IRC log for #asterisk on 20200107

00:31.22*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
00:56.22*** join/#asterisk nyt (
01:14.13nytbanging my head against a wall trying to get a voice PRI up... lots of hdlc errors... abort (6) and bad fcs(8) on this new pri, vendor can't find anything wrong, physical layer loop tests all come back clean, and the hardware on our side checks out as we have another PRI from a different provider that works fine in the same port... old TE110P card..
01:14.36nytany ideas on things to try?
01:26.22*** join/#asterisk pabe (~pabe@
01:40.01*** join/#asterisk iq (~iq@
02:17.35*** join/#asterisk Helenah (~s98259@unaffiliated/iveeee)
02:46.01r3ply`Hello, I have a cisco 6901 I'm trying to work out the SEPmac.cnf.xml for... I'm getting packets on my switch but they are from "user@xx.xx.xx.xx" whereas I need them as ""... if that makes sense? Also, I'm already using <ProcessNodeName></ProcessNodeName>... is there another field!? Thank you very much!
02:49.23Samotr3ply`: Have you tried the Cisco forums?
02:53.06r3ply`Samot, I'm having a read nwo
02:54.28SamotFirst, when you say the packets off your switch. You are referring to the packets coming from the 6901?
02:56.02*** join/#asterisk russ (foobar@
02:57.30russis there a canonical place for up to date info in asterisk (16)
02:57.45russis there a canonical place for up to date info on AEL in asterisk (16)?
02:58.06russthere's been a lot of changes and I can't even find the commands to enable debugging
02:58.43russ'core show help ael' gives me 'ael set debug {read|tokens|macros|contexts|off} -- Enable AEL debugging flags', but none of those work "Command 'ael set debug tokens' failed."
02:59.05*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
02:59.24r3ply`Samot, yes that's right. Its trying to authenticate but failing, and the reason is because the username is coming as mentioned above. But I need it to register using the subdomain... What's a little more interesting is that the username is actually coming as 249@ is the LOCAL ip of the switch... I expected at least it would use the PUBLIC IP... however, I've only
02:59.24r3ply`programmed the domain name in the file, IPs are nowhere to be found in my sepmac.cnf.xml file... its figuring it out somehow!
03:00.20SamotThen the switch is doing something.
03:00.29SamotYou're trying to register to Asterisk?
03:01.36*** join/#asterisk overyander (~overyande@
03:01.41r3ply`Samot, admitedly no.. but because users of asterisk may be familiar with this hardware, i thought i'd ask about the config file... but certainly a light bulb came on when you mentioned the switch must be doing something... I actually hadn't considered it may be in the switch as other endpoints register without issue...
03:02.45nytany digium/sangoma pros around?
03:04.40Samotr3ply`: Yeah, you're going to have to look at your network and then work on Cisco forums and whatever you're using.
03:04.54Samotnyt: Ask you question.
03:05.02nytalready did
03:05.09nytmaybe scrolled
03:05.12nytbanging my head against a wall trying to get a voice PRI up... lots of hdlc errors... abort (6) and bad fcs(8) on this new pri, vendor can't find anything wrong, physical layer loop tests all come back clean, and the hardware on our side checks out as we have another PRI from a different provider that works fine in the same port... old TE110P card..
03:12.13SamotWell, I'm not going to be much help. I don't really do cards.
03:17.17r3ply`Samot, I looked at the things you said, and indeed I was able to get the endpoint to register by making a change to the network router where the switch is connected... basically, the router gives DHCP, and there is a 'Domain' field in which I entered the fqdn, rebooted the switch and voila!..
03:38.59[TK]D-Fendernyt, those kinds of errors were all old signs that your card was fighting for IRQ priority, etc and the first step was changing slots, etc.
