IRC log for #asterisk on 20200125

00:13.29*** join/#asterisk forgotmynick (uid24625@gateway/web/
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02:19.39*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
02:19.43FuriousGeorgehey all
02:20.36FuriousGeorgeim trying to set up a new provider with my pbx.  i have udpbindport set to 5080, but inbound calling fails, according to the provider, because my contact header is indicating the communication should be on 5060
02:21.11FuriousGeorgei can't think of what setting to change in order to make it work.  all the phones are registered on 5080 without prloblems, and i'd rather not use 5060 anyway
02:23.31FuriousGeorgei just set externaddr to {IP}:5080
02:24.25FuriousGeorgeno change
02:36.48FuriousGeorgechecking my sip dump, i see:
02:36.58FuriousGeorgeContact: <sip:19737184766@>  That looks correct to me
02:37.10FuriousGeorgeI'm assuming that's the contact header he's referring to.
02:45.06SamotDo you see the call hit Asterisk?
02:59.47*** join/#asterisk ketas (
03:03.09*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
03:06.46FuriousGeorgeSamot:  no...  i think the problem is with my provider
03:07.08FuriousGeorgei added the port to the route i defined in their backend, and it briefly worked.  their support is helping me.
03:07.54SamotYeah, if you're not registering to them and they are just routing the calls by host/IP then you need to define the port you're listing on.
03:08.17SamotOtherwise RFC states us 5060
03:09.55*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@2a04:cec0:101f:3d60:107f:3d7:ea8d:2b51)
03:11.25FuriousGeorgei am registering to them.  i believe they want me to define an inbound route anyway...  maybe it's not needed if I'm registering and removing it will solve the problem...
03:15.41SamotYes. It has to be either or.
03:16.00SamotUnless they are routing the calls to both locations at once or in a sequence like failover.
03:16.18SamotOtherwise, they either route based on the registration location or the static location you give them.
03:17.05FuriousGeorgehey, that worked
03:17.16FuriousGeorgethx samot
04:04.30*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (~matrix123@2a04:cec0:101f:3d60:107f:3d7:ea8d:2b51)
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14:03.04davlefouHi, i have some registeur call and i want to compress and copie at the end of each call. How can i launch script a the each end?
14:10.32davlefouI need to launch an agi a the end of each call.
14:18.35davlefouIs it okay with h exten?
14:25.52davlefouI try.
15:17.54electronic_eeldavlefou: another way would be to use a script which constantly reads (tails) the cel logs and acts upon special log entries in there
15:18.34electronic_eelI do some stuff post-call and do it that way. It is nicely decoupled from asterisk that way.
15:19.58electronic_eelI write the cel logs as json-per-line (cel-custom) and use a python program with parsible to parse it
15:31.43*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
15:31.47FuriousGeorgehi all
15:31.54FuriousGeorgei have a new provider i registered a did with
15:32.22FuriousGeorgethe did will work sporadically, but most of the time asterisk rejects the invite on an incoming call with "FORBIDDEN"
15:32.40FuriousGeorgeactually Unauthorized
15:34.01FuriousGeorgeI'm also seeing  SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
15:34.10FuriousGeorgethis is from a tcpdump
15:41.00FuriousGeorgehere is what it looks like in sip debug
15:41.43FuriousGeorgeyou can see the call come in, and asterisk respond with 401 Unauthorized...  i have no idea why
15:42.47SamotBecause you're telling it to.
15:43.22SamotNo matching peer for '+12126179898' from '' <-- Plus there is that.
15:46.31FuriousGeorgeSamot:  sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.  i can't imagine where i'm telling it to do that.  sip show registry and sip show peers indicate everything is fine in that respect
15:46.53SamotShow the peer.
15:46.55FuriousGeorgethat no matching peer is the source number
15:47.02SamotBecause they are sending you a call from another IP it looks like.
15:47.26SamotThe no matching peer means there isn't a matching peer for the IP
15:48.37SamotOh this is flowroute. Yeah, you shouldn't be using Chan_SIP for this at all.
15:48.56FuriousGeorgeugh, i've never used pjsip
15:49.08SamotThe you need to go and get all the IPs for
15:49.15FuriousGeorgei have those
15:49.28FuriousGeorgewhere should i whitelist them tho?
15:49.31SamotOK now, you need to make a chan_SIP trunk for each of them.
