IRC log for #asterisk on 20190816

00:16.18*** join/#asterisk infobot (
00:16.18*** topic/#asterisk is Take the March 2019 Asterisk User Survey! -- #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.28.0 (2019/7/25) 16.5.0 (2019/7/25), Security Only: 15.7.3 (2019/7/11); DAHDI: 3.0.0 (2018/11/15); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
01:01.41*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
01:58.39*** join/#asterisk jazper- (~blah@pdpc/supporter/active/jazper)
03:36.20*** join/#asterisk pppingme (~pppingme@unaffiliated/pppingme)
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05:59.19*** join/#asterisk tripleslash (~triplesla@unaffiliated/imsaguy)
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07:48.16*** join/#asterisk hehol (
08:32.13*** join/#asterisk shimshon10 (8de24eae@
08:32.45shimshon10i try to call fastAGI and i got answer (from server):
08:33.21shimshon10and the file and dir Permission it's 777
08:33.49shimshon10any idea?
08:42.48*** join/#asterisk shimshon10 (8de23f29@
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11:09.07*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
11:44.56*** join/#asterisk shimshon10 (8de23df1@
11:45.16shimshon10somebody can help me?
12:00.19*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (
12:48.04*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
12:52.23*** join/#asterisk LoKoMurdoK (~lbazan@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
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14:10.18*** mode/#asterisk [+o bford] by ChanServ
14:12.39*** join/#asterisk Downlots (
14:19.23*** join/#asterisk hfb (~hfb@
14:22.51*** join/#asterisk shimshon10 (5f567b1d@
14:23.18shimshon10did somebody can help me?
14:23.51[TK]D-FenderAsk a question, maybe we'll have an answer
14:25.16shimshon10I try to use fastAgi and i have log that:
14:25.17shimshon10"failed: Permission denied (errno = 13)"
14:25.36shimshon10the dir it's the same user and group like the setting
14:25.49shimshon10and chmod it's 777 for the dir and files
14:26.09sibiriadoes the fastagi listener even manage to bind?
14:26.25sibiriathat is, is it even running?
14:27.19shimshon10log files say:
14:27.36sibiriathere you go
14:27.59shimshon10how can i repair it?
14:28.32sibiriaeither something else is already listening on that port, or you're trying to bind to a port you don't have permission to
14:28.44sibiriae.g. a "low" port, or something like selinux may be interfering
14:29.16sibiriawhat you're seeing is not an asterisk problem per se
14:29.40shimshon10selinux it's disable.
14:30.11shimshon10the port it's: 4573 (defualt)
14:30.14sibiriacheck if something is already listening to 4573
14:30.44sibirialsof -i | grep 4573
14:31.17shimshon10it's null.
14:31.29shimshon10when i do:
14:31.33shimshon10netstat -antelup |grep 4573
14:31.38shimshon10i see only agi
14:35.51shimshon10any idea?
14:37.52shimshon10also if i change the port i have the same message.
14:38.36sibiriais something still listening to the port if you stop asterisk?
14:39.12sibirianetstat -an | grep :4573
14:41.33shimshon10i cant stop asterisk
14:42.02sibiriaso something is listening on that port, but according to you lsof tells you nothing is
14:42.28sibirialsof -i | grep ^asterisk
14:43.47shimshon10I have meny calls in asterisk, so i can't stop all the calls.
14:44.29shimshon10it's meny asterisk lines.
14:45.48sibiriayeah i understand
14:46.19sibiriabut any of them indicating that something running under asterisk is listening on port 4573?
14:46.33*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
14:46.36sibiriaTCP *:4573 (LISTEN) or similar
14:47.51shimshon10no, it's run on port 10000 and more
14:50.16SamotThe only think that Asterisk uses on 10000 or higher is RTP and that's UDP.
14:50.52sibiriaso you can't find any indication that asterisk manages to listen on that port (4573) but it's still getting rejected when trying to bind there
14:51.05sibiriaare you _really_ sure selinux (or apparmor, or whatever) isn't running?
14:51.25SamotWell it's getting to the point where you need to back up what you are saying with output.
