IRC log for #asterisk on 20200109

01:19.15*** join/#asterisk JonathanD (~JonathanD@freenode/staff/jonathand)
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01:50.10*** join/#asterisk AsteriskRoss_ (
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10:33.45*** join/#asterisk Guest1094 (~martin@
10:35.12Guest1094Hello, are anyone aware an asterisk setting that would control the way rtp is sent between two endpoints that would limit traffic if both parties is talking in eachothers mouths? We're using a webrtc (JSSIP) client and when the two parties talk over eachother the agent using webrtc starts to lag/disappear.
10:35.43Guest1094PSTN(Mobile phone) <-> Asterisk <-> WebRTC agent. We did the audio capture in the asterisk side, so it is not pstn related.
10:39.01Guest1094It does not seem to happen when using a sip client like X-lite, which makes me believe it is a fault in the jssip. But just asking to be sure.
10:53.12*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
10:57.35filewhat is the audio setup for the WebRTC client?
11:03.19*** join/#asterisk sekil (
11:04.38Guest1094You mean codec?
11:06.12fileno, I mean physical setup
11:06.21fileheadset? speakers/mic, that kind of thing
11:06.58filethe browser has a ton of audio stuff, so different conditions will cause it to do different things
11:07.16fileautomatic gain control, echo cancellation, that kinda stuff
11:12.43*** join/#asterisk gentoorax (~gentoorax@gateway/tor-sasl/gentoorax)
11:20.33*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
11:26.25electronic_eelGuest1094: is the webrtc-client connected to the same local network as the asterisk or is it connected over the internet?
11:27.06Guest1094oh, typical jabra headset, windows 10
11:27.08electronic_eelif it is connected over internet, you could look at the routers, asterisk side and webrtc-client side, and see if any of the internet lines is maxed out
11:27.10Guest1094Connection is over the internet
11:27.30Guest1094I will do some rtp debug and see if there is some issue there
11:27.53electronic_eelyou could also try to connect a similar client to the local network of the asterisk and see if it makes a difference
11:28.45Guest1094the asterisk is in the cloud so that might be a tricky setup
11:29.34electronic_eelthen try it on another internet line where you are sure that the line has no issues and enough bandwidth
12:02.37*** join/#asterisk netman (~netman@
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12:41.20*** join/#asterisk Asgaroth (~Asgaroth@
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13:53.21*** join/#asterisk iq (~iq@2600:100e:be18:1d2:5ca1:e101:8307:ba3f)
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16:52.18*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
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17:55.10igcewielingVerizon, making Comcast look good.  "On Thursday December 19 2019 a Verizon technician came too 976 Park Pl. This technician informed Kenyetta and I that the cables that bring phone service to 976 are damage. He also stated that Verizon is not interested in replacing these lines. They are waiting too install the Fiber Optics in this area. This will not be happening anytime soon. "
18:13.20*** join/#asterisk ganbold (~ganbold@
18:17.36*** join/#asterisk LoKoMurdoK (~LoKoMurdo@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
18:23.09*** join/#asterisk deavmi (~quassel@
18:35.57velixAnyone from Germany in here? Do you know a damn cheap SIP trunk provider? I just need 6 channels for a telephone conference
18:37.35velixA number and 6 channels :)
18:37.47velixOr 6 numbers, which get combines (but this seems to be more expensive, hehe)
18:43.54sibiriawhat you want is a DID provider, and then you can "conference" calls coming in from that number yourself, with Asterisk
18:44.48velixsibiria: DID ?
18:46.25sibiriadirect inward dial, a public telephone number that connects to your private exchange to handle the call(s)
18:47.47velixI thought, I just can have 1 number with 6 channels and Asterisk does the merging?
18:47.56sibiriayes, that's what i said
18:48.31velixBut that's what also should work with SIP Trunk?
18:49.05sibiriasome would call a DID with N number of simultaneous channels, that forward to your Asterisk setup, a SIP trunk
18:50.28sibiriaif you google for "buy DID" you'll find lots of providers who offer exactly what you need
18:51.15velixokay. Thanks
18:55.28velixsibiria: But it's not like having 567-1000, 567-1001, ... 567-1006 numbers with 567 as a base, is it?
18:55.37velixA friend of mine just has ONE number, where we can call.
