IRC log for #asterisk on 20191010

00:04.59*** join/#asterisk techquila (~techquila@2407:7000:9125:e400:a453:6053:e9c0:bace)
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01:04.46*** join/#asterisk MICROburst1 (
01:10.12*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
01:12.24*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~NiHola@unaffiliated/liuyan)
01:22.35*** join/#asterisk DannyA (
01:22.50DannyAis there a variable that can be used in a dialplan which is the last incoming caller ID to a channel/extension?
01:23.04DannyAim trying to create a feature code similar to *69
01:30.23*** join/#asterisk ih8wndz (
01:32.04SamotNo. You would have to store that information somewhere and then call on it.
01:38.19DannyA@Samot gotcha.  so the flow would basically be, for this particular feature code, lookup in the CDR records the last incoming call to that extension and then call it?
01:40.08*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
01:40.51SamotJust store it in AstDB
01:41.04SamotNo need to make it complicated
01:43.27DannyAok cool, will lookup how to do that.  thanks!
01:44.09SamotYou should be looking at FreePBX
01:44.30DannyAjust found this!
01:57.51*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~NiHola@unaffiliated/liuyan)
02:04.52*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
02:16.15*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
02:27.53*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
04:26.09karelkI want to log cdr to MariaDB
04:26.21karelkwhat do I need to put into odbcinst.ini ?
04:26.56karelkon old Asterisk, where I logged to Mysql, I had:
04:26.59karelkDescription = MySQL ODBC MyODBC Driver
04:26.59karelkDriver = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/
04:27.27karelkI assume this has to be different for MariaDB
04:36.53*** join/#asterisk SwK (~SwK@freeswitch/developer/swk)
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04:55.53*** join/#asterisk SwK (~SwK@freeswitch/developer/swk)
05:27.01karelkI have a problem:
05:27.19karelkwhen I start Asterisk, the log shows: NOTICE[2478] loader.c: 331 modules will be loaded.
05:27.42karelkbut when I do 'module show', there are no modules
05:27.49karelkand asterisk does not work
05:28.13karelkI don't see any errors in the log that would explain why modules are not loaded
06:17.44*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
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09:38.51bf_Holy moly is this all a mess.
09:39.16bf_Now I have to compile dahdi from source in order for it to support the SwitchPI custom PCB
09:39.53bf_Then I also need to custom-compile asterisk in order for it to support odbc connection to postgresql
09:47.06*** join/#asterisk MICROburst (
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11:18.36*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~NiHola@unaffiliated/liuyan)
11:57.59*** join/#asterisk MarkS- (~mark@unaffiliated/mark21)
12:00.23MarkS-Hello, I have a question about the options around queues in Asterisk. Is it possible if a member is in 2 queues to give 1 queue always priority over the other queue? So if there are callers waiting in both queues only the priority queue is ringing and the other has to wait for that call to be answered
12:39.59*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
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14:16.42*** join/#asterisk Kaian (~kaian@
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14:28.54tecfallWhy would sip headers be showing the internal ip instead of the external? I have a site that I can't connect to and i belive this is the issue. Here is the details:
14:30.07sibiriayou're looking for externhost, not externip
14:31.09sibiriait can take either an IP address or a hostname
14:31.23sibiriaalso take a look at externrefresh if you intend to use a hostname
14:31.26SamotOr just use the right setting.
14:32.06Samotexternip=208.86.x.x <-- Not a real Chan_SIP setting.
14:32.14sibiriayeah externaddr if you want a static IP address
14:32.22sibiriaexternhost if you want to resolve a host regularly
14:32.32sibiriathe latter takes an IP address as well, if needed
14:32.32SamotBut this is why it's doing what it is.
14:33.09*** join/#asterisk pppingme (~pppingme@unaffiliated/pppingme)
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14:53.17*** join/#asterisk Ai9zO5AP (BQcdf9eiZ8@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/ai9zo5ap)
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18:42.40Someone_Else9any linphone users around that use the android client with push?
18:42.58*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
18:43.03Someone_Else9i'm interested in how they configured it
18:49.55*** part/#asterisk MLC (~MLC@
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21:38.25*** join/#asterisk GoldenBear (~gb@
21:53.01*** join/#asterisk MLC (~MLC@
21:53.23MLC${CHANNEL(rtcp,txjitter)} - what are the units of measurement for this value?
