IRC log for #asterisk on 20191125

00:00.22*** join/#asterisk yuljk (~yuljk@unaffiliated/yuljk)
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14:56.53*** join/#asterisk overyander (~overyande@
15:00.24overyanderdoes * still have issues when using pjstip transports from db or is that working fine now? the last time i tried was a few years ago and it caused some unexpected behaviors.
15:01.35fileI can't remember if they load from the database these days or not
15:03.55filestatic realtime would be equivalent, regardless
15:07.41overyanderremind me, is there a way to differentiate between realtime and static db?
15:08.27fileI don't understand the question
15:10.11*** join/#asterisk kharwell (uid358942@gateway/web/
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15:13.13overyanderyou mentioned 'static realtime'. that's opposed to dynamic realtime right?
15:13.27overyanderif so, how do you specify the different types?
15:13.47overyanderforgive me, i'm still drinking coffee and waking up.
15:15.40SamotWhat do you mean between static realtime and dynamic realtime?
15:15.48SamotA static realtime would be .conf files.
15:16.26fileyes, static realtime effectively maps .conf files into a database column and it acts as if it is a file
15:16.29filethe wiki probably has info
15:17.20overyandermy understanding is that * has static realtime which is where it loads config from db instead of a file when the module starts and it has dynamic realtime where it references the db on-demand like sippeers and voicemail.
15:17.49igcewielingI found it is usually far easier to write a script to generate actual config files from the database rather than messing with realtime static.
15:18.00seanbrightthis ^^
15:18.06igcewielingMakes debugging a hell of a lot easier, that is for sure.
15:18.20*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
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15:19.18igcewielingThat is the way FreePBX does handles configs
15:26.47SamotI guess the real question would be, how often are you updating things?
15:27.10SamotAre things changing so much and so fast that you need to read the changes in real time vs rewriting and reloading configs into memory
15:29.48igcewielingstatic realtime still requires reloading a module to update the realtime data
15:29.55seanbrightstatic realtime is garbage
15:29.57seanbrightdon't use it
15:30.05seanbrightdynamic realtime isn't much better
15:30.20igcewielingseanbright: dynamic realtime is worse.
15:30.29seanbrightthese opinions are my own and do not reflect the opinions of anyone else
15:32.55SamotI've never seen a need for it.
15:33.24SamotGotten by over a dozen years without using it.
15:34.14igcewielingI tried chan_sip realtime, but since none of my peer register getting Asterisk to update from realtime was...complicated.
15:37.11seanbrighti do use realtime for pjsip authentication because i generate ephemeral credentials for each session
15:41.32*** join/#asterisk rwb (~Thunderbi@
15:45.01filewith everything there are pros and cons, but you have to truly think about the implications of it all before jumping in
15:47.35SamotTrue. There are plenty that have realtime working as they needed it and it suites their needs.
15:47.50SamotFor me, personally, never saw the overall benefits of it.
15:49.02*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
16:06.36*** join/#asterisk hfb (~hfb@
16:17.43*** join/#asterisk Helenah1 (~s98259@unaffiliated/iveeee)
16:27.07*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
16:27.09FuriousGeorgehey all
16:27.46FuriousGeorgeanyone know how i can open a ulaw file recorded by asterisk in windows?  surprisingly vlc can't.  ive also installed cccp
16:28.31SamotWell if the Russian's can't do it....
16:29.15*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
16:30.46igcewielingAre you SURE it is an ulaw file and not a GSM with a .WAV extension?
16:31.42igcewielingAudacity can open just about anything.
16:34.26*** join/#asterisk overyander (~overyande@
16:35.40sibiriaconvert with sox, or import it as raw data in audacity
16:37.19FuriousGeorgeigcewieling:  exten => 123,3,Record(asterisk-recording%d:ulaw)  will try audactiy, thanks for the tip
16:37.47*** join/#asterisk overyander (~overyande@
16:39.07igcewielingtell it to use .wav    .wav is raw ulaw wrapped in a header players to read.
16:40.30FuriousGeorgeigcewieling:  im trying to avoid asking the lady to re-record, but i that's what im planning to do in the worst case
16:41.08igcewielingIt would be easy to convert from ulaw to wav.     Asterisk could do it in the CLI, but I can't find the command anymore.
16:41.24filefile convert
16:41.32sibiriaasterisk -x 'file convert <path> <path>' etc.