15:49.59FuriousGeorgecould you restate that?  does that mean i need a peer per IP?
15:50.47*** join/#asterisk ganbold_ (~ganbold@
15:51.15SamotBecause Chan_SIP only knows one IP/host.
15:51.52FuriousGeorgeso i set up [flowroute0], [flowroute1], using the same credentials for each...  and then somewhere in there i specify the IP address for each one?
15:52.16SamotIt would be the host=
15:53.35FuriousGeorgeSamot:  sounds like i can copy my current flowroute peer, and just add the host= line to each one
15:54.00SamotSure. You can try that.
15:54.13SamotWhy you want to make over 18 peers for one provider is beyond me.
15:55.14SamotSorry more like close to 30
15:55.31Samot147.75.65.192/28, <-- Those are the IPs for your PoP with them.
15:55.54*** join/#asterisk ganbold (~ganbold@
15:55.56SamotA /28 is 16 IPs. The only is a range of 13 IPs.
15:56.08SamotSo 29 IPs can deliver you calls.
15:56.42SamotNo you can have all those Chan_SIP peers or you can have one PJSIP endpoint.
16:00.06FuriousGeorgei may switch to pjsip
16:00.19FuriousGeorgei added all the peers, and only about 4 became reachable
16:00.44SamotYou probably should. Chan_SIP has maybe 3 years left on it at worse.
16:01.02SamotIt's marked for removal and can be removed after 2023.
16:02.03FuriousGeorgethis may be good enough for now, while i start reading up on pjsip
16:02.24FuriousGeorgeinbound calling is working, but idk for sure how reliably, given all the unreachable peers
16:03.26SamotWell that just means Asterisk isn't get a response back from them.
16:03.45SamotBut then again, I'm not sure they want 20+ peers from the same source qualifying against them.
16:04.33FuriousGeorgecould be, i set a failover route to the managers phone...  they are open now, which limits how much troubleshooting i can do
16:05.32sibiriawaste no time moving to pjsip, is my advice :)
16:05.53sibiriait's a bit confusing in the start compared to chan_sip, but the pjsip wizard helps a lot
16:06.34FuriousGeorgeim reading up on it now
16:06.57FuriousGeorgedoesn't seem like i have much of a choice in the long run, or maybe in the short run either
16:09.16FuriousGeorgewpw that's confusing
16:09.30SamotChan_SIP was moved from Extended (Community) to Deprecated in Oct 2019.
16:09.57drmessanochan_sip literally can't handle the way modern peers are configured
16:10.37drmessanoFlowroute being a great example of a provider that went from stuffing everything into two IP addresses to moving to POPs where many IPs were involved
16:10.39FuriousGeorgeit is what it is...  gotta evolve...  but why the heck do they need to specify [mytrunk] 5 times!
16:11.07filebecause it configures specific portions
16:11.19fileyou should watch my Astricon presentation
16:12.16*** join/#asterisk sahmed (
16:12.35FuriousGeorgeThe fantastical world of PJSIP and Asterisk ...
16:12.59SamotThe next few years is going to be make or break time for a lot of people.
16:13.30FuriousGeorgeSamot:  what people are you referring to?  asterisk admins or sip trunk providers?
16:13.40SamotThe new laws and regulations, the changes from how ITSPs are doing their interconnects, Asterisk changes....
16:13.53FuriousGeorgefile, thanks i will watch.  hopefully it will explain to me about the 5 portions of a sip trunk that must be defined
16:14.00SamotFuriousGeorge: Yes.
16:14.08SamotI'm talking about both. Things impact both.
16:14.28*** join/#asterisk cp- (
16:15.04SamotSee here is the thing about Asterisk and the new laws/regulations.
16:15.16SamotAsterisk is _not a PBX_, it's a toolkit.
16:15.33SamotTherefore, Sangoma/Digium, doesn't really need to do much for these new things.
16:15.51sibiriarealistically i think chan_sip will be with Asterisk for another 5 years at least
16:16.06SamotFreePBX, on the other hands, is a PBX and thus Sangoma has to do some things for their installers/users.
