IRC log for #asterisk on 20200114

00:00.35FuriousGeorgebut now it evaluates to false, where it should be true
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00:05.53FuriousGeorgethat was just a clierical error on my part...  arg:1 instead of arg1:1
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00:55.44mctFuriousGeorge: Can you paste your config somewhere?
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02:03.30dougquaidI'm looking into setting up an Asterisk server for a small company. They currently use with 5-6 people on the same call. Does Asterisk have a similar feature?
02:05.13SamotYes, Asterisk can be used as a conference server.
02:07.06dougquaidAwesome, I figured it could. Do you know if SwitchVox Cloud or any other hosting providers off that feature?
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02:48.43drmessanodougquaid: Any Asterisk/FreePBX/SwitchVOX instance offers basic conferencing
02:49.14drmessanoThat's pretty standard
02:51.00dougquaidThat's good to know. I just installed FreePBX in a VM to test it out
02:51.08dougquaidWhat's a good Android SIP client?
02:54.15drmessanoBria is the only one worth a crap
02:56.23dougquaidBria looks like it's $.99/month. Is that just for the SIP client or do they provide the server too?
02:57.07drmessanoYou won't get a full functioning PBX for $1 a month
02:57.13drmessanoThat's for the client
02:57.32drmessanoYou're paying for a SIP client that doesn't suck
02:57.39dougquaidMakes sense
02:58.19dougquaidIt's just kind of strange for a client side app to charge monthly/yearly rather than a one time charge
03:04.12drmessanoNo, it's not
03:04.26drmessanoSubscription model is pretty popular in quite a few industries
03:05.08drmessanoEver heard of Office365?  Adobe?
03:05.28dougquaidYeah I guess you have a point
03:05.28drmessanoI pay for many subscriptions on my IOS apps
03:05.43drmessanoSo not odd in the slightest
03:06.20dougquaidIs there a guide on how to setup end-to-end encryption in asterisk?
03:08.23drmessanoGoogle for Asterisk SIP TLS SRTP
03:08.26drmessanoLots of hits
03:08.40drmessanoOne of them should take you to the wiki
03:10.02dougquaidYup, I found it. Thanks again
03:55.01*** join/#asterisk Chotizei (chotaire@unaffiliated/chotaire)
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09:53.38jkrooni've got an odd situation where I'm receiving an INVITE via PJSIP (WebRTC).  The moment this call completes, the recipient channel is placed on hold, and there is no audio between Chrome and asterisk (13.29.1).  From the logs I can see that the moment the call is answered the answering channel is placed on hold.  I just can't figure out *why*.
09:54.16jkroonthe SDP from Chrome does state a=sendrecv, and the last dialplan action before the call is placed on hold is the Dial() that results in an answer.
09:54.42jkroonI'm personally unable to reproduce using chromium on Linux.
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14:55.27dougquaidAnyone know of a good US based hosted asterisk/freepbx provider?
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15:18.34SamotFor that specifically? I think the only option is
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15:23.28dougquaidThe more I read/learn about asterisk the more questions I have. Are there other web UIs for asterisk besides FreePBX?
15:23.48dougquaidAlso, is there a benifit to using IAX instead of SIP? Or should I use them both?
15:24.03igcewielingdougquaid: All PBX GUIs suck.  FreePBX sucks far less that all others.
15:24.15[TK]D-FenderIAX is only meaningful if you're really tight on bandwidth and need it
15:24.21igcewielingdougquaid: using IAX2 means you'll be on your own.  Almost nobody uses it.
15:24.31dougquaidSIP it is then
15:24.31[TK]D-FenderAnd yes there are other GUI's
15:24.38[TK]D-FenderMost others are commercial
15:24.45ReinhildeIAX2 is considered deprecated, but I still think it has a place. All sane Asterisk setups use SIP. Some ALSO use IAX2.
15:24.46[TK]D-FenderThirdlane, ScopServ, etc
15:25.17igcewielingPBXWare is another -- I used it for our hosted service, but that isn't a "cloud" thing.
