IRC log for #asterisk on 20191202

00:37.29*** join/#asterisk Helenah1 (~s98259@unaffiliated/iveeee)
00:38.09*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (chotaire@unaffiliated/chotaire)
04:02.49*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
04:21.35*** join/#asterisk mindthelion (
06:37.15*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
07:40.18*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
07:43.26*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
08:09.20*** join/#asterisk pabe (~pabe@
08:45.04*** join/#asterisk Da-Geek (
09:36.59*** join/#asterisk DodgeThis (
09:44.04*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
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12:15.08*** join/#asterisk dacod (~dacod@
12:41.04*** join/#asterisk Haris (~haris@unaffiliated/haris)
12:41.05Harishello all
12:53.55*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
13:04.12*** join/#asterisk gtjoseph (~gtjoseph@unaffiliated/gtj)
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13:05.34*** join/#asterisk Helenah (~s98259@unaffiliated/iveeee)
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14:05.10*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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14:40.19*** join/#asterisk overyander (~overyande@
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15:18.36*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
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15:21.07overyanderI'm trying to get asterisk configured to run under its own unprivileged user. I can su as the user and manually start using 'asterisk -cvv' and it works but when I start the service using 'systemctl asterisk start' I can see the process runs as root.
15:22.00*** join/#asterisk saint_ (~saint_@unaffiliated/saint-/x-0540772)
15:22.16davlefouhi, in my dialpan i have that: sip:username@ip:port, is it possible to get username in asterisk?
15:22.46sibiriaoveryander: because the systemd unit file defines user and group as root
15:22.58davlefoui get from : ${SIPURI}
15:23.05Samotdavlefou: The username should be the sip peer name
15:23.23sibiriafirst change to the user/group you want in asterisk.conf, then edit the unit file if necessary (and run systemctl daemon-reload afterwards)
15:23.25Samotdavlefou: Get it how and from which direction?
15:45.26davlefouSamot, how can i have the peer name in dialplan?
15:45.56SamotYou're asking how to get it
15:46.03SamotGet it from where?
15:46.13SamotAn external call from the PSTN into Asterisk?
15:46.19davlefouSamot, the peersnemae of local user who launch the call.
15:46.44SamotSo this is an user endpoint on Asterisk?
15:48.37davlefouThe user call an local irv. I would like to have his username.
15:53.16*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
16:21.14*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
16:24.28*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (
16:27.03Haristhank you. will test it
16:27.05*** part/#asterisk Haris (~haris@unaffiliated/haris)
16:37.19overyandercan anyone speak to the main differences between the polycom vvx 411 and vvx 350? did they just change the housing or are there major underlying differences within the firmware?
16:54.42SamotThe two big differences would be 6 vs 12 lines and side car support. Only the 4XX or highers support side cars.
16:56.55SamotSo it's more like cubicle worker vs receptionist use cases.
16:57.38lagzillaDoes anyone know if mitel stopped making unified software packages for the 6800 series
16:58.12igcewielingThe nice thing about the VVX410 is that it doesn't have a touch screen.
16:58.34igcewielingI don't know about the VVX411, but I assume it is mostly the same as the 410.
17:00.23SamotThe 401/411s were hardware refreshes of the 400/410
17:00.56SamotThe entire x01/x11's where.
17:01.21overyanderright, but i'm looking at the differences between the x11's and x50's
17:01.29SamotI just told you.
17:01.40Samot11:54:43 AM <Samot> The two big differences would be 6 vs 12 lines and side car support. Only the 4XX or highers support side cars.
17:01.49*** join/#asterisk salviadud (
17:01.50Samot350  has 6 lines, 411 has 12
17:01.57Samot350 can't have side cars, 411 can have 3
17:02.10Samotcubicle worker vs receptionist.
17:02.33SamotThey both have the same size color screen.
17:02.38Samot12 soft keys
17:02.54Samot350 has 2 USB ports vs 1 USB in the 411
17:04.13Samot11:40:29 AM <[TK]D-Fender>
17:04.17SamotPlus there was that.
17:04.24SamotWhich has all the models.
17:33.13*** join/#asterisk i9zO5AP (~BQcdf9eiZ@
17:48.33igcewielingDoes anyone here have experience running VoIP via a GRE tunnel?    Since the packets are small, they should never fragment
17:53.36*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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18:08.17*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-sslblvgjzigxgnrx)
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18:10.52SamotI've done some testing on it.
18:11.03SamotHadn't had any real problems.
18:12.04SamotI haven't deployed it yet, still need to do some more testing. Like long calls, hold, transfers, etc. But basic call testing was OK.
18:27.11*** join/#asterisk mindthelion (~techquila@2407:7000:9125:e400:f1c2:df9f:be37:22a2)
18:29.54*** join/#asterisk techquila (~techquila@2407:7000:9125:e400:a453:6053:e9c0:bace)
18:46.52*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
19:18.06*** join/#asterisk AndChat|620489 (~AndChat62@2600:100e:b02e:4584:c5b4:fc41:4ee8:c7aa)
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19:22.55*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~AndChat62@2600:100e:b02e:4584:c5b4:fc41:4ee8:c7aa)
19:33.12igcewielingSamot: thanks.  I needed a couple of GRE tunnels for voice and have not heard any complaints, but 2 tunnels is hardly an indication of a trend.