16:16.16sibiriabut i'm sure there's a plan to stop not just crucial bug fixes for it, but also security fixes
16:16.24Samotsibiria: I think it will be gone by v20
16:16.48sibiriamaybe seanbright can hold a neutral and unpartial betting pool for us
16:16.59sibiriano aces in any sleeves!1
16:17.26SamotFuriousGeorge: But come Feb 16th this year, you could be installing PBX systems illegally if you aren't aware of the new lays.
16:17.27sibiriaimpartial* is the correct word
16:20.24seanbrightwait, what will be gone by v20?
16:20.28FuriousGeorgeSamot:  what?  like CID spoofing?  this is the first im hearing of it
16:20.37seanbrightchan_sip? i doubt it
16:21.19SamotThe new 911 laws.
16:21.32sibiriawhat are the new 911 laws in the USA?
16:21.39SamotAnd yes, the new CallerID laws
16:21.59FuriousGeorgeSamot:  it's not enough to register your address with your DiD at the provider anymore?
16:22.02Samotsibiria: its a couple things.
16:22.14Samot1. No prefixes for 911
16:22.53Samot2. DID presented to 911 for call back must ne routable and answered by someone
16:23.12seanbrighti don't know what sangoma's plans for chan_sip are but if you go based on what you see on the issue tracker and code reviews - the plan is basically indifference (and i think that is a good thing)
16:23.34Samot3. Dispatchable locations down to the floor/room has to be presented per phone
16:24.13Samot4. New systems made available after feb16 must support alerts as well.
16:24.27drmessanosibiria: chan_sip can hang around for 5 years.. but time and time again, some provider moves to having more than 1 IP per POP, because it's not 2005, and chan_sip becomes impractical
16:24.41FuriousGeorge1.  is easy enough to implement with asterisk...  2.  what is meant by routeable there?
16:24.46FuriousGeorgedrmessano:  as im finding now
16:24.54SamotOld systems need to support it if a minir update or nonmajor update fixes it
16:25.17drmessanoSo chan_sip is now becoming obsolete on the wire as well as being unsupported
16:25.32sibiriathe EU is also on its way implementing a lot of new restrictions for systems acting out on the PSTN
16:25.37fileseanbright: effectively - although in the case of critical regressions we usually get involved, I'm half tempted to just take a "revert, reopen original issue, push back on committer" approach on that tbh
16:25.42seanbrightcommunity supported <> unsupported
16:25.43FuriousGeorge3.  I notice that flowroute did ask me for the floor when i registered 911....   4.  alerts?
16:25.53seanbrightbut when no one from the community gives a shit either, it's effectively the same
16:26.29SamotFuriousGeorge: If you have a school with 75 rooms and two floors, each phone in the school must present their exact location in the building to 911.
16:27.00SamotThat can be done with buying a DID per phone or finding a provider that supports Dynamic Location Routing.
16:27.41sibiriathe EU's first move was to make it economically unfeasible with spoofing: it still allows "blind" caller IDs that don't connect to anything, or are even registered real numbers/VLNs, but operators are now burdened with being charged _a lot_ for routing those calls, and SIP trunk providers have to pass those termination charges on
16:27.56sibiriathe price differences are up towards 10-20x the usual fees
16:28.13SamotOh that's STIR/SHAKEN here.
16:28.27SamotWhere the CallerID must be in a valid NANP/International format.
16:28.29sibiriaand that's just the first move. more regulations will come
16:28.49SamotThe carriers will start validating your calls for proper CallerID
16:28.50seanbrightfile: well i hope my MESSAGE fix doesn't end up breaking anything then
16:29.05fileseanbright: are you feeling lucky?
16:29.14FuriousGeorgeSamot:  im reading about Kari's law.  when you mention 4. alerts...  that would be the notifications part?
16:29.30SamotThat would be notifications.
16:29.35SamotAlerting you that a 911 call was made.
16:30.34Samotsibiria: Like I said, Asterisk is NOT a PBX. Therefore Sangoma doesn't have to rely any of this information for the new laws to users.
16:31.05SamotHowever vendors like Mitel, Avaya, PhoneSuite, FreePBX, etc. should be informing their agents/installers of this new process.
16:32.26SamotBecause now the hammer can come down on the installer/admin of the PBX if things are screwed up.
16:32.42SamotThere is going to be actual accountability for this.