16:41.33overyanderwhen loading asterisk throws a warning "Realtime table queue_members@myvoip requires column 'paused', but that column does not exist!" and also the same for column 'uniqueid'. I have double checked that those columns do exist.  here's the full output
16:44.40FuriousGeorgeaudacity makes sound if i import raw data, but i can't find the settings to decode correctly
16:44.49FuriousGeorgeso ill convert per the suggestion
16:44.58igcewielingTry this:
16:45.31sibiriaFuriousGeorge: audacity has an actual "u-law" encoding type to ease things up
16:45.54igcewielingthe digium website and "file convert" only converts between Asterisk formats, so it is less useful than you might expect
16:46.51igcewielingFuriousGeorge: Better to record to something like g722 or sln16 then you'll have high quality originals to convert from.
16:47.33FuriousGeorgesibiria:  i had found that, but it didn't help
16:47.55sibiriaFuriousGeorge: u-law, no endianess, 8000 hz
16:48.13sibiriaalso 1 channel mono, of course
16:48.56FuriousGeorgesibria:  i'd tried that, and it just makes a 1s noise
16:50.12FuriousGeorgesibria:  my mistake i had the wrong sampling rate in there
16:50.33FuriousGeorgedefinitely gonna use wav or gsm next time though
16:56.58igcewielingFuriousGeorge: only use GSM if you hate your callers.
16:57.27FuriousGeorgeright cuz its compressed a bunch, no?  wav would probably be a better choice
16:58.21igcewielingThink of GSM as "cell phone quality" and ulaw/wav as "PSTN quality", though that is a major oversimplification
17:01.10*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
17:04.20FuriousGeorgeif i clean up these files and export them as wavs, is a 16bit PCU wav likely to be fine?
17:05.15FuriousGeorgeor maybe unsigned 8bit PCU is better
17:05.35FuriousGeorgeor maybe unsigned 8bit PCM*** is better
17:06.11igcewielingum, asterisk doesn't support 16-bit wav
17:07.08igcewielingStop making it so complicated.  Use sln16 when possible, use wav (not WAV or WAV49) when sln16 is not possible.    Transcoding to ulaw/alaw from snl16 doen't take up much resources.
17:07.37FuriousGeorgeim selecting export format as WAV (Microsoft) and encoding as 8-bit unsigned PCM
17:07.51igcewielingdon't forget the 8khz too
17:08.32FuriousGeorgeigcewieling:  im not getting an option for sampling.  let's see if it keeps the same.  as to the complication:  i have these ulaw files now, and i'm just trying to avoid asking to re-record
17:08.47FuriousGeorgeeven if i convert to wav, i may still want to clean them up, so ill need to know how to export
17:09.19igcewielingclean them up how?
17:09.42FuriousGeorgefor instance, there's a pause at the beginning and end of the files that is not necessary
17:10.10FuriousGeorgeactually, it looks like exporting as WAV (Microsoft), and encoding as ULAW may be the best bet
17:34.12*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
18:05.32*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
18:06.41FuriousGeorgei have wav files that im editing for use with asterisk.  I'm always using the format WAV (Microsoft)
18:06.53FuriousGeorgewhen i use encoding is ulaw i get the message:   Not a supported wav file format (7). Only PCM encoded, 16 bit, mono, 8kHz/16kHz files are supported with a lowercase '.wav' extension.
18:07.38FuriousGeorgewhen i use 16-bit signed PCM, i get no errors, but i also hear nothing
18:08.15FuriousGeorges/format/header...  the HEADER is WAV
18:08.39TandyUK2you were told earlier asterisk doesnt support 16-bit wav
18:09.23TandyUK28-bit unsigned 8khz mono
18:09.31FuriousGeorgeTandyUK2:  asterisk is telling me PCM encoded 16 bit.  If I use Unsigned 8-bit, i get an error
18:10.03TandyUK2sorry what do you mean "asterisk is telling you".. how? where?
18:10.03FuriousGeorgeit's no longer in my buffer, but i think the error explicitly tells me to use 16
18:10.41seanbrightasterisk supports pcm encoded 8/16Hz .wav files
18:10.52FuriousGeorgesimilar to the error i posted above
18:15.27FuriousGeorgenope, it's mono.  8000 sample, and 16-bit
18:15.46FuriousGeorgemaybe it's the Microsoft Header?  I could try a different type
18:16.20seanbrightyou're saying that file does _not_ work?