15:25.21dougquaidI'm not opposed to a commercial GUI if it allows a non-techie to easily add extensions and whatnot
15:25.22[TK]D-FenderWhatever that PIAF or fork or whatever is called now....
15:27.57dougquaidI'm looking at SwitchVox now. Their GUI looks pretty nice
15:28.26ReinhildeI don't use a web UI at all.
15:28.51dougquaidDo you just manually edit the config files?
15:28.52ReinhildeI also use the deprecated Asterisk SIP channel instead of PJSIP because I could never work out how PJ works.
15:29.24igcewielingReinhilde: pjsip is actually easier to setup since it doesn't have all that user/peer/friend sillyness.
15:29.47Reinhildeigcewieling: it's actually not
15:30.02ReinhildeI've never really had any issues knowing what user, peer and friend mean
15:30.50filedougquaid: Switchvox is an appliance (all in one solution), not a GUI for Asterisk just so you are aware
15:30.53Reinhildeby all counts chan_sip's configuration file is more sensible than the setup PJ uses.
15:31.10Reinhildefile: is their GUI available separately?
15:31.22dougquaidfile: I wasn't aware. I thought they were a hosted asterisk provider with their own GUI
15:31.49filedougquaid: Switchvox Cloud is a solution, but it's also available in physical appliances and virtualized
15:32.13filethe point I'm trying to make is that Asterisk is an implementation detail that isn't exposed/that you don't care about
15:34.37dougquaidSo let me ask this. I'm consulting for a company who needs the ability to have up to simultaneous 6 conference calls with about 5 people on each call. I'd also like a GUI so the average user can create extensions. What would you guys do in this case?
15:34.50[TK]D-FenderOr don't get to considering that solution is designed to keep you out from it.
15:44.56drmessano10:30:54 <Reinhilde> by all counts chan_sip's configuration file is more sensible than the setup PJ uses. <--- False, because templates make it a lot less work
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15:47.20drmessanoAlso, the phrase is "By all accounts" and I don't see all accounts that chan_sip's config is easier.  Most would say it is not
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15:52.42[TK]D-FenderI see chan_sip as "easier", but that's because it is so much less flexible.  Multiple transports, multiple contact, etc... PJSIP, while more  broken down, is totally worth it.
16:02.03SamotChan_SIP, has always been a lacking SIP driver.
16:11.35dougquaidI've got FreePBX running in a VM and 2 Androids with SIP clients. The call works and I get audio for about a minute and then the call drops. I tried different SIP clients but it happens on all of them so far. How can I troubleshoot this problem?
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16:12.04igcewielingdisable direct media
16:12.26dougquaidIn FreePBX or the SIP clients?
16:12.48[TK]D-FenderPBX = king
16:16.24dougquaidIs DEVICE_SIP_CANREINVITE the correct option to disable?
16:18.25*** join/#asterisk cybrNaut (~cybrNaut@unaffiliated/cybrnaut)
16:19.36igcewielingI think he is looking in the general settings instead of the settings for the specific extensions.
16:20.06dougquaidYeah I am looking at general settings and I saw that one about direct media
16:20.18igcewielingLook in the EXTENSION setup.
16:21.50dougquaidFound it. So there's no server wide direct media setting and I need to disable it for each extension?
16:23.59igcewielingdougquaid: you can disable it globally if you want, but that won't reset the settings on the existing extensions.
16:28.24SamotIf you are using Chan_SIP you can disable it.
16:28.40SamotGlobally that is. PJSIP doesn't have global settings like that.
16:28.50SamotThere are no general/global endpoint settings.
16:28.58dougquaidAh ok. FreePBX defaulted to PJSIP
16:29.28SamotThen you will need to look at each extension.
16:36.15dougquaidDisabling direct media seemed to do the trick, thanks guys! Now to figure out TLS/SRTP
16:46.24cybrNautthese instructions to install asterisk on debian look bad =>
16:46.53cybrNautwhy would it make sense to tell ppl generally to unpack and compile a tarball on debian?
16:47.25igcewielingHow else would you install it?