03:39.09nytcard has it's own irq
03:39.13nytand another t1 works fine in the card
03:55.02[TK]D-FenderDouble check your timing sources, etc
03:55.22nyttiming is provided by the network, and we're configured that way as pri_cpe with network timing
03:55.30[TK]D-Fenderother times I've heard those where both sides try to assert their clocking
03:55.47nytcant even get the b-channels up and seeing t200 timeouts :/
03:56.08nytits a real head scratcher this one
04:01.23*** join/#asterisk FH_thecat (
04:02.08joepublicif your other T1 works great with this card, swap the cards
04:02.42nytbox has two te110ps
04:02.50nytive swapped the t1s and the failure follows the T
04:03.12nytconfig is identical for each t1, so the good t works in either port, and the bad doesn't work in either
04:03.13nytsuper strange
04:03.51nytthink theyre using a sonus 9500 or something
04:05.49nytbut all settings we can poke at are kosher, gotta be some kind of weird interop issue
05:30.18*** join/#asterisk infobot (
05:30.18*** topic/#asterisk is AstriCon 2019 in Atlanta! -- #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.30.0 (2019/12/23) 16.7.0 (2019/12/23) Standard: 17.1.0 (2019/12/23); DAHDI: 3.0.0 (2018/11/15); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
05:56.38*** join/#asterisk guerby (~guerby@april/board/guerby)
06:11.35*** join/#asterisk ghoti (
06:34.04*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
06:34.05purpleideaCould someone point me to some documentation to read more explicitly the difference between (in dahdi.conf terms) the faxdetect option? I understand the idea of off versus on (I think) but what's the difference between incoming vs. outgoing (or combined as "both") ?
06:37.47*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
07:13.07*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
07:18.51*** join/#asterisk tsal (
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07:47.32*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (~user@2a04:9a00:1002:701:80f1:8820:f5c2:833b)
09:47.13*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (~Andrew@
10:30.50*** join/#asterisk FH_thecat (
11:24.37*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~NiHola@unaffiliated/liuyan)
12:10.41*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
13:30.56*** join/#asterisk Helenah (~s98259@unaffiliated/iveeee)
13:32.49*** join/#asterisk sahmed (~sahmed@
13:34.37*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
13:38.44*** join/#asterisk iq (~iq@2600:100e:be16:880:26c3:f399:6b1c:31de)
13:38.59*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
14:05.06*** join/#asterisk dacod (~dacod@
14:09.08*** join/#asterisk LoKoMurdoK (~LoKoMurdo@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
14:11.09*** join/#asterisk deavmi (~quassel@
14:31.32*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
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14:44.44*** join/#asterisk velix (~velix@unaffiliated/velix)
14:50.41velixHi there. Can I use the API to initialize a phone call and let the phone ring with the number already dealed? Or dial, when the ring was received?
14:58.34[TK]D-FenderPlease clarify that
14:58.54[TK]D-Fenderyou're mixing between there being 1 or 2 calls involved.
15:12.36*** join/#asterisk kharwell (uid358942@gateway/web/
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15:34.41*** join/#asterisk irrgit (
16:26.31*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
16:33.20velix[TK]D-Fender: Like, I want to enter a phone number into a web app, click "connect to my phone". My phone should ring and when I pick it up, the number gets dialed.
16:33.26velixI've got this at University office.
16:33.45[TK]D-FenderThis is a basic AMI Originate.
16:34.00igcewielingvelix: yes, that can be done.  yes, you'll have to write most of the code youself.
16:34.16velixigcewieling: Ok :/
16:35.16igcewielingI suspect most people don't find the amount of work worth the little extra convenience unless there are other things involved like CRM.
16:35.55velixigcewieling: it's more a privacy stuff
16:36.14[TK]D-FenderThis is a really easy and tiny task...
16:36.36sibiriaquite basic call flow
16:36.37velixigcewieling: I've got some interviewers, who don't should see the number they're dialing.
16:36.45velixOkay :) Who can I pay for this?
16:41.14*** join/#asterisk hfb (~hfb@
16:42.25drmessanovelix: You should have just posted this as a job request rather than asking how
17:09.51*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
17:10.08*** join/#asterisk life_of_e (
17:22.12sibiria"do you pay in bitcoin?"
