IRC log for #asterisk on 20190722

00:17.01*** join/#asterisk infobot (
00:17.01*** topic/#asterisk is Take the March 2019 Asterisk User Survey! -- #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.27.1 (2019/7/11) 16.4.1 (2019/7/11), Security Only: 15.7.3 (2019/7/11); DAHDI: 3.0.0 (2018/11/15); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
01:08.54*** join/#asterisk puzzola (~puzzola@unaffiliated/puzzola)
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01:35.47*** part/#asterisk fonewiz (~fonewiz@2600:1700:10e1:dcd0:498b:b17:2068:961a)
01:35.51*** join/#asterisk fonewiz (~fonewiz@2600:1700:10e1:dcd0:498b:b17:2068:961a)
01:41.10*** join/#asterisk infobot_ (
01:41.10*** topic/#asterisk is Take the March 2019 Asterisk User Survey! -- #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.27.1 (2019/7/11) 16.4.1 (2019/7/11), Security Only: 15.7.3 (2019/7/11); DAHDI: 3.0.0 (2018/11/15); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
02:40.12*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
03:35.56*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~NiHola@unaffiliated/liuyan)
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09:12.17twanny796[2019-07-22 10:53:33] WARNING[612] format_cap.c: Cannot allow unknown format 'g711'
09:12.52twanny796My phone uses g711 :(
09:13.18twanny796Where do I set this?
09:33.47*** join/#asterisk igeni (
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09:43.54*** join/#asterisk AsteriskRoss (
09:53.44Guggetwanny796: g711a or g711u?
09:54.11Guggeif you dont know, you could allow both alaw and ulaw
10:10.53*** join/#asterisk ruied (~ruied@
10:15.21ruiedHello. I'm using asterisk 14.5 and I'm trying to receive a fax ( ReceiveFax() ) to a tiff file ( ). What do I need ?  spandsp and libtiff ?
11:08.28*** join/#asterisk emsjessec (~emsjessec@
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11:36.57*** join/#asterisk Downlots_ (~Downlots@2a02:85f:51c:6d00:7c6d:787b:bc1c:2e48)
11:51.19ruiedI am trying to send a fax from local extension ata/fax to asterisk ReceiveFax and send conver to a tif file.  do I need spandsp using asterisk 14.5
12:09.19*** join/#asterisk ruied (~ruied@
12:42.45*** join/#asterisk cresl1n (uid299068@asterisk/libpri-and-libss7-expert/Cresl1n)
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12:57.23*** join/#asterisk AsteriskRoss (
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15:20.23*** join/#asterisk ViaSanctus (~ViaSanctu@unaffiliated/viasanctus)
15:39.45*** join/#asterisk NWATechSupport (
15:47.07qakhanHi all, is there any way an agent can pickup a call in a queue which is not ringing on his/her exten?
15:53.35[TK]D-Fenderonly option is standard call pickup which means some other channel has to be ringing
15:56.12*** join/#asterisk troyt (zncsrv@2601:681:4100:8981:44dd:acff:fe85:9c8e)
16:02.33*** join/#asterisk scgm11_ (
16:08.55*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (
16:13.59*** join/#asterisk lovetruth (~lovetruth@
16:14.04lovetruthhello :)
16:16.25lovetruthwhich codec offers the lowest bandwidth needs, but it still has acceptable sound (like, even if someone with a bad accent would speak, someone to be still able to understand...)?... Also... the codec should be supported by the most used softphones (at least, by zoiper softphone or some other free android/ios app)...
16:16.55lovetruthI talking asterisk 13 now... but, if really needed, I´ll upgrade...
16:17.41lovetruthif you, guys, tried a few codecs, which, I assume, you did... :)
16:18.33SamotI generally stick with the path of least resistance and go with ulaw.
16:24.49lovetruthso GSM is bad?...
16:28.57SamotGSM is for GSM.
16:29.00SamotI don't do GSM.
16:29.12SamotI.e. SIM cards and stuff.
16:31.23lovetruthif using only Zoiper for Android (if using only pjsip, anyways)... -> here is the list for Zoiper (the * red ones are not free) -> ...
16:33.21lovetruthwhat would you choose for a system like that (keeping in mind that you would want to have the most number of possible clients on some gigabit network infrastructure that is already in place...)
16:33.34sibirialovetruth: g.722 is really the best and most compatible choice
16:34.00sibiriaif you need to reach the pstn, g.722 is mostly out of the question
16:34.06*** join/#asterisk scgm11__ (
16:35.22lovetruthsibiria, g.722 is available only in the gold version of zoiper, unfortunately... :) And no pstn... just local between softphones
16:35.46SamotWhy do you need low bandwidth?
