IRC log for #asterisk on 20191107

00:30.47Helenah2How come Zoiper wants money if it is crap?
00:31.17Helenah2No seriously, all softphones seem crappy
00:31.40Helenah2In that they sound bad, they don't stay awake in the background when running on cell phones.
00:38.27*** join/#asterisk war9407 (war@2600:4040:4001:1e00::f7aa)
00:39.17SamotBria doesn't have that problem.
00:39.28SamotIt's well worth what I pay for it.
01:06.15Helenah2Samot: I will if I try it and it is good.
01:06.29Helenah2But I'm not willing to blindly pay for software.
01:06.50Helenah2Installing Bria
01:18.34*** join/#asterisk spatel (
01:56.18SamotWell I bundle Bria with my services. My techs use it on the road, no missed calls.
02:05.44*** join/#asterisk MoonTide (~NiHola@unaffiliated/liuyan)
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02:39.06Helenah2I'm trying to create an alarm clock, how would I keep an AGI script running to do it? I'm also using Python for AGI.
02:40.13SamotAGI lets you execute external scripts/commands from dialplan
02:40.32SamotSo how would the alarm be triggered?
02:40.38Helenah2That I know how to do...
02:40.46Helenah2BUt I need a script to always be running
02:40.54SamotYou don't keep an AGI script script running.
02:41.00Helenah2I dial an extension, put in the time i want waking up
02:41.01SamotIt's called on when the dialplan is excuted.
02:41.09SamotIt's called on when the dialplan is executed.
02:41.10Helenah2and then when that time comes, the phone is called
02:41.20SamotOK that is using callfiles.
02:41.28Helenah2That I didn't know
02:41.32SamotOr setting up an Originate command.
02:41.41Helenah2I thought it was only called if the corresponding extension is dialed
02:41.42SamotVia AMI to execute from a remote script.
02:42.04Helenah2I haven't used AMI yet.
02:42.04SamotYou can use callfiles to trigger an Originate.
02:42.10Helenah2I shall look into it
02:42.14SamotOr you can use AMI
02:42.17SamotOr ARI
02:42.23Helenah2Googles callfiles
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12:10.36ornHello -- quick question: Does asterisk still look at mtime of call files and ignores future mtimes? Because mine seems to completely ignore mtime.
12:14.00sibiriait does
12:18.02orni place three call files in the spool directory, and asterisk updates the mtime of the file it opens and sets it 10m in the future, and then processes the remaining 2 (with mtimes 20 and 30 minutes in the future) in an arbitrary order
12:18.10orni need to investigate further
12:19.06sibiriasure you're not making the mistake of copying the files in there instead of moving them?
12:19.56sibiria(which will forfeit their mtime unless asked to be preserved with -p)
12:24.42ornyeah, i'm using python's os.rename -- and am checking the file stats before and after relocation
12:25.43orni'd be curious to know also why the mtime alters to approx. 10 minutes in the future once asterisk starts processing the call file -- maybe it's perfectly natural and asterisk does it to stop itself re-processing it while the call is ongoing or something
12:26.26sibiriadoes the RetryTime of the call file happen to be 600?
12:27.07orni don't define retrytime, and maxretries is 0
12:27.11sibiriaif yes, it does sound like the file's mtime is either incorrect or ignored, and that asterisk processes the file instantly with some odd result
12:27.13ornbut interesting thought -- maybe the default value is 300
12:27.20sibiriathe default is 300, yes
12:29.17sibiriai actually don't know if this feature of pbx_spool hinges on something in the func_ or res_ family or so
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13:32.36ornthis is weird -- sometimes asterisk listens to the mtime perfectly and sometimes it just seems to randomly call at random times -- trying to figure out a pattern here
13:34.56SamotSo if you don't adjust the mtime does every call get sent immediately and properly when you move the call file into the outgoing spool?
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13:35.45SamotAnd how far into the future are you setting the mtime?
13:35.56ornpresently 2 and 4 mintues, but i tried increasing to 20 and 30
13:36.15SamotAnd how are you doing it?