17:33.31*** join/#asterisk sahmed (~sahmed@
17:34.42electronic_eelvelix: this can be done easily with callfiles
17:35.05electronic_eelsee here for documentation:
17:35.29electronic_eelyou basically create a small text file with the target number and local endpoint
17:35.46electronic_eelthen you move it to a special directory. Asterisk does the rest for you
17:37.03igcewielingTrivial!  Now figure out how to get your web browser to upload that file.
17:37.57electronic_eelyou use a small dynamic webpage (like php or python with flask) to create the file on the asterisk server
17:39.10electronic_eelnow if you can't even program something small like this, then it is of course not trivial
17:55.56*** join/#asterisk sahmed (~sahmed@
18:13.28igcewielingYou are assuming this person runs a web server on their Asterisk box.
18:16.06SamotYou are assuming you need to run the web server on the Asterisk box.
18:16.12SamotWhich you don't.
18:16.39igcewielingyou do, if you want to write a web script to create the file using a dynamic web page.
18:17.32sibiriayou can originate the call over AMI/ARI
18:17.49igcewielingstill not looking trivial to me.
18:19.41*** join/#asterisk sahmed (
18:19.44*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
18:39.14electronic_eelhere is the callfile solution with python and flask on the asterisk box:
18:42.35igcewielingthere you go velix!
18:44.16*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
18:51.17*** join/#asterisk gavlee (~gav@unaffiliated/gavlee)
18:55.54sibiriare.sub( r'[^\d]', '', number )
18:59.53electronic_eelsibiria: but you usually want to keep a + at the first digit
19:01.51electronic_eelanyway, this was just cut'n pasted from a more complex script I'm using. the number sanitizing I'm doing there is a bit more involved and cleans some misformatted number styles that are common locally
19:01.56sibiriasometimes. but it's easier to enforce what's needed for that, than to depend on user's input
19:03.50electronic_eeland I see forgot to add back sanitizing for the "extension" parameter. In the script I'm using I'm deducting the correct extension from the ip of the client that is doing the web request
19:04.57electronic_eelbut that relies on reverse dns and some knowledge about the local network setup - so I didn't post that here
19:23.09*** join/#asterisk waldo323__ (~waldo323@
19:41.05velixelectronic_eel: Sorry, had to leave by the last train. Let me have a look
19:41.58velixThanks a lot
19:42.03velixI'll try it later
19:42.14electronic_eelyou are welcome
20:46.10*** join/#asterisk hfb (~hfb@
21:34.26*** join/#asterisk drathir (~drathir@unaffiliated/drathir)
21:43.09joepublicwell, I have learned that configuring polycom 330 phones -- which I bought a small surplus lot of -- is non-trivial.
21:49.27*** join/#asterisk gruetzkopf (
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22:14.47*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
22:22.08*** join/#asterisk dritskalle (
22:29.47*** join/#asterisk defsdoor_ (
22:33.59*** join/#asterisk i9zO5AP (BQcdf9eiZ8@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/ai9zo5ap)
22:40.59drmessanoHope you didn't pay more than $5 each for them
22:43.17electronic_eelthe polycom 330er are out of support, so they should indeed be cheap.
22:43.43electronic_eelbut don't they use the regular polycom xml files for configuration?
22:44.34electronic_eelwith polycom you usually shouldn't bother with the internal webserver, but just work through the admin guide and set the respective options in the provisioning xml
23:03.19joepublicThey were in fact $5 each, including power supplies, and I did have to set up a FTP server to supply the xml files.  Agreed the internal webserver isn't that helpful
23:10.10electronic_eelpolycoms usually offer a very detailed set of options in their xml, so you can adapt them very good to what you want. I like that.
23:10.48electronic_eelyou just have to invest a bit of time when you set them up the first time to go through the admin manual
23:11.03*** part/#asterisk nyt (
23:12.27electronic_eelprefer that to other phones which do 90% of what you want with easy clicks in their webgui and then you have to invest days of fiddling and workarounds to get the last 10% to work
23:16.28joepublicI am coming around to an appreciation of their configuration now, looking at it from an administrator perspective.
23:18.31electronic_eelthey are definitely not designed for home use, but for large scale business use, with provisioning and all
23:22.00*** join/#asterisk hfb (~hfb@

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