IRC log for #asterisk on 20190921

00:16.46*** join/#asterisk infobot (
00:16.46*** topic/#asterisk is Take the March 2019 Asterisk User Survey! -- #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.28.1 (2019/09/05) 16.5.1 (2019/09/05), Security Only: 15.7.4 (2019/09/05); DAHDI: 3.0.0 (2018/11/15); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
00:34.09*** join/#asterisk scampbell (~scampbell@2603:3015:104:f400::5d3)
01:31.36*** join/#asterisk scampbell (~scampbell@2603:3015:104:f400::5d3)
02:39.18*** join/#asterisk X-Rob (X-Rob@gateway/web/
05:39.00*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
05:56.06*** join/#asterisk Downlots (~Downlots@2a02:85f:518:4a00:684c:8e56:1db0:1d62)
06:00.18*** join/#asterisk yokel (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
06:38.34*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
06:46.22*** join/#asterisk miralin1 (~Thunderbi@
07:01.10*** join/#asterisk lankanmon (
08:01.55*** join/#asterisk zapata_ (~zapata@2a02:1748:f71:380:ad67:7035:9aa5:7c66)
09:40.14*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
09:50.11*** join/#asterisk i9zO5AP (~BQcdf9eiZ@
09:50.34*** join/#asterisk _nexxus_ (
09:51.21*** join/#asterisk _nexxus_ (
10:51.06*** join/#asterisk xpheres (
10:53.35xphereshello, yesterday I had a hacker sending request to my pbx and I blocked the ip, I still found something in the log but I'm not sure if that's also a hacker and if I should block the ip, please help
11:48.14*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
12:23.31*** join/#asterisk Downlots (
12:45.33*** join/#asterisk willBHZ (b14aebe5@
13:21.05*** join/#asterisk zapata_ (~zapata@2a02:1748:f71:380:f8df:614:92a1:88be)
14:11.06*** join/#asterisk Downlots (
14:14.20*** join/#asterisk ghoti (
14:43.06*** join/#asterisk atotclic (~Atotclic@unaffiliated/atotclic)
14:49.07*** join/#asterisk Downlots (
15:06.03*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
15:33.48*** join/#asterisk ViaSanctus (~ViaSanctu@unaffiliated/viasanctus)
15:34.01ViaSanctusgues no one is here with a bit of a 3cx experience?
15:34.29ViaSanctusdont worry, i wont steal your can share info :)
15:43.17SamotWhy would you ask about another PBX system here?
16:02.44atotclicSamot: Do you know someone who has had problems with system time?
16:03.35*** join/#asterisk gtjoseph (~gtjoseph@unaffiliated/gtj)
16:03.35*** mode/#asterisk [+o gtjoseph] by ChanServ
16:03.48Samotatotclic: You need to have a little more detail in that question.
16:05.19atotclicexemple time unix 11111111111110
16:05.35atotclic30 seconds later 11111111111140
16:05.51SamotI still don't know what you're asking.
16:06.10SamotWhat problems?
16:06.22atotclic30 seconds later 1111111111050
16:06.36SamotThose aren't real timestamps.
16:06.54SamotYou need to ask this with more detail and explain what your actual problem is
16:10.26atotclicif time is < 360 seconds the phones or presence, they have to re-register
16:21.57SamotYeah, that's not helpful at all.
16:22.04SamotThat has nothing to do with system time.
16:23.35*** join/#asterisk gtjoseph (~gtjoseph@unaffiliated/gtj)
16:23.36*** mode/#asterisk [+o gtjoseph] by ChanServ
16:38.01*** join/#asterisk Downlots (~Downlots@2a02:85f:518:4a00:684c:8e56:1db0:1d62)
16:59.02*** join/#asterisk tmoore (~tmoore@2600:1702:4110:3d10:a22d:2005:e500:b20e)
17:13.13*** join/#asterisk t- (tom@freenode/staff/tomaw)
17:13.35*** join/#asterisk [\\\] (~triplesla@unaffiliated/imsaguy)
17:16.03*** join/#asterisk yokel_ (~yokel@unaffiliated/contempt)
17:16.08*** join/#asterisk gtjoseph (~gtjoseph@unaffiliated/gtj)
17:16.08*** mode/#asterisk [+o gtjoseph] by ChanServ
17:16.52*** join/#asterisk bllll (
17:23.53*** join/#asterisk pppingme (~pppingme@unaffiliated/pppingme)
17:23.59*** join/#asterisk rmudgett (rmudgett@nat/digium/x-yfucjdhkownwgkxg)
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17:24.21*** join/#asterisk yoink (~yoink@unaffiliated/yoink)
17:25.10*** join/#asterisk dakudos (
17:25.11*** join/#asterisk aoeui (~aoeui@unaffiliated/aoeui)
17:25.24*** join/#asterisk yoavz (~yoavz@
17:25.35*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightMonk@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
17:38.58*** join/#asterisk forgotmynick (uid24625@gateway/web/
18:23.05*** join/#asterisk Chex (
19:35.33*** join/#asterisk clarjon1 (~clarjon1@unaffiliated/clarjon1)
20:20.19*** join/#asterisk Jesterboxboy (
21:14.10*** join/#asterisk m4rcu5 (
21:18.06*** join/#asterisk forgotmynick (uid24625@gateway/web/
21:19.34*** join/#asterisk robmal (
21:25.47*** join/#asterisk gtjoseph_ (~gtjoseph@unaffiliated/gtj)
21:25.47*** mode/#asterisk [+o gtjoseph_] by ChanServ
21:31.47*** join/#asterisk gtjoseph (~gtjoseph@unaffiliated/gtj)
21:31.47*** mode/#asterisk [+o gtjoseph] by ChanServ
21:37.07*** join/#asterisk m4rcu5 (
21:54.56*** join/#asterisk spatel (
23:52.38*** join/#asterisk driz (~driz@

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