IRC log for #asterisk on 20190814

00:16.34*** join/#asterisk infobot (
00:16.34*** topic/#asterisk is Take the March 2019 Asterisk User Survey! -- #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.28.0 (2019/7/25) 16.5.0 (2019/7/25), Security Only: 15.7.3 (2019/7/11); DAHDI: 3.0.0 (2018/11/15); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
00:17.02*** join/#asterisk miralin (~Thunderbi@
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01:34.38*** join/#asterisk jazper- (~blah@pdpc/supporter/active/jazper)
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02:07.47*** join/#asterisk mindthelion (techquila@gateway/vpn/protonvpn/techquila)
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06:36.02*** join/#asterisk TandyUK (~admin@TandyUK/staff/James)
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07:35.13*** join/#asterisk J24MM (2bf52e29@
07:38.07J24MMi have some issues with outgoing idd calls in Asterisk.
07:38.38J24MMit says "Got SIP response 484 "Address Incomplete" back from"
07:39.15J24MMincoming call is ok. is one of you having this experience before?
07:48.51*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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12:13.17*** join/#asterisk NWATechSupport (
12:34.05Kobazhey umm, never tried to do this one before, surprisignly
12:34.14Kobazdynamic agent hints
12:34.41KobazHint on ..... Agent/SIP/bar  ?
12:34.48Kobaztrying that real quick...
12:45.35Kobazweel that doesn't work
12:51.21Kobazi guess i'll use custom device state for now and do my own tracking
12:59.31*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
13:07.02*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
13:16.11Kobazis there a list of characters that aren't allowed as a custom: device hint ?
13:16.24Kobazlooks like / is one of them
13:16.35*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (~brad@
13:27.22*** join/#asterisk pchero_work (~pchero@
13:32.37*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
13:45.16*** join/#asterisk Downlots (~Downlots@
13:45.36NWATechSupportWhat can I do to see why my emails are building in a queue instead of sending?
13:45.56NWATechSupportFor voicemails or faxes or the like
13:46.13Kobazthat depends on your mail server, asterisk has no email queue
13:46.27NWATechSupportRunning the Sangoma7 distro
13:46.49Kobazthat's not native asterisk
13:46.53Kobazyou want #freepbx
13:47.02NWATechSupportRoger that.
13:49.01*** join/#asterisk gtjoseph (~gtjoseph@unaffiliated/gtj)
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14:37.07effprimehi, I am having trouble understanding extensions... I am dialing out to a test client and want to play "hello-world" when they answer. does playback() go right after the dial command?
14:37.20effprimeI am picking up the call but not hearing anything
14:37.35KobazAnswer() the call first
14:37.44Kobazthere can be delays in audio if you dont
14:38.04SamotYou can't answer a Dial()
14:38.13Kobazjust saying in general
14:38.17Kobazi have no idea what hes' trying to do
14:38.18Samoteffprime: You need to use local channels for this.
14:38.28effprimelocal channels?
14:38.28SamotKobaz: It would seem neither do they.
14:38.35effprimewhy be an asshole?
14:38.40SamotYes, local channels.
14:38.48Kobazoooh you want a pickup macro
14:38.58Kobazyou dont need local channels
14:39.17SamotKobaz: This is some company who has a project to generate VoIP traffic.
14:39.27*** join/#asterisk pabe (~pabe@
14:39.36Kobaz'generate' ?
14:39.44SamotKobaz: We can't see anything or get real details because it would "expose" things for the company.
14:39.47SamotWhich is a no no.
14:39.52SamotWe went through this yesterday.
14:39.55effprimeexcept I can share you my extensions
14:40.00effprimeyou specifically told me not to
14:40.15SamotExtensions have nothing to do with what was happening yesterday.
14:40.18SamotWith the audio issues.
14:40.28effprimeso let me share them now then
14:40.28SamotWe asked for debugs and we couldn't get them.
14:40.46Kobazso what sort of scammy fraud stuff are you doing?
14:41.00SamotWhy? You're trying to Dial(), you either need to use a Dial() command to playback the audio or local channels.
