IRC log for #asterisk on 20191118

01:07.03*** join/#asterisk tsal (
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14:25.43Someone_Elseis it possible to keep a aor in the database (astdb) when a extension disconnects?
14:26.29Someone_Elsein chan_sip, after a extension disconnects, it is still possible to retrieve the sip_uri in SIP/Registry/{ext}
14:28.33filecontacts are stored in the astdb by default and persisted across restarts and such.
14:28.53filethey exist for the lifetime that the contact exists
14:30.24Someone_Elsefile: is it possible to persist until the extension registers again?
14:30.42SamotIt's persistent until the Expire is hit.
14:31.00SamotIf you tell the contact to expire in 60 seconds, that's how long Asterisk will hold it
14:31.04SamotThat's standard.
14:31.09SamotNot just Asterisk.
14:31.11Someone_Elseis it possible to log register events?
14:31.27SamotIt logs them already
14:31.38Someone_Elseno, it doesn't
14:31.53Someone_Elsein the full log I don't see any endpoint reachable blah
14:31.56Someone_Elseonly in the console
14:32.16SamotThen you're logging isn't at a high enough verbosity
14:32.54Someone_Elseare those registered events notice?
14:33.00Someone_Elseor debug?
14:33.25SamotWhen you log into the console and do "core set verbose 10"
14:33.39SamotThen your full log will have level 10 logging during that time
14:33.54SamotWhen you exit it goes back to the default setting in the logger config
14:34.28Someone_Elsethe point is, sip_uri contains the push token to wake up the device prior to calling
14:34.55Someone_Elseso the only way I see to make this work is dump the register lines into a log, parse it and save it to the database
14:35.03Someone_Else*a database
14:35.18SamotSo you're trying to get headers?
14:35.49Samotfile: You can't parse headers on a REGISTER can you? Just the INVITE, right?
14:36.02filenothing happens on a REGISTER to be able to act on
14:36.16SamotSomeone_Else: So that's going to be an issue.
14:36.22filemay go out over AMI, I forget
14:37.28Someone_ElseSamot: many VoIP apps work that way:
14:37.52SamotI understand how push notices work.
14:38.07SamotThat doesn't change the fact you can't parse the headers on a REGISTER in Asterisk.
14:38.25SamotSo if you're trying to parse the token from the URI in a header, you can't do it on a REGISTER in Asterisk.
14:38.39Someone_ElseSamot: logging it is, then....
14:39.13SamotOr you use something like Kamailio in between your users and the Asterisk box.
14:39.18fileyou can get the contacts and contact URI in dialplan...
14:39.26SamotBecause you can tear apart a SIP message at any level there.
14:40.01Someone_Elseand what I tried to say is that they benefit from the fact that chan_sip doesn't remove the sip_uri after a disconnect
14:40.17SamotIt will.
14:40.34filePJSIP doesn't remove the SIP URI unless it is asked to remove it, or the expire happen
14:40.50fileso "after a disconnect" depends on what exactly that inherently means
14:41.02Someone_Elsefile: the client immediately disconnects after being used to save battery life
14:41.26fileif it explicitly does not remove the Contact, then the Contact remains until the expiration time
14:41.32fileit would go unreachable, but it would still exist
14:41.54fileif it does not re-register, then it would indeed go away
14:42.04Someone_Elsefile: the last one is the case
14:42.17SamotBecause the app is asleep
14:42.30SamotOr off to conserve battery.
14:42.56Someone_Elsebut I'm not fond of a Kamilio before Asterisk setup, too much for such a simple task (get the sip_uri)
14:42.57SamotIf the app being backgrounded doesn't send REGISTERS or respond to keep alives
14:43.10filemobile is not a simple task.
14:43.16SamotThere's that.
14:43.46Someone_Elsefile: depends on how you look at it
14:43.53fileno, it's really not
14:44.04fileto make a truly good mobile experience is not a simple task
14:44.08SamotMobile devices background apps.
