linux systems on the gateway already?
04:23.30drmessanoJust trying to save your life
04:23.35drmessanoUnless you don't have one
04:24.15mrbrklynI have 6 of these things
04:24.45mrbrklynI was hoping to convert one to the PBX role
04:25.07drmessanoRight... So it's another piece of hardware to backup and admin.  whatever floats your boat
04:25.34mrbrklynand If I undertsnad correctly, I don't really need any additional hardare since everything is now on IP Phones in the office, expect maybe the fax machines
04:25.57drmessanoThat's correct
04:26.21drmessanoJust not sure I would put my company's PBX on a china-NUC
04:26.26drmessanoBut that's up to you
04:29.50Samotmrbrklyn: How big is your office?
04:30.07mrbrklynMD's office - 16 phones, 2 faxes
04:30.19drmessanoSo that's basically a $5 a month VPS
04:30.38SamotJust be aware of the new laws if you're going to be a PBX admin.
04:30.41drmessano18 extensions, 4 concurrent calls.. a $5 VPS would do it
04:30.47SamotA medical office falls under it.
04:31.39mrbrklynFWIW, I would never virtualize it.  I want it 100% in house and under my control
04:32.01mrbrklynits not a cost issue, it is a security and ownership issue
04:32.20SamotWell your medical, you can't just slap it up on a VM.
04:32.27drmessanoWhats your backup plan when the china-NUC blows a gasket?
04:32.31SamotIn the cloud that is.
04:32.35drmessanoHow fast to restore it?
04:32.39SamotHowever,  you can virtualize in the office.
04:32.54mrbrklyn4 minutes to restore from QEMU
04:33.07mrbrklynI test that every sunday
04:33.15SamotWell wait, you're using Vonage so you must not be recording calls or anything.
04:33.37mrbrklynalthough, I haven't had an issue with a primary service since 9-11-2001
04:33.58mrbrklynI am using vonage in the house
04:34.12SamotWhat does the office have?
04:34.26mrbrklynat the time, I moved from the Bell System and was happy to say good by, but I can do better now
04:34.38mrbrklynThe office is using executel
04:34.49SamotA hosted solution?
04:35.27mrbrklynat $60 a phone and peicemeal billing and holes all over my DMZ
04:36.27mrbrklynand the guys are really dumb as rocks
04:36.57SamotWell they're an answering/CSR service not a phone company
04:37.27mrbrklynthey think they are an IT provider but they only speak Microsoft
04:37.35mrbrklynI say email, they say exchange
04:37.49SamotSo you're going to put a PBX in.
04:38.05SamotDo you have the ability to retain features or add features that you would need?
04:38.30mrbrklynDo I need the hardware?
04:38.52mrbrklynIf it is just software, I can do it
04:38.55SamotHardware is its own thing.
04:39.15SamotSo you know how to program Asterisk to give you the same features you have no?
04:39.36mrbrklynnot yet
04:40.05SamotWell if you wait until after Feb 16th, you have to follow certain new rules.
04:40.18SamotIf you do it now, you have until next Jan. to comply.
04:40.27mrbrklynI'm in the healthcare business
04:40.40mrbrklynthere are new rules every day
04:40.54SamotYes but are you aware of them?
04:41.02mrbrklynYou have no idea the legal constraints I work under every day
04:41.09SamotBecause you're in that business.
04:41.18SamotI do services for medical.
04:41.20SamotI know.
04:41.36mrbrklynWell, maybe you don't
04:41.47SamotSo outside of you being in the medical business the new laws are about you being the PBX admin.
04:41.48mrbrklynI'm an MD and Pharmacist and have
04:41.56SamotWhich are not related to your MD.
04:42.04mrbrklynbutted heads 3 times with federal agencies
04:42.35SamotAlright. I'm just trying to save you some headaches.
04:42.43mrbrklynand they hold my licnese ina vice-grip at the drop of a hat and destroy your career
04:42.56SamotSometimes being your own PBX admin and running your own PBX is more trouble than having it hosted somewhere..
04:43.02SamotOr hiring someon to do it.