16:32.54*** join/#asterisk deavmi (~quassel@
16:32.57FuriousGeorgein terms of the location information, couldn't providers parse the sip headers, get the calling extension, and pass that along?  the burden would be on the installer to register every extension with the correct location
16:33.36FuriousGeorgefor instrance, i just got a did from flowroute, they asked me for the floor when setting up 911, but the location has a basement with a couple of phones as well
16:33.55FuriousGeorgeso a 911 call from the basement would still show up 1st floor\
16:34.12SamotBecause not everyone is on SIP.
16:34.42FuriousGeorgeso how the heck does that work, unless you get a did per extension?
16:34.44SamotFuriousGeorge: So you either need a DID for each of those phones so you can register a location with Flowroute OR you need a 911 provider that supports Dynamic Location Routing.
16:35.10FuriousGeorgewho is my 911 provider?  is it not flowroute in this case?
16:35.33drmessanoThat was the first part of the OR
16:35.56drmessanoThis is what I love about 2020
16:36.07SamotLook,  it's simple. The days of throwing in an Asterisk/FreePBX box and slapping a Flowroute trunk on it and calling it a day is over.
16:36.50FuriousGeorgeWhat are the Benefits of Dynamic Location Routing
16:36.55FuriousGeorgewhat about cordless phones?
16:37.02SamotBecause I can have 1 DID and 100 locations associated to it.
16:37.20SamotAnd using SIP headers I can push the proper location out.
16:37.38*** join/#asterisk sh_smith (
16:37.54SamotA cordless phone as a station. Where is that station?
16:37.57drmessanoA cordless phone usually has a base station
16:38.00SamotWherever that station is, that's the location.
16:38.03drmessanoCome on
16:38.10FuriousGeorgetrue, and you usually can't go to far from it
16:38.32FuriousGeorgebut sometime you can go a floor up and a room over, and it still works
16:38.40SamotHotels, Schools, Campuses, Medical, Wharehouses...
16:38.43drmessanoI was waiting for that
16:38.59SamotThose all automatically qualify as needing Dispatchable Locations for them.
16:39.26FuriousGeorgeok, in any case, now the phone or the pbx has to know about location object headers...  presumably this comes with updates
16:39.39SamotFuriousGeorge: Those days are over. The FCC gave states the chance to deal with this. They didn't, they stepped in.
16:39.53drmessanoFuriousGeorge: You do realize they are efforting to get a reasonable, narrowed down location for the call.. they're not looking for a certification that the call isn't coming from one office over
16:40.28FuriousGeorgedrmessano:  i realize that.  you can usually use a cordless phone an entire floor away, but fair enough
16:40.39SamotThis also makes POTS line invalid for these setups.
16:41.13SamotWhich means you can no longer have 4 POTS lines in your PBX for a hotel or a school..
16:41.25SamotBecause they can't support having multiple CallerIDs pushed over them.
16:41.48SamotYour options will be SIP/T1/PRI
16:43.13SamotFuriousGeorge: But let's make this simple. If you install a PBX after Feb 16th 2020 and something goes wrong with 911 for any reason. Wrong address, no address, failed call backs, etc. YOU are now LEGALLY responsible for that.
16:43.34drmessanoBut lets also be clear
16:43.53SamotYou can be fined, you could be criminally held responsible if someone dies.
16:43.59drmessanoIf you call 911 on a cordless and walk outside, changing your location, you're not going to prison
16:44.01SamotWhich, by the way, is why all this happened anyways.
16:44.08FuriousGeorgeSamot:  yeah, i had deduced that part.  i don't have any hotels, schools, or hospitals as clients.  i have a warehouse but i don't think it's big enough to apply
16:44.16SamotYes, it is.
16:44.27SamotWharehouse are specially listed.
16:44.49FuriousGeorgeall the phones are in the office, so a call can't come from anywhere else
16:45.01SamotThen you're fine.
16:45.08FuriousGeorgethey have a pa system, but thats just one way audio from phone to warehouse, and so you can't call 911 from it anyway
16:45.14SamotWhere ever this is a _phone_ it must be able to dial 911
16:45.23SamotAnd have dispatchable location.
16:46.15FuriousGeorgewhere does one who isn't on irc go for this information?  my state has no continuing education requirement for MLTS insrtallation
16:46.38SamotRight, this is why the FCC stepped in.
16:47.13SamotOnly about half the states actually did something and even then some aren't as strict or enforced that hard.
