IRC log for #asterisk on 20191215

00:06.13*** join/#asterisk aoeui_ (~aoeui@unaffiliated/aoeui)
00:10.46*** join/#asterisk war9407 (war@2600:4040:4001:1e00::f7aa)
00:22.05*** join/#asterisk tsal (
00:30.39*** join/#asterisk GoldenBear (~gb@
01:35.50Sladehuh. i hadnt paid much attention to this.. wonder if these are good for deploying pbx on.
01:35.57Sladeas opposed to the regular ones
02:04.43*** join/#asterisk MICROburst1 (
02:19.24*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
05:06.40*** join/#asterisk Helenah (~s98259@unaffiliated/iveeee)
06:03.08*** join/#asterisk koss (
06:40.22*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
06:42.56drmessanoSlade: Not sure why you need that.. I have a $5 instance that runs Asterisk/FreePBX with almost zero CPU usage
06:53.44Sladedrmessano, yea, a waste of $1
06:57.15*** join/#asterisk BakaKuna (
07:03.10*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
07:12.20drmessanoThe backups are also more expensive
07:12.27drmessanoReally no point
07:24.22wyoungdrmessano: what's expensive?
07:25.03*** join/#asterisk deavmi (~quassel@
07:29.18*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
08:05.26*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
08:30.56*** join/#asterisk puzzola (~puzzola@unaffiliated/puzzola)
09:03.15*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
09:11.21*** join/#asterisk FH_thecat (
09:52.51*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
09:57.11*** join/#asterisk oej (~olle@
10:08.48*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:1748:fad4:7260:885:eec0:65b6:267)
10:32.38*** join/#asterisk pihahiroth1 (~pihahirot@2607:5300:201:3100::1d28)
10:44.16*** join/#asterisk FH_thecat (
10:50.30*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
10:53.57*** join/#asterisk deavmi (~quassel@
11:33.29*** join/#asterisk mmx870 (
11:40.53*** join/#asterisk electronic_eel (
11:42.25*** join/#asterisk mmx870 (
11:43.41*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
12:29.03*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
12:49.42*** join/#asterisk alexandre9099_ (~alexandre@unaffiliated/alexandre9099)
12:59.25*** join/#asterisk alexandre9099 (~alexandre@unaffiliated/alexandre9099)
13:16.16*** join/#asterisk FH_thecat (
13:23.17*** join/#asterisk Ai9zO5AP (~BQcdf9eiZ@
13:35.19*** join/#asterisk zapata (~zapata@2a02:1748:fad4:7260:7951:4356:f397:fc09)
13:35.24*** join/#asterisk mmx870 (
13:41.02*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
13:45.13*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
13:55.30*** join/#asterisk sibiria (~sibiria@unaffiliated/sibiria)
14:28.11*** join/#asterisk FH_thecat (
14:49.11*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
16:02.21*** join/#asterisk ketas (
16:14.36*** join/#asterisk Helenah (~s98259@unaffiliated/iveeee)
16:14.53Samot2:12:28 AM <drmessano> Really no point <- 100% correct since nothing would come of it anyways. I mean a year ago he wanted to take Vultr to the FTC for their weaselly marketing practices.
16:15.51*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
16:15.57SamotDon't you remember that?
16:16.03SamotYou were involved in that conversation.
16:16.08SamotThe sandboxes.
16:16.20SamotThe limited little $2.50/month sandboxes.
16:16.27drmessanoOh YEAH
16:17.52SamotLike I said, it's been the same conversation for 18 months pretty much.
16:18.02SamotIt's kinda like when Lanny wants to talk about Kamailio.
16:18.21drmessanoIDk, all I ever see is him coming up with "plans" and never implementing them
16:18.33drmessanoor arguing about hardware he never intends to buy
16:18.40SamotWe pretty much have the exact conversation again and again because we have to start at the beginning instead of picking up where we left off.
16:19.03*** join/#asterisk joepublic (~joepublic@fsf/member/joepublic)
16:19.19SamotWell at least the interview candidate stories are amusing.
16:19.48SamotHere's the funny thing, for me, in all this.
16:20.13SamotI've got this project, 20 locations with over 800 phones...
16:20.36SamotThey've been wanting to do failover with two geo-located systems for over 18 months.
16:20.49SamotThere is one side that is 25% in place.
16:21.20SamotThey still can't decide where the other location should be. How they would do all this because the 800 phones ARE NOT ON A PROVISIONING SYSTEM
16:22.42SamotDuring all this their system has failed twice in the last 18 months and last month their network was hit with cryptolock malware.
16:22.57drmessanoOh jeez
16:23.41SamotDude, it took them 4 months to come up with a FQDN I could use for SRV routing.
16:24.18SamotAnd then they put the DNS on Network Solutions, one the places I had in the "DO NOT USE" list for DNS.
16:24.23sibiria"the name had to be JUST perfect"
16:25.14SamotOH and they did have a backup PBX in place in the mean time...
16:25.14drmessanooh my god
16:26.06SamotBut because they have shitty routers and it wasn't handling SIP right and routing users at the same location with the backup PBX to _that PBX_ instead of the primary....they shut it down.
16:27.12SamotSo yeah...
16:27.23SamotThat is what all this reminds me of.
16:29.33joepublicany compelling reason, in opinion of wise people here, to download v17 vs. use the v16 that's packaged in debian, for experimenting/learning how to asterisk?
16:30.23joepublicAwesome.  I ordered half a dozen sip phones for a test install.
16:30.43SamotOutside of that 17 will have some things 16 does not as it is a Stable release and meant for new feature implementation.
16:31.20SamotIt only has a 1 year life cycle as well. 16 is LTS and has a longer life cycle.
16:31.30joepublicOkay.  I suppose literally any version of asterisk will have the features I need, and LTS is an attractive thing.