16:36.23SamotZoiper supports ulaw/alaw
16:38.10sibiriaspeex is pretty well-supported on softphones, and is quality-wise a large upgrade from g.722
16:39.00sibiriaeven at low bitrates like 32kbps
16:44.43*** join/#asterisk scgm11_ (
16:47.34*** join/#asterisk scgm11_ (
16:47.55*** join/#asterisk dacod (~dacod@
16:48.29qakhan[TK]D-Fender what is standard call pickup?
16:49.39*** join/#asterisk troyt (zncsrv@2601:681:4100:8981:44dd:acff:fe85:9c8e)
16:51.09Samotqakhan: The Pickup() application.
16:51.22SamotWhich will pickup a call ringing on a channel.
16:52.07SamotIf you're looking to have someone pull a waiting call out of a queue because they are not a member of that queue...
16:52.16SamotYou'll probably need some AMI for that.
16:56.38qakhanAMI will provide ringing channel name, right?
16:58.05qakhanwhat is the difference between Pickup() vs PickupChan()
16:59.53SamotThat is covered in their descriptions.
17:00.03SamotIn both the wiki and when you use the console for help tips.
17:05.44lovetruththanks, I think I´ve got your perspective :) very helpful :)
17:05.52lovetruthhave a nice evening, people!... :)
17:50.45*** join/#asterisk ChkDigit (~u388mw@
18:16.21*** join/#asterisk jazper- (~blah@pdpc/supporter/active/jazper)
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18:50.41*** join/#asterisk lbazan (~lbazan@fedora/LoKoMurdoK)
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19:31.04*** join/#asterisk K0HAX (~michael@gateway/tor-sasl/k0hax)
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20:36.21*** join/#asterisk Typhon (
20:43.13*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
20:50.15qakhanI am passing current channel varible from 1 context to another context in order to pickup a call. but i am unable to pass current channel varible
20:50.30qakhanhere is my config and CLI
21:16.00Samotqakhan: When I said AMI I meant more than just setting a channel variable.
21:16.30Samotqakhan: There's the QueueCallerKoin event that is fired when a caller joins the queue. Holds all that data in it.
21:27.27*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
22:07.49*** join/#asterisk tomaluca95 (~quassel@kde/developer/tomaluca)
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22:54.13*** join/#asterisk Someone_Else (
23:18.15*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
23:33.04*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn (
23:34.51Kobazsomething i've been playing with for a while and never got anywhere... anyone know if it's possible (and preferably how), to force a polycom to provision with https once it hits a http server for initial config
23:35.17Kobazlooks like device.prov.serverType.set and device.prov.serverName.set are actually setting the settings in the phone, but the phone's not using the settings
23:40.48SamotYou tell the profile what to do.
23:41.02Kobazthat's pretty vague
23:41.17SamotIn the config files there is a provisioning server setting.
23:41.40Kobazwhat i've been normally doing is pushing option 66 to http://foo and the phone gets its custom ca cert and etc
23:41.48Kobazand then i change option 66 to later push out https://
23:42.03Kobaztrying to avoid the second step and go straight to https from the http provisioning telling it where to go
23:42.07SamotOption 66 will send them to the provisioning server over HTTP
23:42.10Kobazyealink does this flawlessly via include
23:42.23Samotthey'll get their profile and then start using HTTPS because it was configured in the profile rule.
23:42.35Kobazso what's this profile rule you speak of
23:42.43Kobazare you referrirng to <device>
23:42.56Kobazand device.set ?
23:43.35*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn_ (
23:47.08SamotI'm trying to look it up
23:49.14Kobazlooks like you need to override option 66
23:49.26Kobazin the http part, for it to use device.prov.serverName
23:49.33Kobazotherwise it uses option 66
23:49.43Kobazthat's bummer
23:49.56Kobazyealink you can just do config include https://foo.... and the phone uses https
23:53.38*** join/#asterisk overyander (~overyande@
23:55.08SamotYeah, device.prov.serverName
23:55.22SamotThat will have it use that url.
23:56.54Samotdevice.prov.serverType should be set to HTTPS
23:57.10SamotAnd the device.prov.* settings for user/pass if those are being used
23:57.38SamotSo yeah, you set all those in the profile.
23:58.06SamotThe phone will use Opt 66 when it gets on the network, pull the configs. Update itself and start using your HTTPS destination.
23:59.03Kobazthat's the problem
23:59.15Kobazit does update itself, i can see the https is set
23:59.27Kobazbut when you reboot, it uses option 66 again, the http location
23:59.40Kobazi'm playing with setting a different option
23:59.49Kobazonce it's provisioned set it so it will look for option 166

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