04:43.07mrbrklynMore rules is more the reason to keep in IN House
04:43.22mrbrklynout of prying eyes
04:46.39mrbrklynhe New Laws, every time, are designed to rip me off and send my money to some monopoly or government agency.  It is the most corrupt system from the top to the bottom, designed to steal from the public every penny they can get
04:46.59mrbrklynSo I doubt there will be anything in these new laws to suprise me
04:47.28SamotWell they are design to deal with emergency services better and save lives. As an MD, you can appreciate that.
04:47.34*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@
04:47.48Sekyourboxthe only way to auth with SIP is to have an MD5 generated?
04:47.55mrbrklynEverytime I breath and make a decision in my professional life I am effectely break a law.  It is a trap
04:48.25mrbrklynNo Samot, they are designed to steal money
04:48.31SekyourboxI was think I'd just have a custom token on the windows side that I can use to modify an attribute on the user object in LDAP
04:48.41SamotOK man, I was just giving you a heads up before you brought things in house and took on responsibilities you weren't aware of.
04:48.48SamotBut this flexing is tiresome.
04:50.03mrbrklynMD5s are easier enough to generation with openssl
04:50.17Sekyourboxbreaks compliance
04:50.46SekyourboxI guess I can do it all with a service account and SSH though I guess
04:51.21Sekyourboxjust make a bogus password generator after the user has auth, and then --config the sip client on boot with group policy
04:51.54Sekyourboxoh, but I cant be restarting the asterisk every time a user boots
04:53.10SamotSo the client is authing to Asterisk?
04:53.12Sekyourboxyea, I guess I'll be forced to use ldap
04:53.50Sekyourboxunless there is some other way to have your accounts without a static password
04:54.18SamotNo, you would have to keep updating the account details.
04:54.55SamotYou would have to update the server and the client.
04:54.55Sekyourboxok, so I'll make a custom attrib object on the CN, no biggie
04:55.19SamotHow often are you expecting to change passwords?
04:55.25Sekyourboxnow, to get it right...
04:55.32SekyourboxI'm doing this in an active directory domain
04:55.37SekyourboxI want it all automated
04:55.49SamotHow often are you expecting to change passwords?
04:56.14SekyourboxWell, each boot at this point
04:56.27Sekyourboxeach AD auth session
04:56.36Sekyourboxbecause I'm using AD to auth the user account
04:57.01Sekyourboxonce that is successful, I'll have a service account check and update a cn attribute in the ldap db, and foce the client to get the update password
04:57.10Sekyourboxseems like the easiest way to reach my goal
04:57.25Sekyourboxpassword is just phony to get the client to work
04:57.46SamotSo it will auth against AD for calls?
04:57.53Sekyourboxnot directly
04:57.55SamotOr any subscription services?
04:58.03SamotSo how will calls auth properly?
04:58.17Sekyourboxreltime ldap driver I hope!
04:58.43Sekyourboxgruop policy will be the real auth. the MD5 stuff will be just to make sip happy
04:59.10SamotWhat are you doing with this?
04:59.13Sekyourboxworkaround king, high five
04:59.32SamotSIP Client boots up, new password, connects, new password?
04:59.51Sekyourboxyea, I'll have to add a slight delay I'm sure
04:59.56Sekyourboxbefore the softphone boots
05:00.00SamotWhat about the subsequent REGISTERs?
05:00.05SekyourboxI'll make it part of the boot order for the softphone
05:00.17SamotKeeping using the same password?
05:00.18Sekyourboxgood point
05:00.22SamotOr calls
05:00.28SamotOr subscriptions
05:00.34SamotMWI, BLF or anything like that
05:00.52SamotThere is a reason there aren't "dynamic sip password" schemes.
05:01.13SamotYou auth constantly for requests.
05:01.48Sekyourboxso I'd have to check for other kerb sessions before changing the attribute
05:02.15Sekyourboxand then I'd just update the local config to sync
05:02.16SamotI'll be honest, I can't wrap my head around changing passwords constantly like that.
05:02.28Sekyourboxso group policy would have the correct config always.
05:02.28SamotTrying to realtime sync both the server and the clients.
05:02.31SamotHoping for the best.
05:02.33mrbrklyn<drmessano> a china-NUC?