16:47.26FuriousGeorgeso is there a ferderal continuing education program for MLTS installers?  my concern is that Feb is not far away, and I imagine a large percentage of ppl have no idea
16:47.45SamotFuriousGeorge: The FCC released information about this last year. Numerous providers have been posted blogs/FAQs on it.
16:48.21SamotAgain, PBX vendors like Mitel, etc are educating their agents/installers.
16:48.27SamotAsterisk IS NOT A PBX.
16:49.05FuriousGeorgeasterisk, being a b2bua will need to support dynamic location information itself, no?  presumably in chan_pjsip, chan_iax, etc
16:49.10SamotSangoma has no obligation to update Asterisk users about this. Because there is nothing that states Asterisk is an MLTS system.
16:49.35SamotI can have an Asterisk system for voicemail only
16:49.35FuriousGeorgeright, you can use it as an intercom system with no outbound calling, as i have before
16:49.40SamotConfBridge's only.
16:49.55SamotAsterisk becomes a PBX when programmed that way.
16:50.28SamotSo someone like FreePBX or VitalPBX, they have an obligation to update their users/installers.
16:50.56electronic_eelhow does this dynamic location routing thing work on the sip level? (I'm from Germany, we don't have anything similar here)
16:51.13SamotFuriousGeorge: This is actually an important question. Who do your end users pay for the VoIP service? Do they pay Flowroute directly or do they pay you?
16:52.04FuriousGeorgedepends on the user (and it may not be flowroute, as I just started using it), but presumably if i resell minutes i incur more liability.  is that where you're going?
16:52.37SamotWell if you resale the service then you fall under a Provider.
16:52.50SamotAs well as an installer.
16:54.01Samotelectronic_eel: I explained it already. There will be certain SIP headers used.
16:54.50electronic_eelok, extra sip header. Are these headers standardized across sip carriers or does everyone have it's own proprietary stuff?
16:55.26SamotIt will be based on the provider.
16:55.32SamotSince the information is between you and them.
16:56.49electronic_eelI hate it. Why can't they come up with a common protocol for stuff like that?
16:57.07SamotUhm, SIP is the protocol.
16:57.41electronic_eelyes, but the dynamic location thing is a protocol extension. Like PAI and so on
16:57.51SamotIt's also not uncommon for a provider to have custom headers or support custom headers for their users.
16:58.11SamotSo you can send it in whatever header you'd like because SIP allows you to add them.
16:58.37SamotSee between me and my users, they have to send me the station's CallerID, that's it.
16:59.01SamotThen I tag them with their DLR headers for the 911 provider.
17:00.41electronic_eelbut how these dlr headers are called and how they are formatted changes with the carrier used. So you have to implement formatting code for each provider
17:01.19SamotBut I don't have multiple 911 providers.
17:01.28electronic_eeland if you are a pbx vendor, you either need to have a dropdown with all supported carriers, or you need some dynamic scripting language to allow the individual formatting
17:01.41SamotI have a single 911 with multiple geo-redundant pops.
17:02.12SamotWell let's look at it this way.
17:02.18electronic_eelthat makes it way more complicated than if there'd be one common DLR protocol extension for all providers
17:02.26SamotIf you're using a T1 or PRI, then DLR isn't a solution for you.
17:02.37SamotBecause they are not SIP.
17:02.50SamotSo you must do the traditional thing and have DIDs for your 911 locations.
17:03.48SamotMany US Telecom's follow the T1/PRI traditions for SIP Trunks. They still channelize it and they still give a bucket of DIDs.
17:04.05electronic_eeldon't know about the US, but here in Germany at least Deutsche Telekom will disconnect the last PRIs and BRIs this year. Most are already migrated
17:04.10SamotYour Flowroute, Twilio, VoIP.MS, etc. are pure SIP and just give you a connection.
17:04.53Samotelectronic_eel: Most PRI's in the US are only PRI to the PBX at this point.
17:05.09SamotIt's 100% SIP to the CPE that converts it to PRI to handoff to the PBX.
17:05.43electronic_eelbut will they keep offering them? Isn't it quite costly to still support the equipment?
17:06.03SamotYes because people still have PRI PBX systems.
17:06.12SamotThere are modern PBX systems that use PRI handoffs.
