IRC log for #asterisk on 20190709

00:16.44*** join/#asterisk infobot (
00:16.45*** topic/#asterisk is Take the March 2019 Asterisk User Survey! -- #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- LTS: 13.27.0 (2019/5/30) 16.4.0 (2019/5/30), Security Only: 15.7.2 (2019/2/28); DAHDI: 2.11.1 (2016/03/01); libpri 1.6.0 (2017/01/27) -=- Wiki: -=- Code of Conduct:
00:42.46*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~joe@
01:31.17*** join/#asterisk paulgrmn_ (
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07:41.14*** join/#asterisk TandyUK (~admin@TandyUK/staff/James)
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08:49.34twanny796[Jul  9 10:48:57] NOTICE[28082]: res_pjsip/pjsip_distributor.c:672 log_failed_request: Request 'REGISTER' from '<sip:000FD3012445@>' failed for '' (callid: 9H9yGn7f4bs8D2nV-6fYjQ..) - Failed to authenticate
08:49.45*** join/#asterisk techquila (~techquila@2407:7000:9125:e400:a453:6053:e9c0:bace)
08:49.54twanny796Trying to register Zoiper.
08:51.10twanny796with the 'Super Awesome Company'. ??
08:51.29twanny796from the mobile phone.
09:48.21*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak (~mvanbaak@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
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12:01.29*** mode/#asterisk [+oo tm1000 csavinovich] by
12:02.27muAdmDevI configured a SIP trunk, which looses its registration on an inbound call... common thing? firewall problem?
12:03.04*** join/#asterisk stux|work (stux@2a01:270:2050:1337::1)
12:04.34SamotNo, it's not coming.
12:04.48SamotRegistration is not a "static" thing.
12:05.13SamotYou register, tell them your location and they keep that on record until it expires.
12:05.54Samoter common.
12:05.56*** join/#asterisk pabe (~pabe@
12:05.57muAdmDevSamot: I know, there are timeouts etc. But the registration is stable, also on outbound. But I can reproduce the registration failing, when an inbound call arrives. Super strange
12:06.28SamotWhat do you mean it's failing?
12:06.30filewhat does "registration failing" actually mean?
12:11.07muAdmDevfirst I see "[2019-07-09 10:03:44] NOTICE[2061] chan_sip.c: Peer 'test-sip-trunk-direct-out' is now UNREACHABLE!"
12:11.36muAdmDevthen "[2019-07-09 10:04:34] NOTICE[2061] chan_sip.c:    -- Registration for... timed out, trying again (Attempt #2"
12:12.16filethat means they are no longer responding to your SIP requests
12:12.43muAdmDevand they only do that, after I tried an inbound call
12:12.58fileor a firewall is blocking the responses
12:13.15filea packet capture would isolate it further.
12:13.18muAdmDevdamn, so firewall or ISP/SIP-provider
12:13.37muAdmDevwill run tcpdump, thx!
12:13.59fileI will say German Telekom's SIP stuff seems to be a mess
12:14.13filethere's been a few posts on the community forum about them
12:14.18muAdmDevyeah, having a lot of fun. other sip-trunk were way easier
12:14.58muAdmDevbut also found a lot of promising info on the web, but still messy
12:16.31SamotGerman Telekom is awful.
12:17.01filewhomever their vendor is doesn't understand some SIP fundamentals on at least one of their products
12:21.22*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
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13:15.54C1ph3rAny body here hava audiocodes mp-114 FXO_FXS INI file for using with asterisk ?
13:17.44C1ph3rSamot: tks
13:24.41*** join/#asterisk Kaian (~kaian@
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13:43.52sekilwasn't there some problems with deutsche telekom dns records ?
13:46.42muAdmDevthis doesn't seem to be my problem. after setting srv lookup, tcp transport etc. registration works. it's "just" after an inbound call it "crashes"
13:47.12muAdmDevreg + outbound is reliable so far, until I make an inbound call :D
14:09.49SamotRegistration has nothing to do with Outbound.
14:10.03SamotRegistration is for location services so the provider knows where to send requests.
14:12.05SamotWait, TCP transport? They're using TCP?
14:14.04muAdmDevYes transport=tcp. I can just report what I'm experiencing, and that is after an inbound test call the peer gets unreachable and (re-)registration fails for 46 attempts
14:15.47SamotWow, that's even worse.
14:27.00*** join/#asterisk kharwell (uid358942@gateway/web/
14:27.00*** mode/#asterisk [+o kharwell] by ChanServ
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14:39.45*** mode/#asterisk [+o bford] by ChanServ
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14:51.29sekilmuAdmDev: there's no way to specify their outbound proxy IP address to register against?
14:52.35Samotsekil: Do they have an outbound proxy?
14:53.00sekilSamot: not sure..
14:53.12sekilSamot: that was a question
14:53.28sekilSamot: maybe wrongly formatted..