14:44.20SamotMost the apps don't respond to SIP message when in that mode
14:44.32Someone_Elsefile: can you explain that a bit further?
14:44.33SamotThis is why you have a push service.
14:45.00SamotSomeone_Else: Most softphone clients have issues with backgrounding.
14:45.04filenothing is truly guaranteed in mobile, so you can have lots of areas where the experience falls short
14:45.10SamotSomeone_Else: They don't respond to keep alives
14:45.13filethis push aspect, communicating with the softphone, audio, networking
14:45.15SamotIt causes missed calls
14:45.22SamotOr features not working
14:45.40Someone_ElseSamot: my client works fine as far as I tested it
14:45.49SamotWhat client is that?
14:46.05SamotIs this the same client you just said will not re-register?
14:46.13SamotAnd goes unreachable?
14:46.25SamotSo it works "fine"?
14:46.32SamotThis is why I use Bria.
14:46.38*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
14:47.04SamotMy Bria app has been running in the background on my phone for over a week without being opened.
14:47.11SamotI still get calls, it's registered without issue.
14:47.15SamotIt responds to keepalives.
14:47.31Someone_ElseSamot: Linphone can do the same, if you don't mind draining your battery
14:47.36Someone_Elsethat's where push is for
14:47.44Someone_Elsesame goes for Bria
14:47.49SamotIt doesn't drain my battery
14:48.07SamotI haven't had to change my charging or battery powering at all.
14:48.11filethey take care of that, and of making a good experience
14:48.38Someone_Elsewait a sec, is it like groundwire where you provide them access to your sip account?
14:49.05SamotI do use the Stretto platform.
14:49.13SamotI have push servers/services I could use
14:49.17SamotBut I don't use them
14:49.23SamotBecause I was testing that
14:49.23Someone_Elsedoes Bria use push?
14:49.29SamotIt can if I tell it to
14:49.38SamotAgain, I have the Stretto platform.
14:49.52SamotIt gives me everything I need.
14:50.00SamotIncluding provisioning of the clients.
14:50.17SamotIt auto provisions the client based on their account login.
14:51.04*** join/#asterisk saint_ (~saint_@unaffiliated/saint-/x-0540772)
14:52.32Someone_Elseone thing I don't get...
14:52.43SamotJust one thing?
14:53.06SamotSorry, not often I can quote Clue.
14:53.25Someone_Elsewhy all this talk of push (because, the conventional wisdom is that keeping the app registering drains the battery)
14:53.31Someone_Elseas this is no issue at all?
14:53.47Someone_ElseI mean, the point is not that it didn't work... it works, but drains the battery
14:53.52Someone_Elsehence the push solution
14:54.12SamotAnd sometimes its used for more than just that.
14:54.30SamotSee if you move from network to network your SIP server might keeps the old location and just register a new one
14:54.41SamotBy using the push server, you always are at the same IP.
14:54.56SamotBecause the client is going to the push system and that's dealing it with it.
14:55.10Someone_Elseby the way, how many data is consumed by those registers?
14:55.58Someone_Elsethat IP thing isn't a issue when you use max_contacts and remove_existing
14:56.00SamotSee Asterisk was being in the game.
14:56.13SamotUntil PJSIP it could support 1 contact per peer.
14:56.22SamotUnlike almost all the other SIP servers out there.
14:56.34SamotThat could support multiple contacts per AOR.
14:57.17SamotSomeone_Else: I have my desk phone and my mobile app.
14:57.22SamotI can't have just 1 contact.
14:57.28SamotWould break my setup.
14:57.58Someone_ElseI would just use 2 extensions
14:58.09SamotNow you're complicating things.
14:58.27SamotSo you don't want to use Kamailio for such a simple thing..
14:58.29Someone_Elsehow about calling home using a internal address, why not?
14:58.48SamotSo you're talking home user level stuff.
