IRC log for #asterisk on 20191112

00:46.05*** join/#asterisk Katty (uid62315@gateway/web/
00:53.51*** join/#asterisk war9407 (war@2600:4040:4001:1e00::f7aa)
01:23.11*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~w3rt@
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01:55.48jkroonif I'm patching m4 and other autoconf related files, what's the correct process to rebuild ./configure?
02:14.13*** join/#asterisk mindthelion (~techquila@2407:7000:9125:e400:a453:6053:e9c0:bace)
02:32.33drmessanofile: Is this syntax correct for the 'i' option?
03:02.56*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
06:04.46*** join/#asterisk infobot (
06:04.47*** topic/#asterisk is AstriCon 2019 in Atlanta! -- #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.29.1 (2019/10/16) 16.6.1 (2019/10/16) Standard: 17.0.0 (2019/10/28); DAHDI: 3.0.0 (2018/11/15); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
06:28.27*** join/#asterisk SirNueromancer (~textual@2600:1700:e43:882f:683e:cff4:432f:fcde)
06:37.48*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
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07:22.26*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
07:22.41*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (chotaire@unaffiliated/chotaire)
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07:36.11*** join/#asterisk Helenah (~s98259@unaffiliated/iveeee)
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14:28.41*** join/#asterisk Kaian (~kaian@2a0b:fcc0:0:2::219)
14:28.52seanbrightdrmessano: that appears to be correct
14:29.57*** join/#asterisk engine20191 (~engine201@
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15:22.27drmessanoseanbright: Thanks!
15:22.48seanbrighti'm basing that on looking at code, i have no idea if it is "correct"
15:22.53seanbrighti don't know anything about multicast
15:23.11drmessanoRight.  Understood.  Just wanted a syntax conformation.
15:24.24drmessanoI'm trying to implement this in the worst way possible, so having some pieces confirmed helps a lot
15:26.15Samotdrmessano: Oh, using the Lanny Method approach. Daring.
15:26.36drmessanoAnd Brave
15:31.19drmessanoI need to Asterisk installed at home and make a few multicast test calls first, to confirm the endpoints and my VLC client can receive audio
15:32.05drmessanoAfter that I can nail down the multicast routing
15:33.02*** join/#asterisk bford (uid283514@gateway/web/
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15:36.02SamotCool, let me know how it goes.
15:36.26SamotIt's something I don't see a need of doing (for me) but I'm interested if it does work.
15:37.40SamotBut who knows. We've been messing around doing IP cameras so I could see a door buzzer with video or something being needed to alert people in the the possible future.
15:40.15igcewielingAlgol has some interesting products, we use them for overhead paging, but they have doorphone (and video doorphones) with SIP.  I don't know if they do multicast.
15:42.54*** join/#asterisk kharwell (uid358942@gateway/web/
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15:54.02*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
16:13.56*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (~wonderwor@unaffiliated/wonderworld)
16:14.47wonderworldhey all. i remember using a very nice ncurses gui to visualize sip traffic. forgot the name. ;)
16:24.09igcewielingWow, 1178 IPs blocked by fail2ban for ssh attack
16:28.06*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
16:28.10*** join/#asterisk CatCow97 (
16:36.48wonderworldigcewieling: hey thank you thats it. very nice tool.
16:41.42wonderworldi have a problem with zombie sip channels. sip softphones register via WSS and are bridged in a confbridge. when users close their browser, etc the sip channels stay alive and the count of participants in confbridge doesn't go down.
16:42.32wonderworldi guess I'd need to set a timeout that checks if sip or websocket signalling has been received in the last x seconds, but I am not sure where to do it.
16:45.27igcewielingthere are session-timers and rtp keepalive options for pjsip and chan_sip.
16:46.10wonderworldthank you i will read that up
16:50.42*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
16:53.21*** join/#asterisk Champi (
17:04.31*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
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17:09.08*** join/#asterisk engine20191 (~engine201@
17:11.34Samotwonderworld: Is the WebRTC phone sending a BYE when the browser closes?
17:21.02*** join/#asterisk engine20191 (~engine201@
17:25.02wonderworldSamot: it should but it sometimes doesn't have enough time to do it when the browser is being closed.
17:25.28wonderworldthe sip channels then just stay alive forever and i am looking for a way to detect the right ones and kill them
17:25.53wonderworldthis is a pretty old asterisk though, maybe i should update it first to the latest version and try again?
17:26.06wonderworldi use 14.3.0
17:28.08SamotOK so the issue is that the SIP client (WebRTC) isn't actually disconnecting the call or sending anything to indicate a BYE should happen.
17:28.19SamotThese are not "zombie" calls to Asterisk.
17:29.39igcewielingWe don't live in a perfect world.   If the PBX can't handle a loss of connectivity with a client, then it is broken.
17:29.48wonderworldmaybe my terminology is wrong.
17:30.03SamotYou have an active call via WebRTC.
17:30.16wonderworldthis would be one of the channels without SIP client shown by "sip show channels"
17:30.29wonderworld176.22.196.21    sq               siirlcoiq3oqosd  (alaw)           No       Rx: ACK                    sq
17:30.32SamotYou're closing the browser and the WebRTC client isn't sending a BYE.
17:30.37igcewielinghave you considered using PJSIP instead?
17:31.10SamotThis is just like if  a hardphone hung up their handset and the phone didn't send a BYE to the PBX
17:32.19wonderworldSamot: is there a way to work around this?
17:32.36SamotOutside of fixing your WebRTC client? I'm not really sure.
17:32.47wonderworldigcewieling: if it would solve my problems, i would try port it to pjsip
17:32.53SamotHow do you know which channels in the bridge are not active anymore because a browser was closed?
