IRC log for #asterisk on 20200120

00:06.47drmessanoit sounds better when you use the common name, which is Htek
01:33.01*** join/#asterisk LunarTide (~NiHola@unaffiliated/liuyan)
01:52.11overyanderHow can I get a return value or some type of response from a python script back to the dialplan?
01:52.50overyanderIs there a variable or something set when you run System()?
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02:42.26aoeuiAGI with SET VARIABLE FOO ${BAR}
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06:07.34*** topic/#asterisk is AstriCon 2019 in Atlanta! -- #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.30.0 (2019/12/23) 16.7.0 (2019/12/23) Standard: 17.1.0 (2019/12/23); DAHDI: 3.0.0 (2018/11/15); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
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09:27.23pabehey guys. We're currently using snom d7XX phones and are looking for new headsets, with the primary focus on noise cancelling on the microphone. We got busy offices here and we often find, that our callpartners can hear a lot of the (sometimes sensitive) stuff going on in the background. However I find it very hard to find compatible and promising headsets. Do you have any experience or recommendations?
09:27.51*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
09:44.16joepublicI am not sure that noise canceling microphone is the algorithm so much as having a directional microphone of low sensitivity?
09:46.47pabejoepublic: Thanks for your input. Maybe you're right.
09:47.56joepublicPlease keep in mind I am just a random person with no experience with snom phones and very little with headsets.
09:48.36pabejoepublic: Sure :)
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14:10.14electronic_eelhow do I properly quote the "=" char in the data-part of a call to the Set application?
14:10.18electronic_eelI have
14:10.22electronic_eelsame => n,Set(MESSAGE_DATA(X-myheader)=field=abc)
14:10.39electronic_eelbut this always gives the error "Set requires an '=' to be a valid assignment."
14:11.15seanbrighttry quoting it
14:11.23electronic_eelI want to put the data field=abc into the X-myheader
14:11.25seanbrightsame => n,Set(MESSAGE_DATA(X-myheader)="field=abc")
14:11.50electronic_eelthat was the first I tried, didn't work, same error message
14:13.49electronic_eelah, sorry, false alert
14:14.28electronic_eelI had not just field=abc, but field=something;other in it
14:14.47electronic_eelthe ; was the problem, I was now able to quote it with \
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15:11.31igcewielingShould an INVITE have a Date: Header?
15:12.22SamotIt can.
15:13.13SamotIt's not a required header. So the answer of should it have a Date header is up to that implementation.
15:16.14igcewielingDoes Asterisk send a Date header by default?  I thought it did.
15:16.56igcewielingIncoming CallerID date/time at a site has the wrong timestamp in the phone call logs.  Outgoing call logs have the correct timestamp.
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15:19.40SamotYes, I've seen the Date header in INVITEs.
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15:56.07igcewielingPerhaps a better question might be "How do I disable sending the Date: header in an INVITE with Asterisk?"
16:10.03*** join/#asterisk aoeui (~aoeui@unaffiliated/aoeui)
16:10.34SamotI don't think you can.
16:10.59SamotYou can add headers but you can't really strip those other headers. That's done within Asterisk itself.
16:14.22seanbrightchan_sip adds it explicitly
16:14.43seanbrightchan_pjsip does not appear to, at least not in asterisk code. might happen automatically with pjsip though.
16:15.01fileI think we only add it in the registrar for when we respond to an incoming REGISTER
16:15.20seanbrightthe code backs up that thought
16:17.22seanbrightigcewieling: if you're talking chan_sip, you would need to modify c code, but it wouldn't be that tough
16:19.19Samotfile: Actually looking at some debugs. I see it on chan_sip for 200 OK's for REGISTER and OPTIONS.
16:19.29fileI meant PJSIP
16:19.32fileI don't speak chan_sip
16:20.40SamotSo it's like Latin to you? A dead language?
16:21.53filedead enough
16:22.09SamotMostly dead.
16:22.20seanbrightTO BLAVvvvvvvvvvve
16:22.39igcewielingDoes not being able to disable the Date header  imply the Date header is always sent with and INVITE?
16:22.45SamotLet's get Miracle Max on the line.
16:22.54seanbrightigcewieling: with chan_sip, yes
16:22.56igcewielingYes, this is chan_sip.
16:22.58SamotIf it's Mostly Dead he can fix it.
16:23.16igcewielingSo I have to figure out WHY it isn't sending the Date header.