16:31.57SamotCurrently there is 13 LTS, 16 LTS and 17 Standard
16:32.14Samot13 is in it's last year.
16:32.51joepublic16 it is.  I managed a field PBX when I was in the army (30 years ago) and am looking forward to finding out what's different/the same
16:33.15SamotWell unless is was Asterisk based....
16:33.33SamotBecause Asterisk is not a PBX, it's a toolkit. It can be used as a PBX.
16:34.09joepublicof course not, but the equipment was a computer that took cards that allowed provisioning of lines/trunks.
16:35.03*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
16:37.23joepublicit was actually one of these antiques:
16:38.04joepublicI just want to use asterisk to make a pbx.  What are some other use cases?
16:38.44sibiriait can be used as a message relay server
16:38.59sibiriaSIP (and Asterisk) are highly versatile things
16:39.37sibiriacan be used as a streaming mp3 jukebox :P
16:40.22joepublicthat's a feature I didn't have then, as containerized files containing digital audio hadn't really developed very far.
16:40.41joepublicour digital phones were handsets with built in modems that went over analog lines.
17:03.50*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
17:31.36*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
17:34.53*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
17:39.39*** join/#asterisk sahmed (
17:56.34*** join/#asterisk cusco (
17:56.49cuscohi.. is it possible to observe in asterisk when a AMI user performs a command?
17:57.59[TK]D-Fenderif you enabled AMI debug
18:06.24*** join/#asterisk echelon (~echelon@bzflag/player/echelon)
18:19.32*** join/#asterisk echelon (~echelon@bzflag/player/echelon)
18:30.51*** join/#asterisk joepublic (~joepublic@fsf/member/joepublic)
18:33.42*** join/#asterisk anderj101 (
18:47.12*** join/#asterisk anderj101 (
18:59.12*** join/#asterisk anderj101 (
19:02.10*** join/#asterisk FH_thecat (
19:02.24*** join/#asterisk Typhon (
19:27.27*** join/#asterisk brian1001 (~brian1001@
19:27.56brian1001Hello everyone, i'm hoping to find a nice (open source) webbased dashboard of the phones who are busy  (BLF) does someone knows a good one maybe?
19:41.23*** join/#asterisk portemel (portemel@gateway/shell/prologin/x-kkgfihcmscvcfdhf)
19:43.08brian1001thank you!
19:44.38SamotWell it monitors the state of the endpoint/peer
19:45.24SamotSo it will show when they are on a call, a call in ring in or being placed out, if they are offline or if they are inuse or BUSY
19:48.16brian1001exactly what i tried to find
19:48.57SamotAnd it will let you manage calls.
19:49.15SamotTransfer them, pick them up, hang up, etc.
19:49.39SamotYou can even monitor Parking Lots or Queues...
20:00.02brian1001you rock
20:00.17SamotI know.
20:01.21joepublicCurious, what do FXO and FAX stand for?
20:02.07joepublicThank you.
20:02.29joepublicThat's currently on my car playlist :)
20:02.30SamotFXO = the jack in the back of a regular phone.
20:02.38SamotFXS = the jack in the wall you plug into
20:03.03joepublicpresumably the letters came from somewhere, perhaps initials for something?
20:03.21igcewielingForeign eXchange Office
20:03.44joepublicokay, what I have been calling DCO dial central office.
20:03.53igcewielingand (I think) Foreign eXchange Station, but you could have googled it.
20:04.31joepublica duckduckgo came up with many pages of cards providing, and articles talking about the terms, didn't run across a "what the heck is this" but maybe my ddg-foo is weak.
20:06.17joepublicah, including the phrase "what the heck are" did in fact provide good answers.  Thanks.  (
20:07.49Samotigcewieling: Close, Subscriber
20:08.05SamotBecause that's what the end users are designated as.
20:08.07*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
20:09.18SamotJust like NXX-NXX-XXXX is LATA-Rate Center-Subscriber
20:17.48*** join/#asterisk kessius (
20:23.00igcewielingexchange.  rate centers can contain many exchanges.
20:26.10kessiusircs, I use linux mint-ubuntu which url  or link or site  can i follow for install asterisk compiler+ari
20:30.39kessiuspeople ircs, I use linux mint-ubuntu which url  or link or site  can i follow for install asterisk step by step
20:40.34SamotFair enough.
20:46.10kessiusircs asterisk, which  site for me to install asterisk
20:53.10Samotkessius: Please stop that.
20:53.19SamotThere is no need to make the same request three times in 10 minutes.
20:56.02*** join/#asterisk joepublic (~joepublic@fsf/member/joepublic)
21:13.21kessiuspeople ircs, I use linux mint-ubuntu which url  or link or site  can i follow for install asterisk step by step
21:13.49joepublici am pretty sure it's apt install asterisk
21:14.44joepublicMore details online,
21:16.03kessiusjoepublic , I want compiled  type ./configure  make make menu select make install....
21:16.20joepublicThat's documented at the same url.
21:25.20kessiusjoepublic, ok
21:28.40*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (luckman212@unaffiliated/luckman212)
22:34.16PenguinIs there any good reason that every possible way to create a certificate to use with tls won't work with asterisk 13 or 16?  I've tried using openssl to make it and even tried the ast_tls_cert script that comes with both 13 and 16.  Every way I try, there is an error loading the certificate with chan_sip loads.
22:37.43PenguinIf I copy my cert and key from a different asterisk 13 system, it will load without any error and it will listen on 5061 like it should, but the cli floods with internal ssl error messages afterward.
22:43.03PenguinI've tried the ast_tls_cert script with -C myipaddr and without.  Doesn't make any difference.
23:37.35*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
23:43.01*** join/#asterisk joepublic (~joepublic@fsf/member/joepublic)

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