17:06.29electronic_eelthe main motivation for the Telcos here was that Nokia Siemens discontinued support for the old exchanges that offered PRI and BRI
17:06.36SamotPlus a PRI also has the SLA/MTTR that a normal SIP trunk doesn't.
17:06.48SamotYou're not following me.
17:06.57SamotIf I install a "PRI Trunk" tomorrow...
17:07.15SamotIt's a 100% SIP until it hits my gateway their PBX connects to.
17:07.23SamotThen it converts it to PRI and vice versa.
17:07.50SamotThere's no copper. There's no SmartJack.
17:08.37electronic_eelah, so it's sip to the customer and at the customer site there is some converter box
17:08.46SamotT1/PRI these days is more about the handoff and the service level provided. Not the actual infrastructure.
17:09.08electronic_eelyeah, we have these here too and whenever I see such a thing I try to replace it with pure SIP as fast as possible
17:09.19SamotYes. Cable companies offer PRIs and their 100% coax.
17:09.28SamotSo it's SIP to their gateway.
17:10.07Samotelectronic_eel: That is great if the PBX supports SIP. Not all do or they require additional hardware for it.
17:10.40SamotRight now I have around 55 customers with old analog PBX systems and using FXS handoffs.
17:10.56electronic_eelif they don't support sip then they are usually >10 years old and about to be replaced
17:11.12SamotThese new laws now require them to either put in a PRI card or a SIP card (if it supports it)
17:11.35SamotWell the US is a bit more lax on things than the EU honestly.
17:11.49SamotOur PSTN infrastructure is a rats nest of a nightmare.
17:11.59SamotBecause it's the oldest in the world.
17:12.30SamotSo a lot of people are still using PBX's from the 70's or 80's.
17:12.42SamotOr 15+ years old.
17:13.06SamotI have a subset of customers who's PBX systems don't support an external CallerID per extension.
17:13.32SamotWhich means regardless of PRI or SIP, the PBX can't send an external call with a per phone CallerID.
17:13.38electronic_eelyeah, but can you still get upgrades or spare parts for stuff that old?
17:13.50SamotSure, if you want to spend $15K
17:14.13SamotMitel still supports these old PBXes with spare hardware but it's priced out of the world.
17:14.18electronic_eelare the companies that made that stuff in the 80ies still around?
17:14.24SamotEven they are trying to foce them to upgrade.
17:16.29electronic_eelhmm, I thought company executives in the US are more of the pragmatic type and more willing to throw out old stuff than invest a lot into fixing old stuff
17:16.57SamotIt's not like they are making things for these old PBX systems.
17:17.05SamotAt some point they did have stock to support them.
17:18.53drmessanoI remember 8 years ago or so I had an NEC PBX... Our contract guy comes out to do some work
17:19.02drmessanoI mention I was going to set up a SIP PBX soon
17:19.17drmessano"Oh I can slap a SIP card in that thing that will do whatever you want"
17:19.30drmessanoSlapping a SIP card in
17:19.47FuriousGeorgesamot:  so practically speaking, the provider has to support dynamic location, and you implement it at the asterisk level with a sipaddheader, with that header following the provider's understood format
17:19.47drmessanoI hope those guys all go extinct soon
17:20.50SamotFuriousGeorge: Correct.
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17:42.36Samotdrmessano: Kill me now.
17:43.19Samotdrmessano: Someone is having voice issues on their LAN, they want me to help figure it out. They have at least FOUR VLANs for voice traffic good reason.
17:44.49SamotThen they were trying to apply QoS rules _per_ protocol and PORTS the phones/PBX use.
17:58.46drmessanoLOL wow
18:01.51SamotYeah, they are making some changes so I guess I'll see what happens.
18:02.07SamotThey are using HP switches and yay!
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18:47.18davlefouelectronic_eel, did you have an sample? I use cdr actualy, is it possible?
18:49.28davlefouelectronic_eel, you give me an good idea!
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20:51.52electronic_eeldavlefou: I haven't looked at cdr much, used cel from the beginning. I don't have code I can share. But take a look at parsible, you can hook your parser right in and trigger with it what you want
20:54.23electronic_eela pattern I often use with this setup is to write a custom cel event from dialplan like this: CELGenUserEvent(MISSED,Remote hangup)
20:54.54electronic_eelthe parsing script detects this and acts upon. in this example it adds a call to the server-side missed calls list
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