14:41.21KobazDial() with a pickup macro
14:41.24Kobazdone and done
14:41.25SamotIf you want to get DTMF or other options from the callee, you'll need Local channels.
14:41.25effprimeI am literally asking how to do that
14:41.35KobazSamot: no, you don't
14:41.53Kobazi literally just set that up the other day, without local channels
14:42.01Kobazjust Dial() options and a context to exec
14:42.11Kobazauto login to a conference bridge... send dtmf on pickup
14:42.27SamotWho is sending the DTMF?
14:42.41SamotThat's not what I said.
14:42.48effprimenow you're arguing with each other cool
14:42.50SamotI said if you wanted DTMF or other respones from the CALLEE
14:42.57SamotThere is a difference.
14:43.07effprimeso dial(extension)
14:43.08Kobazyou want to read dtmf from the 'far end' .. ?
14:43.12effprimewhat is after that priority?
14:43.13SamotYes, your method no local channels needed.
14:43.20SamotThere isn't.
14:43.29Samotyou are in the Dia() until it completes.
14:43.36SamotWhich means no other dialplan is executed.
14:43.43effprimewhat defines completion?
14:43.44SamotOutside of that called during the Dial() command.
14:43.47Kobazso you want to do like a survey or something?
14:43.50SamotNo answer.
14:43.52Kobazcollect digits from the person you called?
14:43.54effprimethanks that helps
14:44.07effprimeso the dial needs to take more args?
14:44.19SamotIf needed, yes.
14:44.23Kobazsure, just add parameters until it works :P
14:44.25effprimeI saw that on google but not sure how to implement
14:44.28SamotThere are numerous options.
14:44.33SamotThe WIKI
14:44.38SamotOr hire a consultant.
14:44.44KobazSamot: dude, haha
14:44.45effprime>IRC help channel
14:44.48effprime>tells me to read wiki
14:44.51Kobazyou're turning into TK-Fender
14:45.00Kobazwe already have one of those
14:45.01effprimeTK was more helpful than this idiot
14:45.07SamotKobaz: This is a company that is doing a VoIP project.
14:45.16Kobazi got that part
14:45.18SamotSomeone is paying them for this.
14:45.23SamotSo they come here to get BASICS?
14:45.31Kobazyeah, don't do that
14:45.36SamotLike he is clueless on even SIP basics.
14:45.39Kobazi mean, people pay me to figure out their stuff
14:45.40SamotRTP, etc.
14:45.42Kobazlike $250 an hour
14:45.44effprimeimagine not wanting to tell me a simple command on neckbeard principles
14:45.48Kobazbut, i know my shizzle
14:45.49effprimethanks anyways
14:46.15effprimedidn't even give me a link, "just READ THE WIKI"
14:46.24Kobazwell the wiki is easy to find
14:46.38SamotYou mean the Wiki link in the Topic of the help channel?
14:46.44effprimeyou do realize I've been researching this on my own, right?
14:46.49effprimewow the whole wiki
14:47.07effprimeanyway, not gonna argue with this pompous dude, thanks for your time
14:47.18effprimeyou should consider not being an asshole your whole life
14:47.20Kobazi mean, i understand Samot now
14:47.20SamotI'm not being pompous.
14:47.29Kobazhe's just being realistic now
14:47.30SamotYou're being paid to perform this task.
14:47.35effprimeiM nOt BeInG pOmPouS
14:47.35SamotA task you are not qualified for.
14:47.44Kobazso hire someone who is
14:47.54SamotSo you want me to give you my _Free_ time so you can _earn money_?
14:47.54effprimeok let me go tell my boss what you said
14:47.58*** part/#asterisk pabe (~pabe@
14:48.11effprimeSamot: you were literally helping me yesterday lol
14:48.17KobazSamot: honestly 99% of the people here are doing it for some sort of money
14:48.28effprimeanyway later
14:48.30SamotRight but they aren't asking for everything from step 1
14:48.39SamotKobaz: I help you...