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16:23.55seanbrighti don't see how that would be possible
16:24.23seanbrightthere is a "transmit_invite" function which adds it explicitly for each request
16:24.39seanbrightbut chan_sip is dumb, so maybe there is another place in the code that creates a sends an invite
16:24.55igcewielingIt is also possbile the end user is an idiot.
16:26.48igcewielingI use pjsip on my main Asterisk call routing boxes, but the FreePBX boxes at customer locations all run chan_sip (most of them are on Asterisk 11)
16:27.55igcewieling*sigh* End user is an idiot.  They were looking at the wrong calls and therefore provided wrong information to me.
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18:09.35cybrNautSIP config options don't seem to give a way to proxy over SOCKS4, SOCKS4a, or SOCKS5.  Am I overlooking something?
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18:56.17igcewielingcybrNaut: don't use socks proxies with SIP
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19:13.49igcewielingAn alternative to the real XML polycom config format.
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19:14.09igcewielingin case anyone finds it useful.
19:20.23cybrNautSkype can be proxied over Tor w/Orbot, and asterisk can't even do SOCKS?
19:21.00filethere's nothing built in for it no, and I have no idea how well SIP would work over it
19:21.00cybrNautlinux tools like asterisk should be the masters of their domain.. it's always unfortunate when a "power tool" can't do something simple tools can
19:22.03cybrNautfile: Tor latency is good enough for SIP.  But note as well that SOCKS does not imply Tor.  SOCKS can be a variety of different tunnels
19:22.10fileI know that
19:22.15filethat doesn't change my statement
19:22.43cybrNaut"I have no idea how well SIP would work over it"  <= i was answering that.  SIP works fine over Tor
19:23.32igcewielingAnd I bet file has no idea how they do that.
19:24.00fileI haven't looked at Tor, I was more referring to SOCKS5
19:25.02igcewielingIf you want "security" use TLS/SRTP.  If you want proxy, use Kamailio.  If you want both, then use both.
19:25.54electronic_eelI'd say SIP could work well over SOCKS5. But someone would have to implement it and I don't see a lot of use cases for it right now
19:26.52aoeuiSIP uses RTP for audio - UDP - Tor doesn't  talk UDP
19:27.08cybrNauti'm not seeing anything that masks one's IP address from a SIP server
19:27.21cybrNautKamailio does not seem to solve that problem
19:27.53igcewielingAh.  you want untraceable calls.
19:27.57cybrNautaoeui: SIP also works over TCP
19:28.16igcewielingexcuse me while I clean up the coffee  I Just spilled.
19:28.37cybrNautindeed, I want my SIP provider to be unable to track my realtime location around the world
19:29.00igcewielingcybrNaut: SIP, which is SIGANLING, yes.  RTP, which is AUIDO requires UDP.
19:29.57cybrNauti also want my ISP to be unable to track where my phone service comes from (ISPs in some countries are allowed to do data collection and selling the data)
19:29.59igcewielingcybrNaut: then set up a kamailio AND RTP proxy and remove the info.
19:30.00electronic_eelcybrNaut: but then you need some server, be it the socks-proxy or kamailio, to show it's ip to the sip provider
19:33.15Samot2:30:00 PM <igcewieling> cybrNaut: then set up a kamailio AND RTP proxy and remove the info. <-- That won't matter. The idea to have the ISP not know where the service is coming/going for SIP means that it's sitting on the ISP circuit.
19:33.39SamotThe call still has to route from Kamailio to the provider over that.
19:33.51igcewielingSo, like a VM on amazon aws?
19:34.54SamotIf the goal is to not have the ISP see the SIP traffic source/destination overall....
19:35.00SamotThen that still doesn't work without a VPN.
19:36.36SamotcybrNaut: Is it that you don't want the ISP to see _any_ SIP traffic or that you don't want to see who is _providing_ the SIP services?
19:36.41SamotAs in, another provider.
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19:38.08cybrNautSamot: i don't care if the ISP knows that SIP traffic is present (at least, until netneutrality issues emerge), but I would not like the ISP to be able to listen on the conversation and I wouldn't want the ISP to know who the SIP provider is
19:38.59cybrNautTLS easily solves the eavesdropping problem, but Tor is normally the way to solve the other issues
19:39.12SamotLet's be clear about something..
19:39.30SamotIf someone wants your phone call..they'll go to the source.
19:39.34SamotLegally that is.