18:57.28sibiriaa "DID" is just a number accessible on the public telephony grid. you pay extra for how many simultaneous calls the provider should allow through
18:57.47sibiriaso, yes, you can have one single number that can handle 50 incoming calls at the same time
19:22.09*** join/#asterisk LoKoMurdoK (~LoKoMurdo@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
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19:49.10*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
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20:14.07velixsibiria: It's damn hard to google this in Germany :)
20:14.20velixMost of the providers seem to have 2 channels only.
20:14.24velixSo DID will get damn expensive.
20:14.52igcewielingstop trying to get unlimited service and use per min services, those almost never limit channels.
20:17.29velixActually, I don't want to call out, I just want call in :)
20:18.15*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
20:20.42igcewielingthe same applies
20:21.50sibiriaper-minute service is preferrable
20:21.59sibiria6 callers who speak for 1 minute = 6 minutes etc.
20:23.16igcewielingVitelity has numbers in many countries, but not Germany.
20:23.56sibiriawe use voxbone, but i *think* they unfortunately have a minimum monthly charge for just allocating channels even when not in use
20:28.42igcewielingVitelity has a monthly charge too, USD $1.65 I think
20:30.33velixpeoplefone looks very interesting. unlimited channels
20:30.52velixFree trunk, DID compatible
20:34.08*** join/#asterisk Helenah (~s98259@unaffiliated/iveeee)
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21:14.00electronic_eelvelix: you need a provider offering a contract which allows you to have 6 or more calls at once. it doesn't matter if you have just one number or a sip trunk with did
21:15.29velixpeoplefone does. I just asked them and they told me: incoming calls are free, unlimited in parallel.
21:15.42electronic_eelpeoplefone works well, you just need to buy one "office infinity" pack per month
21:16.17electronic_eeland note that you have to pay 9 EUR extra per month if you want encryption with SRTP
21:17.40electronic_eelalternative would be easybell "Business easy", they allow 10 parallel calls
21:25.57velixelectronic_eel: Office Infinity, but only outgoing?
21:26.07velixelectronic_eel: For incoming it seems to be free?
21:26.16velixelectronic_eel: Does Easybell have a flatrate?
21:27.40electronic_eelwith peoplefone you want a "Business Service Vertrag", otherwise a lot of stuff isn't possible, you have to pre-pay and so on
21:28.21electronic_eelto get one, you need at least 20 EUR recurring billing options, otherwise you can't get the "Business Service Vertrag"
21:28.49electronic_eelI think they do that to differentiate between true business customers and private customers
21:29.53electronic_eelso the best option with peoplefone is usually to buy on "office infinity" pack per month (29 EUR)
21:31.17electronic_eeleasybell "business easy" is just 10 parallel calls and a sip trunk with a did-block for 4.19 EUR /month
21:31.47electronic_eelyou can add several kinds of minute blocks on top
21:31.57electronic_eelsee here
21:32.34*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
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21:36.01velixI was in contact with Easybell in the past. Perhaps they changed. 1 sec
21:36.28velixUh... fair flats only.
21:37.17velixelectronic_eel: Pre-Paid isn't bad, in my opinion.
21:37.26velixThey're doing SEPA and Paypal if I'm not wrong.
21:38.36electronic_eelpeoplefone doesn't have true flats for business customers too
21:39.35electronic_eelpre-paid just takes a day or two to process, you always have to check that there is enough money on the account beforehand
21:40.20electronic_eelI wouldn't want the hassle with prepaid
21:42.49velixokay, fine for telephone conferences, but not for call center.
21:46.21velixelectronic_eel: Which would you suggest for call center stuff? At university, we're doing research surveys, which aren't allowed to be run over the university network.
21:48.24electronic_eelI have experience with peoplefone and easybell. both work well and provide good support if something goes wrong. just pick the one that is cheaper for your call profile.
21:49.56electronic_eelstay away from sipgate, what they call "sip" is a abomination
21:51.15velixokay, I'll ask easybell again.
21:51.16velixThanks a lot.
21:53.35electronic_eeloh, and when doing outbound callcenter call, make sure you always provide a valid CLIP number
21:54.19electronic_eelotherwise you may have to pay hefty fines
21:58.49*** join/#asterisk joepublic (~joe@fsf/member/joepublic)
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22:59.49*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
23:18.31*** join/#asterisk iq (~iq@

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