14:48.41Kobazi mean, i'm working on $100k+ projects when i jump on and be like, hey blahblah doesn't work, izza broken
14:48.48SamotBut again, you're not asking for help on the entire thing
14:48.52Kobazhaha right
14:48.53SamotOr asking "What's RTP?"
14:49.00Samot"What's that command?"
14:49.24effprimei KnOw VoIp GuYs
14:49.28*** part/#asterisk effprime (~effprime@unaffiliated/effprime)
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14:49.31Kobazi have a habit of breaking things
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14:49.42*** part/#asterisk LuserInServRoom (
14:49.42SamotI break a lot of crap.
14:49.50SamotOh here we go.
14:50.00Kobazi noticed CUT doesn't work very well if there's '-' chars in the string
14:50.04Kobazand you're using an alternative delimiter
14:50.17Kobazit's actually completely broken in that respect
14:52.43Samot2:26:59 PM <effprime> our project is for generating VOIP traffic
14:52.43Samot2:27:07 PM <effprime> so I am testing that generation by sending a test call
14:52.59SamotThat was from yesterday when he was having RTP issues using Originate....
14:53.02Kobazthat's not cool
14:53.09SamotEverything stunk about this.
14:54.36SamotBut I do have a hardline stance on the whole "Hey someone is paying me a lot of money to provide an Asterisk/SIP solution. Can you please tell me how Asterisk works and how I can do this?" type requests.
14:54.49Kobazyeah makes total sense
15:01.03*** join/#asterisk salviadud (
15:08.26[TK]D-FenderDarn, I missed the show...
15:11.45SamotHe already PM'd me and apologized
15:11.50SamotSo WIN!
15:20.48*** join/#asterisk K0HAX (~michael@gateway/tor-sasl/k0hax)
15:30.16lagzillaI'm terrible at awk anyone know how to filter sip show peers to only how the hosts column?
15:33.10lagzillaasterisk -rx "sip show peers" |  awk -F ' ' '{print $2}' if someone needs it
15:58.10Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: :P
16:02.50*** join/#asterisk emsjessec (~emsjessec@
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18:36.02sawgoodSangoma Team:  Q: For your Vega IP gateways (esp the PRI-SIP) box: do these units run Asterisk at the core: can we SSH-in and watch the Asterisk CLI?
18:41.08Kobazno, no asterisk
18:41.24Kobazit's a propriatary stack and you get a cli with all the stuff you need
18:43.31sawgoodKobaz: neat to hear: thank you ... CLI with troubleshooting is the jest of what I wanted to know ...
18:46.10Kobazyeah it has debug capabilities
18:46.15Kobaznot as much as I would like, but it's there
18:46.45Kobazhere's what i've collected over the years
18:47.34Kobazfor troubleshooting i much prefer adtran
18:47.41Kobazmuch better data
18:48.02sawgoodah:  like the Adtran (good ol) AOS
18:48.29sawgoodKobaz: have you used OpenVOX stuff?   They run Asterisk (but) it is at 1.6 or 1.8
18:50.04Kobazhow's the delay with openvox?
18:50.17Kobazsince it's going through a full pc stack to do all that signalling and rtp
18:50.30Kobazversus doing all that in hardware
18:51.07Kobazand since it's asterisk, does the entire stack shut down when you need to change signalling?
18:51.15Kobazdahdi reload and all that
18:51.44sawgoodI was looking for a metal box FXO/FXS gateway: instead of the plastic-cased Yeastar models
18:51.53sawgoodat the 4 / 8 port level (plastic)
18:52.16Kobazyeah vega if you want industrial-looking fxo/fxs in small port counts
18:53.13sawgoodYeastar: is re-doing into metal I think: but who knows when that might take place
19:24.44*** join/#asterisk K0HAX (~michael@gateway/tor-sasl/k0hax)
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21:46.06*** join/#asterisk Akuw_ (~Akuw@
21:46.54Akuw_how can i do Somebody call to local number in Country A ----> Answer in Cellular Phone Country B
21:46.59Akuw_what i need
21:47.43*** join/#asterisk Typhon (
21:48.27Akuw_Client --> Local phone (Country A) ------ Call -----> Phone Country B
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