IRC log for #asterisk on 20191209

01:22.06*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~NiHola@unaffiliated/liuyan)
01:27.43*** join/#asterisk scampbell (
01:44.43*** join/#asterisk ganbold (~ganbold@
01:48.19igcewielingdabukalam: That has a good chance of working 8-)
01:48.31igcewielingassuming you get the one with FXO ports.
02:02.30*** join/#asterisk sh_smith (
02:05.10*** join/#asterisk MICROburst1 (
02:18.52*** join/#asterisk sa02irc (
02:59.37*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
03:16.26*** join/#asterisk overyander (~overyande@
04:08.01*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
04:39.06*** join/#asterisk FH_thecat (
05:28.05*** join/#asterisk m4rcu5 (
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05:49.15*** join/#asterisk karelk (
06:38.29*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
06:40.33*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
07:11.24*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
07:19.57*** join/#asterisk FH_thecat (
07:41.40*** join/#asterisk Helenah (~s98259@unaffiliated/iveeee)
08:38.50*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
08:41.55*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (
08:55.10*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak (~mvanbaak@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
09:22.19dabukalamigcewieling: I hope so
09:22.46dabukalamI really want the OAK8X I've ordered to actually arrive and work, would all be way neater in a nice raspi
10:03.10*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
10:43.44*** join/#asterisk stux|work (stux@2a01:270:2050:1337::1)
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15:45.41*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-zbdyytryyxbjalcf)
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15:50.19*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-gukwzixaakpwvouy)
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16:08.15*** join/#asterisk aness (~aness@2a02:fe1:3103:2100:a517:faea:8522:c1f8)
16:15.17*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (
16:30.00*** join/#asterisk elguero (
16:54.30*** join/#asterisk hfb (~hfb@
16:59.20*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
17:02.17*** join/#asterisk shootbird (
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18:10.28sysgrammerhello all, I am stuck with a problem on an asterisk system I setup for a customer. I get no audio on the incoming analog lines.
18:11.39sysgrammerthe only was I can hear the IVR over the analog lines is by going to line DAHDI/8-2 and switching back to 8-1.
18:12.19sysgrammerI can switch betweek 8-1 and 8-2 by pressing the discconnect button for a quick second
18:13.58*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
18:14.18*** join/#asterisk Helenah (~s98259@unaffiliated/iveeee)
18:14.19sysgrammerAny help appreciated. My company is even willing to hire/pay for an expert to help us with this issue...
18:28.26*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
18:56.01*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
19:17.17*** join/#asterisk giesen (
19:29.34*** join/#asterisk Chotizei (chotaire@unaffiliated/chotaire)
19:35.25*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (
19:46.06*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (
20:54.11*** join/#asterisk Chotizei (chotaire@unaffiliated/chotaire)
21:35.31*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
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22:14.49*** join/#asterisk echelon (~echelon@bzflag/player/echelon)
22:15.00echelonhey, what happened to inum?
22:15.50echelondid people stop using them? two of my providers just stopped support for inums
22:16.03igcewielingperhaps you mean enum?
22:16.32echelonno, inum
22:18.29*** join/#asterisk alexandre9099 (~alexandre@unaffiliated/alexandre9099)
22:18.51echelon just redirects to voxbone now
22:19.22echelonvoxbone happens to be the owner of the project, but they have nothing about it on their website
22:22.22electronic_eeldon't know if this inum thing has a chance. what use is a number if you can just call me when using some few select voip providers?
22:23.47igcewielingthat is the problem with all of those sorts of services.
22:23.55*** join/#asterisk ketas (
22:24.56electronic_eelthey claim the calls to these numbers are free. if they really wanted, they could offer this right now, without any special number, just by peering and routing. but free calls are against their business interest,
22:25.44SamotThey also claim they can't account for providers charging for the connection.
22:26.51SamotBecause it's free between providers.
22:26.58SamotWhich means as the provider you can freely charge for it.
22:27.15echelonnobody charged for it though, it's always been free
22:27.30SamotBecause what's the point?
22:27.42echelonit's been around for more than a decade maybe
22:27.58SamotThat doesn't mean anything.
22:28.01SamotSo has ENUM
22:28.12SamotIt's nothing something that was ever widely adopted.
22:28.19electronic_eelit may have been free for now. once it would have taken off, providers would have begun to charge
22:28.32echeloni think the market's just been saturated with voip providers, so they're not making profits, so they're cutting back on extra things
22:29.03SamotAlso, who really _needs_ it
22:29.16SamotIt's not a common thing that the average customer would need.
22:29.28echelonelectronic_eel: for what though, it's something that's entirely over the internet, i don't think any ptsn providers provided routing to it
22:29.42*** join/#asterisk alexandre9099 (~alexandre@unaffiliated/alexandre9099)
22:29.44SamotAnd this is why DUNDi failed.
22:30.13SamotIt's there isn't a centralized routing network then you need to be connected to all sorts of them.
22:30.29SamotWhich also means they all might not be insync with each other.
22:37.04echeloni remember when gizmo5 was around they used to provided what they called "backdoor dialing" to particular networks like t-mobile
22:37.16echeloni wonder if it was just a marketing gimmick
22:38.18SamotWell if you want to dial an iNum number via SIP URI it's sip:<number> so there is at least a central switch that would route that somewhere...
22:38.23SamotIf a route existed.
22:38.35SamotNow how you receive that call, shrug.
22:39.45electronic_eelyou wouldn't receive it, as you don't have sip open to everyone on your router
22:40.55electronic_eeland in the end - free services just invite spam. so it won't take long until it becomes a nuisance and you disconnect
22:40.55echeloni guess it works like
22:42.03SamotWell there's been no real traction on the project.
22:42.09SamotThere's no revenue stream for it.