21:56.02*** join/#asterisk x5eb (
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22:06.45snuff-workMLC: considering its 'jitter' most likely milliseconds
22:07.07MLCI'm getting values like 0.00416100
22:07.37MLCmaybe seconds?
22:07.49snuff-workmm.. on what 'sort' of call? ie local lan etc
22:08.16snuff-workif it is seconds.. then that would be 4ms
22:08.21MLCSIP call over the public network from a SIP provider
22:08.32MLCPJSIP actually
22:08.54snuff-workmm.. so i guess its in seconds.. as 4ms makes most 'sense'
22:09.19snuff-worku could also check the minrtt / maxrtt
22:09.49MLCthat was actually my next question, all of the rtt values are 0.00000000
22:10.28MLCthat's a REALLY fast netowrk!
22:10.47snuff-worki can't remember if some of these require both ends to have a certain 'field' to work
22:11.26MLCI'm also at 16.2, might be better data on the most recent
22:12.10snuff-workwell u could always just get all the possible values.. via just doing the ${CHANNEL(rtcp,all)} see what might be 'missing'
22:14.17MLCrxjitter and rtt are always 0.00000. Other values seem reasonable.
22:18.00snuff-workmm i did a test between my 2 ast.. rxjitter/rtt both 0's too
22:18.20snuff-workthey are asterisk git sometime in last 3 months
22:20.37MLCany rules of thumb about jitter values. At what threshold does it become problematic to the call quality?
22:21.32snuff-workmm i'm used to using the MOS score.. which is 4+ great.. 3ok.. 2< bad
22:22.48snuff-workreally if your jitter is >20ms your probably going to notice in a call.. but my recollections are hazy as i've not been deep in VOIP related stuff in ages
22:25.16sibiriajitter *usually* happens between your upstream trunk and the pstn
22:25.42sibiriaand you can't measure that with qos rtp
22:26.08sibiriabut it's of course nice and useful to have a steady connection to your provider
22:26.33MLCIn the current project, I'm comparing 2 providers so the qos stuff should work for that
22:26.33sibiriai mean, you can have issues on that first leg of the route too, obviously
22:43.10snuff-workmm.. interesting.. one of my 2 boxes gives rtt.. other doesn't
22:45.03snuff-workmm one that gave me a rtt is running much older =)
22:45.17snuff-work2018-12-18 build.. vs 2019-08-12
22:45.30MLCghosts in the machine
22:52.32sibiriaare you entirely sure you're receiving rtcp on the one showing 0 rtt?
22:52.41sibiriawhat does the rxcount on that machine say?
22:56.46*** join/#asterisk Katty (uid62315@gateway/web/
23:00.28snuff-workboth have rx and tx count numbers
23:00.38snuff-workNoOp("PJSIP/3202-00000506", "ssrc=1827324442;themssrc=3491623665;lp=0;rxjitter=0.000000;rxcount=942;txjitter=0.000038;txcount=941;rlp=0;rtt=0.000000")
23:01.04snuff-workvs  NoOp("PJSIP/ast-mel-00000903", "ssrc=298585860;themssrc=3491623670;lp=0;rxjitter=0.000000;rxcount=783;txjitter=0.000249;txcount=787;rlp=0;rtt=0.013320")
23:01.54snuff-workoops paste the 'right' second one
23:01.55snuff-workNoOp("PJSIP/3202-00000506", "ssrc=1827324442;themssrc=3491623665;lp=0;rxjitter=0.000000;rxcount=942;txjitter=0.000038;txcount=941;rlp=0;rtt=0.000000")
23:02.10snuff-workNoOp("PJSIP/3202-00000508", "ssrc=1095312831;themssrc=3491623670;lp=0;rxjitter=0.000000;rxcount=784;txjitter=0.006077;txcount=787;rlp=0;rtt=0.000000")
23:02.22snuff-workcopy n paste fail
23:02.29KattyAnd this is why we use pastebin!
23:34.41*** join/#asterisk jasonwert (~w3rt@

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