14:59.32Someone_ElseI will disable the push notification thing and see how that plays out with my battery
14:59.55Someone_Elseif not, I can always re-enable it and find a workaround for the sip_uri
15:11.23*** join/#asterisk dacod (~dacod@
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15:19.27*** join/#asterisk dacod__ (~dacod@
15:23.56Someone_Elseis it possible to pipe a asterisk log?
15:24.16Someone_Elseso, instead of writing it to a file, redirecting it to a program?
15:24.30igcewielingsort of
15:24.43igcewielinghave asterisk log to syslog, then handle it with syslog
15:32.52*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
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16:54.50*** join/#asterisk MLC (~MLC@
16:55.48*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
16:58.25igcewieling"It was originally ordered as a 3MB fiber but due to build out costs, $6,520, it was changed to a T1"    I have Verizon
16:58.32igcewielingI HATE Verizon
16:58.42*** join/#asterisk tsal (
16:59.46MLCI had some carriers quoting us $50K build out costs for fiber.  They would have had to tunnel under a freeway.
17:01.10*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
17:32.52bkervaskiMan, we have it so good here.  400mb business with 50mb up is only $100/month.  We all have business connections at our homes now.
17:33.15bkervaskiNo love for any of these carriers.
17:33.44*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-skgrbzlkhfwxpxbs)
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17:38.30igcewielingbkervaski: you must be outside the USA
17:39.13bkervaskiHuntsville is getting huge.
17:39.27igcewielingwow, impressive.   I used to live in Huntsville and near Gadsden.
17:39.28bkervaskiI'm actually in Trussville, east of Birmingham.
17:39.57bagirahail from ohio
17:40.00bkervaskiI fly up to the Gadsden airport all the time! Got a buddy who paints airplanes up there.  How long ago?
17:40.51bagirais that for the ANG? (painting planes)
17:40.52igcewielingMaybe 5 years ago or so.  I moved to Pensacola when I got tired of tornadoes every day.
17:41.40bkervaskibagira .. ANG?
17:42.23bagiraair national gaurd
17:42.39bkervaskioh .. no .. private
17:42.45bagira'Merica Reserve, Brown Label
17:43.21bagirai love driving through bammer
17:43.31bagiranever get a chance to get out and do stuff there though
17:43.49bkervaskiWhen I was getting my private I got in the pattern up there with two guard fighter jets .. scared the heck out of me .. thought I accidentally flew to a military airport
17:44.47bagiraso what are you guys doing with asterisk?  im brand new to it so still getting a feel for the use cases.  looks like it does alot.
17:52.30igcewielingI have a lot of customers with FreePBX, but others have an Adtran box to convert analog or PRI to SIP, then send it to some non-freepbx servers I use for call routing.
17:53.10igcewielinglast count was around 75 FreePBX servers and 6 non-FreePBX boxes, 4 for call routing, 2 for our hosted service.
17:53.48igcewielingmaybe close to 200 of the Adtran customers.
17:54.10MLCWe use asterisk on-premise for our call center phones.  Toll free number from to that server.  Lot's of integration between asterisk and our application software.
17:55.10*** join/#asterisk Ai9zO5AP (~BQcdf9eiZ@
17:58.56*** join/#asterisk DodgeThis (
18:19.30MLCIs there a way in a pjsip type = identify section to match on the server's port number? I'm experimenting with using an alternate port at to make use of both my WAN connections. .
18:22.26MLCthe "match" statement does not allow a port number
18:22.42SamotNo. There isn't.
18:24.14MLCMaybe it doesn't matter? I have two endpoints pointing to the same server, one on port 5060 and the other on 5080.  An inbound call from the 5080 account matches the identify for the 5060 account, but seems to work just fine.
18:31.52SamotDo they go to the same context?
18:32.06SamotThen you don't need two trunks.
18:32.26SamotThey just tell Asterisk where calls can and cannot come from/go to.
18:33.14MLCI'm hoping to be able to route one trunk out WAN1 and the other out WAN2, so that if/when WAN1 goes down new calls will come in on the WAN2 link.  Is there a better way to accomplish that?