13:36.16ornand the mtime seems to have an effect even when it behaves strangely
13:36.32ornthere is always a delay, but it's unpredictable
13:37.20orni'm creating the call files in /tmp, adjusting the mtime with python's os.utime, and then using python's os.rename
13:37.28ornand i'm checking the mtime with stat
13:37.33ornand everything looks as it should
13:38.42SamotAnd you are changing the ownership/group to the asterisk user?
13:38.48SamotAnd not leaving it as root?
13:39.40SamotOK so create a file, adjust the mtime and show it via the ls -lt
13:39.51SamotThen move it to the outgoing spool and do the same thing.
13:39.58SamotMake sure the timestamp is the same.
13:40.17orni've been doing that essentially -- am checking the timestamp before and after moving and it is not changing
13:40.30ornthough not checking with ls, but rateher with stat
13:42.14sibiriaorn: are you sure python's os.rename is being a big doodie head and doing something stupid as copying file and then adjusting its stats?
13:42.19sibiriaisn't being*
13:43.18sibiriamaybe try mv(1) via os.system()
13:43.43sibiriaor, whichever tickles your fancy
13:45.56ornyeah, considered doing that just to elimate that as a possibility, but it would be some weird combo of that being broken and stat showing me the wrong thing
13:46.11SamotHow about you create it
13:46.18Samotand then touch it
13:46.29Samotmod the owner/group and then mv it
13:46.44SamotHow about trying this manually and making sure it does work
13:46.45orni'm gonna paste output showing me continually moniting the stat of the call files in the spool directory, which shows (via the sudden change of the call file mtime) a premature launch
13:46.56sibiriawhy don't you turn asterisk off, do the whole spiel you do for the call file, "ls --full-time" the spool directory and see what you have before asterisk gets its hands over it
13:47.11ornreally good ideas for debugging this, thanks guys
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13:52.29ornhere's what it looks like with minor commentary
13:53.09ornbut i'll be sure to create call files manually with future mtimes and see what happens -- maybe it's something to do with the fact that i'm creating three files within a short period and the first one is supposed to execute straight away
13:55.03SamotWhy does the first file have a different access and modified times?
13:56.26orni ran stat after asterisk began processing it
13:56.53ornasterisk seems to change the mtime and ctime
13:57.16ornits mtime is just the creation time as it is supposed to run right away
13:57.31SamotAnd what version of Asterisk are you running?
13:58.10Samot13.29.1 <-- Current version.
13:58.22SamotYou're on a, what, 5 year old release?
13:58.37ornthis is from ubuntu's packaging system
13:58.44ornnot sure when 13.1.0 came out though
13:58.53ornbut yeah, valid
13:59.15SamotIt came out 5 years ago
13:59.39SamotYou are missing 5 years of bug fixes.
14:04.36sibiriathe mtime feature works in ast 13, but there may be a tiny risk you're right on top of a temporary regression
14:04.50sibiriaunless PEBCAK, of course ,)
14:05.27*** join/#asterisk lbazan (~lbazan@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
14:06.18ornhaha, PEBCAK is always an option
14:06.38ornthough i've done both rubber duck debugging and actual person debugging to try to limit that :)
14:08.27sibiriabut, uh.. i'd just try doing this manually: create a few basic test call files (calling Playback with a soundfile, nothing more) on the terminal, set their mtime with touch(1) and mv them files into the spool
14:08.48sibiriato confirm basic funcationality before looking at how the larger application is breaking it
14:09.38sibiriano need to have the call files even go into the dial plan. a simple "Application: Playback" with "Data: en/monkeys" or something will suffice
14:11.44ornyeah, good point
14:11.55ornthanks a lot for your input
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15:33.38ornfwiw, i upgraded to asterisk 13.18.3 and am seeing the same behavior. that is still ~2 years older than the most recent version and i have yet to try simplifying the scenario as suggested
15:33.51ornbut thought i'd share for posterity
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15:44.56Samotorn: So you've done this manually? With no code?