22:42.20SamotThe idea is great but it would involve the PSTN.
22:44.02electronic_eelcompletely different topic: has anybody implemented picking calls from voicemail, while the caller is hearing the announcement or began to speak his message?
22:44.04Samotechelon: I just found this quote in a 3 year old thread about iNum : "I've gotten them to reply once, was looking to get some iNum DIDs allocated to us so we could offer them like Callcentric and others do. Basically they have one person who rarely looks at iNum"
22:45.12Samotelectronic_eel: Like an old school answering machine?
22:45.23echelonlol nice
22:45.52electronic_eelyes, but of course without the old school answering machine continuing the announcement of course
22:46.07SamotI don't think it's going to be possible.
22:46.16SamotAt that point they are in the voicemail app.
22:46.28SamotThe call is answered.
22:46.53electronic_eelcan you store the channel id in some variable and then use Bridge() to steal it from voicemail app?
22:47.16SamotNot sure how you would do that.
22:47.41electronic_eelor set up a conference with the caller and voicemail first, then join the conference and kick voicemail?
22:48.11SamotHow would you do this from the phone first?
22:48.26SamotOld school was pick up the handset.
22:48.39SamotYou can't do that here, you need to send something to the PBX.
22:48.45electronic_eelah, ok, I'd use the pick function of a blf on the phone
22:48.57SamotThat won't work.
22:48.58electronic_eelnot just pick up the handset
22:49.02SamotThe call isn't ringing.
22:49.05SamotIt's answered.
22:49.19SamotOne it goes to the voicemail app, it gets answered.
22:49.34electronic_eelthe phone will then do the same as for directed pickup, dial a * code for the virtual voicemail extension
22:50.01electronic_eelthat is where i have to start my custom logic in the dialplan
22:50.05SamotAnd then what?
22:50.32SamotYou would have to drop one of the channels.
22:50.43SamotI'm not sure you can do that with voicemail.
22:50.43electronic_eelyeah, that is the question, my ideas are either bridge or the conference
22:51.22electronic_eelbut I haven't tried that, just ideas yet. wanted to know if someone has experience with that
22:52.59SamotI don't think it's possible.
22:52.59electronic_eelstrange, I thought pickup from voicemail would be a common request
22:53.06SamotThe voicemail app doesn't create a channel
22:54.46electronic_eelif it doesn't create it's own channel, it directly interacts with the callers channel, correct?
22:55.51SamotWe might need a little input from @file.
22:56.00filewhat what
22:56.16SamotThe idea is to do a call pickup variation on a call sent to the voicemail app
22:56.25Samotala old school answering machine
22:56.56filepick up a channel whilst it is in voicemail?
22:57.01rmudgettI just implemented that on my home Asterisk system.  I used local channels, ChanSpy, and Bridge.
22:57.21SamotYeah either while the greeting playback and/or recording is happening.
22:57.34Samotrmudgett: Did you have to spy the channel sent to the voicemail app?
22:58.00SamotDid you use redirect to pull it?
22:58.09fileyou could probably use the PICKUPMARK dialplan variable set before voicemail executes, and then the Pickup dialplan application to find that channel
22:58.21electronic_eelrmudgett: would you mind to post a small excerpt of your dialplan somewhere?
22:58.34SamotOK, see I wasn't sure if that would work.
22:58.46SamotUsing PICKUPMARK
22:59.01SamotAnd I didn't even think of Local + Spy
22:59.17electronic_eelbut doesn't Pickup() just allow picking ringing channels?
22:59.17rmudgettThe local channel is to allow the Bridge app to steal the trunk channel.  When the trunk channel is stolen, the local channels die and cause the ChanSpy to die as well.
22:59.35Samotelectronic_eel: Yes but you can still mark the channel
22:59.48SamotAnd then go from there.
22:59.52fileah right, dunno off the top of my head then
23:00.22SamotNo, you might have something Josh. But rmudgett seems to have a good method too.
23:00.24electronic_eelok, but what does "mark" mean? isn't it just to find the name of the channel?
23:00.36rmudgettBut pickup is only going to work on unanswered channels.
23:00.42SamotYou need dialplan for direct call pickup.
23:01.00SamotSo you do your *9 or whatever..
23:01.11SamotInstead of calling on Pickup() you do other stuff.
23:01.31SamotBut before you send the call to voicemail you set PICKUPMARK to something so you can track it.
23:01.44SamotAnd call on the var when needed.
23:01.48rmudgettin-channel -> L;1 -> L;2 -> voicemail   ChanSpy spys on L;2.  Bridge steals in-channel.
23:02.01SamotBut nevermind, I just saw rmudgett's comment.
23:02.39electronic_eeldo you need the ChanSpy or could you do this without if you just wanted to pick, not listen in?
23:02.45rmudgettBefore L;2 goes into voicemail it originates a channel to spy on L;2
23:04.15rmudgettWhy go through this if you only want to steal the channel while it is in voicemail?
23:04.54rmudgettYou could just use Bridge to steal the channel that is in voicemail.
23:05.10SamotI wasn't sure, that's why I pinged
23:05.26electronic_eelok, so I can just call Bridge() with the right channel name (trunk in channel) and it steals it?
23:06.10SamotWell there you go.
23:06.16rmudgettIn v16 you could use BridgeAdd to join another channel that's in a bridge.
23:06.22SamotEasier than thought.
23:06.54rmudgettFor an adhock conference bridge.
23:07.58electronic_eelgood to know, but I don't think that makes sense in context of voicemail.
23:11.39*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
23:13.26*** join/#asterisk hfb (~hfb@
23:27.11*** join/#asterisk segnior (segnior@gateway/shell/xshellz/x-euongcfpkfqmoskc)

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