18:17.06fileI'm on vacation this week, so I'm at least trying not to
18:18.48igcewielingcompare the output of "file file /var/www/html/admin/modules/ivr/sounds/en/no-valid-responce-pls-try-again.wav" with the output of your own sound file.
18:19.13igcewielingIt should say "RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 8000 Hz"
18:19.35igcewielingIf it doesn't, then the file is not in the require format.
18:20.00igcewielings/file file/file
18:22.00FuriousGeorgeres-open.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 8000 Hz
18:22.18FuriousGeorgethats my file.  let me call the person who took the test call, as im not on site.  maybe we are miscommunicating
18:31.24FuriousGeorgeyeah, so the test worked.  the person onsite forgot to mention that she had heard the recording
18:31.38seanbrightsimple mistake
18:47.22*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
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19:59.47*** join/#asterisk hfb (~hfb@
19:59.55*** join/#asterisk Deknos (~some@unaffiliated/menace)
20:17.12*** join/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
20:19.55FuriousGeorgei want to run asterisk -rvvvv, dump the console log into a file, then run some tests using call files, and finally kill the console
20:20.29igcewielingFuriousGeorge: that won't do what you want it to do.
20:21.15FuriousGeorgehowever, i want to do this within php code.  everything is working except the kill the console part, because i'm using asterisk -rvvvvv > my_log.txt& to start asterisk.  since the process never terminates, i never get the PID with which to kill the session
20:21.31igcewielingIf you MUST do that, use the program "script" program to capture the console output.
20:21.46igcewielingFuriousGeorge: all the same info is in the asterisk log file.
20:22.07FuriousGeorgeigcewieling:  that's what i'm doing now, but i want to automate it.
20:22.51FuriousGeorgeim assuming script won't work from within php code but maybe it will
20:23.31igcewielingAre you doing this inside a standalone php script or as a web page script?
20:24.23FuriousGeorgei dont see how this will work.  i can run script& followed by asterisk -rvvv&, but script won't get anything.  if idont use & then the php script will stop until the process is killed
20:24.43igcewielingscript takes all output and logs it to a file until the process terminates.
20:24.49igcewielingisn't that what you wanted?
20:25.00FuriousGeorgeigcewieling:  yeah, but within a php script?  ill try it
20:25.35igcewielingI suspect what you want to is not possible without spending a lot of time on it.
20:26.26FuriousGeorgewhat's frustrating is that it almost works, except i cant get the pid to kill asterisk
20:26.33igcewielingHell, it would be easier to edit /etc/asterisk/logger.conf and add a file destination, asterisk -rx "logger" reload, then remove the entry when done and reissue the logger reload.
20:27.01FuriousGeorgei could just parse the output of ps at that point
20:27.53igcewielingI was referring to getting a set of logs during a specific timeframe.
20:30.34igcewielingFuriousGeorge: you are aware that you will still see info from all the other active calls and dialplan right?
20:30.48FuriousGeorgeyes, im aware
20:31.21FuriousGeorgei know what you mean,  but i was saying that i could parse ps to get the pid, and use that to kill asterisk
20:31.51FuriousGeorgeso i wouldn't have to temporarily move the log output,
20:31.57FuriousGeorgeor restart asterisk
20:32.11FuriousGeorgei could just reload the logger
20:32.31FuriousGeorgebut that still has the issue of also disappearing those active calls you mention from the real log
20:39.30*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
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22:11.46Sladelatest in Slade's interviewing tips.. in the first 5 minutes of the interview, dont list all the diseases you have
22:54.45*** join/#asterisk bkervaski (
22:55.56bkervaskiAsterisk 16.latest ... incoming PJSIP immediately forwarding to another server ... directmedia=no ... destination server's audio won't play *unless* I have the middle server Playback(something) .. odd .. channel answered or not answered .. any ideas?
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23:02.00bkervaski(re-post for TK if you're feeling generous) Asterisk 16.latest ... incoming PJSIP immediately forwarding to another server ... directmedia=no ... destination server's audio won't play *unless* I have the middle server Playback(something) .. odd .. channel answered or not answered .. any ideas?
23:06.51bkervaski175 .. so sad .. IRC is dead :(
23:09.46*** join/#asterisk boch (~boch@
23:10.48bochhi all, anyone knows why im getting duplicated DialEnd AMI event for a cancelled call? the only difference between events is the SequenceNumber header
23:13.49bkervaskiboch one event for both channels
23:22.08bochbkervaski, but both events are for the same channel
23:42.36*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)

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