15:45.06*** join/#asterisk LoKoMurdoK (~lbazan@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
15:47.16ornno, that's what i'm currently doing
15:47.33orndecided to upgrade the OS and asterisk first, which was a good idea anyway
15:56.17igcewielingThe important thing with call files, is that you need to create them in another directory on the same file system, then move them to the correct location.   Otherwise Asterisk might try processing the call file before it is finished being written to disk.
16:01.58ornigcewieling: that's how i'm doing it -- there seems to be something else that's affecting it, but i haven't figured out what. am testing things suggested by Samot and sibiria
16:02.15ornseeing if i can reproduce the problem that way
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18:19.37Someone_Elsewhat variable in the asterisk dialpan gives me the 'contact' string of the extension?
18:23.39jkroonof the dialog of the sip channel?
18:24.35igcewielingSomeone_Else: try "core show function CHANNEL"
18:25.21igcewielingAnything more would require us to know the channel driver you are using.
18:29.03Someone_Elseigcewieling: thanks. didn't find the right thing yet. when I do pjsip show aor xxx, it lists a uri under contact: sip:blah
18:29.22Someone_ElseI need a variable to pass that to a script from my dialplan
18:29.41Someone_Elseso, in case you missed it, I'm using pjsip
18:32.13SamotIs this an outbound call from the endpoint?
18:32.39igcewieling"core show functions like PJSIP"
18:32.39Someone_ElseSamot: yes
18:33.04SamotNo, it's in the channel function
18:33.15Samotyou need to use PJSIP_CONTACTS with it.
18:34.13SamotSays so right in the channel function details.
18:34.56SamotHowever, that means Asterisk -> device
18:35.11SamotDevice -> Asterisk is an incoming leg.
18:35.57SamotBecause a contact doesn't need to exist for Asterisk to receive a call from an endpoint as long as the endpoint auth's how asterisk wants.
18:36.15SamotContacts are for calls leaving Asterisk to some place.
18:37.30SamotYou probably want this: remote_addr - On inbound calls, the full IP address and port number that the INVITE request was received from. On outbound calls, the full IP address and port number that the INVITE request was transmitted to.
18:37.42SamotSo CHANNEL(pjsip,remote_addr)
18:39.44Someone_ElseSamot: the 'client' I need to get the uri from is a softphone that includes a push token inside the uri
18:39.57Someone_ElseI need that to wake up the device prior to calling
18:40.18SamotOK so this is a call FROM Asterisk to a specific contact?
18:40.54SamotThat's the opposite of what you told me.
18:41.17SamotSo then you need to use PJSIP_CONTACT to get the contacts on the AOR
18:41.33SamotYou can get the UA from there.
18:42.41Someone_ElseSamot: and how do I pass that to a AGI script? something like ${PJSIP_CONTACT(xxx,uri)} ?
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18:46.57Someone_ElseSamot: not working, getting an empty variable
18:47.20SamotWhat did you actually put in there?
18:47.44Someone_Elselike I said above, where xxx is the softphone number
18:50.28SamotOK, you need to use a few functions here.
18:50.56SamotThe name part is the actual contact URI
18:51.36SamotSo you need to get your contacts via PJSIP_AOR(aorname,contact)
18:51.54SamotIf you have more than one static or dynamic contact, you'll need to loop them.
18:55.10Someone_ElseSamot: the string returned is not the one in sip show aor xxx
18:55.51SamotString for what?
18:56.05SamotYou need to relay your information in a more detailed fashion.
18:56.22SamotI have no idea what you did or what you were expecting when you did it.
18:57.13Someone_Elseagain, I need to have the value of 'contact' under sip show aor xxx, the full string
18:57.16Someone_Elsethat's all
18:58.31SamotWhat is the dialplan you used?
18:58.47SamotWhat was the output in the log to said dialplan when executed?
18:59.04Samottelling it just doesn't work or you didn't get the right result doesn't mean anything for me.
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