19:39.48SamotNow if you think your ISP is listening to your calls that aren't on their network..then get a new ISP
19:39.56SamotThey are probably breaking numerous laws.
19:40.22cybrNautin the US, for example, the mass surveillance programs have expanded to cover VOIP
19:40.41SamotLook in the US if I have Comcast for ISP but Vonage for VoIP...
19:40.42cybrNautthat is likely done at the ISP
19:40.47SamotGuess where they are going for the calls?
19:41.09SamotNo, it is not.
19:41.14SamotI can say this from experience.
19:41.16cybrNautSamot: Vonage would not be the best target, b/c it misses all Vonage's competitors.
19:41.31SamotWhat you are talking about is illegal.
19:41.35SamotAnd unethical.
19:41.38cybrNautthe ISP makes more sense b/c they can just tap a few backbones
19:41.53cybrNautSamot: are you saying the NSA obeys the law?
19:42.14SamotEnjoy your SIP over SOCKS.
19:42.28SamotNot sure how your'e going to do it but I'm sure you'll figure it out.
19:42.34cybrNautthat's the first i've heard such a thing.  I thought it was pretty well known that mass surveillance is done illegally
19:43.02Samot<< Career  ISP/LEC person.
19:43.11SamotSo basically you're implying I build my networks to spy on you.
19:43.38cybrNauti'm saying nothing about what /you/ do.  NSA has many employees
19:43.48cybrNautand they've been caught
19:45.18SamotBut again...
19:45.40SamotWhat you are saying is the NSA is going to put people in ISPs to record random calls to different SIP providers...
19:45.52SamotWhen they could just put the employees in the SIP providers to make it easier.
19:46.21cybrNautthe sip providers exist worldwide
19:46.32SamotSo does the NSA.
19:46.35cybrNauta US resident has a US ISP
19:46.54SamotYes but a non US residence can have a US VoIP provider.
19:47.57cybrNautso much harder to infiltrate all SIP providers worldwide, when they already have their hooks into the ISPs
19:48.12*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
19:48.59electronic_eelcybrNaut: but what does a hook at the ISP help when the call is encrypted with TLS and SRTP?
19:49.27SamotBecause you know who has to decrypt it for the PSTN and handoff to the termination side?
19:49.38SamotThe VoIP provider.
19:50.56cybrNautI'm not sure TLS is as common as you imply.  Some SIP providers who don't even have TLS capability.
19:51.48electronic_eelyes, sure. but there are many sip providers available. if you care about it, chose one that offers TLS
19:52.21SamotRight because the PSTN isn't TLS.
19:52.41SamotThey still need to be able to handle that call and pass it to the destination or various hops to that destination.
19:52.53SamotThose destination may or may not be IP
19:53.01SamotOr IP that supports TLS.
19:53.50SamotIf a provider offers a TLS connection, that connection is between you and them. There is absolutely no guarantee it is TLS end to end.
19:56.31drmessanoHang on
19:56.49drmessanoNo guarantee?   It's almost guaranteed that it's not
19:57.31cybrNauti suppose if you call your SIP provider for support, that could be e2e TLS :)
19:57.43drmessanoFew providers actually support this
19:58.24drmessanoTLS or even SRTP is really to protect your leg of the call, not prevent upstream spying
19:58.54drmessanoIt's for insecure networks, like public wifi
19:59.21drmessanoTo prevent some idiot with Wireshark from capturing your call
19:59.54drmessanoBeyond that, TLS and/or SRTP offer no protection on the PSTN.
20:05.31aoeuiYes. Even if you're that weirdo who eventually buys a sketchy VPS with bitcoin to VPN through over Tor to somehow talk SRTP to your ITSP - your calls go out in the clear
20:07.24cybrNauti certainly don't expect a PSTN call to be secure.  But in principle I should be able to expect the conversation to be secure from my ISP, and the ISP of the SIP provider, and there's no reason my ISP should know who my SIP provider is, and no reason for my SIP provider to know who my ISP is, or where my location is
20:09.57SamotExpect for that whole part of sending you calls.
20:10.04SamotSo they do need to know where you are at.
20:11.48SamotYou SIP provider needs your location for 911. It's the law in the US.
20:11.57SamotYour ISP needs your location for your service.
20:12.04SamotSo they both need to know your location.
20:12.37cybrNautif my device were registered with their server over Tor, the SIP service (which isn't necessarily in the US) wouldn't know where I am but still I'd be connected.