18:35.09MLCwith the firewall I can force the traffic out different WANs based on the port number. has a "failover" feature that will try a second "account" (= trunk) if the primary is unreachable.
18:37.56bagiraso what my intent is
18:38.10bagirai've got an asterisk server in a vm compiled with sip support
18:38.19bagiraand i have signed up for a trunk service at gotrunk
18:38.33bagiraand on my host machine i will run a softphone of some kind (linux)
18:38.40bagiraand use that for inbound and outbound
18:39.13bagirahaving difficulty getting all the pieces working together
18:44.08MLCbagira: what kind of trouble are you having?
19:13.06igcewielingWhoo!  Whoo!  I just tested some network failover and we didn't even drop the test call.
19:13.32MLCNice. What kind of equipment do you have that makes that black magic possible?
19:14.14igcewielingMLC: Me?  OSPF and GRE tunnels. 8-)
19:14.39SamotMLC: I don't think he was referring to it at the Asterisk level.
19:14.54igcewielingMLC: I control the router on the carrier side of the circuit so that sort of stuff is possible.
19:15.09MLCgot it. Black magic indeed!
19:15.23igcewielingSSH session didn't even drop.
19:57.46*** join/#asterisk Helenah (~s98259@unaffiliated/iveeee)
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21:58.39*** join/#asterisk hecline (44bc37e3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
21:59.51heclineI'm not sure if it's okay to ask here, but I have a Digium switchvox API and I'm trying to create a call rule+set for an extension using their API, but it appears the API doesn't have a method for that. Anyone know if I'm missing something? The documentation is here
22:05.22bkervaskiAsterisk 16.latest ... pjsip ... some sip registrations get an ";rinstance=" identifier, some do not.  Looks like Polycom phones do not but others do.  Curious if I'm missing something obvious here.  Any ideas?
22:06.38fileit's up to them to do it, and Asterisk itself does nothing with that information
22:07.32bkervaskiThanks.  The issue I seem to be having is that the contacts with an rinstance will continue to stay registered whereas coicidentally I guess the ones without will not renew their registration.  Digging into the debug now.
22:09.40filethat is not the cause
22:11.01bkervaskiYea, I understand.  Seems that only the last contact that registered is the only one allowed to update.
22:11.33*** join/#asterisk javi404 (~quassel@unaffiliated/javi404)
22:17.04kharwellhecline: not sure, but my guess is rules are added through methods specifically related to a "subsystem". So for instance if you add a distinctive ring rule for a user using the api method for that it might add it to a set for the user?
22:17.45kharwellcan always try it as a test and then call the rulesset get list to see what shows up?
22:18.09*** join/#asterisk MLC (~MLC@
22:20.58heclineswitchvox.users.distinctiveRing.rules.add you mean?
22:22.50kharwellyes, but that is just one example, and again not sure if that it how it works
22:23.10*** join/#asterisk genpaku (~genpaku@
22:23.16heclinemhm. i just ran that method on an extension and got nothing of value unfortunately
22:24.35kharwellhrm I see too now it has it's own getList method.
22:24.57kharwellhave you tried just issuing an update? Maybe it's an update/add action, so if not found it adds it vs updating the record?
22:25.07heclineit's so strange that there's no switchvox.users.callRuleSets.add
22:25.29heclineone second
22:25.57*** join/#asterisk rwb (~Thunderbi@
22:26.34heclineno, i can't. it requires a call_rule_set_id
22:27.24*** join/#asterisk MLC (~MLC@
22:34.11hecline'A call rule set with that id does not exist or can not be accessed by your account.'
22:45.02jsmithhecline: You can always ask questions... but just to set expectations appropriately, the extended API isn't really supported for external consumption
22:46.40heclineyeah i know. i asked digium directly for support and they said it's not supported
22:47.03heclinereally unfortunate for my case, i have quite a few extensions i need to create and didn't want to manually create unique call rules for each
23:13.19*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@

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