19:39.00*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (
19:53.10*** join/#asterisk mindthelion (~techquila@2407:7000:9125:e400:a453:6053:e9c0:bace)
19:54.31*** join/#asterisk ketas- (
19:54.57*** join/#asterisk RudyValencia_ (rudy@unaffiliated/rudyvalencia)
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19:57.23*** join/#asterisk seanbright_ (~sean@asterisk/community-developer/seanbright)
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20:04.38*** join/#asterisk Helenah (~s98259@unaffiliated/iveeee)
20:05.46*** join/#asterisk gtjoseph (~gtjoseph@unaffiliated/gtj)
20:05.46*** mode/#asterisk [+o gtjoseph] by ChanServ
20:50.38drmessanoVoIP in a GRE tunnel works great
20:57.56*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
21:01.58*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
21:16.35igcewielingdrmessano: Almost all off-net VoIP customers get an Adtran on-site so tunneling is an option and removing NAT would make the devices easier for support to access.
21:16.52igcewielingIt seems like everyone should be doing it.
21:18.38fileI'd expect any GRE woes to be a result of the equipment in question, and not inherently of the GRE tunnel itself since it's just a light encapsulation
21:24.49*** join/#asterisk mindthelion (~techquila@2407:7000:9125:e400:f1c2:df9f:be37:22a2)
21:27.58Samot4:16:53 PM <igcewieling> It seems like everyone should be doing it. <-- In order to do that there would need to be proper equipment. In some (quite a lot) that just isn't going to be an option taken.
21:29.15drmessanoYeah not every owns a Mikrotik
21:30.16SamotIt's a setup that can disrupt a network.
21:32.04SamotI generally just use the GRE tunnels for management and don't worry about putting the voice over it.
21:34.13igcewielingI mainly use it because it can transport OSPF (which uses Multicast), unlike an IP-IP tunnel or IPSec tunnel.
21:34.59SamotIt would also mess with my failover.
21:35.41igcewielingI use the tunnels for failover
21:37.09igcewielingwell I use OSPF for failover, but sometimes need GRE to accomplish that.
21:37.54igcewielingmisses the good old days when if the circuit goes down, the interface goes down.
21:37.59SamotDifferent kind of failover.
21:38.03SamotI don't provider the Internet.
21:38.09igcewielingI suppose most people don't remember those days
21:38.09SamotI don't provide the Internet.
21:38.39igcewielingSamot: *nod*
21:38.40SamotHowever all my devices use SRV records and then the proxies check the voice systems.
21:38.40*** join/#asterisk infinity_ (
21:38.56igcewielingboth ways have pros and cons
21:40.05SamotWell since I'm not providing the internet. If their Internet goes down, the GRE tunnel is worthless.
21:40.29SamotSo yes, my failover is for my network to ensure it can handle calls and endpoints.
21:40.57igcewielingOne assumes more than one internet connection if you are doing failover on the customer side.
21:42.13SamotI didn't say I was doing failover at the customer site, I was doing failover for my network.
21:42.52SamotI have end users where I do dual Internet connections and have the traffic to the backup Internet connection.
21:43.10SamotBut if my primary proxy goes down, they can reach the secondary proxy via the SRV records.
21:43.31igcewielingI use SRV records for failover on out network side
21:43.56SamotRight. If I was the ISP, they would be over a private WAN.
21:49.55drmessanoSRV = Military-Grade CNAME
21:50.30SamotIt's a leather neck
21:55.01SamotFor 95% of end users on my network I control everything but the Internet.
21:55.24SamotThe other 5% is either on their own router or I control the voice side and someone else deals with the data side.
21:56.12SamotAnd if I control the voice side that means I control all the core switches since everything would be VLAN'd off from each other.
21:56.51SamotSince most of these "office network admins" can't tell a VLAN from a VPN is they had a gun to their head.
22:01.03SamotAlthough they are still less complicated than drmessano's home network.
22:01.08SamotMr. I VLAN everything.
22:01.33drmessanoI'm actually using VLANv6 now
22:01.44drmessanoEvery endpoint has its own VLAN
22:01.49igcewielingwith 256 bit MACs!
22:01.54SamotI bet you have a VLAN just for your kitchen appliances.
22:02.04*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
22:02.05SamotBecause I know they're on a netowkr.
22:02.10SamotBecause I know they're on a network.
22:02.22drmessanoWell, my microwave is
22:02.31SamotWe spent weeks on christmas lights the other year.
22:02.39drmessanoYeah we did
22:02.47igcewieling./sh sip:drmessano
22:02.55SamotLike weeks.
22:03.01SamotSo they would have time conditions.
22:03.28drmessanoCan't remember what the hangup was.. some boolean something was a double negative
22:03.43SamotIt was the weird days of the week
22:03.58SamotWeekend rules but then on certain days rules.
22:04.04SamotAnd they were colliding.
22:04.23igcewielingIf you put it off long enough the problem of christmas lights solves itself.
22:04.35drmessanoYeah that was the problem
22:04.44drmessanoIt solved itself several years in a row
22:04.49drmessanoSo I wanted to nail it down, finally
22:04.58Samotigcewieling: He basically wanted a full month calendar so he need had to touch the lights
22:04.59drmessanoIt's solid now
22:05.13Samoter never had to
22:05.35SamotThey be on/off based on his home schedule.
22:05.36drmessanoYeah, middle of November to Jan 6
22:05.58drmessanoTree stays lit 24/7 on weekends
22:06.05drmessanoand on Dec 24/25
22:06.25drmessanoMaybe the outside lights stay lit on Dec24/25 as well
22:06.34drmessanoOtherwise follow the day/night sked
22:06.59drmessanoShit works though
22:08.19SamotYeah. It was literally one freaking line of code.
22:08.25SamotThat was the entire problem.
22:08.42drmessanoYeah, that's the app
22:10.33*** join/#asterisk rwb (~Thunderbi@
22:15.05*** join/#asterisk Helenah (~s98259@unaffiliated/iveeee)
23:38.51*** join/#asterisk AndChat|620489 (
23:42.50*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~AndChat62@2600:100e:b045:752c:9c3:6083:9695:731)

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