05:02.35Sekyourboxand any change policy will restart the soft client
05:02.37Sekyourboxeasy enough
05:02.58Sekyourboxalthough normally there is a delay, I could make a custom policy
05:03.05Sekyourboxor just script it for what I want
05:03.13SamotWhat are you trying to do overall?
05:03.15Sekyourboxonly a couple of cpu cycles every few seconds
05:03.17SamotWith the SIP clients?
05:03.30SamotAct as a softphone client vs using Bria or Zoiper?
05:03.32Sekyourboxuser logs on, softphone pops up
05:03.44Sekyourboxwithout having to type in another password
05:04.06mrbrklynAh - well, FWIW, they are israeli NUCs and built by intel
05:04.09SamotWhat is the purpose of the SIP client?
05:04.52Sekyourboxbuilding a CMS type system so the customer will show up when they call along with profile etc
05:05.09Sekyourboxsome advanced routing and such eventually
05:05.11SamotOK so this is for a call center?
05:05.20SamotOr sales agents, etc?
05:05.26Sekyourboxyea, whatever
05:05.34Sekyourboxthat type of thing, but in an AD domain
05:05.55Sekyourboxgenerally we would be using Skype
05:06.00Sekyourboxbut I'm cheap
05:06.16SamotOK, so I'm not a 100% on what your doing. But you could impact calls if things aren't time right.
05:06.29SamotI really don't see the need to have dynamic password for the sip clients.
05:07.15SekyourboxIts because I don't want double auth, and I don't want MD5 passwords that have access to other systems
05:07.33SamotYou're building the client.
05:07.51SamotYou have to auth for the SIP stuff more than you have to for AD logins.
05:07.54SekyourboxI'm using linphone at the moment for testing. not as important
05:08.11SamotIf I login to this app, I log into AD once.
05:08.20SamotMy SIP account is sending REGISTERs constantly
05:08.28SamotWhen I make calls, I'm authing\
05:08.37SamotIf I want MWI, I'm authing most likely
05:09.07SamotMessage Waiting Indicator.
05:09.21SamotIt's how  you know you have VM.
05:10.07SamotIf you are going to want to BLF statuses of other agents, etc. you will be authing for that.
05:13.21SamotSekyourbox: I'm not saying that what you are trying to do won't work. I'm just saying it is something I've never seen personally, it could cause issues. That's all really.
05:14.25SamotIf the dynamic doesn't work and reworking it to use static SIP passwords, whateves isn't that much of work. Give it a go.
05:15.06SamotBut I would say, if it would require a massive overhaul from one to the other then I'd really, really weigh my options and make sure fancy and cool isn't putting to much of a glare on this.
05:16.03SamotHonestly, I'd be interested to see if you did get it working.
05:20.27mrbrklynhow does one actually become a ITSP
05:20.54SamotA lot of work.
05:21.04SamotContrary to the belief of some.
05:21.12mrbrklyni'm sure
05:21.40mrbrklynI think I still have assigned to me 250+ phone numbers
05:21.50mrbrklynorigianlly they were to be used for phone cards
05:23.32SamotWell there are two ways to go about this. The right way and the ITSP in a Box (TM) way.
05:25.17*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
05:28.53mrbrklynwhere is ITSP in a box?
05:29.47SamotThat's the thing where you have Asterisk (or FreePBX), an out of date Asterisk billing software and a Flowroute account. Boom you're an ITSP.
05:33.17SamotMy point is, people think that because they have those things they can sell a service that is considered a public utility without any real knowledge or skillset for it.
05:34.49mrbrklynI'm not trying to do that
05:35.15mrbrklynalthough if I could make money at it, I would
05:35.30SekyourboxSamot: I'll probably have to do a write up for myself and do a few more times in my test env. I might release if I have anything workable
05:36.00Sekyourboxor if my write up would make sense in public
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07:56.17SekyourboxWould I do sipusers => ldap,"dn",pjsip
07:56.34Sekyourboxor does it have to be sip
08:09.50MICROburstcan I offer more than one transport for an account? For example udp,tcp for IPv4 and IPv6?
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08:44.59Sekyourboxno such command realtime...
08:45.03Sekyourboxbed time!
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15:11.41davlefouelectronic_eel, thanks.
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