16:47.30cybrNauteven if a debian user wants to build from source, I don't think they need to deal with a tarball
16:47.45cybrNautigcewieling: "aptitude install asterisk" should work, in theory
16:48.12igcewielingcybrNaut: sounds like you should be complaining to Debian about lack of Asterisk in whatever they call their repos.
16:48.44cybrNautigcewieling: not at all.  It's precisely because I see "asterisk" in the repos that those instructions look lousy
16:49.00joepublicI am running an asterisk server that began its life with "apt install asterisk" and it works perfectly
16:49.18cybrNautjoepublic: thanks.  in that case i'll take that approach
16:51.03igcewielingRemember, you won't be able to install commercial modules or get support if you don't use the distro.
16:57.28dougquaidI still seem to be having trouble with dropped conference calls, but I think it's a NAT problem with my phone's 4G network. One phone on wifi works and does not drop, but the phone on the 4G network drops after a few seconds and I saw a packet that said "udp port 26275 unreachable" on my device's public 4G IP address. Is there a way to fix that?
16:58.37igcewieling*shrug* Cellular SIP never worked for me.
16:58.47igcewielingAre you on....Verizon?
16:59.02ReinhildeAnd that's why I think IAX still has a place.
16:59.04ReinhildeBecause cell.
16:59.39SamotThere are like three platforms at best that support IAX.
16:59.44SamotIt's not a standard solution.
17:01.37igcewielingDigium/Sangoma really should deprecate IAX and IAX2
17:01.49SamotTechnically it is.
17:01.57SamotNo one at Digium touches it.
17:02.06dougquaidWould a STUN server help resolve NAT issues on 4G networks?
17:02.09SamotIt's community driven like Chan_SIP now is.
17:03.11SamotIAX has seen very few updates in the last couple years and most that were done to to move around things in Asterisk so they wouldn't get deleted/removed because nothing else uses them anymore but IAX.
17:03.15igcewielingdougquaid: I doubt it.   Are you not on NAT when using WiFi?
17:03.45cybrNauti've seen a voip provider who caters to pros (e.g. pbx users) reduce their SIP support in favor of IAX.  I got the impression IAX had more capability.
17:03.52dougquaidMy router does nat and the wifi phone has a address
17:04.11igcewielingdougquaid: Obviously your problem is not JUST a NAT issue then.
17:04.48dougquaidYou're probably right. I think I'll save a pcap and try to see what's going on in wireshark
17:08.51ReinhildeSamot: You should just /nick Karen and be done with it
17:09.15SamotI have no idea what that comment means.
17:15.58drmessanoSamot: Being down on the unsupported IAX2 makes you a Karen
17:16.05drmessanoOh and chan_sip
17:16.26SamotI went to Urban Dictionary.
17:16.45SamotI didn't see where stating facts made you a Karen.
17:17.24SamotWould I be fine with IAX being removed? Sure. Am I being a Greta about it? No.
17:17.49igcewielingUrban Dictionary: letting old people understand young people.
17:18.05igcewielingI have to use it all the time. 8-|
17:18.14SamotThat and learning how young people have misused older words.
17:18.24SamotThe best is "poppers"
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17:18.44SamotBecause whoa man, that can give someone a real wrong idea about you.
17:19.41ReinhildeRemoving IAX would turn me into a full hermit
17:20.01salviadudIAX is getting removed?
17:20.08Reinhildesalviadud: not to my knowledge
17:20.12SamotIt's not.
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17:20.28salviadudYou're doing some crazy hipotheticals
17:20.33drmessanoIAX2 was fine like 10 years ago
17:20.43drmessanoSorry, 15
17:21.04igcewielingEven 20 years ago, SIP was wining.
17:21.05SamotIAX had an RFC draft.
17:21.12SamotIt was never adopted.
17:21.20Reinhildeigcewieling: SIP is the thing everyone blocks
17:21.28SamotBecause SIP is the boss.
17:21.33Reinhildepeople care less about IAX
17:21.40Reinhildeso IAX gets through
17:21.41SamotIf IAX had won 20 years ago, it would be what is blocked.
17:21.49SamotIf MGCP won, that would be blocked.
17:21.57SamotIf H.323 won, same thing.