20:13.21cybrNautbut I know there's contention as to whether it's possible to do SIP over Tor
20:13.50aoeuiNo, there's no contention. SIP uses RTP for media. That's UDP.
20:13.59cybrNautI've read articles claiming it works, but perhaps they're wrong.  I didn't realize the payload could not go over TCP
20:14.00aoeuiNo UDP over Tor
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20:15.51drmessanoAlso, do you really think there's some anonymity in your providers peering where whoever they use for IP transit can't determine who you are?
20:17.39drmessanoI hate to break this to you, but your providers proxies aren't some island with RJ21X's plugged into the PSTN.  They're probanly using the same provider for the customer leg of the call and their connection upstream to the PSTN
20:18.10drmessanoSo they have your "security through obscurity" leg of the call and the upstream leg on their network.
20:18.33igcewielingIf you don't want anyone to find you, do whatever it is that scam callers use.  Nobody can seem to track them down.
20:18.53igcewielingyes, I am (mostly) joking.
20:19.54SamotWell we'll see what happens next year with STIR/SHAKEN already broke iNUM users from using their iNUM numbers as CallerID.
20:20.31SamotBecause they are making changes for STIR/SHAKEN.
20:21.25Samotstops, collaborates and listens
20:21.37drmessano"VoIP.MS pissed off the 3 people that threw a fit after they stopped allowing iNum for the CID."
20:21.45SamotI still think its funny.
20:21.58drmessanoBecause "iNum is a real number!!!!!!"
20:22.08SamotI didn't say it broke a lot of people stuff, it just broke it.
20:22.35drmessanoIt never ceases to amaze me the fucking hill that people will choose to die on
20:22.44SamotOh I know.
20:22.45drmessanoiNum is a standard!!!
20:22.58drmessanoHow dare you!!!
20:23.32SamotYeah, it's totally breaking peoples iNUM+DUNDi+IAX setups.
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21:07.40overyandercan you directly use ODBC functions like this? exten=s,1,ODBC_WRITE-Foobar(${SOMEVAR}) ?
21:08.40overyanderI'm getting an error 'No application 'ODBC_WRITE-Foobar for extension (...)
21:17.35igcewielingyou need to configured func_odbc.conf
21:20.08overyanderIt is configured.
21:20.18overyanderAll other ODBC functions are running fine.
21:20.33overyanderThis is my only write function and also the only function that i'm not using within a gotoif
21:21.03igcewielingUse Set.
21:21.28overyanderwhat should i set?
21:23.08overyanderexten=s,1,Set(DESK=ODBC_WRITE-Foobar(${SOMEVAR})) ?
21:24.21overyanderOh, derp
21:24.39overyanderI just noticed in the example that it uses VAL1 and not ARG1 for the value it places in the DB.
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22:24.50cybrNautseems redundant to have a "register => username:password@your.provider.tld" in sip.conf, then to also have "[myprovider] .. type=peer ..."
22:24.57cybrNautusername and password are repeated
22:26.11cybrNautis there a way to avoid the redundancy?  The book "Asterisk: The Definitive Guide" is saying to do "register => " and also have a peer defined for the provider
22:26.56SamotThat's because Chan_SIP is old and doesn't follow standards for that.
22:27.17Samottype=peer <-- No registration inbound or outbound
22:27.42Samottype=friend or type=user <-- inbound registration expected or outbound registration expected.
22:29.55cybrNautThere wouldn't be any inbound registration in my case because my IP is technically dynamic and unknown to the SIP provider
22:30.40cybrNautso it seems the instructions in "Asterisk: The Definitive Guide" won't work for my case
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22:33.27Samotsecret is for authenticating inbound requests.
22:33.50SamotSo it's not needed for an outbound registration based peer.
22:34.17SamotYou really should be using the current edition of that guide and following the instructions for PJSIP.
22:34.24SamotChan_SIP is dead pretty much.
22:35.08SamotIt can be removed from Asterisk as early as Oct 2023 or thereafter.
22:35.57seanbrighti think we all know it won't be
22:36.11seanbrightit will outlive us all
22:36.48cybrNauti have the 4th edition of the book, and it makes no mention of PJSIP.  I'll have to look for a newer on
22:38.58Samot4th Edition goes to Asterisk 11
22:39.32SamotA lot of stuff changed in 12.
22:39.42Samot5th Edition goes up to 16 I beleive.
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23:42.53Reinhildechan_sip and chan_iax2 will outlive me

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