14:54.34SamotIf they have an outbound proxy then the outboundproxy= setting will work for that.
14:55.15sekilAsterisk had issues in the past with obp
14:56.08SamotBut the outbound proxy could be set to the host IP/domain.
14:56.20SamotBecause all it does it send outbound requests to that destination.
14:57.26sekilchan_sip don't have outboundproxy right?
14:58.00sekilok..I'm still on old versions...
14:58.08SamotHow old?
14:58.14sekilYes as it does have this setting?
14:58.17SamotIt's been around for a while.
14:58.20fileit's had it for ages, doesn't mean it completely works as people expect sometimes
14:58.28sekilfile: yeah exactly
14:58.29fileor its
14:59.08sekilSamot:  I have one 1.2 :)...some 11s etc
14:59.18SamotWell it's on 11 for sure.
14:59.22sekilSamot: but have 13s also
14:59.26SamotAnd there.
15:00.02SamotThe fact that the provider is not responding to registration attempts is something completely different.
15:00.04sekilSamot: yeah..what file said...on some versions it didn't really work as was using DNS albeit OBP set
15:01.15fileit's all just guesses until packet capture and seeing who terminated what and such
15:01.39SamotLet's just face facts.
15:01.59SamotPeople who use TCP for SIP do it because they can't make it work right on UDP, the standard.
15:02.10sekilI'm talking about my experiences...not this one particular...
15:02.13SamotSo a major telecom is using SIP over TCP and they are still screwing it up.
15:02.50SamotEvery time I've helped someone with German Telekom issues, it always turns out they are doing something funky.
15:03.14sekilSamot: afaik they have low TTL SRV records life...
15:03.24SamotThat's not funky.
15:03.27sekilSamot: sofia-sip in FS have issues with those too..
15:03.36sekilSamot: it's not I agree
15:04.20SamotBut SIP over TCP for a major telecom. Come on.
15:04.30SamotThat means almost nothing can just be connected and work.
15:04.42sekilMS does it on Skype for Business :)
15:04.44*** join/#asterisk nighty (
15:05.13SamotI don't consider MS a major telecom.
15:05.21sekilsure...was a joke..
15:05.56sekilbut someone from Deutsche maybe saw that as a good design
15:06.39sekilanyhow...TCP is good was SIP packets getting bigger and bigger these days
15:07.08sekils/is good/is good for/
15:15.04SamotThat makes no sense.
15:15.32muAdmDevthx for the insights guys, I was just able to read up on your messages
15:16.49muAdmDevGuess tomorrow I'll be able to capture and analyze some packets
15:22.35*** join/#asterisk themayor (~themayor@unaffiliated/themayor)
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19:04.48darkdrgn2kHello world,
19:05.00darkdrgn2know that csipsimple is gone :(  any suggestions for a good android sip phone?
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20:18.56forgotmynickI have a dilemma. I have 2 grandstream phones - 1 at the office and 1 at home. At the office, every device connected can have a different external IP address - that means even if the floor ethernet port is connected to my grandstream and my work computer is connected via the second port on the grandstream, they can be on different local subnets and even have different public IP's (hope I explained that well). Office is
20:18.57forgotmynickbehind a NAT and can't open any ports or do port forwarding etc and every LAN device connected is isolated from one another. At the office the public IP's are sticky and probably won't change for weeks or indefinitely but at home the IP changes quite frequently, once every week or so. The PBX server is on a remote VPS with iptables set to drop all packets except white listed IP's. So my primary question is how can I get
20:18.57forgotmynickthese IP's onto the PBX server every time they change to update the iptables or maybe there's a simpler/alternative solution? How would I get the public IP of the grandstream phone?
20:34.16*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (
20:38.37salviadudforgotmynick, have you tried a DNS alias?
20:39.15forgotmynicksalviadud: i'm not sure how it would apply to my situation - can you elaborate please?
20:41.25salviadudinstead of whitelisting an IP, you whitelist a name
20:41.38salviadudsome thing
20:41.50salviadudThat's what I would do.
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22:11.57mmlj4I can't get * to register with my sip provider, nor to another server in my lab. I'm using this in sip.conf, but get nothing, not even an attempt with sip set debug on:  register =>    # note, I have 2 new * installs, one is debian 10 with no configuration changes except register lines added to sip.conf
22:16.38[TK]D-FenderSAhow the config and show the status dump
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22:34.20mmlj4how do I get the status dump?
22:40.20[TK]D-Fender"sip show registry"
22:53.06mmlj4my only changes on the vanilla debian install are at the bottom:
23:09.24fileregister lines have to go under [general]
23:26.32mmlj4lemme give that a shot
23:27.44mmlj4that did it, thanks
23:35.36*** join/#asterisk war9407 (war@2600:4040:4001:1e00::f7aa)

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