17:22.04SamotSIP won the VoIP wars.
17:22.06igcewielingMight as well use H323 is you want to use a zombie protocol.
17:22.13drmessanoPJSIP is so much more robust than IAX2
17:22.16ReinhildeRemoving any of them seems irresponsible, especially if there are not fundamental flaws.
17:22.22rmudgettIf SS7 won nobody would know
17:22.26dougquaidIs there a setting in FreePBX or Asterisk that tells clients which ports to use for RTP?
17:22.28Reinhildermudgett: it has
17:22.35igcewielingdougquaid: no.
17:22.40salviadudrtp.conf dougquaid
17:22.43ReinhildeSIP is clearly the most flexible of the protocols
17:22.44igcewielingbecause that is up to the client.
17:22.50SamotThere is no need for two SIP drivers.
17:22.50salviadudOh, my bad
17:23.15Reinhildesomeday someone will write an alternative chan_iax
17:23.24igcewielingSIP is a crappy protocol built in the style of H323.  It sucks.    It also won the protocol wars, so get over it.
17:24.37igcewielingPersonally, I wish MGCP won the protocol wars.
17:25.09ReinhildeThe protocol wars are something that are fought every time you install a PBX.
17:25.23ReinhildeBecause most of the useful clients are SIP, most of the time, SIP wins.
17:25.32dougquaidSo what range of ports should I open on my FreePBX server? Right now I have ports 10000 - 20000 forwarded, but I think my dropped call problem was that a client tried using port 50000
17:25.40Reinhildedougquaid: 0-65535
17:25.42SamotAsterisk is not a PBX.
17:25.46SamotIt's a toolkit.
17:25.55ReinhildeSamot: you're one of /those/
17:26.02igcewielingdougquaid: don't need to forward ports.   The outgoing audio will open the ports and incoming audio can use that NAT translation.
17:26.10SamotI guess.
17:26.22SamotI'm one of those that agrees with the developers standpoint.
17:26.24Reinhilde09:26:09 --- Samot is now dimmed on fn
17:26.25igcewielingdougquaid: your best bet is leave it as the default 10000 to 20000.
17:26.32SamotAsterisk is a toolkit.
17:26.58salviadudand that toolkit sometimes does PBX stuff, that's what you mean?
17:27.13salviadudAsterisk: it does pbx stuff
17:27.18SamotCorrect, it is a toolkit that can be made into a PBX.
17:27.26igcewielingdougquaid: if Asterisk is behind NAT AND you have off-site phones registering to Asterisk, then you'll need to forward port 5060/UDP.
17:27.32SamotBut it can also only be a voicemail server.
17:27.36SamotA conference bridge server
17:27.45SamotIt could just pass calls through it and transcode.
17:27.59SamotIt will only do an IVR if it is told to do an IVR
17:28.06SamotIt doesn't have Ring Groups, that a method
17:28.06dougquaidigcewieling: Yup, I have 5060/UDP and 10000-20000/UDP forwarded
17:28.17SamotSo you would write you own Ring Group methods.
17:28.27igcewielingdougquaid: the 10000 - 20000 is not needed, but I doubt it will hurt either.
17:29.08salviadudIt can be as complex, or as simple as you want it to be.
17:29.54SamotFreePBX, Switchvox, Thirdlane, ScopeServ. Those are vendors that use Asterisk to make a PBX system.
17:32.10salviadudI wonder if it will ever come out for ARM.
17:32.21salviadudIt would be pretty cool to squeeze it in a raspberry pi
17:32.39SamotPeople use FreePBX on RasPi all the time.
17:32.58SamotThere's a distro just for RasPi.
17:33.16salviadudWhy not mainline asterisk?
17:33.25SamotI'm sure you can install it.
17:33.35SamotBut RasPBX is meant to be a PBX
17:33.41salviadudWell, freepbx should be easier.
17:33.41SamotThose generally have GUIs.
17:36.05salviadud <--- found it
17:36.26salviadudIt does say it has both asterisk and freepbx
17:36.41SamotWell Asterisk is kind of require to have FreePBX.
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