17:32.59SamotTo Asterisk the call is still up.
17:33.20wonderworldSamot: i am testing by myself with the browser just spawning new sessions
17:33.36igcewielingwonderworld: chan_sip support session timers, but I'd look at rtpkeepalive first.
17:33.42*** join/#asterisk engine20191 (~engine201@
17:33.49SamotSo each time you open the browser the WebRTC is making a new call?
17:34.19wonderworldigcewieling: i did that. but when setting rtp debug to on, i still see asterisk pushing out the rtp stream to the dead clients and the timeout doesn't trigger
17:34.31wonderworldSamot: yes
17:34.45SamotOK so you have an issue with your WebRTC client.
17:34.48igcewielingwonderworld: I think it timesout on no received rtp
17:34.52SamotIt's not disconnecting calls to the other side
17:34.57SamotSo it just keeps making new calls.
17:35.12SamotBecause once you close the broswer, the client thinks there are no active calls.
17:35.16wonderworldSamot: basicly it's the RTP implementation in Firefox and CHrome
17:35.26SamotThis has nothing to do with RTP
17:35.32igcewielingwonderworld: test disconnecting by removing the network connection.  that way nobody will get hungup (pun intended) on the "closing the browser" part.
17:35.34SamotA BYE doesn't have RTP in it.
17:35.58SamotAgain this is like a regular phone never sending a BYE but still making new calls on the line like it's not in use.
17:36.12SamotYour WebRTC client needs to be fixed.
17:36.25igcewielingYou problem appears to me to be a general issue with the PBX losing connection to the softhone, I can't imagine how closing the app is any different from a connectivity outage.
17:36.40SamotThis isn't a PBX problem
17:36.53SamotThis is a WebRTC client problem. It's not ending calls properly.
17:37.01SamotAnd then it just creates new ones.
17:37.31igcewielingjust like if the network connection dropped?
17:37.53SamotWell I haven't seen any debugs or data.
17:38.02wonderworldSamot: sorry i meant webrtc implementaion, not RTp of course
17:38.16SamotBut sure, the PBX isn't seeing the dead audio stream..
17:38.33SamotUnless the WebRTC is background while the browser is closed.
17:38.38SamotI don't know.
17:39.34Samotwonderworld: So you close a browser and after a minute you still see the same amount of channels in the conf bridge?
17:39.51wonderworldwould it be of any use if the softphone would use different usernames to start calls?
17:40.00wonderworldSamot: yes exactly
17:40.22SamotAnd it will stay up in the conf bridge even after all the other calls have properly disconnected?
17:40.25wonderworldSamot: it works sometimes, but 20-30% of channels stay there until i kill them manualy
17:40.27SamotIt just will never drop?
17:40.53wonderworldyes, confbridge showed 12 participants with zero ppl in it
17:41.18SamotAnd you had 12 active calls and channels in the PBX?
17:41.57wonderworldi was thinking about detecting the time, the last sip package arrived from a client and script myself a timeout around it
17:42.11wonderworldbut i couldn't find a way to get this information yet
17:42.14SamotOK, humor me on this.
17:42.50SamotReplicate the issue. Close the browser, have the call still active in the PBX...then reboot the computer.
17:43.42wonderworldreboot the client or the pbx?
17:43.53igcewielingwonderworld: are you blocking ANY ICMP?
17:44.05wonderworldigcewieling: this might be
17:44.22wonderworldi think i am just forwarding the needed ports for sip/webrtc/rtp
17:45.36wonderworldi can ping the pbx on it's public ip
17:45.42wonderworldshould that be sufficient?
17:47.10wonderworldlet me try to reboot my box as samot requested. back in a minute
17:49.06*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (~wonderwor@unaffiliated/wonderworld)
17:49.28wonderworldok, replicated the issue and rebooted the client machine. channels stimm there
17:49.59wonderworldmaybe i will first update to the latest asterisk and try again
17:53.09*** join/#asterisk Ai9zO5AP (~BQcdf9eiZ@
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18:02.28*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
18:09.05*** join/#asterisk Helenah (~s98259@unaffiliated/iveeee)
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19:05.29*** join/#asterisk Ai9zO5AP (~BQcdf9eiZ@
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20:32.19*** join/#asterisk overyander (~overyande@
20:32.56overyandercan you specify multiple e-mail addresses in the e-mail field for a voice mail box?
20:33.30igcewielingI'm reasonably sure you can't.|
20:34.17SamotYou need to use a | just like the options.
20:36.10overyanderthanks Samot. Is there a space between the addresses and the | character?
20:46.01*** join/#asterisk Helenah (~s98259@unaffiliated/iveeee)
21:00.40*** join/#asterisk pvoigt (~Linux@unaffiliated/pvoigt)
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21:09.24igcewielingSamot: any idea when the GUI started changing , to | when writing out the e-mail field ?  I'm reasonably sure FreePBX 2.9 did not do that.
21:10.39SamotI have no clue about the GUI but the | has been a voicemail option for a very very long time.
21:14.40igcewielingI suspect | for voicemail e-mail field was supported at least as far back as 1.4.
21:16.35*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
21:31.22*** join/#asterisk SSlater (
21:50.57*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
22:00.43*** join/#asterisk nny (
22:01.13nnyi feel stupid, what's the command to show all channel variables for a give channel vs. what (ex: sip show channel) shows?
22:01.23nnyglobals, etc
22:01.36seanbrightcore show channel <channel>
22:03.14igcewielingDumpchan if you want to do it in the dialplan
22:06.12nnyty to both of ya
22:07.55*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
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