14:51.37sibiriaand _nothing_ else is listening on that port?
14:51.42SamotShow us what the output is of the commands given...
14:51.46sibiriai mean, typically your fastagi handler is supposed to
14:52.06Samot10:42:29 AM <sibiria> lsof -i | grep ^asterisk
14:52.08shimshon10sestatus|grep "SELinux status"
14:52.09sibiriawhatever you may be using to handle the requests
14:52.14shimshon10SELinux status:                 disabled
14:52.40shimshon10isof -i |grep ^asterisk:
14:52.41sibiriagetsebool <- says same thing?
14:52.44shimshon10asterisk   3848     root 1120w  IPv4 38974107      0t0  UDP *:15726
14:53.59*** join/#asterisk shimshon10 (5f567b1d@
14:54.13shimshon10i have reconnect to here
14:54.23sibiriadon't paste into the channel
14:56.45shimshon10the limk:
14:58.48*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
15:01.38shimshon10the full report:
15:01.48shimshon10any idea?
15:05.53*** join/#asterisk Downlots (
15:08.43sibiriait only confirms that asterisk fails binding to port 4573 for some still unclear reason
15:09.23sibiriado you have an entry for 4573 in your /etc/services file?
15:10.08shimshon10i make a line:
15:10.09shimshon10agi             4573/tcp                # FAST AGI entry
15:10.15shimshon10in /etc/services
15:10.50sibiriaok. i was just curious if maybe it happened to be there but with a weirdo name
15:11.06sibiriayeah i dunno... it really looks like selinux or something is denying you
15:11.51shimshon10sestatus|grep "SELinux status":
15:11.57shimshon10SELinux status:                 disabled
15:12.13shimshon10it's somthin else to check?
15:15.13sibiriaplease, indulge me:  what does getsebool say?
15:16.08shimshon10getsebool:  SELinux is disabled
15:16.34sibiriawhat is your fastagi handler? where is it and what does it look like etc.
15:16.59shimshon10in dialplan
15:17.43shimshon10after i run it in slave, the server say that no  failed: Permission denied (errno = 13)
15:18.53shimshon10client run it, and the server say thet:
15:18.53shimshon10: Permission denied (errno = 13)
15:18.53sibiriayes but your handler/daemon
15:19.06sibiriathe one that wants to bind to 4573 and listen for fastagi requests
15:21.38shimshon10service agi
15:23.42sibiria...which apparently isn't up and running?
15:24.35igcewielingsounds like client and server are trying to bind to the same port.
15:24.55sibiriaclient shouldn't be binding at all
15:27.19shimshon10Explain me please what I need to test
15:27.36sibiriafastagi is a server-client construct
15:27.54igcewielingthat would take time I don't have.  what language are you using?
15:27.56sibiriainstead of asterisk starting an executable (normal agi script/application), it sends details over the network to a server which handles the requests
15:28.28sibiriasomewhere you have a fastagi handler/daemon/server. maybe it's your agi service running over your inetd superserver, i don't know
15:28.41sibiriabut it *needs* to bind to the port you tell your dialplan's agi calls to connect to
15:28.59sibiriathe diaplan isn't supposed to start any scripts/applications in fastagi mode
15:29.03sibiriathat's for normal agi
15:29.41sibiriaeverything you've said tells us that your fastagi handler/daemon/server is not running
15:30.21sibiriacheck your service script maybe, since it seems you're running things off of inetd
15:46.55shimshon10if i put in the server line like:
15:47.03shimshon10it's work.
15:55.36*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
16:05.20*** join/#asterisk lbazan (~lbazan@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
16:58.33*** join/#asterisk Downlots (
18:14.11*** join/#asterisk sawgood (~sawgood@unaffiliated/sawgood)
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20:28.50*** join/#asterisk hfb (~hfb@
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21:50.18*** join/#asterisk troyt (zncsrv@2601:681:4100:8981:44dd:acff:fe85:9c8e)
21:54.29*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
22:49.08*** join/#asterisk troyt (zncsrv@2601:681:4100:8981:44dd:acff:fe85:9c8e)

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